Sunshine, Tequila & Sea Monkeys

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Sunshine, Tequila & Sea Monkeys Page 1

by S. Allen

  Sunshine, Tequila & Sea Monkeys


  S. Allen

  Copyright text © 2017 S. Allen

  All rights reserved. No part of this text may be used without permission from author. This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and incidents used are a part of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances are coincidental and unintentional.

  Julian’s been living like a ghost since the sudden death of his partner, Greyson. He’s watched his friends find happiness and is thinking that maybe it’s time to start moving forward. One afternoon he meets Ro while having coffee. Something about Ro makes Julian’s heart perk up and take an interest.

  Ro wasn’t looking for love. He’d been busy running his business and volunteering at the youth center. But one afternoon his cat, Claire, helped introduce him to Julian. Can Ro break through Julian’s defenses and convince him that they’d be amazing together?

  M/M Romance, adult content, 38200 words

  *** Julian has been seen in Flamingos Stand Together and A Possum Christmas. This can be read as a standalone story, however characters from the previous stories will make appearances—can’t miss out on poker night!

  1. Coffee with the Circus Cat Trainer.

  The midmorning sun warmed Julian’s face as he was sitting outside of the Caffeinator sipping an iced Americano. He closed his eyes trying to capture the calmness of the moment and enjoy the sensation of the cool breeze against his heated skin. Opening his eyes, he watched a handful of fluffy white clouds leisurely drift towards the snowcapped peaks of Mtn. Rainer. Julian’s thoughts wandered quickly from the beauty of the afternoon to the isolation he felt squeezing his heart.

  Julian sat amidst a throng of people. Everyone seemed to be involved in conversations, laughing and enjoying the people in their company. And there he sat alone and fading into the background. He had been in a continuous state of mourning after the death of his partner, Greyson. Greyson’s death overshadowed everything in Julian’s life. Julian wasn’t Julian, but the Julian, whose partner tragically passed away. Greyson had died young and unexpectedly, but did that single event have to define Julian’s life?

  Julian wanted to be happy, to let go of the past. He needed to break the mold everyone saw him fit into. The look of sullen widow was so last season. Yet, his wardrobe still consisted of mostly black and faded black and he hadn’t had an optimistic viewpoint in years. He was lucky his friends still stuck by him and put up with his bullshit. It was like they knew he was wearing a mask of mourning and were patiently waiting for him to step out of his self-imposed misery and rejoin society. He took a long drink of his coffee and chewed on an ice cube. A loud commotion brought his attention to the here and now preventing the flavor of his coffee from turning into the bitter taste of self-pity.

  “Claire, stop!” a man shouted as he ran down the sidewalk straight towards the coffee shop. Julian followed the man’s eyes and spotted the looped handle of a leash whip under his table. He stepped on the leash halting the wayward pet from further escape. With a howl, the pet pulled against Julian’s hold and rattled the table causing his coffee to topple over. Luckily, it spilt on the table and ran off the side, not landing on any of the surrounding coffee patrons or Julian himself.

  “Thanks,” the man huffed, slightly out of breath. He knelt down and coaxed the frightened animal to him. Julian was surprised to see a calico cat emerge from under the table. It was wearing a harness attached to the leash his foot was still on.

  “You can let go. I’ve got her.” The stranger smiled. “Let me get you another coffee. What was it?”

  “Iced Americano with a splash of cream.” Julian was too awestruck by the wide smile and gentle eyes of the stranger to say anything more. The man was solidly built but had a gracefulness to him. His full beard contradicted his outfit of dark chinos, white button-down shirt and open paisley printed vest. There was just something very captivating about the man and Julian was immediately taken. His hadn’t realized how much time he’d spent thinking about him until he reappeared with two beverages.

  The man put both cups on the table as Claire happily balanced on his shoulder. “Here you go. I’m Ro, by the way.”

