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Omegas Hope: A MM Non Shifter Mpreg Romance

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by Mike Andy

  Omegas Heat

  A MM Non Shifter Mpreg Romance

  Mike Andy

  This book is a work of fiction that is intended for mature readers. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. All characters within this book are fictional and are consenting adults over the age of eighteen years. Characters, names, places, and events are the product of the author's imagination.

  Copyright © 2019 by LBPress21 All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in the United States of America


  1 - Chapter 1

  2 - Chapter 2

  3 - Chapter 3

  4 - Chapter 4

  5 - Chapter 5

  6 - Chapter 6

  7 - Chapter 7

  8 - Chapter 8

  9 - Chapter 9

  10 - Chapter 10

  11 - Chapter 11

  12 - Chapter 12

  13 - Chapter 13

  14 - Chapter 14

  15 - Chapter 15

  16 - Chapter 16

  17 - Chapter 17

  18 - Chapter 18 Epilogue

  19 - Additional Works

  Chapter 1


  Staring into the mirror, my heart raced in my chest. Cold water splashed onto my face. Droplets slid across my cheeks. Fetching a towel from the rack, I brushed it across my face.

  The suspense was killing me. I needed to know for sure. Three minutes. That seems like an eternity when you are waiting to find out something important. The clock on the wall ticked loudly with each passing second.

  My hands gripped onto the bathroom counter as I looked at myself. My short brown hair clung to my head from a shower earlier. I had gotten partially dressed with a white t-shirt and my boxer shorts.

  It was a good thing that my roommates were not home. They would have asked what I was doing in the bathroom for so long. There are some things that even close friends should not know about. It did not concern them. Not yet at least. Jason and Todd were close friends but I didn’t know how to tell them the truth.

  Picking up the box from the bathroom sink, I sat down on the edge of the bathtub. My hands fumbled with the box nervously, flipping it over. There were instructions written on the outside of the box that I read meticulously. I wanted there to be a step that I had missed. Something that would say it was an error and I could repeat the instructions.

  The directions were straight forward though. Frustrated, I tossed the box into the garbage can. My hands reached up to brush my fingers through my hair. Leaning over, I stared at the floor. The white tile had a black grout that connected them together.

  Connected. That is how all this started. I was cursing my boyfriend at the moment. This was all his fault. I felt angry and confused. I wanted to punch something hard but there was nothing close by that I couldn’t risk breaking.

  My eyes looked up at the clock on the wall. It ticked until two minutes had passed by. The very sound was getting on my nerves. It was like a time bomb counting down to disaster.

  I grasped my good luck pendant that hung from the chain around my neck. It might be too late for this, but I prayed the result would be different from the previous time.

  Opening my eyes, the clock had passed the three-minute mark. I stood up from my seat on the tub. Exhaling sharply, I placed my hands on my waist. I walked over to the sink.

  My eyes landed on the stick on the counter. It had a blue line in the middle of it. I could feel my stomach turning as I realized what that meant. I picked up the stick and turned it around a few times as if that would make a difference.

  Grabbing the box from the trash, I flipped it over to look at the instructions again. It didn’t change the result of the test. I threw the stick in the trash and started to cry. I was pregnant!

  This all happened about a month ago. My roommates had gone out to a concert together. It was my day off from my job so I decided to stay at the house.

  My roommates and I were fairly close and they cared for me like a little brother. They were very protective of me and would try to chaperone my dates. I was a grown man. Twenty-one. I didn’t need them to come with me on my dates.

  My boyfriend David found out that my roommates were going to be out of town that weekend and insisted on coming over for a movie. How stupid was I to allow that to happen? We didn’t watch any of the movie. As soon as he was in the door, he was kissing me and had his hands all over me.

  This was my first time being with someone intimately. My roommates didn’t even have any protection in the house. To be honest, I thought I would be married before I had sex for the first time.

  As the night progressed, we sent from kissing to heavy petting. David was certainly the alpha in the relationship. He took charge of the situation and pressed me down into the bed. His hands were stripping me out of my shorts and before I knew what was going on, he was deep inside of me. It was my first time being with another man, but it felt wonderful. I was in love with him and I would give him anything.

  I had no idea that I was an omega until that night and now I am here in my bathroom crying because I’m pregnant. My roommates would be furious with me and would probably beat up David if they could get their hands on him.

  Biting my bottom lip, I took the bag out from the trash basket in the bathroom. I couldn’t risk my roommates finding it when they got back home. Sniffling and wiping my hands across my face, I went to my bedroom to get changed into clothes that I could wear outside.

  I had to find David and tell him what had happened. He would surely understand. We were in love and I’m sure he would be a good father. I didn’t believe in abortion, so I would still have the baby. If David agreed to marry me, perhaps my roommates would not be so angry at me when they found out the news.

  Dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a yellow t-shirt, I slipped my sandals on my feet. Grabbing the trash bag and my keys, I left the house. I dropped the bag off in the bin before I got into my car to drive over to David’s work place.

