EMOTION MARKET: the Tailor of Hearts - A gripping psychological thriller

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EMOTION MARKET: the Tailor of Hearts - A gripping psychological thriller Page 8

by Dimitris Chasapis

  She was a beautiful woman; she had even won a beauty contest in her teens, but now at 38 there was still a lot of room for improvement. Her dressing style, according to close friends who cared, could use the advice of an expert. She would never become a woman obsessed with her looks, but she felt like getting a whole new wardrobe. It would certainly make her feel better, more confident.

  “Confidence!” she exclaimed.

  It was a crucial element in one’s character; so important to the way people lived. It was very easy for her to give in to the urge inside her that told her to tamper her confidence when they had started testing the emotion market tech. She knew that her life would change instantly had she went on with it. She would feel wonderful about herself. Those lucky few who naturally had a confidence surplus were no doubt unaware of the blessing. It was impossible for them to know, to feel what having a really bad day felt like! If only people realized the innumerable variables of having confidence or not in everyday life.

  Compared to her looks, though, her most important asset was her intelligence. The Nobel Prize remained a timeless recognition award. Very few people in history had reached this specific peak at such a young age. So long as she felt confident, everything would turn out well. It was four months ago when she hesitated on whether to buy confidence or not. That day, she promised to herself to give her confidence a gradual boost and not an instant one from an invasive procedure in an EM. All this time, day by day, she discovered different aspects of the confidence emotion unravelling before her. She had all the skills needed to feel confident and she saw that this method actually worked. Knowing that she could feel confident instantly made her want to earn the emotion the natural way. Bit by bit. If this way had worked for her, then it was bound to work for others. Naturally the emotional invasive procedure would have a parallel instructive impact to anyone who had it. And quite simply the final outcome couldn’t be predicted with certainty. Anyone who bought an emotion learned how to live with it, getting used to the new daily routine, carrying this emotion along with every experience. The annual guarantee of duration provided by the ICEC was in fact a training period. Training to accept the newly bought emotion! This training period would constitute happy experiences that would in turn be reflected and registered in one’s brain memory cells.

  This was a very interesting topic to develop in her speech at the PATOTTM conference. She could parallel this general idea with an emotion that pretty much everyone has felt—the feeling of being in love! A clear memory of how everything around us is filtered through the emotion of being in love; the memory of every smell, sound and experience being felt differently. Fascinating, almost magical...

  It would be the same with any emotion bought from an emotion market. The psychological effect will be the same in volume as when we’re in love. Everything will be filtered through the newly acquired emotion. That’s the definition and proof of the saying “We are what we feel.”

  In an emotion market, people can change how they feel, and therefore change who they are!



  New York

  The weather was awkward that morning in New York. At first it was sunny with lots of wind and then it turned gloomy and cloudy. Mary Ann West was reminiscent of the weather in winter. “Winter is coming” was one of her favorite lines from Game Of Thrones.

  She was quite heavily dressed given the season. It was a long ride to Stanboro Hospital, but this visit was a necessity. Her driver left them at the eastern entrance of Stanboro and went on to park at the visitor’s parking area. As always, she was accompanied by Sergio, and she was wearing her black shades and dressed elegantly, with a white formal shirt and pants, white jacket and a scarf wrapped around her hair in a glamorous 60’s style. Hidao Casar followed them from a distance. Mary Ann’s visit to the hospital would under normal conditions be out of the question. Something she would never attempt due to the secrecy of her involvement in Eidan’s accident. Given that he was her assistant, though, there shouldn’t be any implications. It was all right for her to visit so long as no one could link her to the incident. Bertha and Isaac had gone to too much trouble for her visit there not to leak in the news. Sadly, her every step was news and now was one of the moments she regretted being all that famous!

  Eidan was in his second week of hospitalization there and the update on his health was relatively good. He had successfully undergone surgery for multiple fractures in his hands and pelvis and was finally on course for recovery. He was the one that had called two days ago and asked for this visit. Eidan had many questions concerning the accident that had nearly cost him his life. He kept on asking and asking over the phone until she had promised to visit him personally.

  “We’ll speak in private,” Mary Ann had said although the call was made through a secure line that Sergio had provided. She still couldn’t be sure that the call wouldn’t be intercepted. Eidan’s room was on the 14th floor of Stanboro. The woman at the info-desk at the entrance didn’t register their entry on the visitor’s list. Sergio had displayed his NSA badge, proving to be extremely resourceful once again. Mary Ann together with Hidao would enter Eidan’s room while Sergio would wait outside. Hidao’s healing powers were just the thing for a man recovering from a serious accident. Even a brief session would do the job.

  The two of them went inside and saw Eidan struggling to eat his breakfast. His right arm seemed fully functional, but his grimacing face indicated that he was in pain. The joy on his face when he saw her quickly gave way to the subdued look he normally had with Mary Ann West.

  “Good morning, Miss West! I did not expect you to come after all...”

