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Page 10

by Costa, Bella

  "You look a little stunned." He's amused.

  "Uh huh." My brain still refuses to function past visual appreciation and sated physical self-awareness.

  "You never had an orgasm with Robert, did you?" His eyes are full of wonder but his voice doesn't hide the irritation.

  Christ, that's what that was! I'm not sure how I know, but I'm content that his irritation isn't directed at me and I bite my lip, blushing furiously.

  "Was that you first ever orgasm? You've never given yourself one?"

  Still blushing, I hide under a forearm but I can feel his eyes, as Chayton continues to gaze as me. I peek and his expression grows perceptively harder and darker as we gaze at each other and the air between us starts to crackle again. Slowly he brings his mouth down to mine and I let him in immediately. Our tongues entwine, stroke and taste. He tastes salty and knowing where his tongue has just been, I realise why. Instead of disgusting me, it turns me on.

  I drag my fingers through his hair, and pull and our kiss deepens, becoming desperate and feverish. Our breath mingles and my heart is pounding so hard I fear I might pass out if I don't come for air soon.

  I hear the tear of foil but his lips do not leave mine. Finally, he shifts and moves over me, snuggling his legs between mine. Taking his weight on one elbow, alongside my head, his free hand glides from my cheek, slowly down my neck, my breastbone and onto one breast, kneading gently; then sliding down the side of my ribs. I feel his hand pause on my waist when I tug on his bottom lip with my teeth and he shudders, then it continues its journey over my hip and then between us, palming me intimately.

  A lone finger enters me, massaging me. Then there are two and the tension is building to exquisite levels again. I grind my hips subtly against him as his fingers stroke my front wall, slowly, expertly. I feel him shift and start to withdraw. I clench around his fingers, trying to hold them in and when they are gone, I moan, sinking my teeth into his lip in protest. Groaning, he nips me back then pulls back his head as he positions himself at my entrance and hovers there for an eternity, his eyes blazing into mine.

  The teasing pressure is torture and I can't take anymore. I wrap my legs around him and thrust my hips up to meet him, pulling him into me with my legs. He groans and rears up on his arms, arching his back. Hearing and feeling his arousal for me is intoxicating and I know I am nearly ready to fall over the precipice again. This time I welcome it as he starts to move his hips against mine, thrusting hard, and together we fly.

  He is still lying between my legs, his head on my chest as I languish in the aftermath of the most incredible love making I have ever experienced, I twirl a lazy finger through a lock of his hair. For the first time in my life, I know what it feels like to be treasured. I am not a fool. I have not forgotten this is a 'no strings attached' agreement. Nevertheless, I mentally hug myself because Chayton sure does know how to make me feel loved.

  Chayton turns his head, nuzzling a breast playfully before lifting himself off and out of me, settling down beside me. He runs a long finger around the edge of my face before kissing me chastely on the side of my mouth.

  His eyes have melted into soft pools and I gaze into them with reverence.

  "Don't let anyone ever tell you that you're no good at this Acacia. Send them to me and I will set them straight. Come, you need to catch up on some sleep. Let's go to bed."

  He stands and I take his hands. He pulls me to my feet and tugs me close in a tight embrace before lifting me and carrying me to bed. He puts me down and pulls back the cover.

  "Lie down."

  "You're not joining me?” I whine, feeling the cold pain of loss already.

  "Of course I am. Lie down." I lie down and he pulls the covers over me, tucking me in. I watch his well-defined, naked body stroll around to the other side of the bed and he climbs in next to me.

  "Thank you," I whisper, for so many things, for everything.

  "For what?" he snuggles up beside me and I curl up around him, my head on his shoulder.

  "For making me feel...” I trail off. For making me feel what? Loved, cherished, beautiful, wanted, sexy, important?

  "Acacia, what did Robert do to you?" He nuzzles my hair with his nose and his fingers rhythmically strum the small of my back.

  "Gee where do I start?” I mutter, not really expecting a reply.

