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EMOTION MARKET: the Tailor of Hearts - A gripping psychological thriller

Page 15

by Dimitris Chasapis

  At the Shard he was greeted with respect. All the personnel had been informed of the ICEC meeting in London and warned there would be unexpected visits from its members. They knew him and all the other members by sight. He didn’t have to give his name. Of course he showed his ICEC card for security reasons. They were right to ask for it or he would have reported them. It seemed security procedures were well established. All over the world, the ICEC members enjoyed free access to the Emotion Markets. Money was not an issue; the salary was quite big, but in this way they were more in touch with the philosophy of the EM. Emotional evolution would succeed only through frequent invasive emotional procedures. Nobody obliged him to modify his fear. However, it was considered responsible behavior that whenever an ICEC member felt a sudden emotional change, he had it fixed.

  “If only everyone functioned like that!” he thought. The particular demands of each one’s post dictated whether it was all right to allow emotional changes to happen. It was not possible for him. Alas if those making decisions regarding the emotional control of society did not themselves have emotional stability and cohesion. Only the young doctor kept the frequency of her invasive procedures a secret. There was something there. Ashton and other ICEC members had mentioned it quite a few times in private conversations. Reporting your procedures was not obligatory, but Caroline Emerson was inexplicably secretive about hers. Nobody had ever dared ask her about the subject, but they were all talking about it. Which emotions she had modified, how often and to what extent? Ashton thought perhaps Caroline Emerson was entitled to her privacy. It was basically nobody’s business to know exactly someone else’s emotional world… Hers in particular! Without her, none of this would have happened! It was her prerogative!

  Ashton stayed at the EM for only 20 minutes, during which he found the time to ask the employees what working there was like. They were all enthusiastic, maybe excessively so. He thought that was not unreasonable since they had recently started work there. They had been chosen carefully based on their credentials and emotional qualifications. They had all, without exception, had the volume of their basic emotions measured and everybody satisfied the standards set. Those found lacking in basic emotions were asked to modify them accordingly. If they declined, they simply could not work for an EM.

  The subject had proven difficult when discussed in one of the first meetings of the ICEC.

  “The council will be accused of cloning its employees emotionally,” Janet Rogers had insisted.

  The verdict of the ensuing debate was that a business selling emotions had no room for employees without at least an average emotional balance. Most of the employees could potentially be required to advise clients in need of guidance. They would have to deal with personal issues with impartiality, responsibility, honesty and absolute objectivity. Therefore, for an EM employee to be able to take on this advisory role, certain emotional qualifications were needed. After all, psychological states could be extremely delicate. It was clear there was no margin for loose ends. Although the clients took the responsibility when they submitted to an emotional invasive procedure, the ICEC had unanimously decided they would do anything to safeguard the fame and value of the services provided by the EM. That included pre and post emotional invasive procedure assessments with the clients. Everyone had to be happy with their purchases. That was the whole point to begin with. That was Caroline Emerson’s vision for society. Emotional enhancement to promote one’s personal road to fulfillment!

  Emotionally certified employees! That’s what Emotion Market needed for the desirable outcome to society. Ashton was certain many more companies would follow that tactic. There would have to be legal limitations to the selective hiring methods of companies, but surely it would be a step forward to assuring the quality of consulting services for the public. Ashton thought many things were wrong on the planet because people in crucial posts didn`t do their job well. Emotional certification would reduce that factor significantly.

  Ashton Delaware could already imagine that in some years, even months maybe, it would be considered dangerous if people occupying key posts in multinational corporations, organizations, even governments had not gone through emotional invasive procedures. Who would trust them if they didn’t? They wouldn’t be able to trust themselves, either. It was meant to happen. Society changed and that change was progress!

  Getting out of the Shard, he felt all powerful. He had achieved something very important during his 20 minute stay at the EM. Due to the sudden fear that had overcome him and sent him running to the EM London, he had had an epiphany he could share with the others at ICEC. He had foreseen things to come! Caroline Emerson’s discovery and the ensuing technology were creating new social conditions. There had to exist a specific link between fear and euphoria because as soon as he had reduced the former, he felt ecstatic. Every observation he had made so far led to the unknown and possibly countless correlations between emotions.



  “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”

  Friedrich Nietzsche

  New York

  Mary Ann West’s office on the 58th floor of Journal Today was pulsing these last 3 days. Everything had to be well-planned for and just right. It was the day of the crucial interview! Mary Ann had already learned by heart the questions she would ask Nicky Fallows. Researching his background hadn’t taken long as his profile was often featured in the media lately. Housewives, children, even the elderly knew who Nicky Fallows was. In many countries he was considered a revolutionary! That’s what reporters liked to call him. He was the key figure in the effort to undermine and close down the EMs. A large portion of the public liked Nicky Fallows and his interview on 10 with Mary Ann would bring more admirers. That was for sure.

  This was the first time in Mary Ann West’s career that a guest had imposed himself on her…Nicky fallows was hot news indeed, but she would rather have invited him to her show of her own initiative, her own way, not like this…

  She knew who it was when she heard two knocks on the door; the only person who had the right to interrupt her meditation.

