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Viking Raider

Page 6

by Arabella Kingsley

  Her struggles became stronger. She bucked her pelvis encouraging him to pinch her clit sharply to make her still. It did for a moment but she made the mistake of swearing at him again and calling him that damned insulting word, misogynist. She knew just how to push his damn buttons, just a little bit too much. Time to act and show her he was a man true to his word.

  “That’s it, little girl. I have taken enough,” he told her sternly in a heavy parental tone.

  He took his hand away from her arms and gripped her dress that he’d raised to her waist. As she continued to struggle, he tugged it upwards. She wriggled so much it tore as he lifted it. He heard her give a breathless gasp in response giving him every indication she was actually aroused by his rough handling of her body although he knew she would go to the grave rather than admit it.

  The Billionaire continued tearing the garment up over her breasts and up over her head and quickly turned his attention to her pretty white lace bra encasing her large plump breasts he couldn’t help admire so much. He hadn’t seen them naked since she had been tied to the bed back at his home in the UK and so deliciously available for his caress whenever he desired to touch her.

  Mmmmmn. Maybe I should do that to you again. It might make you accept my rule and help you realise I can do whatever I choose to do with you.

  But for now, he was content enough to exercise some discipline over her butt. Vidar pulled the straps of the bra down her arms then swept his hands underneath her back underneath and expertly undid the catch. He pulled the base of the bra upwards, lifting the cups up and off the pert mounds to bare them to his gaze making her shriek with surprise. With dexterity, he pulled the cups up forcing the straps right down her arms. With a twist of the material he wove the straps and cups around her wrists and secured them together tightly with the bra. Satisfied she could not free herself he stopped straddling her and holding her slender waist flipped her over on to her front.

  Fallon tried to raise her body up on to her knees putting her elbows down in to the bed to help her manage the feat. He allowed her to and reached for two pillows from the bed. As she came up on to all fours he thrust the pillows under her pelvis and pushed her downwards so that her bare bottom was thrust up in to the air. Now she couldn’t move anywhere. He had her just where he wanted her.

  He moved off the bed and removed his Aran jumper he’d placed over his suit trousers to work to reveal his lean athletically toned chest. He undid the gold buckle on his belt and then pulled it clean out of the loops on his black suit trousers.

  “I told you. I warned you I would whip your backside if you called me a misogynist again. I don’t believe the women who work for me would appreciate you calling me that.” He folded over the belt.

  “Oh, I think they will when they find out you have virtually kidnapped me and made me part of your goods and chattels,” she kicked her legs in frustration but he couldn’t help feeling triumphant when he noticed her briefly scan her eyes over his chest and take in all that muscle he worked so hard in the gym to develop.

  “Mmmmn. I suppose I have,” he said in a dark velvet husky tone lifting the belt up to his eye level to study it, smoothing his hand seductively along the leather knowing she was staring at it with fear. He smiled wickedly at her. “I suppose you might be right. Still, I am not going to let you call me that word again.” He approached the bed. “And you won’t ever again when I am finished whipping your butt.”

  He crawled on top of the bed and knelt up beside her. Placing his hand gently around her throat to raise her head upwards and keep her still making her place her palms flat on to the bed and hold her raised position with a strain, he lifted the makeshift whip and brought the first lash down hard against the buttock nearest him. The belt left a red stripe across her pale flesh forcing a loud cry from between her lips to echo out around the room. She barely had time to get her breath before he was colouring the opposite buttock with the same mark.

  Turning his attention to the seat of her bare pert fleshy bottom which was a delight to watch jump, wobble and quiver under his discipline, he soundly whipped it over and over again before alternating the strokes over the left and right cheek. Fallon howled like a baby and even sobbed but in between she still defiantly growled and cursed him prompting him to deliver more strikes to the at delicious peachy bottom of hers. Would she ever learn? He held the power and called the shots in her life now.

  “I have told you I do not believe it is becoming for a lady to swear.’


  “You like that word too much, little one,” he chastised lashing her butt once more. “You use it too easily and not in the proper context. I adore women. I don’t hate them. I just wish to protect them and discipline them when they need correction,” he informed her imperiously with a hint of humour. “Little one, you are repaying a debt with your body and your presence in my life while paying for the sins of your father. It is time you became accepting of your role in life now. As I have already told you there is no escape. The sooner you do and submit to me the better you will feel, darling.”

  He continued to whip her bottom for a while longer until he could feel her resistance leaving her and then delivered strikes to the tender backs of her thighs producing a fresh rush of tears spilling down her cheeks and howls.

  “That’s a good girl. Get all of that anger and frustration out. You will feel better. I promise. Resign yourself to what is happening. Good girl. Just a few more strokes and it will all be over,” he soothed lashing the whip expertly, firmly without mercy over the backs of her thighs as he spoke almost in a contradicting gentle whisper.”