  “I told you I would and I did, Eidan! Here I am!” said Mary Ann with a motherly smile.

  “And the lady is...” said Eidan waiting to be introduced to Hidao.

  “She is a friend. She’s here to help you. My friend specializes in energy transfer; she’s the transmitter and you will be the receiver. No need to know more.”

  “Thank you, Miss West, but there’s no need to... They’re taking good care of me here.”

  Mary Ann nodded to Hidao and she discretely stepped outside the room.

  “Eidan, did you speak to anyone about that night?” asked the journalist.

  “No, no Miss West. I don’t think so… I mean, I don’t remember much.”

  “You don’t think so? You’re not sure?”

  “My memory is a bit cloudy… especially during the first two days at the hospital. I think two men visited me… but can’t say for sure… maybe I imagined it all…”

  “What men?”

  “Don’t know… they were both tall I think and they asked questions, but I’m pretty sure they were from the insurance company… can’t even tell if it was a dream…”

  Mary Ann started to panic but tried to hide it from Eidan.

  “What did they ask?”

  “They asked about the reason why I was driving on 12th Avenue. Where was I headed…?

  “And did you tell them?”

  “I don’t remember where I was headed. I remember you… you were upset in the parking lot of J.T… and I remember the purse that I gave you, but then… then you told me to follow you... What had happened? I can’t tell… Why were you so desperate? What had happened?”

  “You don’t remember what I’ve told you?” asked Mary Ann.

  “No, I’m sorry… What was it?”

  “It makes no difference now! Are you absolutely sure you didn’t tell them of our meeting, of me telling you to follow me?”

  “Yes, I'm sure. What happened then? They’re telling me that the truck driver who crashed into me has disappeared. He left the truck there and is nowhere to be found. The insurance company told me the truck was stolen.”

  “I am aware of the details. Listen, Eidan... The circumstances of your accident are strange. I can’t elaborate further as to why I had you follow me because I will put both our lives at risk. You have to c
ompletely forget about the details of that night. Tell everyone you don’t remember a thing and that you’d wish to forget everything about that terrible accident.”

  “I'll do as you ask, Miss West... Could I help you with something else?”

  “It’ll be really helpful if you forgot you even met me at the parking level of the J.T. Know this, Eidan! I always help those who help me and my help is something you can really count on.”

  Eidan knew better than to inquire further about the incident. It was clear that Mary Ann needed secrecy. The need for this secrecy implied there was more to this accident of his than what they had discussed. There was a direct link between his boss and his accident. He was laying on the hospital bed, with his two cranial fractures and small brain hematoma and still was full of questions. It wasn’t the first time that he had bowed to her will. Although seeking answers was tempting at the time, he realized it wouldn’t do him any good. They spoke of nothing else and Mary Ann whispered a word in Japanese that he didn’t get. The door opened and the Japanese woman entered the room once more. She was kind of scary…

  “I’m leaving you in good hands, Eidan! We informed your doctors about this session and they promised to leave the two of you alone for a while. I trust you’ll find your session with Hidao invigorating.”

  Mary Ann left the room accompanied by the mysterious man that Eidan saw through the shutters, standing motionless guarding the outside of the room. The thought of blackmailing Mary Ann suddenly crossed his mind. If she wanted him to keep his mouth shut, she would have to pay. She had insisted a great deal; therefore, she had something to hide! As if the Japanese woman had heard his thought, she stared at him with a hard look. This one look of hers was enough for him to dismiss his thought. He would decide later about the right course of action. For now he would simply lie back and surrender to the experienced energy emitting hands of Hidao, or whatever her name was, who was definitely making more money than him.



  Washington, DC

  Parsons house on 16th Avenue was a dream house for many. Its automated lighting system made it look alive and friendly all the way from dusk till dawn. It was designed in order to produce this very effect. The value of exterior space lighting was well established in a recent study that demonstrated how it could affect the subconscious mind. The lighting of the exterior resembled the kind of people who inhabited its interior. Susan’s image maker had hastened to change the house’s exterior lighting one week before the project Lumina was published. He had inside information… Although Ethan was skeptical with such innovations, he now couldn’t deny what he saw before his eyes.

  A luxurious, quiet and cozy, moral family home!

  A home fit for his wife’s profile!

  He was about to fall into contemplation of beautiful moments he and Susan had had in this house when a knock on his car window made him jump with fear. It was their next door neighbor cheerfully greeting him. Ethan opened the car window and pretended he too was happy to see the man. They spoke about several nonsense topics that people do when normally they shouldn’t be talking to each other at all. Mr. Hubert was a boring man! It was when Ethan stepped into their home that he had one last thing to state.

  “Please tell your wife on my behalf that I really admire her and President Walters! This new health bill they’re promoting is wonderful! This Walters Care I mean…”

  Ethan graciously thanked the neighbor and walked hastily inside to avoid Mr. Hubert’s follow up questions.

