The Divide
Page 37
United Nations, 7, 15, 16, 23, 104, 107
climate change mitigation and, 224–25, 227–28, 256
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) of, 107–8
Convention against Corruption of, 209, 210
Economic Commission for Latin America of, 105, 122
Food Summits of, 15
Framework Convention on Climate Change of, 256
Human Development Report of, 164
Millennium Declaration of, 33, 37
Sustainable Development Goals of, 254
2013 Climate Change Conference of, 227–28
see also Food and Agriculture Organization; Millennium Development Goals
United Nations General Assembly, 31, 138, 139
United Nations Security Council, 139, 156
United States:
anthrax outbreak in, 189–90
anti-developmentalist policies of, 109–10, 112, 115, 123–27
basic minimum income in, 280
biofuel craze in, 219
“climate debt” owed by, 232
economic inequality in, 99–100, 302n
foreign interventions of, 18, 24, 95, 96, 110–15, 117, 124, 125, 127, 159, 169, 170, 207
GDP growth in, 53–54, 266
GDP per capita in, 164–65, 165, 272, 273, 313n
Good Neighbor policy of, 104–5, 112
greenhouse gas emissions by, 230
happiness rate in, 273
IMF/World Bank veto power of, 155, 156
income growth in, 94
income inequality in, 119–20, 119, 131, 266, 280
income inequality of global South vs., 16
industrialisation in, 175
labour unions in, 119–20
land grabs by, 81–82, 222
life expectancy in, 272
NAFTA and, 194
overconsumption in, 262, 278
postcolonial nations’ policies as threat to, 21
poverty in, 48–49, 266
protectionism in, 154, 175
slave economy in, 71
taxes in, 119
third world debt crisis and, 144
wages in, 119–20
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 48, 104
Uruguay, 127
USAID, 31, 123
Valdés, Juan Gabriel, 123
Venezuela, 24, 94, 113, 170, 207
Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 100
Volcker, Paul, 129, 130, 143
“Volcker Shock,” 129–30
just, 252–53
as share of national income, 152, 152
structural adjustment and, 151
see also minimum wages
Wallich, Henry, 281
Wall Street Journal, 201
War of American Independence, 174
Washington Post, 51–52
water, misappropriation of, 31
Watt, James, 65
wealth, redistribution of, 161, 281
wealth accumulation, 73–74
wealth inequality, 35
well-being, GDP and, 272–73, 274
West Africa, 104
West Bank, 30–31
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, 113
Western powers, 154
anti-developmentalist backlash of, 21–22, 108, 109–34, 146
global economic system as creation of, 3, 19, 108, 138
WikiLeaks, 207–8, 250
Wilde, Oscar, 241–42
Wolfensohn, James, 40–41, 59–60
economic inequality of, 103, 285
as sex workers, 185–86
Woodward, David, 49, 55–56
wool trade, 74–75
working class, 77–78
work week, reduction in, 279–80
World Bank, 3, 29, 39–43, 51, 53, 55, 59–60, 63, 103, 114, 176, 194, 209–10, 222, 234, 258
alternatives to, 246–47
anti-regulation, anti-tax policies of, 202–4, 211
bonds issued by, 160, 161
climate change mitigation and, 224–25
corporate profit as overriding goal of, 203
crippling of global South’s economic independence as goal of, 157–58
debt cancellation and, 246–47
democratisation of, 247–49
Doing Business rankings of, 201–4, 317n
eradication of poverty as supposed goal of, 157
GDP growth promoted by, 264
immunity status of, 154–55, 172, 196, 248
IPL and, 50, 57–58
misleading statistics of, 40–43, 47–48, 57–59
neoliberal ideology of, 204
perpetuation of capitalism as unspoken goal of, 158–60
privatisation and, 161–62
structural adjustment and, 147–48
“tied aid” restrictions on loans from, 160
US-appointed presidents of, 163–64
Western powers’ control of, 155–56
World Economic Forum, 16
World Economic Review, 55
World Food Summit (Rome), 37
World Happiness Report, 273
World Trade Organization (WTO), 22, 28, 52, 173–74, 187
Agreement on Agriculture of, 182–83
AIDS crisis and, 189–90
democratization of, 247, 248–49
inherent unfairness of, 181–82, 191–92
intellectual property rights agreement of, see TRIPS
neoliberal ideology of, 176–77
sanctions and, 183, 189
stated goal of, 181–82
trade misinvoicing facilitated by, 214, 217, 254
World Vision, 11–12, 13, 186
World War I, 99–100
World War II, 9, 102, 158, 175–76, 263
Wriston, Walter, 141
Zaire, 116
Zayas, Alfred de, 198
Zelaya, Manuel, 207
Zika virus, 231
Copyright © 2017 by Jason Hickel
First American Edition 2018
First published by The Random House Group Ltd. in Great Britain under the title
The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Names: Hickel, Jason, 1982– author.
Title: The divide : global inequality from conquest to free markets / Jason Hickel.
Description: First American edition. | New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2018. | “First published in 2017 by The Random House Group Ltd. in
Great Britain under the title THE DIVIDE: A Brief Guide to
Global Inequality and its Solutions.” |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017052787 | ISBN 9780393651362 (hardcover)
Subjects: LCSH: Equality. | Globalization.
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