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Diving Into Love (McCallister's Paradise Book 2)

Page 8

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  Hold him over? It would barely be enough to hold her over. She’d tried so hard to keep her attraction for him at arm’s length. Now, all she’d ever be able to think about was kissing him more.

  He reached behind him to an end table and then presented her phone. “Here. I shut it off because Cece wouldn’t stop calling and I didn’t want you dealing with her. Probably a bunch of messages on there.”

  Forcing herself to keep her mind on what she had to do today, she nodded in agreement. “I’ll have to speak with her and Dad eventually, I suppose, but not right now. I need to talk with Juanita and your parents. Do you really think they’ll let me stay here?”

  Parker rubbed his thumb across her chin line, seeming unable to stop touching her now that he’d started. Not that she was complaining.

  “I know they will,” he replied. “Why don’t you make your call? I’m going to arrange for housekeeping to pick up your clothes, I’ll call Dad about meeting with you, and then I’m going to hop into the shower.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to ask if she could join him, but she chewed on the inside of her cheek and simply nodded instead.

  Parker rose and headed for the bedroom, his cell phone in his hand. “If you ever change your mind about me being a playboy, Red, you know where to find me.”

  * * *

  Parker closed the bedroom door and slumped against it, breathing in and out slowly to steady his nerves. His dick had jumped to attention again when Sierra opened her legs and pulled his hand inward. He’d wanted nothing more than to satisfy them both until all they could do was go back to sleep, but that wouldn’t solve Sierra’s problems. It also would do nothing to prove to her he wasn’t a playboy.

  But, damn, a year was a long time to wait. Looked like it was his palm and the shower. Again. It would be nicer if Sierra joined him and took care of his problem with her much more delicate, soft hands. Yeah... that’d be ideal.

  His cock throbbed even harder at the thought, and Parker knew he’d better take care of business before he ran back out and took Sierra up on her invitation to get between her legs.

  After a quick call to housekeeping, who promised to be discrete and bring Sierra’s personal belongings from the bungalow to his hotel room, Parker dialed his father’s number.

  “John McCallister,” his father said by way of greeting.

  “Dad, it’s Parker.”

  “Hey, son.” His dad always sounded cheerful, one of the many things Parker loved about him. “What’s on your mind? Everything going well with the boat and crew?”

  “Yeah. That’s all fine. But I do have a problem.”

  As quickly and concisely as possible, Parker explained about Sierra and what her mother had done to her.

  “She wants to stay on the island and work for us, and I told her I’d get her an interview.” Parker held his breath after blurting that all out, wondering what his father would make of it.

  “Parker... Shouldn’t we report this somehow? I realize Sierra is a grown woman now so it’s not child abuse, but it is battery. I don’t care how good of clients they’ve been in the past, they are no longer welcome here. And Cece Burns shouldn’t get away with hurting her daughter.” For once, John no longer sounded happy or amused. His voice was as troubled as Parker felt when thinking about what had been done to Sierra. “And if this was going on her whole life... That poor girl.”

  “She doesn’t want to report it,” Parker explained. “She just wants to get away and she needs a place to live and money to do so. Her mom keeps threatening to cut off her trust fund, and Sierra told her to do it before walking out this last time. Sierra meant it. She doesn’t want their money. She wants to start a life of her own, and she’s already here, so I thought maybe—”

  “I want to help her, son, I really do, but I don’t think we have any employee housing available right now. I can let her stay in her bungalow for the next three weeks since it’s already paid for if she wants to go back there once we get her parents off the island, but then what will I do with her?”

  “What about Larissa’s apartment?” Parker had worried this might be a problem. The island was at the peak of business right now and fully booked for the summer. That also meant the staff was at full capacity.

  “Hmmm...” The click, click, click of a pen being put out and retracted back in came over the line while John thought. That was encouraging, it meant he was considering it. “Let me make some calls,” he finally answered. “I’ll get back to you within the hour.”

