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Page 4

by Ashley Love

  As he headed back to Aaron's room he heard the squeak of hinges and looked up to find Cassie's brown eyes on him. He registered that she looked nervous before he realized she was standing in the doorway of her room wearing nothing but a white tank top and pair of panties with little yellow flowers on the front.

  The only thing that kept him from passing out cold was the fact that he was already walking toward her. Her eyes locked on his, widening a bit as he backed her into her room and kicked the door closed behind him. He slid his hands around her waist and pulled her close, but just as he dropped his head to kiss those irresistible lips she pulled back.


  He licked his own lips and looked down at her, holding his breath in anticipation. Her cheeks were flushed and her pupils were so wide they made her eyes look black, but she said wait so he waited.

  "I think we should set some boundaries here."

  He straightened, but didn't move his hands. They'd found the cute little divots at the top of her ass and were enjoying themselves too much.


  "Yeah. If this is just physical recreation, like you said, there should be rules. Every game has rules, they keep things fun for everyone and no one gets hurt."

  He raised his eyebrow at her, somewhat surprised at her take on the situation. There was something about calling it a game that rubbed him the wrong way, but he had to admit he was curious where she was going with this. "So what kind of rules are you proposing?"

  "No sex."



  "Yeah, I'm fine with that." He could tell she'd expected an argument and for some reason it pleased him to surprise her. "What's the next rule?"

  "No kissing."

  "Hm." He frowned at that. "I don't like that rule."

  "You have a problem with the no kissing rule, but not the no sex rule?"

  "Yeah, well. I like kissing." His eyes dropped to her lips again and watched as her tongue darted out and moistened them.

  "You don't like sex?"

  His lips twisted into a smirk and he met her eyes, noticing the twinkle of amusement beginning to replace the nervousness. "I'm not even going to answer that. But there are a lot of strings that come with sex. If it makes you more comfortable to rule that out, I totally get it."

  "It does. And it makes me more comfortable to rule out kissing too."

  "Alright, if you insist." He shrugged in capitulation. "Any more rules?"

  "That's it for me. Do you have any?"

  "Now that you mention it I believe I do. No faking."

  The corners of his mouth twitched as he watched her chest and face turn red, but he smothered the smile before she looked back up at him. He wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her from turning away, guilt cutting through his amusement as he saw the mortified expression on her face. "Hey, I told you before...nothing was said that you need to be embarrassed about."

  She twisted out of his grip and turned away. Walking over to sit down on the edge of the bed, she grabbed a pillow and held it on her lap in a subconscious effort to cover herself. "Did you hear...everything?"

  "Yeah." He knew she was talking about what Kayla said about her still wanting him and briefly considered feigning ignorance, but couldn't bring himself to lie to her. "I mean it, Cassie. I'm the one who should be embarrassed for being so dense that I never noticed you've hated me for years."

  She turned even redder, if that were possible, and he walked over to her, cutting her off as she opened her mouth to speak.

  "Which is something I definitely want to get an explanation for later, but at the moment I think we should finish discussing our rules."

  Cass sighed and gestured at him to continue as he knelt in front of her and pulled the pillow from her hands, tossing it toward the headboard.

  "Okay, first, no faking and don't try to fool me because I'll know." He wasn't entirely sure he would know, but it sounded good and he hoped the threat of it would keep her from trying. "And second...well it's not so much a rule really. I think we should keep this just between us. I'm not saying we should lie about it if anyone asks, but maybe we could just not broadcast it. Your brother would beat the shit out of me if he knew I was in here with you right now." As his hands slid up the outside of her thighs and wrapped around her lower back his eyes drifted over her body and his voice dropped an octave. "Touching you like this."

  A hint of a smirk crossed her lips and she snorted. "I've seen you guys fight. I think you both know you could take him down."

  "Yeah, well, I'd rather it not ever come to that. And I'd probably let him kick my ass if it did. I'm still not entirely sure I'm not a total asshole for even thinking about doing this."

  "Wait a minute, now. This isn't something you're doing to me. If I didn't want you here, you wouldn't be here. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who tempted you into my room with my sexiest underwear so I could proposition you."

  Jax fingered one of the little flowers on the front of her panties and grinned up at her. "This is your sexiest underwear?"

  "Shut up. Lace is itchy and silk doesn't breathe well."

  "I'm not complaining, you look sexy as hell to me," he said with a chuckle, the laugh fading as his hand flattened against her stomach. It was warm and firm under his palm and he had to suppress the sudden urge to fist the thin cotton and tear it off her so he could see if she looked as good as she felt. Instead he lowered his head and brushed the top of her thigh with the stubble on his chin, smiling when he felt her shiver. "So this no kissing rule..."


  He continued dragging his chin slowly up her thigh, enjoying the way her voice suddenly sounded so breathy. "You just meant on the lips, right? I mean..." He paused as he reached the top of her leg and looked up at her, his lips just a hairsbreadth from the skin above her waistband. "I can kiss you other places, right?"

  "Yeah." This time her voice was a faint whisper and he couldn't help teasing her a bit more.

