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Page 9

by Ashley Love

  "I don't know what you're talking about. I only came in here because somebody told me I'd find something sweet to eat in the kitchen," Jax replied, his face a picture of blank innocence.

  Kayla burst out laughing and Blaire choked on a sip of beer while I just stood there looking at them like they were crazy.

  "And did you?" Kayla asked.

  "Hell yeah I did. Sweetest I've ever had. I can't wait to have some more." His eyes slid back to me and the heat in his gaze had me turning red again as I realized that whatever he was talking about had something to do with me. He finally broke eye contact to glance over at the clock on the stove. "Well, it's almost midnight. I guess I better get a move on if I don't want to be late." He took a couple of steps backward, his eyes never leaving mine, before he turned to walk out of the room.

  "Is it just me or is it really hot in here all the sudden?" Blaire asked, fanning herself with her hand.

  "If you don't follow that man in the next ten seconds, I'm going to," Kayla said, boring holes in his back with her eyes.

  "I don't think it would do you much good the way he was looking at Cass," Blaire murmured. "I'm pretty sure she's the only girl on earth as far as he's concerned.

  My mouth was dry and I was still staring after the spot where Jax had disappeared, paying no attention to what my friends were saying or the knowing look they exchanged. My feet were moving before I spoke. "I'm just going Don't wait up."

  I gave my friends a final grin and walked into the dining room where several people I graduated with were standing around grazing on snacks. After a few minutes I extricated myself from the conversation and walked through the foyer, peeking in the living room to see two couples making out on the couch, but no Jax. A throat cleared behind me and I turned and saw him leaning against the rail at the top of the stairs looking down at me. He gave me that bone-melting grin again and disappeared from view.

  With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching I hurried up the stairs to my bedroom. The second I was inside he had me up against the door, locking it behind me. His lips brushed across my cheek, placing soft kisses here and there. He trailed them along my jaw and paused for a moment near my mouth before moving to the other cheek and doing the same thing. When he started to suck and nibble his way down my neck, I shivered and slid my fingers into his hair, stilling him long enough to get my pounding heart under control.

  He pulled back and looked at me with a heated expression. "You ready to break some rules?"

  "I'm definitely ready." I hoped my voice sounded more confident than I felt because I was pretty sure my stomach was about to flutter right out of my body. "I thought you might back out, though. You've been avoiding me all night."

  "Not a chance." His fingers trailed slowly down my neck and chest to hover between my breasts, leaving a tingling path on my skin. "You just look so gorgeous tonight I had to keep leaving the room when you walked in because I was afraid someone would notice that I couldn't keep my eyes off you."

  I laughed nervously and tried to ignore the fact that he could surely see the blush creeping up my neck. "Sorry about Kayla and Blaire. They guessed and I didn't want to lie to them."

  "I don't mind." He lifted his eyes from where his fingers were resting to my face, fixing me with a searching look. "Does it bother you that they know?"

  I shook my head, but before I could answer we were both startled by the sound of cheering downstairs and then the collective shouts of "Ten! Nine! Eight!"

  "I guess that's our cue," I said, meeting his eye.

  "Five! Four! Three!"

  "Happy New Year, Cassie." His hand slid along my cheek, his thumb gliding softly over my bottom lip.

  "Happy New Year."

  His lips were warm and so soft and he teased me with a few gentle brushes before pressing them firmly against my mouth. The muffled chorus of partygoers was drowned out by the pounding blood in my ears as his tongue flattened against my bottom lip, gliding smoothly over it before pulling it into his mouth, sucking it gently.

  When I parted my lips and slid my tongue along his top lip it was like I flipped a switch. Suddenly his gentle kiss turned demanding, his tongue slipped into my mouth as his hand came up to bury itself in my hair. I matched his eagerness, sliding my hands up his chest and around his neck, lifting up on my toes to press myself closer to him.

  Jax devoured my lips like he was starving, his tongue exploring every part of my mouth, sucking, licking, and biting. I moaned against his lips and wondered what I'd been so afraid of. If I'd known he kissed like this I never would have come up with that stupid rule.