  “Great, Dad. Thanks. I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”

  John chuckled. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m making no promises.”

  “I know you’ll figure something out,” Parker said. “I’m going to hop in the shower. Let me know when you’re ready to meet with Sierra.”

  Before his dad could again state he could make no promises, Parker hung up the phone. Somehow, it would all work out. It had to.

  Chapter 10

  Sierra waited to hear the deep rumble of Parker’s voice on the phone line in the bedroom before connecting the call to Juanita. It might be early here, but back home in New York the day was in full swing, so she was sure to be awake and already busy.

  No... not home, Sierra reminded herself. It never would be again, not if she truly wanted to change her life.

  “Sweetheart?” Juanita’s accented voice came on the line. “Is something the matter?”

  Of course she worried about a call in the middle of the week. Sierra’s normal pattern was to call her on Sunday.

  Clearing her throat nervously, she knew she couldn’t lie to the woman who had raised her. Juanita saw through it every time. “I’ve been better, but I’m okay.”

  “What did she do?”

  Finally, upon hearing the mellow voice of the one person Sierra knew loved her, the tears began falling in earnest. It was one thing to cry because of the pain, but she couldn’t fall apart in front of Parker. She’d had to hold it all in, and with one sentence Juanita had ripped down her defenses.

  Through her tears, Sierra told her about Parker, the fight with Cece, and the coffee table incident. She concluded with Parker rescuing her from the beach and offering her a chance to stay on the island.

  After a long interval of cursing in Spanish under her breath, Juanita fell silent.

  “I’m sorry,” Sierra blurted, feeling guilty for making plans to stay away from New York without talking to Juanita about it first. “I wanted to get my trust fund and make your life better, but I can’t handle this anymore. I have to get away from her.”

  “Hush, my love,” Juanita chided gently. “You know I’m not angry with you. I’d love to wring that bitch—” She stopped and harsh breathing came over the line. “I shouldn’t say the things I’m thinking, but I can’t believe that woman has the nerve to call herself your mother.”

  Hope flooded back in at those words. It wasn’t that Sierra thought Juanita would really turn her back on her, but Cece’s form of mothering didn’t make it easy to trust. Even though Juanita had always been there for her, the woman did have to work for the elder Burns. Sierra always kept that thought forefront in her mind. While Juanita might want to side with Sierra, sometimes she might not be able to—not if she expected to keep her job.

  “I’m glad you aren’t angry, Neenee.” Sierra used the name she’d given Juanita so many years ago, only to say when they were in private together. It was more powerful than mama to her—not that Cece would have ever tolerated being called mama anyway.

  “Angry? I’m plenty angry, but not at you. How could I be mad at my baby girl?”

  “Because, you’ll be stuck with them forever now. I wanted to split my trust with you when I got it so you could do whatever you wanted.” Sierra sighed. “Now, I can’t.”

  Juanita’s rich chuckle came over the line. “If you think for one second I would have allowed that, you’re crazy. All I want in life is to know that you’re safe and happy.”

“I want that too. Maybe I can have it, here on the island.”

  “Things were weird around here yesterday, and I wondered if something was going on with you and Cece. That makes some things make sense now.”

  The tone of Juanita’s voice caused Sierra’s breath to hitch in her chest. “What sort of things?”

  “Cece called Tim and told him to cut off your credit card.”

  Tim was the Burns’s longtime lawyer. If Cece already took that step, it didn’t bode well for Sierra.

  “I guess that’s that.” She sighed. “I have no money. I should have had Parker take me to draw cash out last night, but I hurt so bad I just wanted to rest.”

  Juanita chuckled again. “Tim is having an awfully hard time getting the order through the bank. Maybe if you hurry, you’ll be able to beat the order.”

  “He’s having trouble?” That was surprising. Tim was always efficient and completed requests the second they happened. “Why?”

  “Well, wouldn’t you know it, but him and I are dating, child. We happened to be... umm... We had just headed to bed when Cece called last night, and I told Tim he should talk to Mr. Burns before calling the bank today.”

