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Break Her

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “Fuck, yes, baby,” he said, breaking the kiss long enough to speak. His lips were back on her skin, licking and sucking on her body. He didn’t allow her to stay clothed for long. Garrison tore at her clothes until she lay beneath him naked. From the glaring desire coming from his eyes, she didn’t even try to cover her body. “You’re the most beautiful female I’ve ever seen.”

  “You know how to say the nicest things.”

  He chuckled. “I’m not being nice. I want you, baby.”

  She watched him pull away from the bed and tear off his clothes. His cock was rock hard, pressing up against his stomach. Reaching out, she wrapped her fingers around his cock, shocked at how big and thick he was.

  “I’ve not been with anyone.”

  “I know. You may have said no two years ago, but I was going to make sure no one claimed your pussy but me.”

  Odessa licked her lips, liking how he talked. He was so damned dirty and hot. “You may have stopped men, but you didn’t stop the internet.” Kneeling at his feet, she opened her mouth and took him in deep.

  “Fuck me.”

  She smiled even with her mouth full of cock. He tasted so damned good. Moaning, she sucked him in, taking him as deep as she could. When he hit the back of her throat, she pulled away, gasping. She’d not even gone halfway down his cock before he hit her throat.

  “Lion men are always bigger, baby.”

  She smiled, sucking him off and loving the taste of his cock.

  “No, I’m not going to spend our first night coming in your mouth.” He pulled out of her mouth, grabbing her arms, and picking her up. In the next second she was thrown back to the bed.

  She opened her thighs, not needing any further encouragement. Garrison growled, but instead of fucking her, ramming his dick home, he didn’t. His face hovered over her pussy.

  Odessa screamed as with quick movements, he had the lips of her pussy open and he was sucking on her flesh. The pleasure was instant, shocking, but so fucking perfect.

  Sinking her fingers into his hair, she rode his face, loving every second of his tongue on her body.

  “I’m going to fuck you with my cock. Your virginity is going to be all fucking mine.”

  He bit on her clit causing just enough pain, but he soothed out the sting with a kiss.

  Already aroused from his dominant display, Odessa splintered apart, coming on his face.

  “I can’t wait another moment.”

  Through the hazy vision of arousal, she watched him grip his cock, align the tip to her pussy, and shock her to the core as his entire person changed. He entered her slowly, taking his time. When he was at the thin skin of her hymen, he paused, waiting.

  “Please, I want you, Garrison.” She pressed a firm kiss to his lips.

  He thrust inside her, claiming her as his. The pain combined with the pleasure had Odessa scoring his back with her nails. He paused within her, and only when she begged him to move, did he. She screamed out her pleasure as his rock hard cock made its presence known inside her. He pulsed and twitched, making her gasp for more.

  “You feel so fucking perfect and so hot. All mine.”

  “Yes, I’m yours.”

  No fighting anymore. She was pissed she’d caused herself to miss this for the last two years. Odessa held on tight to him as he started to move within her, going deeper than ever before.

  She loved the burn, the fullness of his dick as he filled her. Biting her lip, she whimpered as the pleasure increased taking her to new heights of arousal. Garrison leaned back, and she watched as his cock slowly filled her. Crying out, she gripped his shoulders but was unable to look away. His cock was slick with her cream and looked so damned hard that he took her breath away. Any pain that had been caused by the claiming of her virginity had disappeared. In its place was pure need.

  “Fuck, baby. Such a pretty pussy and it’s all mine. No other man is going to know how fucking perfect you are. All mine and I don’t share.”

  Odessa didn’t once consider him sharing. He couldn’t even handle a guy trying to dance with her.

  “Please, Garrison, take me.” She thrust up to meet his cock, needing him to take control. He grabbed her hands, trapping them on the bed, which helped to ease him up on his hands. She took the weight of him on her wrists, loving the pain from being underneath him.

  “I’m not going to stop now. I’m going to fuck you until the only thing you remember is to scream my name.”

  He didn’t disappoint.

  Garrison fucked her hard and raw throughout the night. The only sounds in the room that could be heard were those of his body hitting hers. Odessa couldn’t find the breath to scream. She didn’t want to waste any valuable sound while she basked in the fucking he was giving her.

  “Yes, fuck me, please, fuck me.” She bit her lip, begging him to take her, to fuck her.

  He released one of her hands, and she started to stroke her clit, bringing herself to the peak and going over the edge. Garrison pumped inside her twice more, growling out his release and biting her neck.

  The mating heat surrounded them, connecting them together as two souls. She didn’t fight, and loved the glow of his love that surrounded her.

  When it was over, he licked the blood away from her neck before sucking the cream from her fingers.

  “I love you, Odessa, with all my heart. I’m not a good man, but I will make you a good husband, and a good mate.”

  Staring into his eyes, she couldn’t say another word. He’d already taken over every part of her. Garrison was good at everything, and she didn’t doubt his ability to make her happy, crazy, and angry.

  Chapter Five

  One year later

  Odessa walked at a steady pace, kept her senses alert, and knew anyone or anything could come out at any moment and she might not know, especially if they were a highly trained shifter. She scanned the woods surrounding their town, and made sure everything was right where it should be.

