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Diving Into Love (McCallister's Paradise Book 2)

Page 5

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  Parker? The little flirt sat at a table with another man and woman, blue eyes sparkling with mirth while they followed the shapely waitress’s backside as she sashayed away.

  A brunette with hair too short to be fashionable sat next to Parker. She said something that made the entire table erupt into laughter again and the dark-haired man brushed a kiss against her cheek.

  Sierra tried not to feel hurt, but it sure didn’t take Parker long to move on after leaving her bungalow today. She thought he was interested in her. Obviously, he flirted with everyone just like the rumors said. Sierra was nothing special. Just a guest at the resort who’d been stupid enough to try and run him over on a beach she shouldn’t have been on. It was silly to think Parker McCallister might actually find her interesting.

  “Sierra?” Neal’s voice penetrated through her fog of self-pity and she smiled.

  “Sorry. I was daydreaming about being with you tomorrow. I didn’t catch what you said.” She leaned in and placed her head on Neal’s shoulder, feeling victorious when Parker glanced her direction and frowned. At least now he knew he wasn’t anything special to her, either. Two could play the flirt game.

  Deciding not to look at him again, Sierra focused all her attention on Neal. “What about swimming in the ocean?” she asked. “The water’s wonderful here. I’ve always wanted to go snorkeling.”

  Neal’s smooth fingers caressed her cheek lightly, and he smiled. “That’s something I’ve always wanted to do too. I hear they have a great class on it. Should we take it together?”

  Guilt skittered across her heart for a few seconds. The only reason she wanted to go snorkeling with Neal was to get a chance to talk to Parker. Even if he did flirt with everyone, that didn’t stop her from wanting to be around him more. Neal deserved better than that. Sure, she was being forced to date him, but that didn’t mean she should spend their date lusting after another man.

  She shook her head, trying to back pedal. “Maybe that’s not such a good idea,” she said. “Your suggestion was the best. A walk on the beach and dinner sounds nice for our first date. We can get to know each other better doing that. Snorkeling, we won’t have a chance to talk much.”

  “If he wants to go snorkeling, take him snorkeling,” Rodger said from across the table. “They’ll be here for a week. You’ll have plenty of time to talk later.”

  Cece’s eyes narrowed as she looked across the dining room, liking spotting Parker. “Maybe Sierra’s right, dear. Snorkeling as a first date isn’t—”

  “They’re snorkeling. End of discussion,” Rodger cut in. “I’ll make arrangements for them.” He winked at Mr. Turner. “I’ll make sure our kids get the royal treatment. Now, about that business proposition...”

  Sierra tuned out again, too worried about how tomorrow might go. Parker probably wouldn’t care when she showed up with another man. However, she couldn’t help but hope that he was at least a tiny bit jealous. Maybe he’d regret not kissing her when he had the chance.

  She’d get plenty of opportunity to find out if he really wasn’t interested or if he held himself back today for some other reason. After all, few men could resist her in a bikini, and Parker would be forced to deal with her tomorrow for the entire class.

  * * *

  Parker seethed, watching Sierra put her head on the other man’s shoulder while her mother smiled benignly. From Cece’s attitude toward Parker yesterday, he could only guess that this guy had gone to an Ivy League school, had a trust fund of a sizeable amount, and had never put in an honest day’s work in his life.

  The perfect guy for the Burns’s darling daughter.

  Next to him, Quinn poked his shoulder. “What’s wrong with you? I thought we were having fun.”

  Parker forced himself to look away from Sierra’s table, ignoring how she smiled widely at the little poser she sat with. “Fun’s over.” He downed his cocktail in a single gulp. “Sierra’s here.”

  “Where?” Larissa asked. “I want to see her.”

  “Far table against the wall there. The one with three happy couples.”

  A crease drew between Larissa’s eyebrows as she stared across the room. “What’s so special about her? Our waitress is much prettier.”

  “Not really,” Quinn chimed in. “I can see why Parker likes her.”

  “You can, huh?” Larissa drummed her fingers across the table. “You think she’s pretty?”