  The kiss went on forever and I was so caught up I didn't notice his hand sliding under my shirt until he pulled back and cocked an eyebrow at me. His fingers brushed the side of my breast and I blushed, well aware of what he'd discovered. I let him lift the shirt off over my head and bit my lip nervously when he stood there staring without saying a word.

  "No comment?"

  "I...ah...damn." He shook his head as if dazed and reached up to follow the lacy edge of her bra, sending a scattering of goose bumps along the gentle slope of my breast. I felt my nipple tighten and knew he could see it through the pale blue lace of the bra I'd bought to wear for him tonight. The cups barely came up high enough to cover my nipples and pushed my breasts together to give the impression of more cleavage than I actually had, while the thin lace was almost completely see-through.

  His fingertips drifted downward in a teasing arc and I bit my lip in anticipation, jumping when I finally felt his thumb brush over the sensitive peak. The slight roughness of the lace had been teasing me all night against the silk of my shirt, and now under his firm touch it felt like I might actually ignite in flames as he rubbed in tiny circles.

  When his other hand joined in on the other side I let my head fall back against the door. The moan that escaped me was muffled by Jax's lips coming down on mine again as he pressed into me. His lips and fingers moved in concert, rendering my breath ragged and uneven, my brain unable to focus. I had to turn away from his mouth just to catch my breath.

  "Do the bottoms match?"

  I nodded, afraid my voice would crack if I tried to speak.

  "I thought you said lace was itchy."

  I let out a hoarse chuckle. "It doesn't feel itchy right now."

  "No?" His fingers tightened on my nipples, pinching them, rubbing the fabric against my puckered skin. I bit my lip to hold back a cry and he pinched harder, making me gasp. "How does it feel right now?"

  "Ooh, it feels really good."

  A dark smile crossed his face and he pressed one thigh between my legs. "Just imagine how good it's gonna feel when I rub it against your clit."

  My knees almost buckled as a powerful rush of arousal swept through me. The pressure of his leg was enough to drive me to distraction, but his words were what really got to me. I couldn't help imagining it as my hips moved of their own accord, rubbing against his thigh, the movements sending jolts of electric sensation through my body, building me higher and higher.

  And then he was gone. My eyes flew open in surprise just in time to see him sit down on the edge of my bed, adjusting himself in his pants.

  "Let me see. Take off your jeans," he demanded, his glittering eyes raking over my body with undisguised desire.

  "Take off your shirt," I countered, seized by a sudden need to regain some control.

  Jax's grin sent shivers down my spine, but he started unbuttoning his shirt so I did the same with my jeans, shimmying them down over my hips. He peeled his undershirt up over his head and then stopped and just stared at me for a few moments.

  I watched him closely as I anxiously smoothed my hands down over my hips. I'd never bought lingerie to wear for anyone before, but his reaction so far made me glad I did. He looked stunned and I couldn't help noticing the impressive bulge in his jeans.

  "Call it a belated Christmas present," I said, encouraged by his clear appreciation.

One side of his mouth twitched up in amusement as his eyes continued to peruse my body. He opened his mouth to speak, but had to clear his throat first. "Turn around for me."

  I turned, a tiny part of me still wondering whether I should have gotten the thong instead of the hipsters, but the saleslady told me a round butt like mine would look better in these. Apparently the lady was right because I heard Jax's low groan as I stood for a moment with my back to him. As I turned to face him his eyes drifted up to meet mine and he gestured with his head for me to come closer.

  As soon as I was within reach he had his hands on me, sliding them around to grip my ass and pulling me close enough to close his mouth on one hard nipple. He teased my nipples with his tongue over the fabric while his hands traveled from my butt down to my knees and pulled first one, then the other onto the bed so I was straddling his lap.

  "Cassie. baby, you look incredible," he murmured into my breasts. "You feel incredible." His hands smoothed up my thighs and over my hips, trailing up and down my spine. "God, I want you so bad. I want to touch you all over, taste every part of you, slide deep inside you and hear you cry out my name when I make you cum."

