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Tiopa Ki Lakota

Page 11

by D. Jordan Redhawk

  She flinched just a bit when he grasped her upper arm and pulled her away from the others. Obediently, she came along, her brow furrowed in confusion. And then she was standing in front of the man with the yellow shirt.

  Yatke literally handed the strange woman to the wikoskalaka. "I do not give this woman to you to pay a wager. I freely give her to honor your skill as a hunter and warrior of our people." He released the woman's arm and grinned. "Ask me anything to pay the wager due you."

  Surprised at his change of heart, Anpo stared at him. Considering the bet, she said, "I will accept a pony so that the woman can ride."

  He nodded and stepped back. "It shall be as you say. A pony for the wager." And then he turned to walked away.

  It took a few moments for Kathleen to understand what exactly was going on. But, when she did, an icy hand gripped her heart and her blood pounded in her ears. He gave me away! she thought with horror. Oh, God! Now what will happen ta me!? Her ears picked up the conversation between the two men but she was frozen in fear. What if this one's like the last!? I don't think I can survive it again! Visions of her previous rapist filled her mind.

  "Wait!" When he turned around, Anpo asked, "Does she have a name?"

  Yatke shrugged. "I do not know. She was unable to tell us. We have used Jiji until she could speak to us." As the young woman was apparently satisfied with the response, he nodded and left.

  "Your vision has come true, tanksi," Nupa grinned at his friend. "You have the honor of tatanka ska and the pale woman with hair like the sun!" He peered over her shoulder to look at the stranger. "Does this mean you will not move in with your cuwe's

  family when she marries?"

  The pale woman's arm trembled beneath her grip and Anpo ignored her friend's joking. She is as scared as I! she marveled. But, why? Does she know of our destiny? The stranger's fear bolstered her own courage.

  Kathleen stared at her filthy moccasins, blinking back tears. She heard the man speaking, but wasn't able to understand. And then, fingers were under her chin, bringing her face up to look at him. She peered into deep brown eyes that were full of curiosity, wonder and something else, something she couldn't quite define. The blonde's terror seemed to fade under the warrior's gaze, despite the bloody streaks that had been painted on his cheeks.

  Eyes the blue of a deep lake. The world seemed to recede as their eyes locked. Anpo could hear her friend speaking, but couldn't hear the words. She also heard her father responding and the presence of them dissipated as they left the two women alone. "What is your name?" she asked.

  There was a flash of confusion and, for the first time in weeks, Kathleen actually spoke up. "I don't know what ye want of me. I don't know yer words."

  The musical tone of the woman's voice and language, despite its rustiness from lack of use, set Anpo back. A smile teased her lips. Her voice sounds like the birds and the wind playing through the trees.

  She glanced quickly around, wanting to share this thought with someone, but no one was there. Most of the warriors and older children had helped the women gather the carcasses and return to camp. Her mother and sister were working on the tatanka ska now that it had been decided the honor was Anpo's. Nearby were a handful of people, the shamans, the chiefs, her father and friend, and Yatke and his family.

  Anpo returned her attention to the white woman. "What is your name?" she asked again. This time, she patted her chest and stated, "Anpo." This was followed by her palm pressing into the woman's chest and a raised eyebrow.

  My name! He wants ta know my name! Blue eyes lit up in comprehension and joy. None of the others had ever asked before. With an almost shy smile, she said, "Kathleen. I am Kathleen." She patted her own chest while using the name.

  The warrior before her nodded. "Ketlin," was repeated, the accent making it sound exotic.


  Anpo sucked in a breath at the brilliant smile and couldn't help but return it. As she still had hold of the woman's arm, she brought her to the tatanka ska. "Ina

  ," the warrior said, interrupting the women's labors. "Cuwekala

  . This is Ketlin. She is my woman now and will help you. Teach her what she needs to know."

  Hca Wanahca smiled and rose to her feet. "Ohan

  , mitankala

  . I will teach her." She held out a bundle of skin that held two livers on it. "When we are finished with tatanka ska I will have Ketlin bring you the last piece." With a welcome gesture, she urged the pale woman towards her. "Come here, Ketlin."