  Julian ignored the offered beverage and simply stared dumbly at ‘Ro’. The man had such an easiness about him making Julian envious and relaxed at the same time. Ro had a healthy tan and wide smile. He seemed confident and comfortable with who he was but without any arrogance or self-importance.

  “Here is the point where you tell me your name and invite me to sit.” Ro chuckled.

  “Sorry. I’m Julian. Would you like to join me?” Julian asked obediently.

  “Why, thank you. I’d love to.”

  Julian’s eyes never left the man as he sat across the small café table from him. “You have a cat on a leash,” Julian finally blurted out.

  “Yes, Captain Obvious. You’re very observant,” Ro teased.

  “It’s just that a cat on a leash isn’t something you see everyday.” Julian defended. “It’s actually very impressive.”

  “Thanks. Claire is great. She got startled by an over taxed dog walker. This little woman had something like ten dogs dragging her down the street and the ringleader had its eyes set on Claire. So you can understand Claire’s failed escape.”

  “Completely understandable. Does she do any tricks?” Julian was kind of hoping she did.

  “Not really. She’s easily led, so I can get her to jump through hoops if I wanted to.” Ro reached up to scratch under her chin.

  “Is that what you do, train animals? Have you been on any of those TV shows where animals and their humans do tricks? I totally remember that one show and a dog was playing poker. Not like in the painting where they’re smoking and wearing clothes, but he was fetching cards.”

  Ro laughed at Julian’s enthusiasm. “It sounds like an interesting show.”

  “Sorry, I got a little excited. I love animals but have never had a pet.”

  “Don’t apologize. It’s good to be passionate about things. And to answer your question no, I don’t train animals. I actually own a nursery. I’m really lucky that I love my job. What do you do?”

  “You are chatting with a very boring accountant.”

  “Not boring so far.” Ro winked.

  Julian blinked his eyes owlishly a few times in surprise, was Ro flirting with him? It had been so long since he’d participated in the beginnings of any sort of mating rituals. Hell, he couldn’t even remember the last time he was interested in not being alone.

  “Did I add too much cream to your coffee?” Ro gestured towards the cup in front of him. Half the ice had already melted and the outside had a solid layer of condensation. It was refreshing on Julian’s hand as he picked it up to take a large swallow.

  “It’s perfect. I got distracted by my unexpected coffee companion.” Julian forgot he knew how to be playful without being snarky.

  “I know. I am quite dashing. Any big plans for today before you were interrupted by my runaway cat?”

  “Nothing. I was just enjoying the sunshine. I’ve been feeling a bit pale.” Julian laughed. It was true. He didn’t spend much time outside. Greyson had always scolded him for spending too much time in the sun. Julian had long ago given up the argument that Seattle had so few sunny days that the vitamin D out weighed the scare of skin cancer and wrinkles.

  “It feels good, right? I love taking long hikes in the summer. Feeling the sun beat down as your body works to get to the end of the trail.” Claire stepped off of Ro’s shoulder and curled up in his lap.

  “I haven’t gotten out of the office very much this year.” Julian lowered his eyes and thought, “Yeah, this year? Try not si
nce college.”

  “If you have a free weekend we should head out of the city and reconnect with nature,” Ro suggested.

  “That sounds great. What does owning a nursery entail? Do you do a lot of actual gardening?”

  “No, even though I do love gardening. We sell plants and do some limited landscape designing and installing. I co-own the nursery with my cousin, Vinnie, and he oversees most of the installing while I manage the nursery and do the designing. Not that I’m complaining. I’m surrounded by plants all day.”

  “That sounds relaxing. I can’t even keep a bamboo stick alive.” Julian laughed at his admittance. “Seriously, I’ve even killed this long-grass plant-thing that had striped leaves that the garden guy said was really easy to take care of.”

  “You’re talking about a spider plant. Maybe we can start you off with a cactus. I’m sure you can keep that alive. I mean you haven’t killed yourself?”