  "Well, you can start by explaining why you've never had an orgasm. I don't have any special skills Acacia. I am not the Superman of the Sack. I haven't done anything tonight that any normal adult male isn't capable of." I would not be so sure Mister.

  Absent minded, I tug gently at a curl of soft hair on his chest in front of my nose.

  "I guess the depth of Robert's egotistical madness was worse than I thought. He made me believe that I should be getting my pleasure from pleasuring him and I... well..."

  "So you though because you had no pleasure, you were doing a bad job pleasuring him?" He shifts his head to look into my face.

  "I guess so - that and he frequently told me I was useless. Besides, he was the only man I had ever... Well, I didn't know it could be different. It was all I knew."

  Chayton sighs and holds me tighter, kissing the top of my head.

  "Acacia, he was right in a way, but very selfish about it." I lift my head to look at him in horror.

  "He was right?" My voice is small and I feel like I've been slapped.

  "Relax! He wasn't that right." He is smirking at me but his expression softens as he continues. "I get very turned on knowing that you're turned on and that maybe I had something to do with it."

  I process his words and realise he is right. Hearing his groans and heavy breathing and knowing I was doing that to him, was hot. Yes, it was a major turn on.

  "You're right." I smile as understanding dawns. "So do I!"

  Then my face falls. So why wasn't I turned on when Robert was turned on? Oh, God this is so confusing!

  "Don't waste your energy thinking about him. He's all kinds of fucked up and should be locked away. He doesn't deserve your thoughts."

  "What does deserve my thoughts?” I ask, pressing my hips into his suggestively.

  He doesn't vocalise his answer, instead bringing his lips to mine and carrying me away.


  29th March

  Chayton is curled up at my back, his breathing soft and warm on my shoulder and his arm loosely draped over my hip. Something has woken me. Then I feel it - edging slowly and perceptively against my backside, growing and hardening. I lay quietly, musing over the potential this new development has to offer.

  I always wondered about the mysteries of the 'Morning Woody'. Is it a sexual thing? I mean, is he dreaming about something or someone, right now, which has him turned on? Is it right to take advantage of it? Should I wake him? Should I squirm suggestively? Should I repay the favour from last night? After all he did give me three mind-blowing orgasms and if I recall...he only had two...

  I slowly move his arm from my hip and he rolls conveniently onto his back. Perfect! I shift slowly to study him. His face is showing the first signs of fresh stubble and his hair a glorious mess. I watch his eyes shifting under their lids. His black lashes are so long. I tentatively run a fingertip softly along his lips and his mouth opens a fraction. Oh, the things that mouth can do! This gives me inspiration and I'm grinning, wondering what his reaction will be when he catches me.

  Very slowly, so I don't wake him too soon, I slide under the duvet and seek out the recipient of this morning's jackpot.

  General Lee, is standing to attention, rigid, silky and impressive as I wrap my fingers around his length. His hips flex briefly but his breathing confirms he is still asleep. Not for long! Slowly I flick my tongue over the satin smoothness of his tip, tasting his saltiness as I lap up the dewdrop hanging there. He shifts again, I hear him groan and I smile as he hardens more in my hand.

  "Good morning!" I greet him, my voice already husky.

  He pushes the blankets back that are covering
us and gives me a long hard salacious stare before pushing his head back into his pillow, groaning again, as I take the tip in my mouth, swirling my tongue around and around the smooth ridge. His groan and the look of pure pleasure on his face very nearly sets me off and my hips twitch, my muscles clenching deep inside with raw pleasure, as I draw him deeper into my mouth.

  I manage to take him to the back of my throat and back, swirling my tongue around the tip, then back to my throat again, Each move is slow and lazy, one hand firmly encasing him and controlling the motion. His hands have entwined in my hair and his eyes are closed as his hips press into me again and again, urging me on.

  "Acacia...I'm...Christ! Stop! I'm going to come!" he gasps, his head pushed deep into his pillow, his eyes squeezed shut. I gaze at him through my lashes, tighten my lips and groan with elation to see the rapture on his face. With a final pull, he squirts, thick and salty down the back of my throat and I milk him, urging every last drop as his body twitches under my ministrations, until he is done. I kneel up and smile at him, licking my lips.