  Finally, he threw down his belt feeling her body slump and push her throat down on to his carefully positioned hand. He slowly removed it allowing her head to lower to the bed and her arms propping her body up over the pillows to relax so that she hung limp over the pillows, a fine sheen of sweat over her beautiful naked form.

  He flattened his palm over the seat of her bottom loving the feel of heat emanating from her skin. He rubbed it gentle to calm the sting making her whimper.

  “Shh. Relax. The sting will calm as will the heat.”

  He reached over and brushed his cool lips over her flesh smiling when his beard cruelly scraped over it. He used his other hand to rub her back until her emotion subsided.

  “Now, let’s tame that pain and get you menstruating.”

  Vidar removed the pillows from underneath her body and gently pulled her naked body with him as he moved to sit up against the headboard leaving her hands trapped in the confines of the bra he had tightened around her wrists. He enjoyed the sensual movement of her soft naked skin against the warmth of his bare muscled chest as he positioned Fallon directly on top of his body facing the room with her head resting on his shoulder. He cupped one of her breasts and smoothed his opposite hand down her body over her stomach to her vagina. He slipped his fingers in between the pink petal lips and smiled. He kissed the top of her hair and affectionately brushed his beard against her tear stained cheek.

  “You are flooded in here, darling,” he picked up a rhythmic stroked, circling, kneading, pinching and flexing the small bud nestled there. “Now stop moving your legs and relax. I don’t want to see anymore resistance from you. I won’t hurt you. You enjoyed me touching you last time on the bed back in London. Learn to trust me.”

  Softly, gently Vidar began to caress the full swollen lips of her sex ready to catch the first drops of her menstrual blood. He squeezed gently at her breast and tugged at the nipple but when she made to wrestle with him and voiced with embarrassment,

  “Please, I don’t want to get blood on you,” he took his hand away from her breast and slipped it around her throat to hold her with gentle firmness and keep her still. He looked down at her lovingly when she gave him a delicate moan. His throat hold appeared to give her security and comfort. Satisfied she was warming to the idea and inviting him to continue, he circled one of his fingers around her entrance preparing
to penetrate with her it. Now he felt her hips buck upwards and a new flush of wetness coat her vagina to ease his path inside her.

  Soaking his finger, he eased it up inside her using the pad of his thumb to caress her clit and her soaking lips. He heard her pant as he pushed his finger deeper. More moans of pleasure forced themselves from her mouth and he became satisfied when her hips pushed her body down on to his finger trying to catch more of it up inside. He joined the first finger with a second and reached higher stroking the velvet wet walls rhythmically before curling it to make contact with the rough back wall of her vagina, the g-spot.

  At this point Fallon’s hips rose in to the air and her passionate cries became helpless, wanton and abandoned. The sound enthralled him. The Billionaire felt his need to dominate her surge and triumph in his control of her body. He intensified his stroking action watching her face flush with a warm rosy glow. His thumb caressed the softness of her neck as he continued to hold her fragile throat to keep her in check and at his command. He kissed the side of her cheek.

  “Good girl. Let me take you there and remove some of this nasty pain,” he breathed feeling his cock tensing and rising up towards her bottom moving with the rhythm set by her hips.

  She was close. He could feel her channel muscles clenching his fingers.

  “Come for me, Fallon. Surrender,” he whispered seductively in her ear.

  A small cry rang out from her lips and she was climaxing strongly, her slippery muscles warming and melting around his fingers. She panted and bucked like a bitch in heat to his visual delight, thrusting her breasts with their painfully taut nipples high up in to the air as passion whipped and rode her in to submission. Vidar pressed his thumb down hard on the middle of her vagina between the lips as she started to ride her pleasure increasing the sensitivity of the experience.

  “What are you doing to me?” she said breathless. “It’s too strong. I . . I can’t,” was all she could say as the first wave of pleasure knocked her sideways. Then she was sobbing her intense relief lost in deep ecstasy.

  Finally, she rested back against his chest recovering her normal breathing pattern. Vidar watched her brushing his lips across her cheek once more before her inevitable coldness would return. But at least for a moment he had forced the Ice Queen to thaw.

  He loosened his hold on her throat and she was quick to take advantage standing up to remove his fingers still gently caressing her pussy. Vidar stood next to her as she reached for a sheet off the bed to cover herself with. He glanced at his finger. There was a small amount of scarlet menstrual blood on it but less than he’d hoped for. He rubbed it with his thumb watching her cheeks warm with embarrassment at his action. With a grin that he knew would only serve to infuriate her, he walked to the table to pick up a tissue. He liked her angry with him he decided. She set his blood thumping and kept him on his toes despite his annoyance. He liked the game but eventually she would realise she had no hope of winning it. He was the Master in this relationship and despite all of her pretence and denial she didn’t want it that way would come to an end soon. But for now, he was content to indulge her fantasy, lulling her in to a false sense of security before he pounced and claimed the prize.

