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Omegas Hope: A MM Non Shifter Mpreg Romance

Page 6

by Mike Andy

  “Hello Vick. I’m sorry I didn’t get to talk to you very long at the store. I was hoping that I could talk to you. Give me a call back. Love you.”

  Disconnecting the call, I sighed as I rolled over to look at the door once more. Was Jason still on the other side of it and waiting for me? I got off of the bed to go over to it. My hand grasped the door knob, turning it slowly. I pulled the door open an inch to look outside. No one outside the door.

  Returning to my bed, I sat down. My hand clutching onto my phone. I tried to dial Vick again but it went straight to voicemail. Maybe he was busy. He normally called me back fairly quick.

  Chapter 14


  My day off. I should have been relaxing, but I couldn’t relax. My body was full of anxious energy. Richard had called me a few times and left voice mails on my phone. I would call him back later. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to talk to him. Being upset that he might be seeing David again, I was afraid I would say something I couldn’t take back.

  With all of this extra energy, I focused it onto a side project in my house. One of the spare rooms I had been using for storage was in dire need of cleaning. I hadn’t been in the room for over a year. My parents had a saying that if you haven’t seen or used something in a year, then you don’t need it.

  That is exactly what I did too. Everything was getting pulled out of the spare room. If it was something I truly didn’t need, I was putting it out into the trash or setting it by the curb for other people to take.

  There was so much in this room. A bike I no longer used. Boxes of clothes. Some old electronics. It was a mix of junk that when viewed individually, you might say why get rid of it. I knew it wasn’t good to hold onto all of this. It was time to toss it out.

  Working through the room, I spent a majority of the day cleaning up. That is when one of my neighbors took notice of the items I was throwing out. Kevin was in his mid-thirties. A rather attractive red head. He was always nice to me and brought over food and other treats. Maybe he was being neighborly or he was nice because he was interested.

  Sweat dripped down from my forehead as I carried the bike out of the room and brought it outside. He was looking at the items by the curb that were for give away. If they were not picked up by someone, then the garbage service would haul it off.

  After getting the bike in place, I sat down on an old lounge chair I had dragged out earlier. It was hot. I just wanted to take a breather before I went back inside to get more.

  “Hello Victor. I see you have a lot of stuff you are getting rid of. Going to sell it or is it free?”

  Looking up at Kevin, I shook my head. “It’s all free. Not going to bother selling it. It would take too much time which I don’t have.” My hand reached up to brush some of the sweat away from my forehead.

  Kevin was not a bad looking man, but I never had any interest in him. He would ask me to come over to do odd chores here and there. He hinted heavily that he was interested in me, but I was never interested in pursuing anything with him. Today he was dressed in a white t-shirt with a baseball team name in black cursive over the front. He wore a pair of brown shorts and sandals.

  “That’s too bad. I might have been willing to throw some extra money at you. Could have given you something for the bike at least. It looks like it would be a good ride.”

  Upon saying this, Kevin leaned over. I’m certain he was flirting with me. His left hand perched onto the arm rest of the chair I sat in. He was staring at me as he waited for me to respond.

  Letting out a sigh, I pressed my hand against Kevin’s shoulder to push him away from me. I stood up and shook my head. “If you want the bike, you can have it Kevin. I don’t need it anymore.”

  I had the front door open to make it easier to carry the items out. I walked back into my mouse. Kevin felt the need to come to the front door of my house to talk to me more.

  “Listen, I know you are single. Strong man like you. You need a man in your life. I could definitely be that for you.” He leaned against the frame of the door.

  I didn’t know he was there until I heard him talking. Before I had walked into the house, I had decided I was done for the day. My hands had pulled my shirt up and over my head because it was dripping with sweat.

  When I heard him talking, my eyes turned to the door. “Listen, Kevin, I’m not interested in you. You’re a good neighbor. I’d like to keep it that way.”

  Kevin took the hint. He left from my front door. I sat down on my lounge chair when I heard a knock against the door frame.

  “Listen, Kevin. I told that there is nothing.”

  I stopped talking when I turned around to look at the door and Richard was there.

  “Now I see why you haven’t been calling me back! You found out I’m pregnant and now you have a new guy coming over here.”

  I wasn’t sure what he was talking about but then it dawned on me. I’m covered in sweat with no shirt on and Kevin had left from my place only minutes before.

  “No, it is not like that Richard. I was moving stuff out of an old bedroom I’m not using. He was over here asking about the stuff at the curb.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest before he went into another tirade. “You expect me to believe that! He left from your house and you have no shirt on right now.”

  Richard turned around from the door and walked away. I gave chase to catch up to him.

  “There is nothing between us. He is a neighbor. My shirt was covered in sweat and I took it off before I knew he was there. Besides, I thought this is what you wanted. To be left alone so you can go back out with David.”

  “David left me when he found out I was pregnant, just like you are getting ready to do. You found yourself another guy, so why don’t you chase after him instead.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He thought I was going out with Kevin. I had only backed off because he was not coming around anymore. I thought he wanted to pursue the relationship with David.