  "You're sure?" He straightened slowly, letting his warm breath drift over her stomach then her ribs before stopping at her nipple. "If I kissed you here, that would be alright?" he asked, letting his lips brush the dark nub trying to poke its way through the white cotton. "Huh, Cassie?" He heard her breath catch in her throat and lifted his eyes to her face.

  "Mmm..." Her eyes were squeezed tight and she was biting both her lips to muffle herself. She was holding back, hiding her reaction from him and he didn't like it. Seized with the need to provoke a response, he took her nipple gently between his teeth and pulled.

  It worked.

  With an exclamation of surprise she released her death grip on the comforter and buried her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. Oh yeah, that was more like it. Jax tugged down on her shirt, resuming his attack as soon as her breasts popped free through the top. He sucked first one taut bud deep into his mouth, then the other, swirling and lapping at them with his tongue, scraping them lightly with his teeth. Her skin was like silk under his tongue, the puckered areolas drawing him back over and over again. He couldn't get enough.

  Her feet pressed against his lower back, pulling him close and squirming against him. Damn, her legs were strong, those powerful thighs clenching and releasing his ribs, riding him as if she were sitting on top of him. A long groan escaped him when he realized he could feel a warm damp spot on his shirt and he used his hand on her back to pull her closer, wondering vaguely if he'd be able to make her cum like this.

  He leaned back to pull her shirt off over her head and it broke the spell. Cass released his hair and tried to move back, pushing lightly on his shoulders. When his lips found her breasts again she sighed and started to move with him again, little moans of pleasure escaping her, but after a moment she stiffened again and he backed off.

  "What is it, babe?"

  "I'm too loud."

  "You are not too loud. But we could try to drown it out a bit if you're nervous about being heard." He glanced around the room and s
aw her laptop sitting on her desk nearby. Standing quickly he walked over to it and opened the music player. Frantic base accompanied by Jennifer Lopez's voice filled the room and he shot her a grimace.

  "Dance music," she said with a completely unselfconscious grin.

  After a cursory glance through her albums he turned on Al Green and did a little pivoting spin as he walked back to the bed. "Nothing like The Reverend to get you in the mood."

  She snorted at him and shook her head. "You'll have to remind me to teach you some moves. You dance like a nerdy white boy."

  He narrowed his eyes at her and started swinging his hips in an exaggerated motion as he slowly pulled the t-shirt over his head. "Still nerdy?"

  She nodded sympathetically. "But if it makes you feel any better you make a pretty sexy nerd." Her eyes traveled down his body, then snapped back up to his face. "And then when you stop dancing it just leaves the sexy part."

  She was joking around, but he could tell that she was trying not to be too obvious that she was staring at him. It wasn't the first time she'd seen him shirtless, not by a long shot, but he figured it was the first time she'd been able to look openly. He moved slowly toward the bed, giving her some time to check him out. He didn't have anything to be ashamed of; taller than average and on the skinny side, but between work and keeping up with martial arts he stayed in shape and had ropy muscles that gave him definition.

  "Scoot back," he growled in mock offence, gesturing toward the headboard with his chin. "I've got some moves I want to teach you."

  Her cute giggle and the sight of her pert little breasts jiggling as she shimmied up to the head of the bed and was enough to bring him to his knees. Luckily he was already kneeling at the foot of the bed crawling toward her.

  "Let me explain something to you," he said, pushing her feet apart so he could move up between them. "I love those little noises you seem to be embarrassed about, and I can't wait to hear the louder ones that you're obviously trying to hold inside. Those noises tell me you like what I'm doing to you. And I definitely want you to like what I'm doing to you."

  He continued up her body, pushing her legs further apart and stopping here and there to place a nibbling kiss, pointedly avoiding her most sensitive spots so he could be sure she was paying attention to what he was saying.

  "If you want to talk to me and tell me what you like or don't like, feel free. If there's anything you want me to do, just ask. I guarantee you aren't going to shock me. But you don't have to say a word if you don't want to, just relax and let go. The noises you make and the way your body moves tells me where you want me to touch you, how you want me to touch you."

  "But it's so embarrassing..."

  He shook his head and sighed against her belly, smiling as he watched goose bumps spread across her pale skin. "You have no idea, do you? What an incredible turn on it is for a guy to know he's getting a girl off? It is so hot when I breathe on your skin and you shiver and your nipples get all hard. And when I flick the tip of your nipple with my tongue and you jump." He demonstrated as he let his fingers drift lower, trailing them over the wet spot in her panties. "And when I brush my fingers over your pussy to see how wet you are and you moan my name and push your hips against me like you're dying for me to shove them inside you..." He trailed off into a moan of his own.

  By this time he was on his hands and knees over her, face to face. He could tell his words were getting to her the way her breath was coming in shallow gasps. Her lips were slightly parted and it was an exercise in self-control to keep from dipping his head down and sliding his tongue into her mouth to taste her. He licked his own lips in a weak approximation of a kiss and fixed her eyes with his.

  "And when you start bucking and shaking and begging me to make you cum because you need it so bad...goddamn, I'm hard as a rock just thinking about it." He took her hand in his and pressed it against the growing tent in his sweatpants to prove that he was telling the truth. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

  "I...yeah." Her nod was jerky.