  For the last year she’d been working right alongside Garrison, learning how to protect her pride and their alpha, her father. She’d realized being mated to a male so powerful and controlling didn’t mean she also had to be locked away and let his control surround her. He loved her, and she loved him, and she’d fought the mating long enough. Once she’d embraced it everything flowed where it should, felt right and good, though she knew being mated to a dark, dangerous male such as Garrison would always have its ups and downs.

  For one thing he was overly protective, so protective they’d gotten into fights over it. She couldn’t be trapped, wouldn’t allow a mate to do that to her, not even the male she loved more than anything else. So, after they’d struggled with his control, after she’d explained once again she wouldn’t be the little housemate who stayed home, cooked his meals, and did what he said, he backed off … slightly. He was still so protective of her, so territorial, but she liked it, loved that although she needed her space she also needed his dominance. And she also loved that Garrison respected that about her.

  The sound of a twig snapping had her turning around, her lion pushing forward, and her senses becoming even more acute. And then Garrison came out from behind a large tree, his powerful body moving fluidly, almost stealthily over the foliage.

  “You broke that twig on purpose,” she said and smirked.

  “I’ve been following you for the last twenty minutes and you didn’t even scent me, mate.” He was close enough to her now he used his big body to press her up against a tree. He smirked, looked at her lips, and leaned down to kiss her. “I was making sure you were safe, baby,” he murmured against her mouth.

  She kissed him back, and let herself mold into the hardness of his body. “It’s just a training session, Garrison. I think I would have been safe regardless.” For the last year she’d been training with the enforcers, becoming stronger, learning how to protect her kind. This was just another training module where she was to scan the perimeter. There was nothing dangerous about it, but th
en again Garrison didn’t even like her stepping out of their home unless he was there to watch her back. She knew he’d never be the type of male not to care what she did. He’d always be her protector, and she loved him even more because of it.

  He placed a hand on her belly, and she felt their little lion kick. She was due to have their first child in four months, and although he much preferred for her to stay in the safety of their home, especially when she was pregnant, Odessa could still stay in shape and keep her senses acute without harming their baby. She was a lion shifter, her body made to be worked out and stay in shape, shift, bones breaking and muscles tearing. Her child would grow to be just as strong, if not stronger because his or her father was Garrison Black.

  “I know you’re a strong female, my strong female, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I wouldn’t mind seeing you home, barefoot and carrying my child.”

  She slapped him on the arm playfully and smiled at his teasing.

  “No, I actually love you’re so stubborn and strong-willed, love the fight you give me, Odessa.” He leaned down again and kissed her. “My woman, my child, my mate.” He moved his nose to the side of her neck, inhaled deeply, and growled low in his throat. “Mine, all fucking mine.”

  And that’s what she wanted, what she loved.

  “And you’re mine,” she whispered, speared her hands in his hair, and lifted his head so they could kiss.

  “You better fucking believe it, mate,” he groaned.

  “I love you so much,” she whispered against his mouth.

  “And I love you, Odessa.”

  This was her mate, her male, and she was not going to give him up for anything, no matter how growly and alpha he could be.


  It had been two years since she’d given birth to their son, Malakai, and Odessa was due to have their second, a little girl, any day now. She sat on the couch and stared out the window as Garrison and Malakai ran around the property. Garrison chased their son, a smile on his face, and even though they were outside and she was inside, she felt the happiness come from him. He looked so happy, so at peace when he was with them. But when he was in enforcer mode he was still the hard ass, tough as steel lion shifter he always was.

  Placing a hand on her belly she felt their little girl kick. She was strong, just as strong as Malakai had been while she was pregnant with him. They’d decided to find out what they were having this time around because the truth was the suspense had been killing her. She’d have been happy with a boy or a girl, as long as it was healthy, but she’d secretly hoped to have one of each.

  Another strong kick from the baby and she winced. Odessa looked down at her body, seeing her ankles swollen to the point it was like her calves and feet melded into one. Her legs were swollen, too, the summer weather not helping in that regard. Another hard jab right under her ribs had her crying out briefly.

  And then it happened … her water broke.

  “Oh God,” she said to herself, stood, and walked toward the front door. Opening it, she saw Garrison scoop up Malakai, who squealed in excitement. “Garrison,” she said low, trying to speak through the pain. He looked at her instantly, able to hear her clearly even though distance separated them. “It’s time.”


  Garrison paced outside of her room. Yosef was with him, and he was finding it hard not to go rushing into the room to see Odessa. He heard her scream out as she began to give birth, and Yosef held him back.

  “Your lion cannot handle this, Garrison. You’ll only stress her more,” Yosef said.

  “She’s mine. I should be in there.”

  “I know, but this is the way it has to be.”

  Nodding his head, he continued his pacing until he heard the unmistakable cry of a baby.

  Rushing into the room, he was just in time to see Odessa cradling their daughter to her chest.

  “We have a little girl, Garrison,” she said, offering him a secret smile. She was exhausted, and yet she still graced him with a sweet smile.