  I couldn't speak. I was mesmerized by his touch, his voice...just him. My hands were trembling and to try to calm them I ran my fingers through his hair and tilted his head back, kissing him deeply. My hips moved instinctively, my body begging him to touch me more, a soft moan escaping my when he complied.

  His warm hand pressed flat against my belly, his fingertips brushing the soft skin lightly, teasing me. Finally he let his fingers drift down between my legs. His touch was so light I doubted I'd have been able to even feel it if it weren't for the rasp of the lace against my wet skin magnifying the sensation, until I was sure I could feel it in every nerve of my body. He dragged one finger along the length of my slit before letting it rest over my clit, rubbing slowly against it.

  "Oh God, Jax. That feels so good," I mumbled, my lips brushing his ear as I spoke. My tongue darted out and traced the outside edge, remembering how good it felt when he'd done it to me. I sucked his lobe into my mouth and pulled, enjoying the low rumble in his chest that I got in response.

  "Faster," I whispered, my breath catching when he complied. "Harder," I demanded and we moaned together as he pressed the fabric deeper into my folds.

  I was holding onto his neck to stay balanced, but he took one hand in his and pulled it away. With a heated glance up at me, he placed my hand between my legs. I was surprised and a little embarrassed at how wet the fabric was, but he slid his hand over mine and pulled my fingers against my heated flesh.

  "Feel how wet you are, how hard your clit is."

  Jax guided my fingers so I was rubbing my clit up and down, and it felt so good I couldn't stop my hips rocking against our joined hands. It was hot and so wet and I could feel the hard little nub jutting through the fabric. I didn't even realize his hand was gone until I felt him pushing the straps of my bra off my shoulders.

  He scooped my breasts out of the cups and lowered his head to them once more. I watched him through narrowed eyes as he licked, sucked and nipped at the rosy tips and my breath came in short gasps as my fingers moved faster down below.

  My nipple was deep in his mouth when he lifted his eyes to mine and caught me watching him. Holding my eyes, he let it slip from between his lips and flicked at it a few times with the tip of his tongue. I moaned at the sight and he grinned and nipped teasingly at it before leaning back on his elbows.

  When he moved I caught sight of myself in the mirror over his shoulder. It was an arresting sight and I froze for a moment, captivated by the way my rosy-tipped breasts were pushed up by the bra bunched under them, and my mouth hung open panting for breath. My hair was loose around my face and my red cheeks were topped by sparkling brown eyes. Jax glanced over his shoulder and looked back at me, that heart-stopping grin on his face.

  "Pretty fucking sexy, huh?" He lay back on the bed with his hands resting flat on my thighs and in the mirror I could see my hand still cupped between my legs. I moved it to reach for him, but Jax grabbed my wrist. "Don't you dare stop now. You're almost there."

  "I don't know if I can...with you watching," I said, seeing my chest and face flush even darker red in the mirror.

  "Come on, Cassie, look how gorgeous you are." He gestured over his shoulder at the mirror without taking his eyes off me. "Make yourself cum for me again. Let me see it this time."

  I felt the muscles deep inside clench at his words and the way he was looking at me I couldn't deny him. As soon as my fingers started moving again I was right back on the edge. My eyes flickered back and forth between the mirror and Jax's face.

  Unthinking, my other hand came up to play with my nipples and when I caught sight of it in the mirror I was surprised to find that watching myself, knowing this was what Jax was seeing, was making me incredibly hot.

  I pinched harder at my nipple and impatiently pushed my panties to the side. As good as it felt through lace my fingers felt so much better against my bare skin and my hips started moving in rhythm with my hand. I couldn't help speeding up, my fingers circling and pinching at my swelling clit. Within minutes my back arched and a cry escaped me as the first wave of pleasure washed over me.

  As soon as it did I felt his fingers sink deep inside of me. I looked down at him in surprise and his dark eyes bore into me, holding me in place as I rode through my climax, his plunging fingers working with my body to prolong my pleasure.