  "Good morning yourself," he pants, "that was incredible – and unfair. Come here!" he suddenly growls bolting up, grabbing my hips and pulling me down on top of him.

  "You like?"

  "Very. Fucking. Much." He manages between kisses. "I have been woken up in the morning in many, many interesting ways," he mutters with reverence against my neck. "That qualifies as the most interesting of all, Angel!"

  "Well General Lee has no trouble with cold morning starts," I tease, giggling at his low growl.

  I wrap my legs around his hips as we sit on the middle of bed, his arms pulling me tight against his chest and his mouth latched onto mine. He kisses me slowly, his tongue worshipping mine as they entwine and a deep reverent purr escapes from his chest, making me clench and shudder.

  His kiss deepens and I feel him twitch beneath me. Wow, ready for round two, so soon? I slide my fingers into his hair at the roots and grip, tugging firmly as my hips shift against his on their own accord, searching for delectable friction. I gasp as Chayton lifts my buttocks, shifting us both and I feel the silky length of him begin to stroke me, slowly, sensually, my moisture spreading and covering us both.

  "You are so wet for me," he growls into my mouth. "And so very alluring."

  I whimper softly as I increase the pressure against him.

  "It! Oh, God!" I cry, throwing my head back, arching my spine into the sensations, flowing with it.

  His lips close around a nipple, sucking gently, pulling. I feel the firm ridge around the head of his erection stroke over the hood my clitoris, back and forward, back and forward. I feel his teeth bite down sharply on my nipple and tug and my entire body convulses violently, every twitch and shudder, sweet agony. I feel! Yes, I feel!

  "Are you on birth control?" he whispers.

  "Yes.” I quiver. He slides slowly into me as my twitching muscles clench around him, caressing him, drawing him in further, encouraging him until he is entirely encased, to the root. He holds me there as my muscles relax and my awareness starts to expand beyond the sweet, sweet sensations.

  I find him gazing into my eyes, his breathing harsh and ragged like mine, and I realise with pure joy, that he is exercising monumental self-control to make sure that I am taken care of. He draws my knees up to his shoulders and his hands grasp the top of my hips. I feel splayed open and satisfyingly full, the move bringing us closer together. A growing ache is building inside, needy and raw.

  "Lean back on your hands Acacia," he orders huskily and I do.

  "Ah!" He starts to move, his hips tilting to meet with mine. I can feel him hitting the ache square on. I want to stretch out my legs, squeeze them, tighten them - but I can't.

  "Go with it Angel. Let it take you."

  Chapter 7

  "Breakfast is served Ms. Ward!" he bows gallantly, holding my chair out while I settle.

  Two loaded plates are on the table. Pancakes, bacon and toast. It smells amazing and I am starving. We both dig into our meal with famished enthusiasm, devouring a few mouthfuls before I break the silence.

  "You don't actually live here, do you?" I ask. My curiosity is burning.

  His fork hesitates for a moment or two as his eyes meet mine, his expression dim. He shakes his head and turns his attention back to his place and I feel the shutters slam down on his earlier good mood. What, the hell, have I said now?

  I try a different tact, trying to lighten the mood again. "So is this like your Shag Shack or Passion Cabin or something? Is this where you debase poor young maidens? The perfect little Love Nest?" I tease softly. Oh please, please, please lighten up. This is confusing enough without the mood swings.

  My heart sinks as he places his knife and fork down, pushing his plate of food away. He has only eaten half his food.

  "I'm sorry. I'm just making conversation. It's obviously a poor choice in topic.” I mumble. He leans back in his chair, combing his fingers through his hair with both hands. He then clasped his fingers behind his neck and glowers at me, his eyes guarded and dark for several long seconds.

  "Get dressed. It's time to get you back to civilisation," he says abruptly, pushing away from the table, stalking off to the bathroom.

  Well fuck me senseless! What, the hell, is that all about? I study my plate, realising I am not very hungry anymore either. I clear up the table and gather up my clothes, choosing to dress where I undressed, in the middle of the living room.

