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[Escorted 01.0] Escorted

Page 4

by Claire Kent

  “Three weeks?” She’d been hoping to meet up with him again a lot sooner than that.

  Obviously catching the disappointment in her voice, Ander tilted up one corner of his mouth. “I occasionally have cancellations. I can let you know. Otherwise, I think my first available evening is two weeks from next Wednesday.”

  Lori thought quickly and couldn’t think of anything she had scheduled for that evening. And she figured she better snatch the day while she could since obviously Ander’s time was a hot commodity. “I think that would work. Let’s schedule it then.” Feeling a prickle of curiosity, she asked, “Do you work every evening?”

  He shook his head. “I keep certain days to myself.”

  She made herself get out of the bed and walk over to the table. She slid the money over toward him without meeting his eyes. “It should be the right amount for tonight.”

  He didn’t count it. Just slipped it into his pocket and picked up his case.

  “Thank you for tonight,” she said.

  “You’re welcome. I’ll see you on the twenty-eighth.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” she said as she watched him walk to the door—lean, upright, and infinitely cosmopolitan. Cool and competent. A quintessential businessman with a very particular business. She wondered why he was bald. And wondered how he’d gotten into this line of work to begin with. Wondered what was up with him and his father.

  She hadn’t done everything she’d intended to do tonight. She hadn’t had intercourse. But she’d had a good orgasm, and that was excellent progress. She was fairly satisfied with herself.

  As Ander closed the door behind him, she realized maybe she actually was looking forward to their next engagement.


  BY THE TIME TWO WEEKS from Wednesday rolled around, Lori had worked up a fair amount of excitement.

  After her weird awkwardness immediately following her first session with Ander, Lori concluded that the encounter had been a real success. She wasn’t looking for a fantasy. She was just looking for a way to rid herself of her virginity, a way that was easy and hassle-free. Ander was talented, accommodating, thoughtful, and very attractive. And his professionalism made the first engagement exactly what she’d been looking for.

  She couldn’t imagine the second engagement would be a problem. It would likely go the same way, only with intercourse rather than oral sex. Because she had such a good impression of her first session with Ander, she began to anticipate the second one.

  She was still nervous. But as the days progressed, her excitement became stronger than her fear.

  So Lori arrived at the hotel at six o’clock on the scheduled Wednesday. She followed the same routine as before: took a bath, shaved, applied lotion, counted cash, drank wine, and sat in a chair waiting for Ander. Her belly was fluttery with nerves.

  But she was pretty sure she wasn’t going to be sick.

  She’d been a virgin for twenty-six years. And she’d spent many of those years looking forward to not being one.

  And now it was finally going to happen.

  When Ander tapped on the door, she walked over to let him in without even the slightest impulse to hide in the bathroom.

  Tonight he wore all black—black trousers, black dress shirt, and very expensive black leather shoes. He smiled at her, exactly as she’d expected him to. Urbane, sensual. Infinitely practiced.

  “Hi there,” she said cheerfully, leading him back into the room. “You look all cool and stealthy tonight.”

  Ander blinked and looked down at himself. “Stealthy?”

  She raised her eyebrows—in an expression that mirrored his own—and handed him a glass of wine. “All black. Do you do a lot of lurking in the shadows?”

  “Not if I can help it.”

  His dry tone combined with that appealing twitch of his mouth caused Lori to snort. When he set his leather case in the chair, she moved to stand beside him. “What goodies have you brought today?”

  The first thing he pulled out of his case was a slim, pink vibrator still in its original packaging. He offered it to her. “As promised.”

  Her lips parting, she accepted the vibrator and stared down at it. “Thank you. It was nice of you to get it for me.”

  “We can use it some this evening if you want.” His eyes rested on her face, as if he were checking her expression. “It might help in foreplay, and I can show you some ways to use it.” When she just stared at him, he added, “But only if it won’t make you uncomfortable.”