  Kathleen saw the strong resemblance between the man and the woman who was waving her closer. Siblings, then? Like me an' Stewart? She heard the word for 'come' followed by her name and approached. Soon she was helping to slaughter the final animal that was left on the field.

  Nupa approached his friend with a wry smile on his face. "You look like hehaka

  just when he realizes he is being hunted, eyes wide and frozen in stillness."

  Shaking herself from her reverie, the young woman pushed him with a shoulder. "I look no different from you when you eat at my father's fire," she teased, indicating her sister with her chin.

  His eyes narrowed and the smile faded. "Is that the way it is between you and the white woman?" he asked. "Do you feel for her what I feel for Hca?"

  Anpo grimaced, the good humor gone for the moment. "I do not know, tiblo. I just know that Ketlin and I have a destiny to share for good or ill."

  Deciding to lighten the mood, Nupa laughed and slapped his friend on the back. "You have slain the tatanka ska, tanksi! It will be for good! I know it!!" He pulled her towards the remaining people gathered. "Come! They are nearly finished with their work. There will be a grand feast to celebrate!"

  Pushing the confusion and fears away, Anpo joined in his laughter and allowed herself to be led away. But her eyes continued to track the white woman's movements. The vision lives, in reality as well as my heart. What will I do that will cause her to bleed?

  After sharing the two livers out with the remaining men, Anpo and the others wandered back to the camp. There, a gathering was already beginning at the main fire, the warriors and their sons and younger brothers and elders. The tales were already being told fast and furious, the smaller children's eyes wide at the descriptions of the hunt that had just concluded.

  Upon their arrival, space was made for the important men of the camp, the chiefs and shamans. Wagmiza Wagna cheerfully cleared the space to his left and waved the young woman forward. "Here, wikoskalaka! Sit here with me!"

  Flushing, Anpo looked to Wicasa Waziya Mani who was being displaced from the honored position.

  The younger chief smiled and gestured her closer. "Please, Anpo. It would honor me for you to sit here between us."

  A bit nervous, the young woman nodded and settled down. Such honor for one of only sixteen winters. And the woman! I do not know if I am worthy of this. Her uneasiness faded, however, as the normal pattern of things asserted themselves. Pipes were pulled out, tales were spun and around the camp, women and girls were preparing the feast, the boys raced off to re-enact the stories they'd heard.

  Anpo's attention was drawn away from one of the speakers when she saw the yellow hair of her woman. My woman. She shook her head at the thought and banished it for the moment, the complications of it too much to deal with for now. Ketlin. I wonder what her name means.

  Kathleen had been cleaned up a bit after she and the other women brought the rest of the buffalo back to camp. The girl that was with her - Hca. Her name is Hca. - had put a skin with the liver of the animal they'd slaughtered in her hands. She was then led to the large gathering at the main fire.

  "You must give this to Anpo," Hca said, giving the pale woman a gentle shove in her sister's direction.

  Hearing the name, Kathleen looked about and found the man in the yellow shirt. She nodded her understanding, though the words weren't making sense. I'm ta give this ta him. With hesitant steps, she moved forward and around the group of men, painfully aware of
the many eyes that followed her.

  Anpo watched the woman approach, her attention so drawn away from the current speaker that his voice droned on into silence. Is it because of my vision that her presence does this to me? Or is it her power over me? came the concerned thought. And do I have the same power over her?

  Eyes downcast, Kathleen knelt down beside the man in the yellow shirt and handed the skin to him. As he took it, she risked a glance at his face. He is handsome, the idle thought passed. When she was relieved of her package, she prepared to rise and return to the woman waiting for her.

  Taking the liver of tatanka ska, the young warrior found the irony of its delivery amusing. It is only fitting Ketlin be the one to give it to me. But, when the blonde tried to rise, she reached out and grabbed the woman's wrist, forcing her to remain kneeling just behind her and to one side.

