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Diving Into Love (McCallister's Paradise Book 2)

Page 22

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  “Yep. I’m actually taking the boat back out, just as soon as I pick up my family.”

  Anthony smiled. “You’ve seemed real happy this past week. I’m glad it’s all getting better.”

  Parker hesitated, frowning. It was always in the back of his mind that Vanessa would be back, trying to ruin his life.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Parker looked back at Anthony, forcing a smile. “Just potential for drama, but I’m not going to let it spoil my weekend.”

  He nodded. “I heard Vanessa was on the island last week. Is that the drama you’re worried about?”

  “You heard that?”

  “Yep. Something about her wanting Ryan back.”

  Parker tightened his hands into fists and took some calming breaths. “Don’t worry, she’s not getting him.”

  “Good to hear.”

  They walked up the beach, but Anthony turned off to head to the employee housing, giving Parker a friendly wave.

  Just then, his cell phone rang with Sierra’s ringtone. Parker smiled and answered. “Just can’t wait to hear my voice, can you? It’s okay though, because I’ve been missing yours.”

  “Parker, I need to speak with you before dinner.” Her voice sounded strained, setting Parker’s nerves immediately on edge.

  “About what?”

  “Are you still by the beach, or have you already headed to your parents’ house to get Ryan?”

  It didn’t sound like she wanted a sexy interlude before dinner. “You’re scaring me, Red. Is everything okay?”


  “Care to explain?”

  “I can’t,” she said. “Not over the phone. Meet me at your place, alone. I’ll explain everything there.”

  “Are you angry with me?” He didn’t know what he might have done, but her ominous tone worried him.

  “Just meet me.”

  The line clicked dead in his hand and Parker lowered the phone. Sierra had a session this morning with her doctor. Maybe something went wrong there. Or perhaps something happened with one of the daycare kids.

  He couldn’t think of anything he might have done to upset her, but something was definitely wrong.

  Climbing inside the solar-powered car, Parker rushed to his hotel as fast as he could.

  Chapter 28

  Upon entering the hotel room, Parker noted how dark it was inside. The shades were drawn and a single lamp illuminated a portion of the sitting room—not how he’d left things.

  “Sierra? Are you already here?”

  A form shifted in the shadowy sitting room and she cleared her throat. “I am.”

  He shut the door and rushed into the room. “What’s going on? What happened today?” He took her face in his hands and bent in for a kiss, but Sierra pushed against his chest, stopping him from kissing her.

  “I’m not the only one here.”

  “Hello, Parker.”

  Parker whipped around to face the voice coming from behind him. A light clicked on, and Vanessa sat at his small dining table.

  “We need to talk,” she said.

  Sierra stood, brushing past him to head for Vanessa, taking the seat on the opposite side of the table, forcing Parker to either stand or sit between them.

  “You aren’t supposed to be on the island,” he said. “How did you make Sierra bring you to my hotel?”

  Vanessa shook her hair back, laughing. “I didn’t make her do anything, Parker. She’s in complete agreement that I deserve to be here.”

  Parker’s mouth went dry and he sank into the chair, staring at Sierra. “What’s she talking about?”

  Sierra’s phone beeped, and she pulled it from her pocket instead of answering him. “You were right,” she said to Vanessa. “Your friend confirmed everything. I can’t believe it.”

  “Confirmed what?” Parker tried to ignore Vanessa, staring at Sierra. He didn’t understand what was going on here, but Sierra acted like Vanessa was her friend and Parker the bad guy. “Talk to me, Red. I’m lost.”

  Sierra continued fiddling with her phone, not looking up at him. After a few moments of silence, she said softly, “I’m so stupid. I bought all your lies, Parker.”

  Her words hit like bullets, tearing him up inside. Vanessa had told her something, and she believed whatever story the conniving wench came up with. He glared at Vanessa. “What did you tell her?”

  A gleam of malice shone in Vanessa’s eyes for a second before she morphed back into the injured party—for Sierra’s benefit, surely. “I told her the truth, Parker. How you forced me to do those things and then stole my baby. You’re a horrible person, and she knows the truth now.”

  “Sierra?” Parker turned back to her, hating the pleading in his tone, but knowing he couldn’t face Vanessa without Sierra in his corner. “We’re in love. How can you believe anything she says? You know what she did to me, and you know I didn’t steal Ryan.”

  Sierra shook her head. “How would I know that? Ryan appeared at your hotel, right after you demanded I become a mother. You stole him, didn’t you?”

  Parker’s despair began a mutation, and hot anger roiled in his belly. “You believe I’d do that? After everything we’ve shared?”

  Sierra shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what I believe. It matters what I say.”

  “What you say?” He felt stupid, but he had no clue what she was talking about.

  She turned her attention to Vanessa. “What is it you need from me?”

  “Say Parker told you about his plans to take Ryan from me,” Vanessa said. “You’ll have to be convincing though, because if we’re getting his money, I need you to say it in court.”

  “That’s not a problem. I can lie,” Sierra said. “But how much money are you giving me to do this?”

