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EMOTION MARKET: the Tailor of Hearts - A gripping psychological thriller

Page 20

by Dimitris Chasapis

  “`Fiona… we call her Fi Fi… and… and…”

  “And?” Ethan prompted.

  “And…Lisa,” the man managed to rasp.

  “Are they in school?” Ethan asked desperately, knowing that the man was a goner if he didn’t keep on speaking.

  “Yes. Lisa, she…she likes to…draw.” Ethan could see some color returning to the man’s cheeks as he spoke about his daughters.

  They carried on talking like this for a few minutes. After a short time, Ethan looked up as the main doors to the ballroom were flung open. The paramedics had arrived. Uniformed men and women sprinted into the midst of the chaos to tend to the fatally wounded. Two men carrying a stretcher ran directly over to Ethan and the dying man.

  “We’ll take it from here, sir,” one of them said, kindly putting a hand on Ethan’s shoulder.

  “Take care of him, he has two young daughters.” Ethan’s voice caught in his throat as he imagined those two little girls growing up without their father.

  The two men quickly started working on the victim without another word. Ethan moved wordlessly away.

  He made his way through the crowd. Two more paramedics rushed over to a young child who was lying moaning uncontrollably on the floor in a puddle of his blood.

  So many had been injured. Ethan couldn’t believe how much damage had been done in the space of so little time. The whole attack had lasted maybe a minute, but the damage that Mr. Keenan had done would last a lifetime. Countless families had been destroyed.

  Ethan remembered talking to the psychotic killer earlier that day. He had seemed perfectly normal, if a little strange. Ethan hadn’t suspected a thing. He couldn’t believe he had been so stupid not to think it a little crazy that a man might be at a conference alone, carrying a suspicious looking briefcase. He clenched his fists in a rage. He took a deep breath, trying to retain control.

  So many people needed helping. Many of the able bodied were doing what they could to help those in need and comfort those who had lost someone. Strangers held each other in silence.

  Ethan saw a man who had been shaking violently suddenly go still. He had no loved ones around him. There was so much going on that nobody even noticed him die. Ethan cursed again.

  All of a sudden he spotted Caroline over the sea of mourners. She was holding Jane’s lifeless body to her chest, covered in her blood. She rocked back and forth uncontrollably. He suppressed the urge to go over to her. He wouldn’t be able to provide her with any comfort at that time.

  He hadn’t seen Susan since everything had started. In fact, he couldn’t remember seeing her on the stage when the shooting was happening. She had probably managed to slip away when the commotion had begun. He knew in his heart of hearts that she hadn’t been harmed. She was a survivor. Sure enough, he caught sight of her, heroically consoling the family of the screaming woman who had been shot. Ethan wanted to scoff. Even then, Susan’s face was carefully and artificially arranged to look appropriately crestfallen and upset for the bereaved family. Susan hadn’t come over at all to check whether her family was ok. Ethan turned away from her. Now was not the time for petty disputes with his estranged wife.

  It had only been a half an hour or so since the shooting had stopped, but it felt like hours had gone by. Ethan was exhausted. He sank to the floor and tried to gather his thoughts. The sooner people left this place of death the better. Nothing good could come from staying here.

  Paramedics carted more and more people out on stretchers. They seemed to have made five or ten journeys already.

  “Excuse me,” Ethan called up to one of the men who was picking his way back through the crowd. He stopped walking and looked down at Ethan.

  “How can I help you, sir?” the paramedic asked.

  “Do you know how many casualties there were?”

  “Six deaths, sir. We put the number of people injured at around 45, but it is difficult to know at this point.”

  Ethan thanked the man who then carried on making his way through the crowd, looking for more victims that he could help.

  Finally, Ethan put his head in his hands and gave in to the infectious despair that was engulfing everyone who had been present at the PATTOTM conference that day.



  Emotions dominate everything. Every thought and word, every act… Which of the acts of men don’t involve an emotion? None! As much as it appears that in everyday life there are thoughts words or acts that occur unintentionally in reality there’s a mechanism behind it all linking it directly to our emotional self. Even the supposed subconscious breath we so frequently take. Breathing also leads back to an emotion. The emotion is none other than the zest for life! People who commit suicide have lost zest for life and therefore suffocate voluntarily.