  Sierra felt heat crawling along her neck and cheeks. Juanita and Tim were sleeping together? She didn’t need to hear about her Neenee’s sex life! But at least Juanita sounded amused and happy. Sierra wondered why she hadn’t mentioned the relationship sooner.

  “So, did Tim talk to Dad? What did he say?”

  “Tim left a message from your father to confirm what he should do. Your father never called back, so I expect you’ll hear from him first.”

  Probably some of the messages on her phone were from Rodger. Not that it mattered. Her dad might love her. In fact, Sierra usually thought he did, more than just in what she could do for his company. That didn’t mean he would ever side with her or admit that Cece was out of line in hitting her. Cece was in control of that relationship, even if Rodger made all the money. If Cece told him to cancel Sierra’s credit cards, he would cancel them. It was only a matter of time.

  “Thanks for letting me know. When Parker gets out of the shower, I’ll see if there’s somewhere on the island I call pull cash out or if I have to go across to the main islands.”

  “Speaking of Parker.” Juanita let out a low whistle. “You sort of glossed over that whole situation. He’s a McCallister man, huh? Are you seeing him?”

  Sierra unbent enough to allow herself to giggle. “Seeing him less than I’d like to be, but he’s a persistent little devil. No matter what I want physically, I’m trying to keep things on a professional level. I need to work here, after all.”

  “Is he a good kisser?”

  Touching her lips, Sierra thought about the mind-numbing kiss they’d shared. Good was an understatement. Parker claimed he wasn’t a player, but he’d certainly perfected the panty-dropping kiss.

  The only problem with that was she wanted more. It would be hard to keep her distance from him, but hopefully she could get a job and live in the employee housing as he’d suggested. Out of sight, out of mind. Maybe...

  “I can’t kiss him again, Neenee. He’s going to be my boss.”

  “Again?” Juanita cackled with mirth. “I knew you kissed him! I might have to take vacation time if this becomes serious, so I can see if the boy is good enough for you.”

  “That won’t be necessary, since I’m not kissing him again, but I’d love having you out for a visit.” She paused, sudden fear making her hands tremble. “Assuming I get the job. You know I’ve never actually been on an interview? I don’t even know what to say. Ivy league college and straight to Dad’s office. The only skill I really have is working with horses.”

  “Stop worrying. They have a stable there. You always rave about it. See if you can work there. I think you’d love a job like that.”

  Juanita was probably right, but it was still scary knowing she’d never done a hard day’s labor in her life. How useful could she really be in the stables? She was used to doing the easy stuff, with the employees doing the hard work.

  All she could do was pray Parker’s dad took pity on her and gave her a chance. If not, her only choice was to beg Parker to give her enough money to get to the Big Island on Hawaii and see if she could find work there... while living on a park bench somewhere.

  “I think I’m an idiot,” she whispered into the phone.

  “Wrong, baby girl. For the first time in your life, you’re truly standing up for yourself and refusing to let that woman hurt you anymore.” The way she said woman made it sound like she meant something much worse. “I’ve never been more proud of you than I am right at this moment. I expect you to call me soon and tell me all about how great you are at your new job.”

  Having Juanita’s support helped bolster Sierra’s confidence. She could do this. “Neenee, I knew you’d say exactly the right thing. I’m going to miss seeing you every week though.”

  “I’ll miss you too, but I have a little money saved up. Tim definitely doesn’t hurt for money. If you stay there, we’ll come for a visit in a few months. I promise.”

  Sierra was glad Juanita couldn’t see her face. If she and Tim were already talking about combining their money and taking vacations together, things were serious. How did she not know they were a couple sooner than this?

  It was a relief, however. It meant by staying on McCallister’s Paradise, she wasn’t leaving her true mom all alone back in New York.

  “I love you, Neenee. You tell Tim to take good care of you, or he’ll have me to answer to.”

  “Oh, he’s a good man. I know you’ve only dealt with him in the office setting, but he’s my perfect match. You go live your life, and don’t worry about anything back here in New York.”