  Parker wanted to vomit and his stomach cramped. Sierra was talking about lying to throw him in prison... just to get money?

  “I thought you loved me,” he said. “How could you do this?”

  Vanessa chuckled. “Because she knows what a loser you are, Parker. A little player, always treating women like shit. You don’t deserve love or a family. And now I’ll get your freedom and your money too.”

  “How much?” Sierra repeated.

  “Fifteen percent,” Vanessa responded.

  Sierra shook her head. “Fifty.”

  “No, I have a son to raise.”

  Sierra scoffed. “We both know you don’t want the kid. You aren’t going to do the raising.”

  “So you know I’ve been lying, huh?” Vanessa asked.

  Parker hung his head into his hands. “Then why would you do this to me, Sierra?”

  “I want my fortune back,” Sierra replied. “Sorry.”

  She didn’t sound very sorry, and Parker had a hard time wrapping his head around her betrayal.

  “I knew we were more alike than you’d admit at first,” Vanessa said.

  Sierra shrugged. “I’ll tell that lie for forty percent, no less. And you have to promise Ryan won’t be hurt. I might not really love Parker, but I don’t want the baby abused.”

  Vanessa laughed. “You were using Parker for his money, just like I was.”

  Parker looked up, his whole world crashing in. Sierra had been so convincing. He thought he’d finally found his life partner. But she was exactly like Vanessa. “I’m so stupid.”

  Sierra acted as though she hadn’t heard him. “I’m curious. When did you get the idea to frame him for kidnapping?”

  “So, you realized everything I said in your apartment was a line of shit, huh?” Vanessa chuckled. “I knew you were smart, just like me.”

  “It was a smart plan,” Sierra said, “getting someone to sign the papers for you. Parker’s such a moron, of course he believed it was legit.”

  “And then I could claim kidnapping and he’d never suspect,” Vanessa agreed, laughing. “He’ll go to prison, I’ll get Ryan back so I always have something to hold over the damn McCallisters, and the courts will award me his money
to take care of our baby.”

  “So the whole thing has been a lie?” Sierra asked.

  “Of course,” Vanessa agreed. “Parker wouldn’t really have the balls to steal a baby. He’s too soft. Now, I’ll have everything I ever wanted.

  “Smart plan.” Sierra stuck her hand across the table. “Forty percent and your plan will work. Do we have a deal?”

  Vanessa nodded and shook Sierra’s hand. “I’ll get the police, you send me the text we discussed earlier, alerting me to the fact that you know Parker kidnapped Ryan.”

  Sierra stood and led Vanessa to the door, while Parker sat in his chair feeling numb as dark despair sank into him.

  She opened the hotel door and ushered Vanessa out. “Nice doing business with you, Ms. La Fabre. Just remember, if you double cross me, I will ruin you.”

  “We’re so much alike, Sierra. I’m glad we met.”

  “I bet you are.” Sierra shut the door and turned back to Parker, a wide smile on her face.

  * * *

  Sierra grinned at Parker. Everything went perfectly and she couldn’t wait to reveal what she’d done.

  Parker stood, his face drawn and pale. “You goddamn bitch. How could you do this?” His voice broke on the last word, sounding as if he would cry.

  Sierra rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him. “I know you’re angry, but everything’s okay.”

  He shoved her away. “How? I love you and you did this to me? I would have given you money if that’s all you were after. I’d do anything for you.”

  She could see he still didn’t understand. Walking past him, she picked her cell phone off the table and hit the stop button. She held it between them. “I recorded that entire conversation.”

  “What for? It can’t help you ruin me, it would only ruin...” He broke off, his eyes widening.

  “Exactly,” Sierra said. “She admitted everything, and we can hand her confession over to the police. She’ll never get Ryan now.”

  Parker let out a whoop, rushing for her and lifting her off the ground. His arms practically crushed her as his lips covered hers for a deep kiss. “My girlfriend is the smartest woman in the world,” he whispered. “Thank you.”

  Laughing and full of happiness, Sierra kissed him again. “I’m sorry I couldn’t warn you. She had to think I was serious or she wouldn’t have talked so much. I wanted to make sure you and Ryan were protected from her. It was the only way.”

  Parker pressed his forehead to hers. “And I called you a bitch for it. Ouch, sorry, love.”

  “If I hadn’t been pretending, I would be a bitch.” She ran her fingers over his lips. “I am a little hurt you never suspected I was acting. What’s that say about us?”

  He snagged her finger into his mouth, sucking on it and revving her heart rate. “It says we still have a lot of fun times ahead, discovering who each other really are. It says I was completely devastated to the point my brain didn’t work, because I am so in love with you that I can’t handle life without you.”

  She hopped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his hips. “Lucky for you, you won’t ever have to.”

  He held her close as they sealed their commitment with a kiss.

  Chapter 29

  Five months later

  “Are you ready?” Parker asked, lightly holding the ends of Sierra’s blindfold as they stood next to their car.

  “If you don’t take this off, I might have to punish you,” she said in mock anger.

  “Oh, my. That could be fun.” He leaned down and kissed her neck. “We could finally make use of those furry handcuffs you bought.”