  Vast tons of money have been spent for the comprehension, manipulation and transcendence of emotions. In depth analyses, lying on a comfortable armchair or couch, with endless silence in the beginning, subconscious words that are spoken, inarticulate howls of agony and pain until the source-event starts to gradually appear. Therapy can help most, if not all. It is best for anyone to understand that a psychiatrist is no magician from a fairytale. There is no magic wand that can make emotional deficiencies or surpluses disappear. Great personal effort is needed. As in all things. Anyone that craves emotional healing must possess patience and persistence. If these qualities of character don’t apply one must definitely seek counseling. Becoming your own friend is a huge step towards emotional healing…

  That was the end of the article that Sebastian refused to read from the start. Its title asked Newbie in Psychotherapy?

  The main reason he actually read some of it was to prove to himself that he was no newbie. The other was that people around him often suggested therapy to him. Were they all superficial and rude or was there any truth to it?, he wondered. The fact that he was the only child of an extremely wealthy family had a lot to do with what he had become. A spoiled brat! That’s what he was and there was no point in denying it. Some people had the nerve to state it clearly to his mother. Saying to a parent they’ve spoiled their child was a diminishing statement for both parent and child. As a follow-up to this statement usually came a grimace of contempt and sorrow and Sebastian couldn’t think of anything worse than people pitying him.

  Uncle Bob suddenly popped into his head. He was to blame for Sebastian’s emotional traumas. Perhaps not for all but certainly for most! He absolutely hated uncle Bob, his mother’s brother. Even now that he was relatively harmless due to his advanced age. Sebastian realized that his uncle might not be the monster he always had thought him to be, but quite often all bad guys and monsters in his nightmares had something from Uncle Bob’s appearance. It was either his crooked nose and his coarse hands, or that awful, sweet odor of his sweat that sickened him. Even the slightest thought on Uncle Bob made Sebastian’s face to quiver rhythmically. His eyes half-closed with anger… his forehead plastered into wrinkles… Mother always said he looked ugly when doing these grimaces. Sebastian’s eyebrows now rose in two arrows whose one and only target was Uncle Bob. It was a childish fantasy of his to cause Uncle Bob to suffer!

  He drank another sip from his latte. He then used his right index to pick up crumbles from the fruit tart he had devoured a few minutes earlier. The envelope he was carrying in his jacket felt heavy. For a moment he felt like it was causing him to lean slightly to the left. He wanted it very badly to have been chosen. He wasn’t ready yet to open the envelope that was burdening his pocket. It was the answer to his online application… His excuses for delaying the moment of truth were over. He took a deep breath and found the courage to finally do it!

  His head was taken over by a buzzy feeling unlike nothing he had experienced before! It was affirmative! He had been chosen after all! He was the 9th candidate of the first group!

  Revenge was finally in due course! Thought Sebastian while forming a malicious smile…

p; ***

  A month had passed. The shock to the society from the attack in Waldorf Astoria was still very big. Most funerals of the people who died that day were attended by the President of the United States in person. Especially at Jane Emerson’s funeral, things were like a war hero had died. This was the case for the entire Nation and the State for Dr. Caroline Emerson’s mother.

  As with all terrorist attacks, the nation was united against Mr. Keenan and all he represented. His killing spree had marred an important day for the US and would be remembered for generations to come for its terror and grief. But, it had also caused the revival of the feeling of freedom that every citizen is entitled to. Freedom of speech, freedom of beliefs! Society couldn’t tolerate bullying of any sort. The sociopath Mr. Keenan had taught a horrific lesson with his act. Few had learned it the hard way, but many had understood its value. Modern societies couldn’t tolerate terrorist acts. They just wouldn’t have it!

  Visits to Emotion Markets around the globe had multiplied. Attempts from some were made to put the blame for Mr. Keenan’s atrocities on his recent visit to an Emotion Market. Mostly they had failed. As it turned out, right after his attack, it was discovered that the identity papers that he had presented to the Emotion Market in Boston were forged. The same applied for Dr. Oscar Johnson, the psychiatrist who counselled him. Mr Keenan had tricked everyone… Taylor Livestrong was the real name behind the assassin. The security breach that had presented was solved immediately, in just a matter of days. Now everyone involved in this process, from psychiatrists and psychologists to the Emotion Market Company, they had all acquired special devices that proved the authenticity of identity papers. In cases where there was even the slightest doubt about the matter, the customer was required to provide a blood sample on the spot! The blood was analyzes to show whether the client had been treated with psychotropic substances. Just once was enough for this fatal error to occur!