  The firm hand on her wrist startled her and Kathleen flinched a little. She swallowed the sudden burst of fear in her heart and remained where she was. Is he displeased? she worried. When the man pulled a knife out of a pouch hanging from his neck, she trembled.

  Around the pair, the stories had halted, all intent on what was unfolding before them. The wikoskalaka released the pale woman's wrist and brought her attention to the liver of the tatanka ska in her lap. With great care, she sliced off a bit of the organ and turned back to the pale woman.

  Kathleen heard her name and peered fearfully up into kind brown eyes. He's not displeased, then, she thought with such a great sense of relief that she was happy to be on her knees and not standing. T'wouldn't do ye good ta faint, lass. Instead, he held a piece of the liver towards her lips, indicating she should eat it. Her stomach roiled a bit at the thought of the raw meat on her tongue coupled with the tension of the morning.

  "Ketlin, you should share in the spirit of tatanka ska. It is because of him that you and I are together." Anpo watched the woman's skin go whiter with a vague sense of wonder. Soon she will be the color of tatanka ska himself!

  The blonde swallowed her bile and forced herself to take the bit of meat. Even as her tongue cringed from it, the taste of the flesh surprised her. It's.... It's... rather good! she thought with amazement. Her stomach seemed to settle a bit and she finished her treat with a bit more relish.

  The surprise in the blue eyes caused Anpo to grin a bit. As the white woman ate the meat, she turned back to the liver and sliced it up into small chunks. Taking one for herself, she handed the skin of meat to Mani beside her. "Let all of us enjoy the strength and spirit of tatanka ska."

  Her generosity elicited a murmur of comment from the gathered men and boys. The skin was passed around until all had enjoyed a piece of liver from the sacred animal.

  Hca touched Kathleen gently on the shoulder, having come up behind her. She smiled down at the fearful woman and beckoned her. "Come, Ketlin. It is time to clean up and prepare the feast."

  The blonde woman nodded and rose. She followed the man's sister with a final glance back at the gathering. I wonder if he's always as gentle as this?

  The camp had been set up along a river and it was here that Hca Wanahca led the stranger. Most of the women of the camp were already here, swimming and cleaning themselves and their clothing before beginning work on the night's meal and the skins. They chattered and laughed as they worked and played, enjoying the brief respite from their tasks.

  Hca began removing her dress, using her hands to indicate that Kathleen was to do the same. Waniyetu Gi was already in the water, talking with her maske


  Blushing, the blonde removed her bloody clothing and moccasins, mentally preparing for the onslaught of stares and comments and touches and pinches that usually happened during bathing time with these people. As expected, a hush grew over the group of women, all eyes studying her skin and hair and freckles with curious intensity. She flushed further in her embarrassment and stepped into the cold water.

  The young woman with her heard the quiet and looked about with a frown. Seeing the other women's stares, she planted her hands on her bare hips and glared back at them. "Han

  , you!" she called out, garnering their attention. "Did your mothers raise you to be rude or is it something you learned as adults?" Hca demanded.

  Several women blinked at her before realizing they were being chastised. Most had the decency to blush and look away. Others appeared affronted by Hca's direct and challenging manner, though they looked away, as well.

  Satisfied, the young woman splashed into the water and approached the scared woman. "Do you know how to swim?" she asked, mimicking the motion with her arms. "To swim?"

  Kathleen smiled a little and repeated the word. "To swim, yes!" She took a couple of strokes away and back. Her smile widened at the other woman's grin.

  "Come, Ketlin!" Hca said. And she swam away towards the opposite shore.

  Behind her, the blonde smiled at the invitation to play. She chased after Hca with a laugh. Maybe things will be better now, she dared to hope.

  After bathing, Kathleen had found herself cleaning her dress alongside her new friend. She scraped the wet leather with a rock until most of the blood had been removed, her moccasins following suit. For the most part, the other women left her alone and it gave her time to think of the day's occurrences.

