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Page 22

by Costa, Bella

  I try my best not to move. It is so difficult. My body is no longer under my control. His fingers own me completely. He gently pulls a knee toward him, effectively parting my legs and his fingers trace over my panties lightly. For once, I could do without all the foreplay. I need him now, but I'm too scared to move; too scared someone will notice what we are doing on the back seat of the Kubang.

  I lean my head back on the headrest and close my eyes, allowing a very soft sigh to escape and then I am swallowed by the music. His fingers still stroking me softly, a finger finds its way under the soft fabric of my panties, sweeping them to one side and his hand cups me intimately. I keen as the heel of his hand starts to rub softly, his fingertips, teasing the tortured nerve endings at my entrance and I shift, increasing the pressure for a delicious second and opening up in invitation.

  Two fingers ease inside, gently stroking the front wall. I arch slightly into his hand, still painfully aware that we are not alone. Instead of easing my craving – it just makes me...more needy! Shit! If we don't get home soon I am going to jump him right here on the back seat, and whoever is watching – be damned!

  Bastard! He is paying me back for my teasing in the Ballroom! My eyes fly open and I glare at him. His face is still turned from me slightly and I realise that he is watching my reflection in the glass. He turns his head to gaze directly at me, a wicked smile dancing across his face. His mouth parts just a tiny bit and I spy the tip of his tongue glide along the edge of his teeth. I burst with a whimper, silenced by his mouth as he leans across and kisses me. His fingers drawing every last shudder from me as I sag limply into the seat.

  "That wasn't supposed to happen," he murmurs against my lips as his hand finally leaves me in peace. "That was very, very naughty of you." I can feel his lazy smile as his lips brush along my jaw to my ear. "I'm going to have you for desert when I get home. Taste!"

  He curls his hand up and nudges one of his two offending fingers into my mouth. I lick the offending digit clean and wait for the other one but he draws that one into his own mouth instead. I am captivated as he closes his eyes, savouring - me. Wow.

  And I feel the tension building again.


  13th April

  That's it! Prick me with a fork and turn me over – I'm done! I can barely move. I'm staring at the early morning light, filtering through the thin mesh curtains of a games room; I didn't even know he had.

  Sprawled out on a jumble of huge beanbags, I try to burn my memories of last night into permanent murals on the walls of my mind, etched forever for my own personal playback pleasure. I knew Chayton was a sexual god but...! And that last thing...! Is that even supposed to be possible?

  I really should go and pick up all my clothes before Morgan or the mysterious, invisible housekeeper discovers the unfortunate scraps of cloth. I know my thong is hanging from the end of the banister where I was rudely but willingly attacked on the bottom of the stairs. I think I made it across the living area to the breakfast bar before the dress came off and food got involved. I strain the peripheral vision of my memory. Is that the coffee maker, the dress is hanging from? I am sure it is. Right next to the blender decorated with his boxers and pants. Hmm, food sex is fun, but perhaps less of the Champagne next time!

  It had been our absolute intention to get to bed after that. Him in his open dress shirt, bow tie draped loosely around his neck and pretty much nothing else. Me in my killer heels, stockings and velvet, diamante-decorated bra. Where did we leave his shoes, socks and jacket? I shrug mentally, too exhausted for my shoulders to physically follow through. They are hardly important items of clothing.

  I had no idea it was so hard to walk in heels on two bottles of bubbly. I think I must have almost fallen, at least three times on the way to the stairs near the kitchen. The last fall was fatal though. I managed to tackle Chayton to the ground and land in a heap on top of him. I do believe I'll find my last scrap of twinkling velvet hooked on the iron railing somewhere in the vicinity. We eventually moved after an hour or so, but only because the stone floor was cold and hard. The bedroom was still soooo far away.