  "Good." He released her hand, noting that she let it linger for a few seconds before moving it away. "Now, I'm about to peel those sexy little panties of yours off and bury my face between your legs for a while because I've been dying to taste you since you came for me in the kitchen. And when I do I want you to remember what I just said..."

  Without waiting for a response he lowered himself and pressed his mouth against the damp spot on her panties, using his tongue to push the fabric snugly into her cleft. A fresh bloom of moisture warmed his bottom lip as the tip of his tongue found the hard nub of her clit and wiggled against it.

  She tasted like heaven.

  Unable to wait any longer he sat up and slid her panties down her legs, giving her one last mischievous smile before he dove in for good. Pressing her legs flat against the bed, he spread her wide and proceeded to drive her slowly crazy with his mouth. With broad flat strokes and sharp jabs of his tongue he lapped up her juices as fast as he drew them from her, teasing her clit with the occasional flick or nibble.

  After a while her hips started rising to him tentatively, accompanied by long, low moans and he encouraged her by giving her clit a little extra attention every time it felt like she let her control slip. Her hands fluttered around his head and shoulders, eventually lighting on his forearms and squeezing tight as if she was trying to get his attention.

  "What is it, Cassie? Tell me what you need." His voice sounded rough even to his own ears.

  "Oh God, I don't know, I don't know."

  "I know." He flicked his tongue against her clit and her stomach muscles jumped. "I know what you need." With a long drag of his tongue against her slick opening he let the tip of his tongue dart inside her. "But you have to take it." A shiver shook her body as he slid his tongue deeper in an attempt to get her to move against him. "Take what you need, baby." His lips hovered over her clit, barely touching her as he spoke. "Make me give it to you."

  Her fingernails dug into his arms painfully, but she kept her hips still. "Please, Jax, please."

  "Cassie, I want you to grab my hair like it's a fucking handle and grind against my face until you cum. Do it."

  For a second he thought he'd gone too far because she froze for the space of several heartbeats. Then he felt the sharp pull on his scalp as she tried to comply. A little hesitant at first, she tried to squirm away a few times, but he wouldn't let her. When he took her clit between his teeth and sucked hard she cried out and pulled his face against her so hard that for a moment he couldn't breathe.

  Not that he was complaining; far from it. He groaned in approval, vibrating her clit between his lips, and after that she completely gave in. Her fingers tangled painfully in his hair as she rocked against him, her rhythmic moans and grunts mingling with Al Green's vocal ejaculations. His tongue met her flesh in a wild dance and he could feel the tension in her body building higher and higher. Just when it seemed like she was about to peak he slid the tip of his finger barely inside her, pressing up against the underside of her clit as he worked it with his tongue from the front.

  A hoarse cry tore from her throat and her thighs clamped down around his head like a incredibly powerful vice covered in sleek sweaty skin and smelling of a woman's musk. All he could do was hold on for the ride and wait for her to come back down, in the meantime sucking and licking whatever happened to be pressed against his lips at the moment of impact. It was absolutely incredible.

  Eventually her legs fell apart, freeing him, but he wasn't finished yet. He let his fingers slide through her wet folds, slipping in an occasional lick or kiss, but mostly just playing while he waited for her to catch her breath. Compliments and words of encouragement fell from his lips, but he hardly knew what he was saying. When his fingers were coated with her juices he teased her opening with the tips of them, watching her face for a reaction. If he was expecting to have to talk her into it again he had another thing coming.

  "Deeper." Her husky whisper was
so quiet he almost didn't hear it, but once he realized what she said he immediately obeyed. With a wide grin he slid his fingers in just a few inches before drawing them slowly back out.

  "No, no, no, no, no..." she moaned, tilting her hips to try to recapture his fingers. He chuckled silently to himself and slid them back in, just a little bit further than before, then slowly dragged them back out. At that point Cassie took him completely off guard by planting her feet and rocking down hard against his hand, taking his two fingers all the way to the knuckles. A sharp grunt punctuated her movement and she clutched at the bedspread under her, trying to use it to get more leverage.

  "Fuck yeah," he whispered, only slightly surprised at her enthusiasm. He'd suspected once he got her to let go of her iron grip on her self-control she'd cut loose and now she was proving him right. It just happened a little faster than he'd expected. "That's it. Fuck my fingers." Her velvety hot wetness swallowed his fingers and he watched in fascination, holding his hand still as she came down against it again and again, surprising him at the amount of force she was using. "You like it hard, don't you, baby? You're so fucking wet right now."

  At this point her hips were no longer touching the bed and she was twisting against him as his fingers disappeared inside her over and over.

  "More, please. I need more."

  A wave of dizziness washed over him and he had to clench his teeth to bite back the urge to shove his pants down and bury himself inside her. She was begging for more and damned if he didn't want to give it to her. The moment of madness passed, however, his pants still in place.

  "Oh, I've got more for you." He held her hips still just long enough to slide another finger inside. She let loose another low moan as he sunk them as far as they would go and then she started moving again. He was helping her now, plunging into her as she came down against his hand. After a few more minutes she started to tense up and make frustrated groans as she moved, desperately seeking completion.


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