  Getting vibrator lessons from a male escort might make her a little uncomfortable, but it did sound like a practical idea. “No. That would be fine. A little weird, but fine.”

  “Why is it weird?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Have you taught other women how to use vibrators?”

  “Of course.”

  “Oh.” A little taken aback by this matter-of-fact answer, she concluded, “I guess it’s not that weird after all.”

  Ander smiled and reached into his case, pulling out a DVD. “This was the best I could find if we want to start with erotica again this evening. Well-made, female-oriented erotic movies are few and far between. This is a series of short films, so each is just a half hour. That would leave us more time, which might be smart if we want to practice with the vibrator before we move on to intercourse.”’

  Nodding absently, Lori studied the DVD cover. “Is this as good as the one last week?”

  “Not quite. It’s good—made for women and not tacky. But the stories are not as well written. It’s the best I could find with business-type male leads. Manual laborers tend to be more popular—painters, carpenters, pool boys, you know.”

  Lori sneered faintly at that inexplicable fact. Then she thought about the implications of what he said. “Did you look for this one particularly for me?”

  “Yes. I thought it would be best to have a shorter film for this evening, but I didn’t have anything in my collection that would work.”

  Staring up at his smooth, polished expression, Lori tried to imagine Ander rooting through shelves or online catalogs to find erotic DVDs. “That was awfully nice of you. Thank you.”

  Ander gave a half shrug. “It’s no problem. I can always use it again later.”

  “Just exactly how big is your collection of erotic films?” Lori’s mouth wobbled with amusement as she imagined a secret room chock-full of sexy paraphernalia and DVDs in Ander’s doubtlessly slick, cool-toned apartment.

  He chuckled briefly—with that same faint note of bitterness she’d heard in his laugh last time. “Big enough to do my job.”

  He moved over to put the DVD in the player and asked over his shoulder, “Do you want to go about things tonight the same way we did last time?”

  Lori lowered her eyebrows as she took her seat on the sofa. “I want to have sex this time. Intercourse.”

  A tiny lip twitch. “Yes. I meant in terms of my behavior. Did you want to continue the same attitude or perhaps play out a fantasy tonight?”

  “Oh. I get it.” Lori chuckled as she thought about how she’d misinterpreted him. It was very nice of him not to laugh out loud. “No, I like how we did it last time. Don’t pretend anything.”

  “Understood.” He hit play on the DVD player and went to sit beside her on the sofa.

  Ander was right about the movie. It wasn’t as good as the one last time. But it was basically well made and still quite sexy. But the time it had run its course, Lori was plenty aroused.

  “We can watch another one if you need to,” Ander offered.

  “Nope. I’m good.”

  Ander got up, turned the film off, and went over to the table. He pulled some batteries out of his case and then removed the vibrator from the package. As Lori watched him slide the batteries into the little tube, she couldn’t help but admire his long legs and firm, well-contoured ass. She wondered how often he had to work out a week to sculpt his great body.

  Then she wondered what he looked like without

  When Ander went over to the bathroom to rinse off the vibrator, Lori moved to the bed. She turned down the comforter and sheets and then sat down on the edge of the mattress. She took off the belted sweater she wore—the same one she’d worn last time. Under it, however, she was wearing a chemise in the same soft cashmere as her favorite pajama set. She thought it might be smart to wear something that could just be pushed up to have sex. And the graceful lines and little tie just under her breasts made her feel kind of sexy.

  It wasn’t any sort of racy lingerie. Pretty tame in the scheme of things. It was sexy for her though, and tonight she could use all the sexy she could get.

  Before Ander came over to join her, he turned off the overhead lights. “Is it all right if we leave the light on in the bathroom? It will still be quite dark, but it might help to have a little more light to work with the vibrator.”

  “Sure.” She’d kind of liked the deep darkness of the room last time, but she wasn’t about to argue with what was obviously good sense.

  Ander picked up the tube of lubricant and a couple of condom packets from his case before he returned to the bed. “Did you want to lie down?” he asked, putting the vibrator and other stuff on the nightstand and turning off the bedside light.