  We were making progress though, or so I thought. We almost reached the bottom step, when I was lifted like a sack of coal and draped of his shoulders. We ended up in here. I spy one of my silver shoes dangling from an immobile ceiling fan. Chayton's white shirt is draped over the top of an obscenely large gaming monitor on the farthest side of the room and I blush a little, remembering how it got there. I have to try that again!

  My other silver lace shoe is peeking at me from the top of a snooker table. Well that can't be good for the baize! What's missing? His bowtie! Where, the hell, did we leave that?

  "I think I've died and gone to heaven," he mutters exhausted into the soft of my belly.

  "Yes. Must have been one hell of a road crash last night. I've ended up here with you! Hey, doing some stock take here, and I think I've mentally accounted for most of our clothing, but do you have any idea where your bow tie is?"

  "Give me a moment and I'll show you," he smirks. I have no idea where he finds the energy but he starts crawling slowly up my spent body, his lips leading the way.

  "I believe, Ms. Ward, that you are still wearing something. Something that doesn't belong to you. Something that needs to be removed before it does you harm." His mouth reaches my neck and I feel a faint tugging and when he pulls his head away, the end of his bow tie is clenched between his teeth and his eyes are glittering.

  Now I definitely don't remember how that got there! Oh – who cares!


  19th April

  "Hey Angel."

  "Chayton! Hi!"

  "Missing me?" he breathes into the phone.

  "Desperately. Are you on your way back yet?"

  He chuckles through the line. We both know he has only been gone a few hours and will not be back for a few days.

  "I've checked in with Morgan. He tells me, a long stream of strange men have been knocking on your door."

  "Tell Morgan to stop watching the Cougar's door, over the road."

  "I just thought I'd let you know that Morgan is changing the security detail tonight. He is hoping to get it sorted before you go to sleep so he can introduce you. I wouldn't want you getting excited over a stalker."

  "Okay." It has taken me a while to get used to the Tacoma shelter being watched, but Chayton assures me it's the shelter, not me specifically he his having watched and there are now four various shelters under protection. I'm still not happy that Chayton sulks every time I go out alone. The last sulking episode had been over a trip to the supermarket.

  "So what are you doing?" I ask.

  "Talking to the most amazing woman in the world," he purrs.

  "What! That's it! Where are you? I'm on my way! I leave you alone for three minutes..." I can't keep it up and start giggling. "Really, what are you doing - other than talking?"

  "I'm waiting in a badly decorated waiting room for a connecting flight and checking through some rather dull paperwork. What about you?"

  "Um, I was going to try and get an early night. I figured if I could spend as much time as possible in Lala Land, I would have fewer waking hours to miss you."

  "So you're in bed now?"

  "Yes. You want to have phone sex?"

  "That could hold some promise, but the first class lounge is rather full tonight. I don't think anyone here would appreciate my heavy breathing."

  "Are you sure? It would be preferable to hauling Bob into bed to keep me company."

  "Who the hell is Bob?" he growls down the phone.

  "Bob? I'm surprised at you Chayton; and here I thought you knew everything!"

  "Who. The. Hell. Is. Bob?" he repeats slowly, annunciating each word carefully.

  "Oh wow. Hold on," I giggle. "Let me just savour this moment."

  "Acacia, so help me, when I get hold of you..."

  "Chayton Donavan, sexpert extraordinaire, doesn't know who Battery-Operated-Boyfriend is!
Wow, this is a big deal." I tease softly. I listen as the silence stretches out over the phone as he absorbs this new information, trying to decide how to deal with it.

  "Acacia, I'm sorry, I have to go," he finally answers abruptly. "Mrs. Palm and her five delightful daughters are demanding my attention." The line goes dead.

  Huh? Who, the hell, is Mrs. Palm!?

  I am still sitting chewing over the question when my phone beeps. I open the message staring at it in horror.


  Acacia, sorry to cut you off so suddenly, but Mrs. Palm and all five of her delightful daughters wanted to see me in private. Fortunately, there is plenty of space in the bathroom cubical for all of us. I will ring you when we have finished our conversation.