  “He will be here shortly. He and his team, that is,” Isaac said.

  “What team?” Mary Ann asked.

  “No idea. That’s what he said on the phone. That his associates are joining him on the interview.”

  “No way I’m letting members of his team join the interview! You know it’s impossible. He knows it, too. It’s a one to one show – everybody knows that!” Mary Ann said angrily.

  “What do you want me to do – block the entrance?”

  “No need. Sergio will handle that. Let me know the minute they set foot in the building.”

  Bertha was at her house with Jeffrey and his two bodyguards. Mary Ann generally felt secure with the two men guarding her son, but now she was afraid. The memory of his recent kidnapping paralyzed her. Bertha had been told to call the police immediately if anything out of the ordinary happened. She was afraid they might try something today, too. Obviously Jeffrey’s abduction was related to the EM somehow. In what way, she couldn’t imagine. Who was behind all this? That was the question eating at her soul. She realized the financial interests were colossal. It was clear that behind Jeffrey’s kidnapping were people related to the EM. She had done everything they asked…There was nothing else she could do. However, what seemed obvious didn’t appear to be true. The newborn EM industry did not need her intervention. The advertisement was ingenious. Many would love to follow the example of the legendary Mary Ann West and make an appointment at an EM. Many others would want to know what she ate and drank or where she bought her clothes.

  If only she wasn’t so afraid for Jeffrey….

  It was for his sake that she had obeyed the kidnappers and advertised the EM. She would go along with this fixed interview for him again this time. President Walters had called her personally. The opposite side had
to be given the chance to express their opinion. Walters knew how to get what he wanted. He had threatened her that if she refused to invite Nicky Fallows to 10 with Mary Ann, the government would demand she be punished as an example. She had broken the law on uninfluenced judgment and public opinion was he was behind that!

  “I will not allow that, Mary Ann! Your friendship with my wife and the careless mistake you made can jeopardize our entire effort to pass the reform bill. Deidre agrees it`s in everybody’s best interest that you do the interview with this Nicky Fallows. We have thought this through…” he said, his persuasive presidential voice coming through the secure line.

  This interview was not in the best interest of the Walters administration, especially now, when they wanted to pass the reform bill on health. But John Walters was cunning. He knew well how to shape public opinion and that everyone was aware of his wife’s friendship with Mary Ann West. He wanted Nicky Fallows` ideas to be heard loud and clear so the people could compare and make up their minds. The last thing Walters needed right now was for his administration to be accused of bias and censoring contrary opinions. His staff hoped Nicky Fallows would make an unconvincing case. They had researched him thoroughly and knew he was a populist. His arguments were simplistic, so was his way of speaking. Mary Ann wondered if the interview she was going to do served the same purpose as the one she had done with Caroline Emerson. If that was true, how could she be sure they wouldn’t try to try to hurt Jeffrey again? She didn’t trust President Walters at all and was puzzled how her close friend, Deidre, did not see him for what he was. Or possibly she did. Nevertheless she chose to still be with him. How sad…

  Isaac interrupted her thoughts again. He entered her office and announced, “They are here.”

  The hour of truth had come. Nothing else mattered. Whatever was meant to take place would happen in the next 20 minutes. Mary Ann was sure of that. Jeffrey’s safety was the only thing on her mind. She called her house and, after speaking to Bertha, asked to see her son on the screen. “He may already be asleep,” Bertha said but she didn’t care. Mary Ann told the woman to wake him up if he was sleeping to say hello to his mom. Bertha wasn’t pleased as she knew it would be hard to get him to go to bed again, but did as she was told.

  How sweet his face was when he woke up… He looked grumpy but so sweet. The few seconds the call took were enough to set her mind at ease. Her baby was all right, safe and sound, in the warmth of their house with people around him. Of course she had believed him to be safe on the day of the abduction, but he had been taken from the house; nobody knew how. Mary Ann thought things would be much worse if she hadn’t gone to the New York EM two days before. She visited it in absolute secrecy. She had said nothing to Isaac, Sergio, Deidre Walters or Bertha. She had had two emotions reduced: stress and fear. The situation was much worse than she could ever imagine. When the manager at the EM measured the volume of these two emotions, he was amazed with the results, which were almost as high as the meter could go.

  “It seems you are under an imminent threat, Ms. West. Would you like me to call the police?” he had asked.

  Marshaling all her persuasive powers, she was able to assure him there was nothing to worry about. She said something had happened at work to upset her. “Nothing important, believe me. I overreacted to something insignificant, so I came to you.” “Sometimes our emotions are wrong, Ms. West.”

  There was no need to say more. The man knew who she was and that her time was limited. The invasive procedure was soon over and she was finally rid of the excessive stress and fear. How thoughtful and convenient of Dr. Emerson to have made this discovery.

  The last two days had been relatively easy for Mary Ann. She occupied herself with routine work and research for the day. She could handle everything better without her stress and phobias. Now the crucial meeting with Nicky Fallows was imminent and she felt some fear return. A headache was coming on and her knees were weak. “Get a hold of yourself. Everything will be all right,” she whispered to her reflection on the only mirror in the office while rearranging her hair. She laughed when she pictured her stylist’s expression if he saw her mess with his creation. Her laughter was cut short when she heard the commotion outside her office. She missed her secretary, she missed Eidan. The young temp was a real disaster. She went out radiating poise and power; everyone fell silent.