  Quinn laughed. “Of course. I have eyes, beautiful. Besides, she’s got the look Parker most often goes for. Kind of reminds me a little of Vanessa, actually, if Vanessa had been a redhead.”

  “She’s nothing like Vanessa,” Parker protested. Even as he said it, he knew that wasn’t true.

  Same slender build and wavy hair, high cheekbones, and full lips. But that wasn’t what made Sierra the most like Vanessa. It was her devil-may-care attitude and the way she liked to break the rules, proven when she took Shadow out on that beach. That sort of attitude was what attracted him to Vanessa in the very beginning. The fact that she didn’t care who was supposed to be what. She knew she was equal to anyone and could do whatever she pleased. Well, he’d liked that about Vanessa before finding out some of what she pleased was giving happy ending massages to resort guests.

  Sierra had the same vibe about her, just in the way she had talked to him before finding out he was a McCallister. Not that Parker thought she’d ever prostitute herself—she wasn’t like Vanessa in that way, but Sierra seemed to want to forge her own path, make her own rules. That could be a bad situation if it meant she had no morals, just like Vanessa.

  “Damn it.” He shook his head slowly. “I’m an idiot.”

  Larissa winked. “We already knew that.”

  He grinned, knowing he’d asked for that smart-ass remark. “Thanks, sis to be. I really appreciate your vote of confidence.”

  “Anything for family,” Larissa quipped.

  Quinn chuckled. “Always good to see you guys getting along. Want to clue us in on how you figured out you were an idiot?”

  Parker shrugged. “She is Vanessa, just without the sexual favors. I couldn’t figure out why I was so attracted to her after only speaking with her for a short time, but that’s it. She doesn’t follow rules and has a wild streak. Maybe subconsciously knowing I was setting myself up for more heartache was part of the allure.”

  “So, what are you saying?” Quinn asked. “You’ve realized she’s off limits and you’re going to stay away from her?”

  “Please,” Larissa added.

  “That’s exactly what I mean,” Parker replied. “The last thing I need is another Vanessa type in my life. You guys don’t have to worry about me anymore. I’m staying away from Sierra Burns.”

  Chapter 6

  Parker laid out the life jackets, flippers, goggles, and snorkels the following day. It was a perfect afternoon to take a group out to the ocean. A pod of eight dolphins that often inhabited the area had been spotted by some fishermen from Hawaii, and Parker intended to give this group the thrill of their life by swimming with them. Two extra people had signed up this morning, so Parker headed up the dock and boarded his small ship to get more gear for the latecomers.

  Anthony Bledso, Parker’s right-hand man aboard the boat, met him at the top of the stairs to the hold. “I grabbed the stuff for those other guests,” he said with a grin. “Knew you’d be headed down for them soon.”

  Grinning, Parker took the lifejackets from Anthony’s overloaded arms and turned to the dock. “You know me too well. Pretty large group we have today. I’m wondering if I should have called Paige in to help us.”

  “Nah.” Anthony practically jogged up the dock, forcing Parker to increase his speed. “Paige’s been working like a dog while you had a few days off. She deserves a break.”

  Parker stuffed down the laugh trying to break free. Of course Anthony would do anything he could for Paige. The poor chap had the hots for the woman... bad. It was doubtful she’d ever feel the same, though. She had a fia
ncé waiting back in California for her.

  Not that Parker wanted to think about having the hots for a woman who would never return the affection. His anger and disappointment were still running high today after seeing Sierra last night. She had been all over that guy. Why did she flirt with Parker in the first place if she already had someone on the hook? Was she that desperate to piss off her parents that she’d use whoever came along?

  With a sigh, Parker set the lifejackets down with the other supplies Anthony dropped on the ground. He had to stop thinking about Sierra. She used her pretty looks to get what she wanted, and Parker already had that once with Vanessa. Look where it got him. Alone, with Quinn and Larissa questioning his judgment.

  “Ten people,” Anthony muttered beside him. “Boat’s gonna be pretty full. Do you think we should just stick to the coral reefs here near shore and not take the boat at all? Plenty of great things to see right here.”