  “You obviously wanted to go out with him again the way you were smiling at him at the store. It was written all over your face.”

  Before I knew what happened, a hand slapped me across my cheek. I went from shocked to startled and then I was angry. I think that Richard could see how upset I was. He got into his car and left. I sank into the lounge chair outside. What had I done?

  Chapter 15


  Catching Vick with that redheaded man was not how I saw our relationship turning out. I thought he cared about me. I finally managed to get some free time and go to visit him and that is what I walked in on. My thoughts kept going over the situation. He had left his house and he was there with no shirt on and covered in sweat. It could have been like he said. I was rash though and jumped to a conclusion.

  I already had trouble trusting people from what David had done. Then Jason tried his stunt to get my ex to go out with me again. I thought Vick was different.

  Arriving back at the house, I went into my bedroom and closed the door behind me. My roommates were both out of the house, so I had it to myself. It was a good thing too because my head collided with the pillow and I started to cry.

  Love hurts. When you actually love someone and they do something to betray your trust, you feel it in every ounce of your body. My heart was heavy and aching.

  Curling up on the bed, I hugged a pillow close to my chest. Tears streamed down my face. Did I really mean that little to him? He had that look on his face when I told him that I was pregnant. He didn’t act like he wanted me around. He had stopped calling me and had stopped coming by my work. Was it all because of this new man?

  I started to think about what life could have been like together with us. Living in his beautiful house with my baby. I know it was not his biologically, but I felt he would be a good father. When we were together, he was so gentle and kind. He had never once shown that he would hurt me. That was true up until I had slapped him. He was mad but I couldn’t blame him for that

  After crying for a while and getting myself composed, I took a shower. The warm water felt good on my skin. It washed away the tears and made me feel refreshed. What was I to do now that Vick was no longer going to be around? I don’t think he would want to see me again after I had slapped him.

  This felt so bad to me. I wanted to go talk to him but felt he wouldn’t want to talk to me. Once I had gotten dressed, I went back into the living room to sit on the couch with a bowl of ice cream. Not the healthiest thing to eat, but I needed something comforting and sweet.

  There was nothing on the television that I wanted to watch. Every show had a relationship or romantic plot. Watching those only reminded me of Vick. Clicking the television off, I let out a sigh.

  There was nothing I could do at this point. I felt like crying again. Why did it hurt so much to be in love?

  My roommates were very understanding when I told them about what happened. They were learning of Vick for the first time with my story. Jason was not happy that I had kept the relationship secret from him. Todd felt it was good that I at least tried to date someone again.

  With my roommates supporting me through the rough reality of our break up, I was able to start moving on again. I continued to go to work and come home to have evening meals with my roommates. The days turned into weeks and then months.

  Before I knew it, I was already eight months pregnant. It felt like I was smuggling a watermelon under my shirt. My back hurt from walking around. Work knew I would be taking my maternity leave when I gave birth.

  I started to wonder if I had messed up by asking Jason to tell David to keep away from me. He had broken up with me as soon as I had said I was pregnant. On the other hand, though, he was showing up to my work. Maybe he was trying to make it right by being there for my child? I don’t know what to believe.

  Chapter 16


  The day that Richard had slapped me changed me. I was madly in love with him. The thought that he might be going out with David had upset me. I did back off to give him space, but was it the right thing to do?

  I sat in my living room and had my phone in my hand. I thought about calling him. Telling him to come back to my place. That slap had me angry. I would never hurt Richard though.

  Looking down at my phone, I unlocked it to scroll to his number. My finger right over the send button but I didn’t press it. I dropped the phone onto my coffee table, standing up from the couch.

  What was that all about? He suddenly shows up at my place and then accuses me of seeing Kevin. I paced back and forth in my living room. My hands ran through my hair. I couldn’t talk to Richard right now. He was mad at me. The conversation over the phone would likely turn into a yelling match.

  I would give him a few days and then try to call him. That would give him time to calm down and it would give me time to gather my thoughts.

  The next day at work my boss informed me that the department had new procedures for paperwork. I had been selected as one of the people that would be in charge of getting everyone else on board. That was very disheartening to hear. It meant that I would be busy teaching other people the new system when I was not out on patrol.

  With the new work load on me, I forgot about calling to check on Richard. It was a large amount of paper work involved. I’m surprised they had made the change. Most departments tried to minimize the amount of paper work that field officers had to do.

  A few months had passed by since I had my fight with Richard. I still had his number in my phone. He had even put his address into it at one point, but I had never bothered to show up. I felt it would be inappropriate to drop in before he had introduced me to his friends.

  Looking at the phone, I realized what a fool I had been. I had let a great man slip away from me. He was funny and great to be around. He tried to follow my hobbies and made time to be with me. He had even come over to my house to see me when we had our fight.