  “I do not think it is the time or place for shouting. Nice to meet you,” she greeted Nicky Fallows from a distance.

  “Tell your people to back off, Ms. West. They are blocking the entrance to my team,” he replied.

  “Mr. Fallows, you came here to be heard, right?”

  “Right, but…”

  “There’s only one way for that to happen,” she interrupted him politely.

  “Your way Miss West?”

  “Precisely. Now, I am willing to let these good people in, as long as you promise they will keep quiet. I have never had a live audience in my show, you see, and I don’t intend to start now.”

  “Very well… Anyway, they are not here to speak but to support me.”

  “Dear Mr. Fallows, you’ll find that appearing on 10 with Mary Ann will provide you with all the support you’ll ever need. Just make sure that while we are on the air yours is the only voice I hear besides my own.”

  “Roger,” Nicky said and nodded.

  Mary Ann’s manner surprised her team. Flexibility was not one of her assets and she had never tolerated this kind of behavior before. Not even from heads of states that had appeared on the show. This impossible character who had barged in with his people was rather lucky. He was no one important. That would happen after the show. Everybody knew that. He must also realize there was some unseen force helping him be on the set; he just didn’t know what it was. He would soon find that out, but it would be too late.

  Nicky went to the entrance hall where his friends were waiting. The group was made up of two men, two women and a representative of the Church, Reverend Winters. He explained the agreement with Mary Ann West and they seemed disappointed. The reverend agreed it was wiser that only Nicky should speak. “I am sure you will do great, my son. You are a man of God and speak His word. I have complete faith in you,” Reverend Winters said. A drop of perspiration ran down his forehead. “She said you can watch the interview quietly and from a distance,” Nicky informed them.

  The women in the group were very supportive. “We will be praying for you,” Madeline said, looking at him as if he were the Messiah. They all went quietly into Mary Ann’s office. A production assistant showed them where to sit. He placed four chairs in front of a large wooden bookcase and asked them if they needed water. They didn’t. They were amazed at the sight of the minimalist style of the furnished room with a stunning view. From afar they saw a cameraman explain to Nicky which camera he should look at. He seemed nervous. Madeline got up, meaning to go over but the assistant standing beside her stopped her saying: “Let him make himself at home, madam. You’ll be able to talk to him during the break, 7 minutes from now.”

  Mary Ann said loudly, “Crew in 2” and things suddenly got crazy. People appeared from everywhere putting on the finishing touches. A young woman showed Nicky to his seat on the set.

  A man counted down loud and clear, “9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, go!”

  The familiar, pompous opening theme signaled the start of the show.

  “Dear viewers, welcome to 10 with Mary Ann,” the journalist said in her husky voice.

  “With us tonight is Nicky Fallows, known for his struggle and tough positions against the EM! Nicky Fallows, welcome.”

  “Thank you, Mary Ann, good to be here. It’s important for me to be able to explain to our viewers the other side of the story.” Nicky sat up straight and appeared confident in his purpose.

  “We’ll discuss that in due time. People seem to be baffled by your involvement in all this. Tell us first, Nicky Fallows, who are you really?” Mary Ann’s posture was casual, but there was an intimidating
intensity in her eyes. Nicky, however, seemed unaffected.

  “I am a hard-working, moderately paid market research analyst, but above all an American citizen who loves his country.”

  “How is loving your country relevant to your fight against the Emotion Markets? Please explain.” Mary Ann leaned forward ever so slightly.

  “Glad you asked, Mary Ann. I love my homeland and its citizens. I see an unprecedented danger in this repulsive new technology.” Nicky’s tone changed uncontrollably and the passion behind his words was unmistakable.

  “Danger? Why?”

  “Grave danger, I assure you.” Nicky’s body tightened with his response.

  “Nicky Fallows, on what basis are you able to assure me or anyone else on the matter?” Mary Ann locked eyes with Nicky, refusing to blink…a subtle assertion of her dominance.

  “It has to do with my job. Market research analysts study the consumers` habits and use their findings to counsel companies on packaging, branding and selling their products.”

  “So?” Mary Ann shrugged.

  “So about a year ago the companies managing the EM were customers of the research company for which I worked.”

  “Worked? Have you been sacked?”

  Nicky assumed she already knew the answer to that or else maybe she wasn’t as great a reporter as she seemed to be. Still, he answered for the benefit of the audience.

  “Yes. 8 months ago. The official reason given was downsizing the personnel, but the real reason was my objection to the whole Emotion Market philosophy.”

  “And how did this objection manifest itself?” The camera operators moved around them, but Mary Ann barely noticed them anymore.

  “My objection, Mary Ann, has to do with the way these companies see human emotions. Products! That’s all they are to them. Products like any other, needing packaging and branding to sell.” The excitement was building in Nicky’s voice, but he reminded himself he wasn’t at one of his rallies and thus refrained from yelling.


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