  She giggled. “Come on, Parker. It’s windy out here and you left Ryan inside the car.”

  That was true, they couldn’t leave their son by himself for a long time, even though they were only a few steps away. Unless Ryan was with Grandma, he really hated separating from Sierra. The two of them had bonded so closely that sometimes Parker felt a touch jealous.

  He undid the bow and let the blindfold fall away.

  Sierra sucked in a loud breath. “It’s beautiful.”

  Parker wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on top of her shoulder, looking at the outside of the house. “I’m glad you think so.”

  Their new home was complete, and Parker couldn’t be happier. While he’d been excited when Sierra agreed to move into the hotel with him, it was inconvenient having one bedroom and a clingy baby. Thus, the reason they hadn’t been able to use the furry handcuffs Sierra bought a few months ago.

  The two-story, cream-colored house had lots of windows, the one thing Sierra had requested when they met with the builder months ago to make arrangements for the rush job on their home. The wrap-around porch was wider than his parents’, as Parker planned to have many barbecues and family reading time near the ocean. They’d already started taking Ryan to baby swim lessons, and as soon as he could walk they’d teach him to surf.

  It was the idyllic life Parker had always longed for, and he could spend it with the most remarkable woman.

  She turned to kiss his cheek. “You know, we haven’t gotten pregnant yet, but maybe Grandma can take Ryan tonight.”

  “Why’s that, love? You want to try to conceive on every surface of the new house.”

  Her tinkling laughter floated on the ocean breeze and she twisted around completely. “Every house should be blessed. Especially when my boyfriend is as sexy as you.”

  They shared a kiss, and Sierra wasn’t shy about where she touched him. After all, Ryan’s car seat was turned backward so he couldn’t see them.

  “Let’s grab Ryan and go inside,” Parker said. “We’ll take a quick tour of the new house.”

  She licked her lips and toyed with the button of his jeans. “And then you’re calling Susan? Family night can be tomorrow. Tonight, I want you all to myself.”

  He kissed her nose, love and warmth running through him—not to mention excitement. “Get our son. I’m calling Grandma right now.”

  Author’s Note

  Another journey on McCallister’s Paradise comes to a close. The moment Quinn’s flirty younger brother appeared on the page in Happy Endings, I knew he needed his own story. I thought this would be more about Parker becoming a father and the trials he faced with that. Sierra’s problems were a surprise, and took over much of the story. She ended up being a stronger, more vibrant character than I imagined, and I loved seeing her story play out.

  I’m sure their love will continue to grow as Sierra keeps receiving the help she needs to heal from the pain her mother caused, but I’m quite happy leaving them comfortable and enjoying life in their new house without my interference.

  My next project will be working on Sydney’s romantic life. She’s a great character and often cracks me up, but she’s going to meet a man who’ll make life quite difficult after she hands out the latest charity endowments. Matthew Coleson runs a charity for homeless people with drug addiction problems, and when his charity isn’t picked for some McCallister money, he’s determined to change Sydney’s mind. I’m excited to get to them. That’s all I know for now, but it should be fun exploring the twists and turns of their love-hate relationship.

  As far as my personal life, things are fantastic. My son is busy looking for a job on the police force after finishing up a few credits for his associates degree, my daughter got a great job late last year, and me and my long-time honey are finally tying the knot next month after over sixteen years together. 2015 is starting off with a bang, and the future looks great.

  I hope you’re all having as much success in your personal lives. I appreciate you taking the time from your busy schedules to live in the McCallister’s world, and I hope you will join me for the next story.

  As always, follow your dreams and chase happiness. All my best,

  ~ Chantel January 25, 2015


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  Also by Chantel Rhondeau

  Romantic Suspense

  Stand-alone titles:

  Always & Forever

  Crime & Passion

  Murderous Lies

  Agents in Love Series:

  Love & Deception – Book 1

  Love & Redemption – Book 2

  Love Under Fire Series:

  Blazing Love

  Blazing Hotter

  Contemporary Romance

  Stand-alone titles:

  Season For Love: A Christmas Romance Novella

  Unexpected Gift – Cali’s Story (Christmas Fairy Tales)

  Unexpected Gift 2 – Dani’s Story (Christmas Fairy Tales)

  Loving Lucy (Sensual Christmas Romance Novella)

  Tempting Trish (Sensual Christmas Romantic Suspense) – Christmas is for Lovers boxed set

  Serving Up Love

  McCallister’s Paradise

  Happy Endings –1

  Diving Into Love –2

  For Love or Charity –3

  Love’s Ride –4

  Cooking Up Love –5

  Join my VIP Reader’s Club and get a FREE eBook and other great freeibies!

  Sneak Peek at For Love or Charity (McCallister’s Paradise – 3)

  Sydney McCallister isn't looking for love, especially not from an overbearing man demanding money for his charity after missing the cutoff date for proposals. Doesn't Matthew Coleson realize his organization isn't the only one hoping for a grant from the McCallister family? Tired of dealing with the constant stream of angry people and feeling terribly homesick besides, Sydney wonders if she should give up on New York and head back to the family's island resort.


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