  Caroline Emerson had seemingly overcome the terrible ordeal with repeated visits to Emotion Markets and continuously being monitored by psychiatrists affiliated with the ICEC. Almost all attendees at the PATOTTM annual conference had undergone the same process generously offered by the Caroline Emerson Foundation in Washington, DC. The results, even as soon as a month later, were encouraging for everyone. A gradual reduction in the intensity of grief, terror and anger was selected for all. A gradual increase in intensity for joy was selected for some. The rapid reduction of the unpleasant emotions was inappropriate. All related psychiatrists had agreed to that. They wanted the victims of that day to be aware of things… Aware of the hurtful truth! Most of the victims of the tragedy had agreed to slowly part with their pain.

  The unfortunate incident had highlighted the necessity and value of Emotion Markets in people's lives. Everyone could gradually be all right again. The pain and grief could be under control. Still, there were a few that believed the true cause for this massacre was that had undergone an Emotional Invasive Procedure in the Boston EM.

  Meanwhile, Caroline’s burden was very heavy. It was a steep price to pay for her discovery and its success. Losing her mother in vain, so horribly… From the hands of a madman who simply managed to hide his true identity!

  She had to be strong! Strong for herself and for the whole world! Every innovation is fought in the beginning.

  Ethan had stood by her discreetly throughout this month. There wasn’t any time for romance; they both knew that all too well. They met twice in absolute secrecy. His compassion and understanding in this difficult phase of her life together with the fact that Ethan was luscious was all she could wish for.

  Ethan Parsons was one of the few who had refused to undergo the emotional invasive procedure offered for free from the Healing Foundation. He insisted he didn’t need it. This man was confident he could control his emotions without help from the medical tech available. He had only agreed to visit a psychologist.

  Susan Parsons had followed the same path as the majority. Her involvement in this terrible incident had increased her popularity. Public opinion was in favor of this dynamic politician and good mother that had demonstrated exceptional strength of character that day. Testimonies of people who were at the PATOTTM annual conference placed Susan among those who helped others survive the attack. It was yet another well elaborated campaign to her benefit. Ethan’s aversion for his wife grew stronger, knowing that all this wasn’t true. She was a ruthless, exploiting woman that he could no longer be with.

  Walters Care had a short drawback due to the incident. The crucial vote in Congress was postponed indefinitely and since the day of the attack part of the press referred to the reform law in Health as Parsons Care! Some Republicans also dared to call it that in public, mainly highlighting the vital part Congresswoman Parsons had in this whole affair. Things were going surprisingly well for Susan!

  During this period, Mary Ann West went on with 10 with Mary Ann, focusing on guests that had no involvement whatsoever with Emotion Markets or the PATOTTM annual conference. It was clear that she avoided it. Essentially she just wanted to be able to forget. It was pure chance that she hadn’t attended the conference herself. Kira Bentley could be the new America's darling reporter, but Mary Ann West was quite indifferent to that. Kira could have all the publicity in the world and still she couldn’t care less! She felt blessed for not being present at the conference that day. Sergio had strongly suggested she better didn’t attend such a mass gathering of people. How foreseeing of him… and of her to have taken his advice. She felt blessed that she and Jeffrey were safe and sound... The ordeal of Jeffrey’s kidnapping had strengthened her a lot and now she knew better than to take anything for granted.

  The society, though, was craving more! People wanted more drama, more evidence in order to be persuaded. Public opinion polls highlighted the people’s need to know what they’re dealing with. And there was only one way to meet that public demand. The NBC network made headlines once again by managing to come to an arrangement with the Emotion Market Company.

  A reality show would premiere in two months’ time, broadcasting live globally!

  Emotional Survivor!

  People around the globe could watch it live and uncensored. The aftermath of a visit to an Emotion Market would be in public disposal. They could compare and decide! They could vote for the evolution of the show. They could determine whether someone is good or bad emotionally. Adequate or not! Humanist or self-centred! They could decide on everything! The place where Emotional Survivor would be held remained unknown.

  All that NBC had leaked to the press was that it wouldn’t be filmed in studios. The living conditions had to be difficult. The circumstances had to be impossible. It is when under difficult conditions that the nature of people is revealed!

  That’s what Emotional Survivor would be all about.

  The emotional revelation of mankind!

  To be continued…

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