  With a long exhale, Lori pulled up her legs and reclined back on the bed. She’d been doing so well—focusing on anticipation rather than anxiety—but now she was starting to get nervous. She was still aroused, but not so much she stopped thinking about what was about to happen.

  “Do you want me to keep my clothes on this evening?” Ander stood, dark and looming, beside the bed.

  Since she felt braver today, she replied, “Oh. No. I guess not. You can take them off.”

  Ander started unbuttoning his shirt. His motion was slow, almost mesmerizing, as he gradually revealed his bare chest beneath. When he’d untucked the shirt, he let it slide with unhurried ease to the floor. His chest was toned and masculine. She could see the clean contours of muscle development on his abdomen and shoulders, even in the dim light of the room.

  He slid his belt out of the loops. He moved naturally, not ostentatiously, but Lori suddenly realized he was giving her a little show.

  It was effective. As she watched, her intimate muscles clenched in excitement and jitters rose up in her belly, but she also felt a gurgle of amusement. She had to press her lips together to stifle it.

  Who would have thought that Lori Addison would be in the position to get such an elegant striptease from a bald man?

  She must not have hidden her reaction well because Ander paused in the midst of unzipping. He arched his eyebrows. “Is something wrong?”

  “Oh, no,” she said, keeping her eyes wide and trying not to stare down at what would be revealed when his pants came unzipped. “Everything’s fine. You’re doing an excellent job.”

  Ander narrowed his eyes, a little suspiciously, before he let his trousers fall to the floor, revealing black silk boxers and a pair of very fine legs.

  “Boxers?” Lori asked, working past the surge of visceral admiration at the sight of his near perfect body. “I was wondering what you wore.”

  Ander took off his watch as he replied, “I didn’t know what you’d prefer. Since you’re American, I thought boxers were a better bet.”

  Lori blinked up at him. “What do you mean?”

  “American women tend to prefer boxers on men. If you were international, I’d have worn briefs. Obviously, once I know a woman’s preference, I accommodate it.”

  “American women prefer boxers?”

  “I have only my own informal assessment to go by, but yes, I’d say three-fourths of them do. I try to pay attention.”

  “Wow,” Lori breathed. “That’s what I call attention to detail.”

  Ander gave her a half smile. “It’s part of my job.” His hands lingered on the waistband of his boxers. “Shall I?”

  Lori gulped, torn between nerves and carnal interest. The silk was thin and slippery, and she could see evidence through the fabric that he was already half-erect. “Why don’t you wait on that?” she finally decided.

  Ander nodded and came over to sit on the edge of the bed. “Like last time? Some foreplay with no kissing?”

  She scooted over toward the middle of the bed to make room for him. “Yes. Thank you.”

  He slanted her an odd look before he moved into bed beside her. Then he moved over her. Like last time, he started with some light kisses on the side of her neck, but then he moved up to brush his lips along the line of her jaw.

  Lori sucked in a breath. Then a sharper breath when he trailed his mouth down to the pulse in her throat. She felt his teeth on her skin, very gently.

  Without any conscious thought, her hands settled on his head, irresistibly drawn to the smooth scalp. Again, no signs of bristles.

  It was silent in the room except the rustling of the bedding and Lori’s accelerating breathing. He was warm above her, generating heat she could feel even where he wasn’t touching her, and he slowly pushed up her chemise to bare her body to him.

  Ander took his time—stroking her body, fondling her breasts, teasing out spots that made her gasp or squirm that she’d never imagined before. This time she was too distracted by the sensations to point out the things she liked best, but he found them anyway. Eventually Lori was flushed all over and writhing shamelessly from the need for friction.

  Ander’s mouth was on her side, on a sensitive spot just above her hip. He mouthed it hard and fluttered his tongue against her skin. At the same time, he was rubbing the back of her knee in a gentle massage and occasionally flicking at one of her erect nipples with his other hand.