  David worked in a night club as a bartender. He always complained about the late hours that he had to work. The drunks that he to deal with and constantly getting hit on by club goers. He said that he would quit but the job paid too good.

  I drove over to the night club, parking my car on the street. David managed to get me a VIP pass which let me get past the bouncers and into the club.

  Upon entering the club, I could see him working at the bar. He had on his white button up shirt with the black vest that work made him wear. He was shaking a cup to make a mixed drink for a customer.

  I made my way through the crowd on the dance floor toward the bar. David took notice of me. He smiled when I got closer.

  “Hey! How’s my boy doing? Did you come all the way out here to see me? You could have called you know. I have my cell phone with me.”

  David poured the mixed drink he was making into a glass, setting it on the bar top.

  “I know that I could call you, but this is something important. I needed to speak to you in person.”

  Even telling him was making me nervous. My stomach was turning end over end. He was my light though. My one beacon in this dark time. I could depend on him.

  David’s expression turned form cheerful to serious.

  “What is going on? Did something happen?”

  He leaned over the bar to look at me.

  “You can tell me anything.”

  Steeled by his reassurance, I felt confident that I could speak to him. He looked at me
curiously, waiting for what I had to say. I wasn’t sure how to say it myself, so I spat it out quickly.

  “David. I’m pregnant.”

  I wasn’t excited about the news that I was pregnant. I had my whole life ahead of me. I wanted to do something with my life. Go to college and get a career. This would screw all that up. I wasn’t sure if I could do this alone. I needed someone else to help me through this. I needed David.

  David straightened up from the bar. His hand ran across his chin and over his mouth. His eyes staring down at the floor.

  “Richard, you’re pregnant?”

  A guest came up to the bar to request a drink and David grabbed a couple of bottles of liquor that were behind him. He started to make the drink and was completely ignoring me. He was acting like I didn’t say anything. It hurt.

  “David! Didn’t you hear what I said?! I’m pregnant!”

  I was angry at him for acting this way. His normally friendly demeanor turned cold.

  “I heard what you said Richard. This is your problem, not mine! I didn’t ask for this! Go back to your house and cry to your roommates. Don’t come back here asking me for help.”

  After what he said, it filled me with rage. Lots of arguing ensued after that, until I lost control and slapped him over the cheek. He looked like he was going to hit me back, but stopped himself. Richard pointed to one of the bouncers who was came over. I got the message. I exited the club, escorted by the bouncers who took my VIP pass away from me.

  Sitting in my car, I couldn’t drive home right away. I was so angry that my body trembled. It hurt. We were supposed to be in love and he just got rid of me. I leaned my head against the steering wheel of my car, sobbing.

  Chapter 2


  Feeling the humidity in the air, I reached my hand up to brush the sweat from my brow. Stakeouts were never my favorite part of being a police officer. It meant sitting in a car when it was hot and humid and waiting for something to happen. My partner and I couldn’t even have the car running in case the criminals we were attempting to catch would notice it. The only relief we got was from the cold beverages that we kept in our cooler.

  The station had received an anonymous tip that warehouses on the north side of town were being vandalized and robbed. The owner of the buildings were friends with a big wig on the city council. That is how we ended up sitting outside in the humid night air.

  With being unable to start the car, that meant no air conditioning. There was nothing that we could do but wait. I hated waiting. I got out of the car and took a stroll around the warehouse property. I was dressed in civilian clothes, but I still had my gun with me. My badge hung from my belt so it was clear that I was a police officer. I wasn’t trying to hide it. The sooner that we caught our burglars, the sooner that Jim and I could get out of here.

  I liked being a police officer. I enjoyed the thrill and the excitement. Plus, the pay was not too bad. I lived decently for my income level.

  Owning my home, I got creative with doing repairs to save as much money as I could. I’m not saying that I couldn’t afford to pay someone to come out to fix my place up if it was needed. I would rather save the money and do the repairs myself if I could.

  Atlanta was my home. I had lived here most of my life, but I dreamed about moving somewhere nicer. A milder climate that was less humid. It might be nice to even have more snow.

  Between my work hours and relaxation time, I rarely found the time to go out. Already in my mid-thirties and not a boyfriend or husband to speak of. The single life is nice but it gets lonely. Then there was the expense. I was doing my best to save to get out of this town. If I stopped to pursue a relationship, I would be spending that money.

  I’m sure if the right person came along, I would gladly give them the world. I wasn’t actively looking at the moment. Too content with my current life and work balance.

  Walking between the warehouse buildings, I heard a noise. I radioed to my partner.

  “Ten Fourteen. Investigating.”

  Putting my hand onto my side arm, I glanced around the corner. One of the metal locks on the warehouse door had been cut. The pieces of it lay on the ground and the door to the building was open.

