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Viking Raider

Page 4

by Arabella Kingsley

  Vidar grimaced and snatched his finger back.

  “Bill, stop the car at the next service station.”

  Fallon’s eyes widened but she said nothing. Two minutes later the car was pulling off the road and she was shuffling uneasily in her seat.

  Vidar grinned.

  “By the time I am finished with spanking your already sore backside sitting down will be painful,” he informed her.

  The car came to a halt away from the service station building next to some trees and a wood. Thankfully there were not many people about. Vidar got out and went around to the other side of the car to retrieve her. He flung the door open to find her panting with anxiety and sitting still.

  “You can’t be serious?” she questioned nervously.

  “Oh, but I am. Get out or I will drag you out.”

  She folded her arms and sat defiantly. Determined she would learn he now controlled her and her life and with the small part of him that was enjoying the game she was playing, even though he would never admit it to himself, he undid her seatbelt and took her arm. The Norwegian Billionaire dragged her out from the car and towards the woods.

  “I think this is just what you need after hearing all of that crap. It is enough to make anyone go insane. A good spanking will let all of that anger and frustration out,” he told her.

  He walked briskly forcing her in to a small run to keep up with him and unable to pull away from him. The air was warm and the sky was just surrendering to the darkness when they entered the woods. There was only enough light supplied by the moon to light their way.

  “Let me go, let me go.”

  Vidar found a fallen tree. He spun her around so her back was facing him and secured her there with one arm around her waist and sat down on top of the log.

  “Down we go,” he ordered with humour gently pushing her on to her knees and forward so that she had to put her hands out on to the forest floor to support herself. Then he took hold of her legs and lifted the bottom half of her body up on to his knees securing her in the wheel barrow position for spanking and making it easier for him to control her tendency to writhe and fight him. He lifted her a little higher so she dangled a little way and placed her black patent leather high heeled feet either side of his body to balance her. Then he set about sliding that sexy black skirt back up her thighs as he had done in the office wondering if she was still minus her panties underneath there. To his surprise she was.

  The position spread her buttocks apart giving him a delicious view of the ripe fruit hanging between her pussy lips in the front and her anal entrance.

  “Very nice,” he mused stroking her bottom still a little flushed from her earlier spanking. “Now let’s see just how wet you get this time, little one. This will make you feel so much better.”

  “I hate you. I hate all of you.”

  “I know and I don’t blame you. Let yourself cry. Stop holding it back,” he soothed rubbing her bottom with the flat of his palm to warm and prepare it for spanking. “You went through hell back at the house and you still haven’t allowed it to come out. You seem to think anger is a defence that shields you from your emotions. It is a slippery fall. I should know. I am going to force the pain out of you and make you calmer before this leads to depression. We will get someone to talk to you about what you have been told. But fighting me is not going to make things any easier or take away your anger. Believe me I know,” he soothed.

  “I am going to take good care of you Fallon but this is where you learn just how little I am going to be in tolerating your behaviour, little one,” he informed her hearing his Norwegian accent become thicker as he did so.

  “I am glad to see you did not put any panties back on and are keeping to the no panties rule. But you won’t be needing panties or many clothes very much for that matter of the time,” he continued in a dark velvet tone. “You will always be open and ready for me to take. Your job will be to keep yourself nice and wet for me. If you can’t I will employ someone who will be able to keep you ready for me. From now on you will only wear the clothes I allow you to and you will ask permission to wear panties, little one. Now let me see to your spanking,” he finished with a small laugh.

  “You can’t do this.”

  “Yes, I can. You already know this. Fallon, you belong to me lock stock and barrel, part of my goods and chattel, if you like,” he gave a cruel laugh. “Next time you won’t dare to bite me when I am trying to take care of you.”

  “Don’t do this to me here. What if someone sees?” she let out a sob.

  “Then so be it. I am sure they will admire me for taking you in hand when I tell them that you bit me twice,” he answered.

  The Billionaire raised his hand, cupping it ever so slightly and struck first one buttock and then the next hard firing the light rosy glow already present on her butt.

  Fallon yelped and then howled with the second harder blow to her vulnerable bare bottom. Vidar felt himself harden as he watched Fallon’s naked plump bottom jump and quiver with each spank. Power surged through him spurring him on until her butt was turning hot pink and her sobbing was loud. Being in control was the only time he felt calm. It wasn’t that he was cruel with it or dispassionate it was just something he needed since the beginning of the trauma in his life. It felt safe. The thought made him mindful. He checked his strikes to Fallon’s rump were fair and not harsh, just enough to discipline but not to maim or abuse.

  Her buttocks were now tinged with a healthy glowing darker red visible in the shining moonlight casting its rays over Fallon’s nakedness. He could feel her pussy moving against his suit trouser legs as her body bucked with each blow and he swore he could have detected dampness after the fifth spank which made him feel victorious. Her angry mumbling underneath her breath gave way to her sobs and she broke her heart.