  “Ander,” she finally rasped. When he raised his head, she continued, “Can we... can we try the vibrator?”

  Nodding wordlessly, he reached for it and the lube on the nightstand. He knelt between her splayed legs and squirted lube out onto his hand. She could see everything much more clearly tonight from the light from the bathroom. “I’ll use my hand first, like last time,” Ander explained.

  Lori gave a nod and then stared at him, hypnotized by her physical desire and by the sight of the mostly naked man reaching his hand down to her groin. Ander stroked her open and wasted no time in sliding two fingers into her wet, pulsing channel. She arched her neck and parted her lips at the feel of the penetration.

  Rhythmically Ander fucked her with his fingers for a few minutes, causing her to twist in pleasure and reach up to grab the headboard. He seemed to be stretching her, pushing against her inner walls. He avoided touching her clit, though, which is where she really wanted him.

  Finally she managed to choke out, “If you rub my clit, I think I can come.”

  “I know,” Ander said in a low voice. “But when you come, you’ll get tighter. That might make intercourse more difficult. I know everyone says that orgasms relax you beforehand, but you get a lot tighter after an orgasm. You’re tight already, and you don’t need to get any tighter. I’d suggest we wait, but I can do whatever you’d prefer.”

  It made sense. She certainly didn’t want to make intercourse any more uncomfortable than it had to be, but the logic didn’t help ease her urgent, wriggling body.

  “The vibrator?” she prompted.

  Ander picked up the vibrator and slicked it up with lubricant. “You see how it’s curved?” He cleared his voice before he continued. “It’s made to easily reach your G-spot.”

  He gently inserted the slim, pink device inside her, and she felt pressure on her upper wall. He thrust it slowly, and it moved easily with the lube and her own moisture. “Do you feel your G-spot? There?”

  She felt a tingling pressure from the press of the vibrator. “Yeah.” Despite her intense arousal, she felt curiosity prompt her. “I thought from the way it’s described in love scenes that hitting your G-spot would cause this huge jolt of pleasure.”

  Ander shook his head, still pumping the vibrator slowly inside her. “It can ge
t that way, but it’s a cumulative effect. Most women need to be aroused before they can feel it at all. Then it takes some building up before you can get the best sensations.”

  As he continued pumping, she started to feel the tingling pleasure intensify.

  “Do you want to try it,” he asked, “To make sure you can find it yourself?”

  Lori reached down between her legs to take the vibrator and slide it in and out like Ander had. It was a little embarrassing, but his lessons would do her no good if she couldn’t find it on her own. She angled it until she felt her G-spot again and parted her lips at the renewed stimulation.

  “Good?” Ander asked, his eyes moving from her face to the device that was penetrating her intimately, wet now and making a faint, embarrassing sucking sound as she moved it.


  She let Ander take over the vibrator again, and she gasped as he turned it on. The sensations swelled up so intensely and so quickly that she arched and clawed at the sheets.

  “Too much?” he asked. She couldn’t see his eyes in the dim room. Couldn’t read his expression.

  She fisted her fingers in the sheets. “Really, really good.”

  He kept pumping the pulsing vibrator against her G-spot until Lori’s body tightened brutally and she panted loud and frantic.

  Then he pulled it out. “Sorry. I better stop now or you’ll come. You should be able to get a really good orgasm that way. If you can’t get all the way there, try rubbing your clit at the same time.”

  Lori nodded in acknowledgment of this advice. Her cheeks blazed, and she could feel herself perspiring. Her arousal was a throbbing ache between her legs. “I really need to come,” she admitted, tempted to sneak her own hand between her legs.

  “Are you ready for intercourse?”

  “Yeah. Please.”

  Ander returned the vibrator to the nightstand as he climbed off the bed. She watched as he slid his silk boxers down over his hips. His erection sprang free and bobbed a few times. He was big—at least as far as Lori could tell—and even in the low light she could see that his shaft was a slightly deeper color than the rest of him.


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