  Vidar rubbed his hand gently along her stomach after cleaning the small droplet of blood from his finger with the tissue.

  “That should get everything flowing eventually and make the pain a lot easier,” he told her softly, He walked to the bathroom and found a box of tampons. He’d made sure all of her needs were catered for. When he returned to the room with them she reached to take them from him. The Norwegian Billionaire pulled them back and with a wide smile wagged his finger at her.

  “No, I will insert it. From now on I will take care of your needs when you are having your period.”

  “God, you are arrogant, aren’t you? Don’t be ridiculous,” Fallon snapped.

  Her blushing features made him want to laugh and soothe her all at the same time. His lips began to curl in to an amused smile once more but when those gorgeous green eyes darkened he softened it.

  “I will care for you. From now on when you need to change the tampon you will come to me,” he made sure his tone was calm but firm.

  Perhaps this control over the function of her menstrual cycle would convince her of his mastery and his protection.

  “No, I won’t. You can’t expect me to take you seriously.”

  It wasn’t a question, more of a statement.

  “Then I will confine you to the cabin and bed until you capitulate to my demands. Or I could just forcefully insert it.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He chuckled watching her wriggle her hands out of the bra.

  “Fallon, you should know by now I am a man who always carries out his threats,” he told her moving closer to remove her hands holding the sheet up. She wouldn’t let go and he had to use some force to make her. She gave a small whimper as he watched the sheet fall to the carpet revealing her sexy naked body to him once more. “Now lie back down on the bed and open your legs,” he ordered in a soft velvet whisper to soothe any anxiety opening the wrapper on the tampon to take it out. “Don’t worry. This isn’t the first time I have done this.”

  Fallon turned to walk away displaying a look of contempt he had last seen on her father’s face. He caught her arm in a rough grip and brought her back to heel close to his chest.

  “Don’t walk away from me. I won’t stand for it. My word is law and you will learn to obey me.”


  “Then I will have to make you.”

  “Ruthless bastard,” she cursed raising her hand to slap him.

  Vidar was quick to grab her hand and force it behind her back. It was quickly joined by the other and before she knew it he was propelling her backwards against the wall. Roughly, without mercy, he held her wrists behind her and cupped his hand over her still glistening pussy and staring in to her eyes slapped it hard.

  Fallon’s body bucked wildly against his hand as he aimed the second blow, a little harder than the last and made her gasp out loud. A wild look shone out at from those sparkling emerald green eyes tempting him to strike her again, to win the war of dominance being played out between them. She wanted him to subdue her and bring her to her knees and there was no doubt. It was screaming out at him through her eyes just as it had done earlier. But she still wasn’t going to make it any easier for him. He continued delivering the pussy slap with expertise listening to her defiant cries blossom in to delicate gratifying moans.

  Vidar hardened watching her breathlessly bite her swollen pink bottom lip and moan even though she continued to struggle. He had to fight to keep her still, slamming her back against the wall to strike her vagina again then whip his hand across both breasts simultaneously. Her resistance made the game between them even more enticing. Never had he wanted to win a battle more. Fallon Prince would submit to him whether herself control allowed it or not. It was just a matter of time before she knelt at his feet and begged him to collar and leash her as his own.

  He intensified the slaps, delivering them at high pace over her breasts careful to capture the taut teats, feeling her wetness increase tenfold to soak his palm when he spanked her pussy making him wondered whether he should just take her again. She was daring him. But then he’d promised only to mount her when she had fully surrendered and welcomed him. The urge was strong and as potent as she had provoked in their game just before. But if he confessed his need she would win and he would be at mercy, under her control. Never would he give himself so freely to a woman. Besides he was more than sure she would refuse him and his command over her in the situation would be lost. He tightened his frame determined to keep control. Fallon Prince was going to be his downfall if he didn’t tame his own desire for her.

  Vidar moved in close for the last wet strike of her pussy. His desire was ready to burst inside his trousers when his thigh and cock sheathed in his trousers accidentally brushed her own soft bare inner
thigh and over her vagina. It made him grunt. A look of surprised triumph pierced her eyes. Narrowing his own he immediately ceased the pussy slap. Letting go of her wrists to curve his hands around under bottom to hold and squeeze her buttocks. In one sweeping motion, he lifted her up around him. Electricity jolted through him when his clothed cock thrust against her wet pussy so much so he didn’t see the slap across his face coming. The blow was sharp and stung a little but it only seemed to fire his need for her as it had done in the office when he first arrogantly took her. It was with practiced self control, he didn’t pull down his zip and thrust hard inside her. His little whore’s game was now on dangerous ground. If she baited him any further he was going to give her exactly what she truly wanted from him.


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