  “I love you, baby. You own my heart,” he said, moving to her side. He didn’t give a shit that Yosef heard him. All he cared about was Odessa knowing how he felt about her. She was his life, his love, his very reason for breathing.

  “I love you, too.”

  Malakai, their son, came to the door. “Come and meet your sister,” Garrison said. His son rushed to his side. He held his son in his arms, and he claimed Odessa’s lips. This was his family, his future. Odessa smiled up at him. “Even though I just had her, I can’t wait to have our family grow even more, Garrison.”

  His woman had him wrapped around her little finger. There would be more young in the future, even though it scared him during the birth. There wouldn’t be anything Odessa asked for that he wouldn’t grant her.

  Chapter Six

  Six weeks later

  “Come here, mate.” Garrison’s voice was low, hoarse, and there was a touch of dominance in his words. There had always been a part of him that commanded people without having to do much more than give them a look, but then again he had to be that way because he was an enforcer. But right now all Odessa could focus on was the way his mouth moved as he said those three words, and how her entire body wanted to submit to this male.

  She licked her lips and moved that last bit of space it took to almost have their chests brushing together. It would have been easy enough for him to move toward her, but she knew this wasn’t about who could surrender the most. Odessa would always want him, would always feel this burning desire to have Garrison with her, because he was her mate, and she did love him so much.

  Even all this time later, after the birth of their two children, she wanted him like she wanted to take her next breath.

  He reached out and cupped her waist with one hand, curled his fingers into her flesh, and pulled her forward until not even a slip of paper could move between them. With his other hand he covered one side of her face, and brushed the pads of his fingers along her flesh, sending goosebumps skating along her body.

  Back and forth he stroked her skin, staring into her eyes and making her feel like she was the only female for him, but then again she knew this was the case. She knew Garrison would always be there for her and their children. Not only did he tell her that, but he showed her all the time. God, his eyes were so intense, so clear. Odessa felt herself leaning forward, felt his warm and sweet smelling breath brush along her lips.

  But he didn’t kiss her, and instead moved the hand that held her face to the back of her head. He tunneled his fingers into her hair, and tightened his hold on the strands until the pain mixed with her already climbing pleasure.

  “You have no idea how much I want you, how much I love you, Odessa.” His lips were so close to hers that if he just leaned forward that last couple of inches that separated them he’d kiss her. “No one will ever compare to you. No one ever has.”

  She closed her eyes and breathed out. Her heart was thundering, and she swore her wetness was soaking clean through her panties. Arousal was always an everlasting feeling inside of her when it concerned Garrison. Odessa lifted her hands and tunneled her fingers through his hair now. “I love you.”

  He was so big, so masculine and muscular that she felt feminine even though she was a curvy female. He was a whole foot taller than she was, and she loved that with him she felt like this petite, tiny thing. The feeling of his hardness pressed against her softness had this desire filling her to the point she’d suffocate from it. She also felt the hardness of his erection pressing against her belly.

  “God, baby, I want you so bad.” His voice was so harsh. “It’s felt like it’s been forever since I’ve had you.”

  Yes, it did feel like it had been so long, torturously long. Malakai and the baby were asleep, and this was their time now, their moment to be together.

  “I need you, Odessa,” he groaned. “I need you, or I’ll fucking burst.” They hadn’t been together sexually since the baby was born, and it had fe
lt like forever. “Christ, I need you so fucking badly. My lion needs you.” And then he had his mouth on hers and his tongue speared between her lips. Garrison slid his hands down her shoulders, over her arms, and gripped her waist with both hands now. And then he was walking them backward, right into their room, and he shut the door behind them. She felt the cold, hard bedroom wall greet her.

  “Yes, Garrison,” she said softly, not wanting to wake the children. The deep rumbles that left him had her inner muscles clenching almost painfully. He opened his mouth wider and deepened the kiss, and then moved his hands to the edge of her shirt and started to slowly lift it up.

  “That’s it, mate. Be with me, and let me have every part of you. Let me ravish you, drown in you.” He sounded frantic with his need. He was grinding his erection into her belly, and a gasp left her as she let her head fall back against the wall. The bed was so close, but up against the wall fucking was so much better.

  He took a step back, his head downcast and his gaze trained right on her. He was breathing so hard. For several seconds they stood there. In one fluid motion she pulled her shirt up and over her head, and he moved his gaze up and down her body. She didn’t feel embarrassed that she was bigger now that she’d had two kids, and that she’d just had the baby a month and a half ago. She also didn’t care that she now had more stretch marks, that her belly was fuller, that she had rolls on her stomach and hips. Garrison loved her no matter what, and she loved herself. She didn’t care because the way her mate stared at her told Garrison he liked what he saw.

  “Damn, baby.” He ran a hand over his face, stared at her breasts that weren’t restrained by anything, and bigger now that she was breastfeeding the baby. “I want to fucking eat you alive.” And then he was right in front of her again, kissing her, licking her lips and sucking her tongue into his mouth as he ground his erection into her bare belly now.


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