  I am just smoothing my clothes down, my mood growing more and more acidic, when I hear a scrape at the door and it swings open. Dog!

  I watch amazed as the huge animal strolls in, his nails clattering on the stone floor. He pushes the door closed with his snout and ambles over to greet me.

  "Hey boy! Long time no see. Where have you been, huh?" I scratch him behind his ears and his tail goes berserk at the attention. Chayton enters from the bathroom and pauses when he sees Dog sitting in front of me then carries on through to the bedroom. He is back out again a minute later, strapping his watch to his wrist.

  "Dog, we're going," he orders. I almost burst out laughing when Dog gives him a sullen look then promptly lays down, his face doing the melting thing all over the floor.

  "Fine. Close the door behind you when you leave, last time you let the wildlife in!” Chayton grumbles and holds a heavy leather jacket up for me. I limp over and he slips it onto my shoulders, careful not to touch me.


  "What?" he says, holding the door open.

  "What have I done wrong?” I ask.

  His expression softens a fraction and he sighs. "Nothing," he mumbles. "It's just late. We need to go."

  "Fine, don't tell me!" I limp angrily out the door and climb into the jeep.

  He settles in and turns the vehicle around in the yard.

  "I'll drive myself back to Tacoma. There is no reason to put yourself out.” I mutter sullenly. "My ankle is feeling much better."

  "No, you won't."

  "Chayton, you can't stop me!"

  "Your ankle might be fine for short periods, but that is a long drive and your clutch is heavy. I have your keys, so don't argue with me." I can feel the tension emanating off him in waves and I wish I could rewind the morning and start it over.


  When we arrive back at the house, Savannah is there and a tough looking guy in jeans and a black leather jacket. They are both standing in the kitchen, sipping on steaming mugs, when we enter and both of them raise their eyebrows at us.

  I groan inwardly. I can tell by their faces, that they know exactly what I've been doing the last twenty-four hours. Chayton closes the door behind me.

  "Morgan, Savannah," he acknowledges.

  "Boss," replies the brick wall of a man.

  "Morgan, this is Acacia Ward. I'll be in the office," he grumbles, stalking off.

  "Morgan," I offer a small-embarrassed smile.

  "Ma'am, nice to meet you," he smiles kindly and his han
d practically swallows mine in a handshake.

  "Please call me Acacia.” I mumble.

  "Yes Ma'am. Excuse me please. His lordship appears to be a little moody." He is still smiling when he disappears from the room.

  "So?" smiles Savannah.

  "What?" I ask, turning puce.

  "So it's going to be like that then? Okay. It will come out in the wash eventually!" she grins over the top of her mug. "Hey, you don't know how to bake do you?"

  "I might..." where is this heading?

  "Could I bother you to stay for one more night? Please? For me? It's just that, well, the hen party is tonight and with the pass being closed, no-one has managed to arrange a cake and now there's no time - and of course you're invited," her rush of pleading words wither away. "Help!" she ends softly her face a picture.

  I stare at her conflicted. Victoria said I should make friends and I like Savannah. This could be a good opportunity. However, a party? That implies many people. It also means another night with Chayton lurking close by and I am not sure how I feel about that. I know I am not needed back in Tacoma today, unless something new arises. I chew my lip, trying to decide.

  "Please?" she begs again with an exaggerated pout, sensing my indecision.

  "Okay, I guess,” I sigh heavily, exhausted by it all and she walks over stiffly and hugs me. Despite her injury, she still manages to exude a great deal of enthusiastic energy. I imagine that without her injury, she would now be skipping around or jumping up and down in excitement.

  "Thank you. This is going to be great!" she beams at me.


  While we bake, she grills me on the last couple of days, horrified to discover that Chayton had Mumps and thanking me profusely for looking after him. I still wonder what her relationship is with him.

  I wish I were the type of person who was comfortable asking personal questions. My usual philosophy is 'if they want me to know...they'll tell me', because my few attempts at asking personal questions, have usually ended badly. Point made with Chayton!


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