  Ro’s question hit a little too close to home. Yes, he was a breathing, functioning adult, but Julian’s existence could hardly be considered living. More like hiding and pretending to be alive. Instead of answering he asked, “How’s working with family?”

  “Me and Vinnie get along great. My cousin basically saved my life. I owe him a lot,” Ro answered seriously.

  “Wow. That’s a hefty debt to be working off.”

  “Naw. It’s just what family does for each other. I know he’ll always have my back and vice versa. Even if I didn’t feel indebted to him, he’s still someone I would want to be around. So, yeah, I feel pretty lucky to love what I do and enjoy the people too. Do you like accounting?”

  “Yes, even though sometimes it can get boring.” Julian strummed his fingers on the table.

  “That’s what evenings, weekends and vacations are for. When was the last time you did something out of the ordinary?”

  “I honestly can’t remember. I was planning on doing a bungee jump after I graduated college, but that didn’t happen.”

  “When was that?”

  “About four years ago.”

  Ro whistled. “That’s quite a bit of time to let something planned sit on the sidelines. I think you owe it to yourself to do it. I’ve never done it, if you want some company.”

  “I just might take you up on that.” Julian hadn’t thought about bungee jumping in years. It was supposed to have been his reward for buckling down and focusing during college. Greyson had easily talked him out of it. He reasoned they didn’t have time to take even a few days to get out of town. They had to organize their new adult lives.

  “What’s Ro short for?” Julian was curious.

  “Who says it’s short for something?” Ro teased.

  “How about Roland?”

  “Nope. Not a gunslinger.”

  “Man, that was a good series.”

  “It was one of my favorites,” Ro agreed.

  “So, let’s see, you like to play in the dirt, owe an un-payable debt to a family member, read good fiction and train cats.” Julian recapped playfully. “You are quickly becoming one of the most fascinating people I know.”

  “You need to get out more.” Ro laughed deep and loud.

  His laughter awakened something deep in Julian’s heart. Hope. Hope for a new friendship and plans for the future. Maybe he could stop coasting through life by only doing the minimum requirements of his day-to-day routine and try something new and exciting—something he actually wanted to do—like bungee jumping with a new friend. Julian smiled and thought of anything to hear more of Ro’s musical laughter. “So, could you train Claire to wash the dishes and fold laundry?”

  “Don’t I wish! I’m pretty sure there aren’t enough treats on the planet to convince Claire to put her paws in dirty dish water.” Ro leaned his head back in laughter and lovingly stroked Claire’s back. He swallowed the last of his coffee and eyed Julian’s empty cup. “Unfortunately, I have to get going. Claire needs to get home and I have a meeting with a new client. Want to grab a late dinner with me tonight, like around 8? I keep hearing those commercial, you know the two for twenty thing? They’re like ‘take a date, take a friend, take a co-worker or bring a complete stranger to sit and share the twofer special.’ ” Ro comically smiled wide as if advertising for a whitening toothpaste instead of a dinner deal.

  Julian couldn’t help but laugh and nod his head in agreement. Who hadn’t seen the commercial with the catchy jingle? “Alright. I’ll see you at 8.”

  Ro set Claire on the sidewalk and they walked away before Julian could fully comprehend what he had just agreed to, a date. This stranger had entered his life not even an hour ago and now Julian didn’t want to see him leave.


  Julian arrived fifteen minutes early and was seated in a colorful booth. He could have spent several minutes cataloging all the random items nailed to the wall, but a moose head wearing sunglasses caught his attention. He wondered how many secrets that moose head had overheard throughout the countless days since he’d been mounted. Julian almost confessed to Mr. Moose Head that he’d spent the last couple of hours desperately thinking of every and any excuse to not meet Ro for dinner. Ultimately, he was forced to be there because he had no way of getting a hold of Ro to cancel. And not showing up was just plain rude.