  Susan isn’t all that bad, he thought. People seemed to trust her. He felt, however, that her personality was clearly overrated and that pretty soon this perfect profile of hers would eventually collapse. He wondered what impact this collapse might have to her as a mother. Mike was a sweet child. Energetic but quiet and serious in general and his mommy meant the world to him. Despite all their differences of opinion in child raising issues, Ethan had never blamed his wife, at least not in front of their son. He hoped Susan didn’t either! He was at the kitchen when he heard the familiar noise that Susan’s motorcade made. It usually consisted of two cars but now, looking out of the window, he counted four.

  “What the hell…” he mumbled.

  A little humbleness wouldn’t hurt! He couldn’t get why it was necessary for their home to become the neighborhood attraction every time Susan arrived home. Looking steadily from the window, he saw her disembark from the second car on the row followed by Connor Connelly. Or was it Peterson? He still couldn’t tell her assistants from one another. They all looked alike wearing these identical black or dark blue suits. Both of them carried an umbrella since it had just started to drizzle. It was one of those drizzles that felt soothing on the skin and the soul.

  Nobody else came out of the cars that were parked outside. They would patiently wait there until she returned. Ethan sensed that this meeting wouldn’t last for long. How could it? Susan’s program was very tight and delays weren’t allowed. She certainly was expected to appear at various events! The four cars that were parked outside his home were a constant reminder that his precious wife had no time to spare for stupid family issues. He felt angry and sad at the same time.

  Connor opened the door for her while she was on the phone making claims about how politics was tough business for someone that wanted to do right. Ethan gave her a look of disapproval and she nodded back. She tried to whisper something to him, but he raised his hand and stopped her. He just wouldn’t have it! He refused to get into a conversation with her while she was still on the phone. A faint grimace of discontent appeared on her face as Ethan nodded to her assistant, showing him the room in which he was to wait. Ethan almost pitied him and asked if he wanted anything to drink. Connor refused and disappeared into the dining room, closing the door gently behind him. Ethan took the chance to observe Susan for the last remaining seconds of her phone call. She was facing the other way and couldn’t see the lusty look in his eyes. She was so pretty on that rainy afternoon.

  She wore a narrow tweed skirt that enhanced her beautiful curves. Her high heels made her calves look impeccable and the simple gray shirt and jacket on top made her very sexy… Her hair... oh that beautiful hair...

  Ethan thought it had been a while since he last had sex and started to giggle. He was giggling when she ended her call and looked at him. He still had the lustful look in his eyes but didn’t care.

  He nodded twice to come to his senses and then pointed to the room that Connor had retreated to and asked with irony:

  “Was that necessary?”

  “What do you mean? You know that he’s with me all the time.”

  “And what about the cars waiting outside? It seems like they’re multiplying.”

  “It’s the new protective detail protocol that the President initiated.”

  “Is he afraid for your life?”

  “It’s precautionary… People have gone crazy! They don’t realize what we’re doing.”

  “I myself wonder if you know what you’re doing, Susan!”

  “Cut the crap, Ethan! If I don’t, then who does? And please tell me quickly what was so important that couldn’t wait.”

  Susan didn’t want to be there, so Ethan decided to spare her the delay. He hastily narrated the incident at Mike's elementary school and the understanding that he and Miss Coldwell had come to. From now on they both should refrain from talking politics in front of Mike. Susan took the whole thing rather lightly though she was pissed at those children that had called her names. Such audacity!

  “My sweet Mike!” said Susan.

  Ethan saw a hint of gratitude emblazoned on her face. Her only son had defended her.

  “That’s exactly what I was to referring to earlier. The world has gone mad with this emotion market business! They are all so anachronistic; how can they expect things to change if they can’t accept a medical tech breakthrough?”

  “This has nothing to do with you!”

  “Of cou
rse it does! Can’t you see? Walters didn’t accidentally put me in charge! He selected me to be the head of this reform bill because I am his best chance of bringing the valued social acceptance that Walters Care needs.”

  “Which emotion would you buy, Susan?” asked Ethan with a serious gaze.

  “I’m not quite sure. What difference does it make?”

  “It makes all the difference in the world! You’re promoting this so badly that you ought to know.”

  “Ethan, stop being smart and just try to comply with our memorandum of understanding. I find it difficult to manage things with your carelessness! If something has changed in our understanding, I would like to know. Things are getting very serious for me now and I don’t feel like taking chances. Think of Mike.”

  “I assure you, he’s my top priority, contrary to you! I’ll continue doing my best.”

  “Your best is just not good enough, Ethan!”

  “I think I’m doing pretty well pretending we’re happily married,” said Ethan sarcastically.

  “Oh… you make it sound so difficult.”

  “Susan, are you sleeping with Walters?”

  “That is enough, Ethan! You're a fool to ask me that. Connor! We’re leaving!”

  The motorcade left as noisily as it had arrived. The way she had reacted cleared away Ethan’s doubts about the nature of her relationship with President Walters. There was no doubt. Susan was sleeping with him and this was bad news for the entire nation!



  Washington, DC


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