Bittersweet Love
Page 14
Daniel stared at the phone and slowly set it back down on the bedside table.
That was weird.
Minutes later Athena heard the doorbell after dressing up, ready to go on Daniel’s special plan that he set out for the both of them; she opened the door feeling excited.
The bell boy that brought their bags up previously stood at the door, contemplating whether or not he should enter the room. Athena stood in front of him waiting for a response. She wore a short yellow dress and white high heels that showed her slender legs, along with half of her thighs to this stranger standing in the door way, waiting to make a move. The bell boy, star struck by Athena’s being couldn't seem to move a muscle. “Hello?” Athena tried to gain his attention, curious about why he's just staring at her, for she knew nothing. Daniel stood up to check what’s going on, as he heard no movement coming from their side of the room.
“What’s going on here?” Daniel interrupted the moment the bell boy was having and made his head move down shamefully, looking at the ground as he pushed the trolley into the kitchen. Jealousy filled Daniel’s heart like a wave that couldn't be stopped, anger following soon after.
The bell boy carefully set the food on the kitchen table, without taking a second glance at Athena. A crease formed in the middle of Daniel’s eyes, as he looked straight at him. Athena could feel the tension radiating from Daniel’s body. “Thank you.” Daniel walked to the door, showing him the way out. He slammed the door closed, and walked passed Athena, unable to dare look her in the eyes. Daniel felt betrayal from a simple dress and a bell boy; Thinking that the bell boy had a vivid imagination of her beautiful curves while he stared her down hungrily.
Daniel grabbed his plate of food, and the glass of orange juice; slowly walking out to the balcony for some fresh air, mainly to calm himself down. Athena stood as still as a statue, wondering what just happened between Daniel and the bell boy, as his attitude towards her changed dramatically in a few seconds.
Athena lost her appetite, making the decision to go and confront Daniel about what happened. Athena walked up to him with her hands firmly on her hips. “Is there something wrong?” Athena’s voice changed into a more serious yet caring tone. “Nope.” Daniel brushed it off not wanting to make eye contact, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. “Then why are you being numb with me?” Athena already loaded her arsenal full of questions aimed directly at him. “I’m not.” Daniel continued eating his breakfast, while one question went in one ear and out by the other ear without processing a word being said.
Athena took a seat next to Daniel staring right at him, as he tried to avoid eye contact even further. “I’m not moving from this chair until you tell me what’s going on!” Athena couldn't help herself but to force it out of him. “Why are you yelling? Can you not yell right now?” “I’m yelling because you don't want to talk to me!”
Athena continued to yell not caring about anyone. “Well, how about you change to something less revealing then I’ll talk!” Daniel yelled back, and stood up making his way back into the kitchen to put his plate away. Athena followed him in. “What do you mean less revealing! You saw me like this the first time! What’s so different about now?” Athena spoke while trying to process what he just said, more confused at why he cares so much now. “That was then! This is now, and my feelings for you have grown so fucking much that I myself don't know where the fuck they are by now!” Daniel sat down on the living room couch, holding his head as emotional battles started to take place.
“So now I have to change my whole fucking wardrobe so that you can be happy.” Athena added 5 cents to the bucket called arguments.
“No! Did I say you should? All I’m saying is wear something less revealing, because I know men! They fucking stare at any fucking thing that walks! They also want to fuck anything that walks! For them their imagination is enough to rape you without you even knowing it.” Daniel sat there frustrated, blood boiling every second he thinks about the bell boy. Trying hard to forget, but he can’t.
“The world fucking brainwashed every girl into thinking that they need to wear revealing clothing! But that’s not it! Thinking that their man would cheat on them if they don't wear short things or some shit! I’m sick and tired of the norms they made up in their little fucking world! While men like me have to suffer; we have to stare down every fucking person looking at our woman, when they can simply look just as beautiful with modest clothing!” Daniel stood up, walking around in the living room trying to calm him-self down.