  On the twentieth spank Vidar was convinced his message had struck home by the limpness in her body. His heart leapt suddenly, unexpectedly. Something made him lean down and kiss one cheek tenderly to calm the sting he had inflicted upon it with his firm male hand.

  What was she doing to him? Abruptly he ceased the spanking sparing the backs of her thighs for another time dumbfounded by the feelings she was engendering in him.

  The Billionaire peered through her thighs to her vagina seeing it glistening wet. The ache he would leave unsatisfied this time would also prove a rewarding punishment for him he told himself determined to remain a distance from her. He pulled her skirt down over the throbbing heat coming from her flesh and listened to her cry a little more hoping some of that tension was now releasing and had been removed them from her body altogether. He tucked them in his pocket and then cupped one buttock with his palm. It was burning. Something made him kiss it tenderly to calm the heat. He slowly released her legs until she was on all fours on the ground and then caught hold of her waist. He lifted her easily to standing from behind and against his better judgement deposited her on to his knee drawing her sobbing form in to the protective enclosure of his arms.

  “There, there, little one, all over now,” he whispered brushing his lips against her hair as he directed her head against his chest and cradled her like a baby. “I will take care of you. There is nothing to be afraid of. You are safe. I won’t let your father or that woman hurt you ever again.”

  The words were strange to him yet he felt compelled to say them. He rocked her in his arms patting her bottom over her skirt unsure of his actions. She felt so warm and soft now in his arms, so vulnerable and enticing. He could have sat there forever cooing over her. He hadn’t felt this close to a woman since he was a teenager. He’d used them for one night stands and sport sex just as they had done him and those that had dared to try to come close were fake and merely after his money and had never engendered any true feeling.

  After a while he sensed she was calmer becoming quiet with her sobs receding. He let go of her arms and helped her stand. Her pretty face was tear stained and her bravado had died.

Vidar’s surprise, his instinct took over once more drawing Fallon back in to his arms. Equally to his surprise she clung to him and buried her face in his chest.

  “What is happening to us?” she asked through gentle tears.

  “I don’t know,” he answered truthfully. “You have to trust me. I won’t hurt you and I will never force myself on you but this has to be. A debt has to be paid and I have to have release from the past. This is the only way I know how to stop my own pain and get justice.”

  “I can’t trust you. I don’t trust any man.”

  “Then I will help you. Perhaps we will both find some sort of release from this situation,” he told her genuinely hoping for the best. Perhaps she would end his pain and teach him to love again. Maybe whatever there was growing between them wouldn’t just die and this time would develop and bring them both out of their own prisons.

  “I will fight you all the way,” she said holding on to him stronger making him feel even more protective of her.

  “I know. You are more like me than you would probably care to admit,” he smiled. “And because I know you have to. But you won’t win,” he said rubbing her back to reassure her.

  She said nothing leaving him with the distinct impression she was relieved at his declaration.

  Chapter Four

  Fallon lay quietly on his four-poster bed on top of the black and white sheets. Her arms were raised about her head with her wrists restrained in black leather cuffs that were tied by a leather strap fed through a loop down the back of the bed. Her legs and feet were raised up to her head lifting her red bottom up in to the air. His staff had methodically carried out his directions to her confinement and the beginning of her submissive training to the letter.

  The ache to touch her and trace every soft curve with his fingers was strong. She belonged to him now and with his help she was slowly beginning to accept her situation and his control. She was sleeping lightly appearing content and secure in her confinement. Softly he cupped a butt cheek with his hand and smiled when he felt his hand warm against it.

  The cuff of his white shirt caressed her side as he leaned over to study her pussy closely. It was very pretty and a small amount of dampness covered it. Putting an arm between her thighs to reach her chest, he gathered up a breast in his hand. Seductively, almost lovingly he squeezed it to waken her and flexed his thumb across the nipple. Fallon was indeed a beautiful creature and every time he looked at her pretty innocent face he felt remorse for his actions but his anger was still strong and outweighed his guilt. She might be his prisoner but she would always be cared for and protected by himself and his staff. No one would hurt her and although she was there to service his needs to pay the family debt, he would never force himself upon her or beat her for denying him. She was to receive respect and to be simply cajoled and guided in to her new submissive role, a position she appeared to be starting to find unexpected pleasure in. It enthralled him.

  Another gentle squeeze to her breast fully awakened her. She moaned softly and opened her eyes.

  “Did you have a good sleep?” he asked gently glancing at his watch.

  It was past midnight. But Fallon didn’t seem to want to discuss it. She frowned and pouted trying to free herself from her bonds, struggling on the bed. His cock hardened and twitched with arousal at the sight of her reluctant captivity wanting to be inside her riding her in to submission.