  Parker shook his head. “No. The dolphins might be just passing through. I like to take as many people out to swim with them as I can. Friendly little buggers, and I know our guests who get to see them go home and tell all their friends about it. It’s good for business.”

  Anthony shrugged in his characteristically good-natured way. “Sure. I’ll go grab the lunches from Shane’s kitchen. You check that we have enough bottled water. People will start showing up soon.”

  Anthony was right. Parker needed to get his head screwed on straight. Sierra was just a girl, like any other. He had a job to do. Work and being out in the ocean always helped him take his mind off his worries.

  * * *

  Sierra applied a layer of waterproof sunscreen all over her body and then stepped into her yellow and brown bikini. The colors went well with her hair and upon admiring her thin form in the mirror, she knew she had nothing to worry about in the looks department. If this didn’t get Parker’s attention, nothing would.

  The only problem she could see was after getting into the water. She had waterproof mascara on, so that wasn’t an issue, but her hair was certain to be a mess and she’d look like a drowned rat before long. Hopefully her body was enough to distract Parker from the hair.

  Besides, she was looking forward to the experience. She’d gone diving a few times in her life in the colder waters near the California coast, but she’d never gone snorkeling in a tropical climate. From reading the on-line brochure this morning, it seemed the waters here had many colorful fish and coral. Parker had what sounded like a dream job. Well, as long as no sharks came to visit. Sierra worried a little about that.

  A knock sounded on the door to her bungalow, and Sierra slipped her feet into sparkly yellow flip-flops and grabbed the small matching clutch purse containing her room key, cell phone, and a credit card.

  Plastering a welcoming smile to her face, Sierra headed for the door. She felt slightly guilty for using Neal to make Parker jealous, but she may as well get something out of being forced to date the bore. Couldn’t her parents see they had nothing in common? The fact that they continued expecting her to marry someone like Neal was a mystery to Sierra. She could never fall for a guy like him. He might be nice, but they had no chemistry between them.

  Cracking open the door, Sierra was shocked when it slammed open, pushing her backward.

  Cece strode into the room, red faced and appearing ready to spit fire.

  Sierra closed her eyes and took three deep breaths before looking at her. “What’s the problem, Mom? Neal will be here in a few minutes so we’d better make this fast.”

  “You. You’re the problem.” Cece’s hands went to her cheeks and she shook her head. “How could you do this? You’re taking a lovely man like Neal Turner and using him just so you can meet up with that worker boy.”

  Sierra had actually expected this lecture last night, but her mother’s anger was concerning. Sierra never knew what would happen when Cece was this angry. A lecture last night would have been better, before Cece had a chance to stew over things and get angrier. She must have been with the Turners after dinner and couldn’t make it over to the bungalow to berate Sierra.

  It was definitely time to placate her mom before she lost control. Sierra didn’t know if she could handle that again.

  “I tried to get out of going,” she said softly. “Dad insisted, or I really wouldn’t go see Parker.”

  “I’m warning you, girl, if you screw this deal up for your father, I’ll make sure your trust fund is cut off immediately. The Turners are planning to invest two million dollars from their little pest business, and we could really use that kind of cash. Do not hurt Neal’s feelings.”

  Folding her arms together, Sierra glared at her mother, forgetting for a few seconds to be afraid. She was so tired of the constant threats. “Look, Mom, if you want to cut off my trust that badly, why don’t you just do it? I’m tired of being treated like a small child who is your property and not a grown woman. You don’t own me!”

  Cece’s face glowed even hotter and she clenched her hands into fists. Sierra didn’t know whether she tried to keep from wringing them together, or whether her mom was getting ready to punch her. It wouldn’t be the first time, and Sierra stepped backward to avoid Cece’s fists.

  “You ungrateful bitch!”

  Cece lunged, slamming into Sierra forcefully and knocking her backward into the coffee table.

  Landing on the glass tabletop with a thud, it shattered beneath Sierra’s weight and she fell into the frame. Burning pain lanced through her left arm and over her back, and Sierra knew she must have been cut by the broken glass.