  It wasn't that Hca and her mother were kinder to the blonde. The women she'd been living with before were just too busy in their day to day existence, what with two small children in the tent to increase the workload. Well, that and the old woman is a cantankerous one, Kathleen mused with a slight grin. Nearby, she could hear the old grandmother complaining about something to the younger.

  The blonde hadn't seen any children with these two women. And the older one reminded her of her own mother. She wondered if Hca was married or not, and whether she'd had any children. I will miss that, Kathleen thought, catching a glimpse of the boy and girl she'd been living with as they frolicked in the water. It was nice ta have youngsters underfoot.

  And then she was instructed by Hca to put the wet leather on and come along. Kathleen shivered in the breeze and wished she had different clothing to wear. She was led through the camp and to a tent. As the young woman with her held the leather aside and waved her in, she thought, My new home. The blonde ducked inside.

  It looked pretty much the same as the last tent she'd lived in. A firepit in the center, robes stewn about for sleeping and sitting, various bundles here and there around the edge holding a multitude of incomprehensible items. As Kathleen remained standing just to one side of the doorway, Hca climbed in and passed her.

  Waniyetu Gi also entered, tying her hair back in a knot. She noticed the pale woman shivering. "Cunksi

  , get Ketlin something dry to wear. Her skin is thin and she is cold." The older woman guided the blonde further into the ti


  by an elbow.

  "Ohan, ina." The wikoskalaka

  rummaged among her things and found what she was looking for. With a smile, she turned to her charge and held up another dress. "You will wear this, Ketlin," she said. When the blonde made no move to take it, Hca pushed it closer. "It is yours. I made it for the woman of my mitankala's


  The dress was of buckskin and long. It was painted yellow, like Anpo's shirt. Running from shoulder to hem were two strips of white with designs painted red on them - the lightning bolt, the buffalo and the sun.

  Hesitantly, Kathleen took the offering. "Thank you, Hca," she said, though she knew the woman wouldn't understand her. "It's beautiful." She looked down to her own dress, formless and without adornment. Unbidden, tears came to her eyes.

  The smile on her face faded as she saw the wetness trailing from the blonde's eyes. Hca frowned in concern and stepped forward. "I did not wish to hurt you, Ketlin," she said, taking the woman by the shoulders.

  With an experienced eye, Waniyetu Gi looked the new arrival over. "I do not think she has been hurt by you, cunksi," she decided. "I have spo
ken with my maske and Yatke's woman about this her. She was hurt very much by the people who had her before."

  Kathleen tried to hold back the tears as the women conversed about her. She angrily swiped one away. Now is not the time, Kath! she thought, fighting her emotions. But all was for naught when an understanding look crossed Hca's face and the blonde found herself being pulled into an embrace.

  The kindness seemed to open a floodgate and all the pain and fear and worry of the past few weeks seemed to wash over her. Kathleen began sobbing, her body shaking from the force of her cries. Slowly, she was lowered down until she and Hca were seated on some furs. The woman was rocking her and singing softly as the crying continued.

  Eventually, the tears subsided. Kath, yer an idiot, she thought as she pulled sheepishly away from Hca. As she hiccoughed like a small child, Waniyetu Gi knelt beside them and wiped her face with a piece of soft leather. Kathleen blushed at the treatment, feeling as if she was three years old. But ye do feel better, lass, she had to admit.

  Kathleen allowed herself to be undressed. The wet leather of the previous outfit no longer against her skin, she could feel herself warm up almost immediately. There was a final shiver as she slipped the new dress over her head and smoothed it down. She noticed that the other women were doing the same, each avoiding watching each other. The blonde averted her gaze, as well, giving the others as much privacy as was available in a tent of this size.

  Once she was finished, Hca tied a belt about her waist and looked to the white woman. She beckoned the stranger forward to stand in front of her. With a smile, the dark woman produced a yellow belt to go with the dress. She tied it about Kathleen, drawing the formless clothing in at the waist. With a satisfied smile, she stepped back to regard her handiwork. "Ina, what do you think?"

  Waniyetu Gi cocked her head to one side. "You are good with the paints, cunksi. And you did well with the size of the taha


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