  I didn't have time to catch my breath before Jax grabbed me by the waist and flipped me onto my back, looming over me on his hands and knees. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep kiss. My hands found his bare chest and I dragged my nails lightly down his body. When I got to his pants I quickly unbuttoned them and let him pull back just long enough to shove them off before I reached for him again.

  "No. If you touch me now I'll lose it," he ground out, pulling my hands away from his throbbing erection.

  "Jax, please, I want to feel you."

  "Oh you're gonna feel me, alright." His voice was low and deeper than normal and there was no trace of teasing humor on his face.

  He dug in his jeans pocket and pulled out a condom, then tossed the pants on the floor and rolled it on. I'd forgotten my panties were still there until he slid them off. With his hands on my knees he spread my legs wide and his eyes burned into me as he knelt between them.

  A shiver ran down my spine and I suppressed the urge to cover myself. This was nothing he hadn't seen before, but something about the way he was looking at me was different. When I met his eyes there was a softness there that hadn't been there before, and when he slid up my body the kiss he gave me was somehow more intense.

  But all that was forgotten when I felt the weight of his erection brush against my opening. I moaned into his mouth and he pressed into me, barely sliding inside. He drew a shaky breath and then all at once buried himself in me. My mouth fell open in a silent cry, my breath completely gone.

  "Damn," he whispered against my lips, holding himself deep inside me for a long moment.

  I opened my eyes and looked into his as he pulled slowly back, teasing my opening again before plunging hard into me. This time my cry wasn't silent and his teeth nipped at my bottom lip.

  "That's it, baby, make some noise for me. Tell me how good it feels." A little whimper escaped me as he pulled out again.

  "Oh my God, you—" I grunted as he thrust again. "You feel so good, Jax—" And again. "I'm gonna—" And again. "I'm—"

  "You're gonna what?"

  He slowed his movements, but thrust hard, still staring into my eyes and still pulling all the way out to tease me every time. I was on the verge of an orgasm, but he was pausing just long enough between strokes that I just hovered there, the anticipation building higher with each hard drive.

  "Jax!" I cried out, a demanding tone in my voice.

  "What is it, Cassie?" he asked, continuing at the same leisurely pace. "Tell me."r />
  "I'm so close, please."

  "Please what?"

  "Make me cum. I want to cum. Please, Jax. Make me cum again."

  He pressed his lips to mine, robbing me of breath as he thrust into me again and again, pulling out and driving back into me immediately. I didn't recognize when it started, but suddenly I realized I was in the middle of a climax and it just kept building higher, each strong thrust prolonging my pleasure.

  "I can feel you cumming. Goddamn, you feel..." His whispered words trailed off as he squeezed his eyes closed. My orgasm peaked as he pressed deep into me and held himself still, letting me rock against him instinctively, my clit rubbing hard against the stiff hairs at the base of his dick.

  I moaned his name and dug my fingers hard into the rounded muscles of his ass, as if trying to bury him deeper inside me. Slowly I relaxed as the waves receded, leaving me breathless and dizzy under him. His lips found mine again and he kissed me slowly, lazily, as if he had all the time in the world.

  He lay motionless but still hard inside me, stretching me with a maddening sense of fullness, making me want more of what he'd just given me despite having just been satisfied. My inner muscles tightened around him involuntarily as my body encouraged him to move.

  "Fuck. That feels way too good."

  "What?" I looked up at his face and noticed that his jaw was clenched tight, his eyes narrowed as he gazed down at me.

  "When you squeeze my dick like that."

  I tightened around him again, this time on purpose, and smiled as he dropped his head and groaned against my shoulder. I released my hold on him just long enough to wrap my legs around his hips and then squeezed him with my legs and inner muscles at the same time, sending delicious sensations through my belly as I continued to pulse around him. Not only did it feel incredible, his reaction, a string of mumbled expletives and full body shudders, gave me an incredible sense of power.

  I knew I was pushing his self-control and I was getting close to cumming again myself when, with no warning, Jax suddenly rolled and I found myself lying on top of him, my knees tucked up against his waist.


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