  “Perfect match?” Sierra’s shock turned to joy. “I’ve always told you to find someone and you said I was the only person you needed.”

  “He’s not replacing you, baby girl.”

  Shaking her head, now Sierra wished Neenee could see her. “I know that. I’m not upset, I’m happy. So happy for you. I do, however, expect to be maid of honor whenever the wedding happens.”

  Juanita made a tsking sound. “You’re getting a little ahead of yourself. Tim’s never mentioned marriage. I’m happy with the way things are now. The only thing that will make my life any better is to know you’re doing well and safe from that monster who calls herself a mom. Go blow that man away on the interview and forge your own path. I know you can do it.”

  Sierra promised she would make Juanita proud before hanging up the phone, glad she had made the call.

  Now all she had to do was convince Mr. John McCallister she was every bit as wonderful as her Neenee believed her to be.

  * * *

  Parker pulled on a tight-fitting muscle shirt, to better show Sierra what she was missing, and ran a hand through his still-damp hair. His dad had yet to call back and tell Parker what time to bring Sierra by to see him. Not that he was too worried, but if John spoke with Quinn first, he might send Sierra packing. That seemed like something Quinn might do, all in the name of trying to protect his little brother.

  Not that Parker needed Quinn’s protection. Quinn always felt like he had to save the rest of the kids from their own mistakes, and butted in where he didn’t belong. However, being with Sierra wouldn’t be a mistake. It’d be a dream.

  A loud knock vibrated through the hotel suite and a startled exclamation came from the living room area. Poor Sierra. Everything must seem frightening to her right now—worrying about her parents and what her bitch of a mother would do if she caught up with her.

  Not that anyone, even Quinn, would tell the Burns where Parker lived and turn her over to Cece. It had to be the housekeeping staff with Sierra’s clothes.

  He strode through the bedroom door and flashed a bright smile at Sierra, who sat clutching her hands to her chest and staring at the front door. “Don’t worry, Red. I think it’s someone with your clothes.”

/>   She clutched her hands tighter. “Check before opening the door.”

  Not blaming her for being cautious, Parker put his eye to the peephole and saw two workers in the McCallister Paradise’s signature black and white slacks and shirt standing outside.

  “It’s your clothes,” he reassured her before opening the door.

  Unfortunately, one of the maids was Brianne, who had been after Parker for a date since she first came to the island. Without grabbing any of the suitcases sitting on the ground, she stepped into the room and wrapped her arms around Parker’s neck.

  “Hey there, big guy. What do you say we go to dinner tonight?” She laid a big kiss on him before Parker could react, and then released him and smirked across the room at Sierra. “Unless, of course, you have other plans.”

  He probably wouldn’t have plans with Sierra ever, if she kept getting the impression he wasn’t an upstanding guy. “Brianne, you’re a nice girl, but I’ve told you before I’m looking for something more permanent than a night of fun. There are a lot of guys on this island ready and willing to give you what you want.”

  Bumping her hip against his, she laughed. “Oh, but one night with me could be so-o-o-o much fun! I know you’ll give in eventually.”

  “Come on, you,” Trish, a long-time employee on the island, said. “Stop bothering the boss and help me get these suitcases inside. He could fire you for this, you know.”

  Brianne smirked again. “But he won’t. I can tell he likes me.”

  Parker stepped away from Brianne as quickly as possible and grabbed two of Sierra’s suitcases. “Let me help with these.”

  Trish couldn’t have picked a worse person to accompany her to his home, but Brianne probably insisted. In fairness, it wasn’t entirely her fault she pursued him so persistently. He had done his fair share of flirting with her over the past year. What she didn’t know was how little it meant to him.

  The truth was, he was a flirt—it was how he functioned. Ever since Vanessa, however, Parker hadn’t been sincere in any of his flirtatious behavior. It was the role everyone on the island expected him to play and he did it well, but his heart longed for something different.


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