  No Way! This has to be some kind of joke. I quickly fire up the web on my phone, and type in Mrs. Palm. I am drawn to an urban dictionary and open it up, reading quickly. Serves me right, for teasing him about Bob! I quickly type out a text of my own.


  Dear Mr. Donavan, I am sorry to have to break it to you, but your darling Mrs. Palm is actually my dearest Mr. Palm. Not to mention that I have very, very strong affections for her five offspring. Just this once, I will allow you a smidgen of intimacy with my dear friends.

  PS Are you using your left palm or you right?



  Ms. Ward, I am typing with my teeth, as mental images of you with Bob have resulted in me having to use both hands.



  Mr. Donavan, I don't have a B.O.B!


  I am very relieved to hear that, Ms. Ward. However...if you want one...I would love to watch.

  My flight is leaving now. I will phone you in the morning. Sleep tight Angel.


  I sigh deeply, switching off my light. I really do want to sleep. I'm sure our new, ever efficient counsellor, Francis will deal with Morgan and his Staff if they knock. I know she always goes to bed really late.

  As much as I miss Chayton, it is a relief to have my own space again. The shelters, have kept my days full over the last week, and every evening, Chayton has picked me up for a collection of wonderfully romantic private dinners, huge lavish parties and educational late nights. It has been a whirlwind and sleep has not been a priority.

  It is also nice to take care of the smaller things, like shaving my legs in peace and vegetating in my personal space. Chayton can be very intense and privacy has to be fought for. Even watching a full news bulletin is now a luxury.

  So he wants to watch? I’m not sure about that, although...I would love to watch his face while he watches. Hmmm.


  24th April

  I hang up the phone with a heavy sigh. I was really looking forward to seeing him again. I've tried to keep busy while he has been away, but the days have dragged by, feeling strangely empty and pointless. Only his evening phone calls have kept me from slipping into full time depression. Now he is only returning on Friday. Well at least I get to spend the weekend with him.


  26th of April

  "I haven't seen you in a while, Acacia."

  "Yes, well it was your brilliant idea that I should only see you once a month.” I spit, startling Victoria. "Sorry, just in a bit of a mood."

  "So I see. What's got you so miserable?"

  "Chayton has been away for a week. I'm having separation anxiety," I mutter sulkily.

  "I guess your relationship is going well then?"

  "Too well, it scares me. He is really intense and complex and confusing."

  "Mmm, I can see how Mr. Donavan can be intense. What are you finding complex and confusing?" asks Victoria.

  "Well, he's like two different people. Both hot, both sexy and both irresistible – but both undeniably different. When he is in the city he is more energetic, more daring, harder, a little intimidating."

  "And when he's not in the city?"

  "Well on the mountain he is more..." where are the words when I need them? "Mellow. More cautious and reserved, pouring his carbs into strength rather than energy. It's like personifying a Tuxedo and a Hells Angels jacket and then comparing them.

  "Do you know why he splits his time between the two places?"

  I think about this for a moment. I had always assumed that he was just helping Savannah. But she doesn't really need the help. And why go there to help run the place and spend most of you time isolated in a shack? My assumption is seriously flawed. I shake my head. "I really have no idea."

  "Perhaps the answer to that question will clarify a few things. What about the complex issues?" she asks.

  "I don't know. It's more of a feeling, but I think he is holding back. I just don't know if it's because of my history or if there is a history of his own, than I'm not aware of."

  "Have you asked him?"

  "I've broached the subject a few times, he sort of drip feeds me information then clamps up. I don't push him."

  "What about you? How are you dealing with this relationship?"

  "What do you mean exactly?” I ask her perplexed.

  "Your relationship with Robert survived on careful diplomacy, avoidance in dealing with issues and tonnes of passive aggression on your part. How are you coping this time?"