  Jim arrived shortly after I discovered the evidence of a break in. I drew my fire arm, proceeding into the building. We did a tactical clear as we entered and then found our suspect. A young man with a revolver drawn and pointed at us.

  “This is the police! You are trespassing. Put down your weapon or we will open fire.”

  The man looked like he was going to try something but then he took notice that there were two cops staring him down. He placed his weapon on the ground, kicking it over to us.

  He placed his hands behind his back and Jim went over to cuff him and read him his rights. There was not much to steal in this warehouse. A lot of it was old electronics. Maybe the guy thought he could sell it online or to a fence.

  I would have much rather not have caught somebody as I hate having to file police reports. Especially when it involved an armed suspect.

  Before we could rest, I did a sweep of the area to see if our burglar had any accomplices. He was the only one though. Not even a look out. Feeling at ease, I holstered my gun.

  A radio to dispatch confirmed what happened and that we were bringing the suspect in. Jim proceeded to take the suspect back to the car when he wrestled free. He attempted to run, but I caught up to him, pushing him down into a car that he came across.

  A distraught man was sitting in the car. From his appearance, he had been crying. The noise of the suspect getting taken into custody must have startled him.

  Our suspect and the person in the car must have known each other. He was grinning and laughing.

  “I know where you live. I will find you!” I put my knee into his back which made him shut up. I wrestled him away from the car and took him back over to Jim.

  We pushed him into the back seat of the unmarked squad car. My attention turned to the parked car with the man inside.

  Chapter 3


  Stupid David. I was deeply hurt by what he had said. I didn’t want to go home yet. My roommates would see that I had been crying and would want to know the reason why. I couldn’t face them until I had calmed down.

  I was drivingly through the north part of town. My mind continued to think back on the conversation with David. Each moment recalling his words and actions either made me angry or cry. I was a fool to believe he ever cared about me.

  I’d become so lost in thought that I completely lost track of where I was driving. When I finally looked up to notice the street names, I realized I had no idea where I was. My eyes looked down at the gas gauge on my car to see that it was on empty. This was bad. I needed to fuel up my car but didn’t see a station anywhere around.

  There was a series of buildings nearby. Maybe someone there could direct me to the nearest gas station. I pulled into the building parking lot but then I saw it was a warehouse and not office buildings. Just my luck to choose the one place where there was no one around.

  My car started to sputter and then it died right there. I panicked.

  “No, no, no!”

  Turning the key, the car ignition chugged but there was no fuel to get it started.

  I glanced over to the passenger seat which is where I would have put my cell phone. The seat was empty. I had forgotten it back at the house. A wave of emotions built up inside of me. It was a flood gate that I could not hold back. Tears burst from my eyes. My head leaned forward to press into the steering wheel. How could this happen?

  A few minutes passed by before I heard a slam upon the hood of my car. It was an officer that was pushing a man down. Apparently, he was under arrest. My eyes focused on the man and then I realized that I knew him. He was one of my neighbors.

  The man had a death glare when he said he would find me. It scared me and I was trembling as I sat in my car.

  The officer took the man aw
ay and put him into the back of a car. I was still shaking when I heard a tap on my window. I glanced over to see the officer from earlier.

  Rolling down the window, the man glanced inside to see me. I’m sure that I looked awful. Sniffling, I wiped my hand across my damp face to try to look more presentable.

  In an authoritative voice, he said. “Are you okay Sorry about the man from earlier. We caught him. What are you doing out here?”

  “Officer, I’m sorry. I would move my car but I ran out of gas.” I wiped my hands over my cheeks again.

  “My boyfriend and I broke up. He said he never wanted to see me again.” I tried to control my emotions, but more tears trickled across my cheeks.

  I felt the gentle touch of his fingers across my cheek. It was surprising, but welcoming at the same time. He brushed the tears away.

  “There. There. It will be alright. My partner can take in our suspect. Do you want me to call you cab?”

  Still feeling frightened and scared from the threats the man made earlier, I shook my head a few times. “I don’t want to go home right now. He knows where I live. I don’t feel safe there right now.”

  “It is going to be okay. Most of the time guys like that just make empty threats. I’m off from my shift now. I can call a cab and then we can take you to wherever you feel safe.”

  Feeling calmer now that someone was there to take care of the situation, I relaxed and nodded my head a few times.

  “Okay. Thank you so much.”

  I rolled the window back up, getting my keys out of the ignition. Opening the door, I stepped out to realize that this man was much taller than me. He was even taller than David. He had a handsome and kind face with dusty brown hair that was cut short.

  He held out his hand to me for a handshake. I took his hand into my own. His grip was firm and strong but there was a gentleness to it as well.

  “My name is Victor Reisman. I’m an undercover police officer. What is your name handsome?”

  A slight tinge of pink came to my cheeks from embarrassment. How could he think that I was handsome when I looked awful? Tears streaked across my cheeks and my eyes were all puffy from crying.


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