  Julian restlessly bounced his knee, then nervously tapped his fingers on the table before taking in a large calming breath. Why was he so anxious, it wasn’t like this commercial inspired dinner date was actually a date date. Julian looked up to the moose half hoping for a reassuring nod. Ro was just being friendly inviting him out as a friend, bro, chum, buddy, pal, mate. Surely he hadn’t meant the invitation like a boyfriend, partner, husband, lifemate. Wow, that certainly escalated quickly. Julian chuckled at himself.

  “What’s so funny?” Ro seated himself across from Julian.

  “Nothing. I was being ridiculous.”

  “Have you ordered anything yet?”

  “Nope. I was waiting for you.” Julian blushed slightly at how personal that sounded, like they were two parts of a whole and their dinner decisions needed to be shared.

  “What a considerate date. I’ve hit the jackpot.” Ro winked playfully.

  “I wasn’t sure in what context you invited me out.” Julian rushed out the confession. Before Ro could respond, the server walked up to the table.

  “Do you mind if we order everything right now? I’m starved. We don’t have to order the twofer, order whatever you want,” Ro offered.

  “I’ll have a glass of cab and the steak option, cooked medium. Do you want to share the spinach dip or cheese sticks?” Julian looked over to Ro.

  “The spinach dip, please. I’ll have the pasta and a glass of the same, thank you.” He handed the menus to the server and turned his full attention back to Julian. “Thanks for meeting me for dinner. I wanted to get to know you better. I had a nice time at the coffee house this afternoon. I wasn’t getting a clear read if you were flirting back or if you were just being friendly. I didn’t want you to get offended if I asked for your number. If I had been only interested in being friends I would have suggested we grab a beer or something next time the Mariners were playing. I figured you’d get that I was asking you on a date if it was for dinner.”

  Julian chuckled. “I haven’t been out on a date in over three years.”

  “Impossible! How could that have happened?” Ro was truly shocked.

  “My partner died almost three years ago. And I haven’t had the heart to get back into the dating scene.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Ro reached across the table and squeezed Julian’s hand in condolences.

  “It happened so fast. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died weeks later.” Julian hadn’t talked about Greyson in a long time. His emotions were conflicted by the grief of a man dying so young and resentment for his death putting Julian’s life in limbo. It was as though Julian had died right along with him.

  “What was his name? Do you want to talk about him?”

nbsp; “Sorry. I’m great date material,” Julian said sarcastically. “It’s no wonder I haven’t been out before this.”

  “Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself. How long were you two together? Talk to me. I’m interested in getting to know you better and the past shapes us into who we are.”

  “His name was Greyson. We were together for nearly four years. We met in college. God, he was high maintenance.” Julian laughed from the blunt honesty of the statement. “He was an extremely picky eater and had to have everything his way.”

  “Are you the same way?” Ro asked, genuinely listening to everything Julian was saying.

  “Nope. Not even a little bit. I’m easy and enjoy everything.” Julian paused to look down at his pitiful black outfit. “Well, I was before Grey. Then after he died, I was crushed. Everyone kept telling me how sorry they were and how they hoped to find someone to share a love that paralleled mine and Grey’s. I felt obligated to visibly grieve. Not that Grey liked it when I wore bright colors before, but after his funeral I haven’t worn anything but black.”

  “It sounds like there’s a lot more going on than you’re saying,” Ro carefully remarked.

  “Maybe. I feel like I died right along with him,” Julian said on a whisper. What was it about this man that had him pouring his heart out? He was never this truthful with anyone in regards to Greyson. No one had pushed or even seemed to be interested in what was really going on with him. He was the grieving partner, plain and simple. It was great that his friends were being patient, but what Julian needed was a hand to help guide him past his grief—it had been long enough.

  “Do you want to come back to the living?” Ro asked. He put his hand out, palm up right next to Julian’s on the table literally offering Julian what he’d been thinking about.

  Julian looked at the offered hand and watched the fingers wiggle slightly in invitation. He placed his hand in Ro’s and squeezed. “Yes.”


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