  She lifted her arm, and a large, jagged shard protruded from her forearm.

  “Oh, God!” Cece wailed. She rushed to Sierra’s side, crouching next to her. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I promise I’ll never do anything like this again. You just make me so angry. Why can’t you behave so I don’t end up hitting you?”

  “Behave, Mother?” Sierra bit back her tears and folded her legs into the coffee table frame. After getting herself turned over, she crawled across the broken glass and stood up. Brushing loose shards from her legs, Sierra could feel more pricking into her back and arms. She didn’t know where all she bled from, but it hurt like hell. “I’m not a child, Cece. I’m a woman, and I want to live my own life. That is the last time you will strike me. I’m done with this shit. Take the damn trust fund and get out of my life. I don’t want to speak to you again.”

  Now Cece’s hands wrung together instead of being fisted, and the anger had left her face. “Don’t say that, sweetheart. You’re upset with me, and rightfully so, but you’re a part of this family. I wouldn’t really take your trust away. The money is yours.”

  This wasn’t the first time her mom had hurt her badly in a fit of rage. It had been so long since the last time, Sierra had grown careless. She knew better than provoking Cece to that point. The last time it happened, Sierra had been home on Christmas break from college. That time Cece pushed her down a flight of stairs, and she’d ended up with a concussion and a broken arm.

  But this absolutely would be the last time Cece hurt her.

  “Take the fucking money, Cece. I don’t want it.” Gritting her teeth, Sierra pulled out the largest shard sticking into her forearm and tossed it to the ground. “I’m done being your daughter.”

  “Stop this nonsense, Sierra. You’re a Burns, you’ll always be a Burns. The reason I treat you like a child is you always act like one. You have duties to this family, and I hate when you try to get out of doing your part.” Her mother’s tone had already changed from contrite to irritated. “Go put a bandage on that cut and clean yourself up. Neal will be here soon.”

  Bleeding and covered in glass, Cece still expected Sierra to go on the date. It was typical. Her parents were only interested in Sierra helping them out in their horse racing business. They’d never truly loved her. Not the way Sierra thought real parents should. Where were the hugs and kisses over her lifetime? Where were the words of encouragement?<
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  No, she shouldn’t let herself ask questions like that. Having them act that way was a fantasy that would never happen. She had to escape their influence and their money before Cece did something worse than slice her up with a glass table.

  The expensive silk shawl she’d worn the night before sat on the edge of the couch, and Sierra used it to bind her forearm and slow the blood. Snatching her purse from where it had fallen on the ground and putting her shoes back on, she headed for the door.

  She tossed a glance over her shoulder before crossing the threshold. “If you like Neal so much, Cece, you date him.”

  Chapter 7

  Parker helped the happy couples in front of him into their lifejackets, taking a few moments to explain safety concerns in the open ocean and what to do if they ran into problems.

  Frowning, he looked across at the extra pair of gear he and Anthony had lain out earlier. The couple who booked late had yet to show up. The boat would set off soon, and if they didn’t arrive in the next fifteen minutes, they would get left behind.

  “Hey, Anthony,” he called over his shoulder.

  Anthony looked up from the elderly woman he was tightening a life vest around. “Hmmm?”

  “Who were the people that signed up late? I need to give them a call. If they aren’t here soon, they’ll miss out.”

  Anthony’s eyes narrowed in concentration. “I wrote it down in the reservation book. Burns something, I think.”

  Burns? As in Sierra? Parker’s body vibrated with tension. He was supposed to get away from her, not take her out for the day. Then again, maybe it was her parents who decided to snorkel. Burns didn’t mean Sierra, after all. He’d better pray it was Sierra coming along. Facing Cece again would be worse than seeing Sierra flirt with that prick she hung on last night.

  Still, as Captain and the man responsible for the boating tours, it was Parker’s responsibility to call anyone running late to warn them they would miss the boat and lose the money paid in advance for not canceling their reservation within twenty-four hours. Whether Cece or Sierra, he had to find out who and call them.


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