  "It is completely different," I admit. "When Robert flirted with women, I would reason with myself. Flirting is harmless; it doesn't mean he is being unfaithful. I had this fear that if I reacted, I might lose him - and where would I be if I discovered I had lost him over something innocent?" I sigh, wrestling with my fingers. "With Chayton I am so jealous. It's ugly and intrusive and ..."

  "And as long as there is good reason and it's not blown out of proportion – it's a good tool to keep communication open," Victoria finishes with a gentle grin.

  "You're right. I knew that!” I smile.

  "What else?"

  "Well we had this fight. No, I had this fight – he just had fun with it. Chayton bought me an outfit. The whole thing. Dress, shoes, underwear; the works. It was expensive and unnecessary and I exploded."

  "That must have been fun, I'm sorry I missed it. How did it turn out?"

  "It was beautiful," I sigh. "He wanted me to feel good. He was right; I did."

  "Ouch! Hey next time you have drama like that – text me your location!" she teases. "Will you let him buy you an outfit again?"

  "I suppose. He does have fantastic taste. We went out, dined, danced and had fun," and then fucked each other senseless the rest of the night.

  "So what is scaring you?" she gazes at me looking worried.

  "I don't know. I am scared of where our relationship is going, what lies ahead. Scared enough to make me reluctant to move forward," I frown. "But living without him is not an option I want to deal with either. I feel as though regardless of what direction I take – there is something ominous and dark waiting to smother me."

  "So you've stepped out of your comfort zone and the door has been locked behind you. It a big step for you, but long overdue, just take it slow, Acacia. Don't look too far ahead. From what I know of your handsome Mr. Donavan, he may need as much time as you to develop your relationship. Give yourselves time and keep the lines of conversation open. Any news on the investigation?"

  "No, nothing."

  "So when is your man back?"

  "Tonight, but really late, so I probably won't see him till tomorrow.” I sulk.


  My dreams are particularly cruel tonight, teasing me and taunting me. I missed Chayton's call thanks to a plumbing emergency and now in the depth of Lala Land, my mind has conjured him in glorious detail. I can smell his summer sunshine scent, blanketing me. I can feel his lips brushing across my face, his soft breath, fresh and minty. I can feel his fingers stroking through my hair and an arm weighs me down by my waist. I can even hear his breathing, slow and even. Is there nowhere I can go to escape the painful reminders of our separation?


  "You're not real. Go to hell!” I mutter. My torturer chuckles at me and his sweet minty breath flows over me again. Something tugs at my consciousness, trying to get my attention and I wake, fluttering my eyelids open. He's followed me from Lala Land into reality! Isn't there some kind of written law against that?

  "You're here!” I whisper still disbelieving. "You're real!" I lift my hands to cup his face as he gazes down at me, amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes.

  "I take it you've missed me then," he says softly.

  "Oh, you have no idea," I laugh in relief. I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him down to kiss. It takes me all of three seconds to discover he is naked and ready. Who am I to deny him? I take full advantage.


  28th June

  The summer passes in a blur. My largest enemy, I realise is myself. I keep expecting the summer to end, and with it Chayton and my happiness. I have become accustomed to Chayton's subtle changes in character between the Pass and the City, but still don't understand it. One of many things that have been bothering me of late.

  "Can I ask you something?"

  "Sure," he replies.

  "Why do you spend so much time at Donavan's Pass?"

  He stiffens beneath me. "You don't like it up there?"

  "I love it up there! I am trying to understand that's all. There is this huge contrast between here and there."

  Silence and tension wash over him and I lift my head off his chest to assess his reaction. "You don't have to tell me..."

  "No," he says slowly. "It's alright; it's just hard to explain. When I was fifteen, my brother left to join the army. It was not about doing service for his country or anything, it was just a way to escape from my father. Savannah was in boarding school and spent most of her holidays on trips or with friends. I was left alone." His face creases as the memories are dragged up from where ever he stores them.


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