Athena sat down on the couch with her legs folded over one another, trying to ignore what he's saying but couldn't help agree that he might be right. Daniel looked at her; he slowly walked over and kneeled down before her putting his hands on her thighs. “These are my thighs, and I would like to secure them for my eyes only.” Athena looked at him and then back at the television trying to ignore him. Daniel moved his hands up to her waist. “This is my waist.” Athena took his hands and silently got up without even looking at him. Daniel sat on the floor, thinking to himself if he said anything wrong that might have offended her. A few minutes passed by and he heard Athena clear her throat behind him.
“How do I look?” Athena stood under the arc of the walls, wearing skinny blue jeans and a V neck blouse which hugged her curves perfectly. Daniel stood up, looking at every inch of her body, mesmerized.
Daniel could feel his insecurities calm down slowly, his anger faded as soon as he put his hand on her waist. “You look amazing, and I'm not just saying that baby.” Daniel’s eyes poured out with sincerity as he stared into her eyes. “Yeah, but I'm scared now you would look at other girls that wear short things.” Athena pouted with a frown on her face, leaning her head on his chest. “No, you're the only woman I would ever look at baby, because I know how much you're worth, and it’s more than anything or anyone in the world baby. I know what’s underneath these clothes and it’s a treasure for me to find every night when you get undressed. Those other girls don't have morals, they want to flaunt all they’ve got instead of keeping it to themselves, and sharing it with the person they feel most comfortable, love, and excitement with. But like I said the world brainwashed these girls and the men are too stupid to correct it in the first place.” Daniel gave a big speech, trying to reassure her.
“So you like what I'm wearing right?” Athena took a step back and twirled for him. “Baby, you look amazing in anything, you make anything work because your figure lets it.” Daniel picked her up holding her tightly. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.” Daniel frowned at her, truly feeling sorry for his actions. “I’m sorry I yelled at you too.” Athena hugged him even tighter, feeling purposeful to only want to be seen by him and only him.
No one ever told her anything like this before, it was new to her. Athena’s insecurities slowly wanted to creep back up from her unconscious state of mind, but Daniel was there to prevent that from happening. “How did I ever get so lucky to find someone as perfect as you?” Athena held his face kissing his forehead passionately. “No baby, I’m the lucky one, I would've never dreamt in a million years that I would have someone like you by my side.” Daniel spoke from the heart, every bit of it being the truth.
Daniel carefully put her back down and took her hand holding it softly. “If you are ready we can go, I already made all the plans for today.” Daniel smiled at her as he slid his wallet in his back pocket. “Yeah, I'm ready baby.” Athena reached in for a kiss, her eyes widening from shock, as she received more than a kiss. His hand sneakily went down in between her skin and panties, slowly rubbing her clit with his finger. “I love this clit; it’s my favorite thing in the world when my tongue touches it.” His seductive eyes could make Athena wet within seconds.
“I’m going to run out of underwear if you don’t stop making me wet.” Athena looked back at him, her heart filled with love and nothing else. “We can buy more.” Daniel smiled as he took his hand out slowly, making her watch as he licked his finger. “You taste like
peaches baby.” Athena’s heart dropped to the floor melting with no possibility of ever being recovered.
“It’s already 1pm darling I think we should go.” Athena tried to fix herself up as he stood over her, making it hard for her to breathe. “You’re right, let’s go.” Daniel took her purse while she tried to tie her hair into a pony tail quickly.
At the reception Daniel noticed a man talking to someone, only noticing a scar on his hand while he’s holding a glass of wine; giving him a flashback of Mr. P the day they landed in New York at the hotel when he shook his hand to leave.
Daniel told Athena to wait on one of the couches situated by the entrance of the hotel as he quickly went into the janitor’s closet.
What’s he got planned now?
Athena wondered where he went but her thoughts couldn’t be processed, as after a few seconds he came out with 2 motorcycle helmets. “Let’s go.” Daniel smiled as he reached back to help her up.