  It dawned on me that the reason he had slapped me was because he was not going out with David. I didn’t know the whole story behind why he was there. I never gave him a chance to explain. I never tried to explain why I was so hung up on him having a baby. It was never about him having a baby. It was the money. The expense. I realized that I wanted to leave Atlanta because I had no attachments to the city. I never liked the humidity. There was nothing that held me here.

  Now I had a reason to stay. I was in love. I loved Richard and I would love his baby as well. Even if it wasn’t mine, I would care for it as if it were my own.

  My finger pressed the button on the phone to call Richard. There was no answer on his end, but I left a voice mail message for him.

  “Hello Richard. I’m sorry I hadn’t tried to call you back. I messed up and I want to explain. Would you please call me back?”

  I ended the call after the message and looked at the time. I had to get going to work, but I would keep my phone on in case he called me back.

  After a few more weeks of not hearing from Richard, I decided it might be better to try him at his work place. I steeled my nerves as I drove over to the store where he worked. I looked into the store from outside, but I didn’t see him right away.

  Taking a deep breath, I got out of my car and walked into the building. The cashier there was a young blonde man with his hair in a pony tail. I smiled as I passed by him to grab a drink from the small side refrigerator. I came back around to put the drink on the counter, pulling my wallet out.

  “Will this be all for you sir?”

  I smiled back at the man and nodded my head. “Yeah. That is going to be all. Do you know if Richard is working today?”

  The blonde shook his head a few times. “I don’t think he will be back today or for quite a while. They just came to take him to the hospital a few minutes earlier in an ambulance. I think he is having his baby today.”

  Hearing this news, my heart leaped in my chest. I asked which hospital he had been taken to. I left the soda on the counter as I raced out to my car and jumped inside. I pulled out from the light and immediately got caught by the red light.

  There was no way that I was going to let him be alone. Not after he had expressed his fears of being alone through his pregnancy. I was going to be there for him.

  Chapter 17


  Working when I was pregnant was not my idea of fun. My back hurt and I wanted to lay down and go back to sleep. With my due date coming up soon, I couldn’t take off from work. I needed every day I had saved up in my vacation time to use for my maternity leave.

  It came as quite the shock when I felt a strange sensation. I was helping a customer when I felt it happen. My hand held onto my stomach and I started to breath rapidly. My face felt hot and flushed. My co-worker noticed that I was having trouble. Bob came over to ask me how I was doing and I winced as I stepped back from the counter.

  “I think the baby is coming!” My hand clutched to the counter to steady myself. Bob looked rather surprised at the news.

  “Oh my gosh! What do we do? Should I drive you to the hospital?” The blonde helped me over to a chair where I sat down. I was breathing rapidly as I tried to calm down the baby, but it was not helping.

  “Call an ambulance. I’m not sure if the baby is going to wait.” My eyes rolled closed with my head leaning back. My hand held to my stomach. Why did it have to be on a day when I was at work? My roommates could have taken me to the hospital but I was not sure they would get here in time.

  My eyes glanced over to see Bob with the store phone in his hand. He was rapidly dialing the number for emergency services. After that, he was attending to me while trying to take care of the store at the same time.

  The ambulance arrived and I walked out with the paramedics. They had me get on the gurney while they drove me to the hospital. I was scared. I didn’t know what to expect. The medics tried to keep me calm through the process, but I wanted someone to be there for me.

  They asked if there was anyone that they
wanted me to call. I told them to call my roommates to let them know. I would have told them to call Vick as well, but I didn’t have his phone number memorized. I had left my phone at work in the employee area.

  We arrived at the hospital and they took me out of the back of the ambulance to a delivery room. I thought my due date was not for another couple of weeks. It surprised me that it was this early. My doctor had to be called to come to the hospital. The nurses on staff were trying to keep me breathing steadily and telling me not to push yet.

  When my doctor arrived at the hospital, I was feeling at my limit. That is when he directed me on when to push. I’ve never felt so much pain in my life. The nurses had to give me pain medication in my IV line. It still hurt, but the pain was becoming more dulled and bearable.

  The doctor kept telling that it was almost over and to give one more big push. I inhaled deeply several times and gave it my best. Sweat was dripping off of me after such an intense delivery. I collapsed back into the hospital delivery bed before I heard the soft cries of the baby.

  Tilting my head back up, I looked down at the smallest bundle of joy. The doctor held the baby out toward me.

  “Would you like to hold her?” Dr. Stevens held the baby toward me. I smiled happily and nodded my head several times.

  Taking the baby in my arms, she was so tiny and delicate. I was not sure how to hold her properly. I felt I would break her. The doctor and nurses showed me the proper way to cradle her in my arms and support her head.

  After a few minutes of letting me hold her, one of the nurses came to take the baby back to the maternity ward. I didn’t want to let her go, but they said they needed to check her to make sure she was healthy and that I would get to see her soon.

  With the emotional roller coaster over and the physical strain of giving birth, I drifted off into the deepest slumber. I don’t even know how long I was out for, but it was long enough that there was day light outside.


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