  “When are you going to let me go? You can’t keep me here tied up on this bed forever.”

  He pinched her nipple and stretched it out idly as he sighed with impatience.

  “You will stay in this position until you realise I am in control and I have your obedience, Fallon. I thought we were getting some kind of understanding in the forest and yet you put your life at risk trying to climb out of the window when you arrived here.”

  “I told you I wouldn’t give up.”

  “Yes. I remember. You can keep trying but I will break your will. You will submit to me. This is hard for you, I get that but it is the way I want it and I will help you accept your new life. It could be very pleasurable for you if you do. I promise you will want for nothing.”

  “I don’t want to be your whore and completely at your service whenever you feel the need to mount me. It’s wrong . . . I can’t . . .”

  “You can. There is no choice,” he said looking down her at spread wide pussy marveling at the intricate delicacy of its form, allowing his breath to brush across the pretty pink flesh as he spoke.

  Fallon was tight lipped. Vidar traced his finger down her stomach and stroked above her pussy careful not to go any lower. He watched her chest rise and fall in agitation betraying her arousal at his touch. He couldn’t take his eyes from her. To his annoyance she was once more captivating him.

  “I need to relieve myself. Untie me,” she demanded with a confidence he couldn’t help but admire.

  The Billionaire smiled and continued his caress.

  “No. You will relieve yourself in to a bed pan.”

  The horror on her face was stark.

  “No, no I can’t, please,” she begged.

  Ignoring her pleas, he stood up and reached under the bed. The bedpan was there just where he had instructed it to be left. He brought it out and placed it on the bed before untying the bonds keeping her legs above her head and gave her an instruction.

  “Place your feet on the bed, little one and I will help you relieve yourself.”

  Once she had obeyed, he neatly placed the bedpan underneath her bottom and firmly pressed her hips down when she refused to lower her body on to it.

  Cruelly he sat back down on the bed beside her determined she would learn to respect the power he had over her as her captor and pee when commanded.

  “Pee and then we will talk some more,” he instructed folding his arms.

  “No, no, I can’t with you here. What about your assistant? Can’t she help me?” Rachel was fretful and blushing with embarrassment at the helpless position she found herself in but he wasn’t moving.

  “No. Pee.”

  “I am desperate.”

  “Do as you are told,” he told her calmly. “Learn to obey me.”

  They sat in silence for a few minutes. Vidar watched her wrestle with her need to relieve herself and her willful determination to keep control. When she finally decided to give in and sob a little because of it she found she couldn’t actually pee because she was too tense.

  “I can’t. It won’t come,” she said through her tears.

  Vidar softened his hardened handsome Nordic features and stroked his fingers long the inside of her thigh.

  “Let me help you.”


  “Let me touch you. Let me help you come and your muscles will relax and your water will flow,” he told her softly.

  “But I can’t do that . . .”

  “Yes, you can.”

  The Norwegian Billionaire moved his fingers close to her pussy this time allowing his fingers to lightly brush the soft sides. Her face contorted with pain and she strained upwards on her bonds.

  “My stomach is cramping. I have to pee,” she said distressed. “All right, please help me. Please. I hate you for this.”

  “Hush. Open your legs as wide as you can get them.”

  He knew she would find this difficult in the position she had been bound but he wanted to see her straining to accommodate his request and obey him. She moaned with discomfort as she opened her legs.

  “Keep them open,” he instructed knowing it would be a challenge for her.

  Using his index finger, he stroked the length of her pussy surprised the amount of juice coating it had increased.

  “You are so wet. I think you are hiding your true feelings from me. Being spanked and now bound to this bed for my pleasure arouses you.” He smiled, “I think discipline is good for you. It will set boundaries and help you respect my authority over you.”

  Vidar listened to the authority in his voice and instead of h
earing a man trying to pleasure a woman with his dominance he heard anger behind the words. He closed his eyes with frustration and gentled his touch of her clit as he caressed it back and forth feeling her vulva swim. When would the past let him go? Fallon was paying the price for something her father had done and he should be ashamed of himself he was no better.

  In honor of her sacrifice he bent his head and kissed the small bud with his lips. He heard Fallon give a small moan of unexpected pleasure and felt his heart melt. She was a beautiful, kind and considerate woman and she tasted sweet. All the reports his security staff had compiled on her told him so. An innocent of sorts. Empathetic with a very high IQ and a promising career in the love of her life, astrophysics once upon a time a cruel violent ex-husband and bastard father had brought to a halt with their control. Perhaps now she was with him he could encourage her to take it up again, study, lecture and write. He would not allow her to work. Vidar was a traditional man and saw no reason for any woman either married to him or in his possession to be working.


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