“Please don't tell me we are riding a motorcycle.” Athena confused, and scared at the same time states, as she never rode one in her life. “Yes, we are, but I'm driving baby so you don't need to worry.” Daniel reassured her as they walked out of the hotel. They passed a line filled with motorcycles, Daniel pointed at them. “Guess which one it is.” “Al right, is it the Harley?” “Nope, take another guess.” “Is it the Kawasaki?” Athena hopes she got it right the second time. Daniel interrupted, excited to show her what he chose.
“Nope, it’s that little one at the end of the line.” Daniel walked over to it; it was a traditional small two-seater Vespa. “I figured since we are here, I would show you the real me, you might think I like all that fancy shit but honestly the tiniest things make me happy.” Daniel got on the motorcycle, while putting his helmet on. “Come on we are burning day light.” Daniel reached for her hand; she gave in to his trust, without a second thought. Athena put her helmet on and quickly got on the back of the Vespa, holding Daniel firmly with no intention of letting go. Daniel took off riding through tiny streets, enjoying the view; the true nature of Italy. Daniel thought it would be a great way of sightseeing, not just going to specific places filled with snobby tourists thinking they’re better than everyone else.
Throughout the streets he finally came on the street he's been looking for. He took a right and went up the mountain side; the only road that was filled with trees blocking the sunlight from completely touching the ground. After every corner Daniel could feel Athena gripping on him tighter and tighter as they went up the hill, to an indigenous area only crawling with drunk and hopeless romantics.
Daniel took another turn onto a dirt road that could have led them to a dead end. Outside the city life, no pollution could be found within a hundred miles. Air hitting Athena’s tiny face with the helmet being half open, she could tell the air is cleaner, the vibe more peaceful. Daniel reached a bunch of cars standing on the side of the road and passed each one of them. He reached the entrance and parked close by. “This my darling, is a vineyard, and we are going wine tasting.” Daniel got off the Vespa, lifting Athena off of it in case she tripped and fell. “Wine tasting?” Athena looked surprise, baffled by the ideas Daniel could come up with in the future.
“Yes, wine tasting; now let’s go before we’re late for the tour.” Daniel intertwined their fingers tightly as they walked in. “Hello Sir, may I help you?” The butler greeted them politely in a deep voice.
“Yes, we are here for the tour and wine tasting.” Daniel politely shook his hand in response. “Do you have a ticket Sir?” He asked. Daniel reached in his back pocket retrieving his wallet, he took out 2 tickets. The butler nodded and showed them the way in to the wine cellars, filled with different types they make at the vineyard. Throughout the hall ways it reeked of wine, following with an after taste of good intentions. “Wow, this place is amazing, it feels like I'm walking into a different century.” Athena spilled wise words for Daniel’s pleasure, both of them amazed at the architecture that took place hundreds of years ago.
“How long has this vineyard been here?” Daniel asked the butler escorting them to their location. “Almost 100 years.” The butler had a shine that glowed from his face as he also was the owner of the vineyard. “Here you go Sir, this is where you taste all the wine and down those stairs you can take the tour of the vineyard.” “Thank you so much.”
Daniel replied, grabbing the first bottle he sees.
Ooh, this looks nice
“I don’t know shit about wine tasting, and comparing them to other wines.” Daniel whispered lowly in Athena’s ear. She giggled as she walked to a darker spot; a particular bottle caught her eye covered in dust. “I don’t know shit either, but what I do know is that the older the wine the better.” Athena dusted the bottle off and opened it, grabbing two glasses from the shelves. “Wow that tastes amazing!” Daniel shocked at the choice she made. “It made my taste buds jump.” Athena covered her mouth as the stench of alcohol reeked from her breath already. They took a stroll, throughout the whole vineyard; Daniel skipped some stones not knowing it’s to keep the grapevines warm. Athena walked through the vines, feeling them one by one as the energy ran through her body. “This is really good wine.” Daniel kept pouring more and more until they realized the bottle’s done. They sat down under the porch not being able to be seen in their state.
“Do you feel drunk?” Athena asked while looking at the sunset, away from the buzzing of other wine judges in hope not to get criticized for being human. “I feel pretty drunk yes.” Daniel nodded his head slowly setting it down on her shoulder. “Do you think we can take one with us?” Athena stared Daniel down with bright eyes, making it hard for him to say no. “Sure, let’s go get one and head back to the hotel, I'm hungry.” Daniel stood up, helping Athena with his not so drunk hand. The sun went down, the lights switched on as they walked up the stairs slowly.
They noticed tables set up ready for dinner. “Or we can just have dinner here.” Daniel walked up to the table, pulling out the chair for her to sit down. “Please tell me this wasn't a part of your plan.” She said gaze-fully.
Athena felt without him, life wouldn't be the same at all for her; getting used to his plans was Daniel’s main objective for her never to forget him. “It wasn’t.” Daniel winked at her as he took a seat across of her. Menus already placed perfectly in their positions. “I think I'm going to call that wine, dusk. What do you think?” Daniel pondered about it asking her for advice. “I think dusk is a perfect name for it, because we finished the bottle at dusk.” Athena giggled as she flipped through the menu looking for something good to eat. Athena finally came to a decision and picked the chicken soup floating in vermicelli. She waved at the waitress as she stepped forward to their table.
Classy with hands behind her back she bent down, closer to Athena’s face making her feel a little uncomfortable. “I think it’s a custom here.” Daniel whispered followed by a strange pushed out cough. “I want the chicken soup, please.” Athena squealed from her scent of smell, exactly like she bathed in wine. Before the waitress could do the same to Daniel he loudly blabs out. “I want the same as her!” Making sure she won’t do the same to him. “You’re such a meanie!” Athena giggled softly; rubbing her arms, for the wind turned more south, blowing cold air from the northern mountains. Daniel laughed and noticed she's getting cold; he stood up and took his blazer off and gently placed it on her fragile body. “Thank you baby.” Athena in a soft tone looked at Daniel with glowing eyes from how much she loves him. “I love you.” Daniel whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek softly making the hair behind Athena’s neck stand up. “I love you too baby, give me a kiss.” Athena pleaded as Daniel bent down on one knee and kissed her passionately as the light around the balcony lit up. Above the balcony they could hear screaming from drunken blonde Americans. “Woo! Yeah bro! Get that Italian pussy!” Not showing an ounce of remorse.
Daniel stood up and proudly showed them the middle finger behind Athena’s back; not wanting
to cause any problems Athena brushed it off. “Those guys are just jerks okay.” He said. Athena nodded her head slowly and smiled, Daniel sat back down noticing the waitress coming back with two bowls firmly in her hands. “Here you go 2 chicken noodle soups.” “Oh can we have a bottle of wine, its located in the entrance of the cellar, on the left of the first shelve, on the first rack from the bottom tightly squeezed in the corner with dust all over it.” Athena requested politely not thinking how amazing her memory is. Daniel stared at her, more confused than a fly flying against a window for the rest of his life. “Yes, ma’am it would be my pleasure.” The waitress walked away more confused than Daniel because her first language isn't English. “How the fuck did you just do that.” Daniel whispered in her ear, as he gaped at her under the candle light, amazed of her memory.
“Well, here’s something you don't know about me. I have 80% memory recall. I might act dumb sometimes but it’s only because I don't want to be used.” Athena poured her secret out on the table. Daniel still in a state of confusion snaps out of it. “Wow, that’s literally the coolest thing I've ever heard anyone has. So like you basically remember everything you see and touch or something?” Daniel spoke while fishing for chicken in his soup. “Well, yeah most of it I guess, especially special moments, I don't forget those.” Athena shyly took a sip of her soup. Thinking of how she wouldn’t be able to cope without him being there.