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Game Page 10

by Ashley Love

  He grabbed a fist full of my hair and tugged just hard enough to get me to look up at him before his tongue speared into my mouth, taking me in a hard kiss. His hips thrust up into me and I bit his bottom lip as I started moving against him. His free hand slid up my side and closed over my breast, fingers pinching at the tight little nub. I moved faster against him, my hips going in little circles as I felt the pleasure building inside me.

  "Sit up and fuck me," he demanded, his hot breath sliding over my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

  I pushed up with my palms flat against his chest while his other hand abandoned my hair to cup my other breast. He pulled hard at my nipples and I hissed in pleasure, arching my back to press my breasts more firmly into his hands as my hips rocked against him in a steady rhythm.

  "Come on, ride me hard. Show me what you got." There was a challenge in his eyes and a sexy smirk on his lips and his words alone made me moan with anticipation.

  I lifted up on my knees for a long moment before letting my weight carry her down, impaling myself on him. The shock of sensation was so powerful it was all I could do to keep my eyes open to watch him as he gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut.

  I repeated the motion a few more times and was rewarded with a particularly vicious twist of my nipples that sent electric jolts through my body. I came down hard once more and Jax's breath left him in a rush and his hands fell from my breasts to clutch at my hips, his fingers digging in almost painfully.

  "Hard enough for you?" I asked with a grin, lifting up again. His answer was to clench his jaw and thrust up against me as I came down on him, knocking me off balance, so I had to clutch tight on his shoulders to stay seated on top of him. "Oh my God, do that again."

  Jax happily complied and continued with his rough jabs as my hand drifted down my body and found my clit again. This time knowing he was watching me didn't embarrass me in the least and the increasing power of his thrusts told me exactly how much he enjoyed the show. My fingers sped up on my clit and I rode him faster, hardly lifting up at all any more, just bouncing and grinding down against him.

  I came apart once more, letting loose a high pitched squeal before collapsing on Jax's sweaty chest as my body went limp. His arms wrapped around me, fingers threading into my hair as he bit and sucked along my collarbone. He shifted under me and I was astonished to realize he still hadn't cum, his hard thickness pressing into my aching flesh almost painfully.

  "Good lord, you're like the Energizer bunny," I murmured into his neck, my breath catching as his chuckle made his dick jump and throb inside me.

  "You aren't forfeiting mid-game are you?"

  "I wouldn't dream of it."

  "Thank God," he said with a grunt, pulling out of me.

  I gasped at the sudden feeling of emptiness, but it didn't last long. He rolled me to my back and moved between my legs, grasping an ankle with each hand. With an evil grin he lifted my ankles up above my head, bending me almost in half, and positioned himself with the head of his dick resting against my clit.

  He moved back and forth letting his cock head stimulate my clit and dip shallowly inside me, spreading my wetness to ready me once more. When he finally planted his hands on either side of my head and parted my swollen folds to slide deep inside me, the mix of pleasure and pain was confusing. He felt so much bigger like this and when he was in as deep as he could go I had to grit my teeth to hold back a cry at the sharp pain that shot through my belly.

  "Look at me," he whispered, his voice strained as he pulled back. I forced my eyes open and was confronted by the erotic sight of his head framed by my muscular calves, my bright red toenails peeking from behind his ears, his hair hanging in sweaty strands nearly reaching my face. "You want me to stop?"

  For a split second I was tempted to say yes, but behind the pain was the promise of pleasure and I wasn't ready for it to end. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head, unwilling to trust my voice to speak. He pressed into me again, slower this time and I felt the warmth spread inside me, my body responding to his on a level that was far beyond my control. His slow, shallow thrusts came faster and deeper as I began moving with him, my legs tightening and lifting my hips to meet his, almost craving that sharp jolt I'd felt earlier.

  My hands clutched at his biceps as I tried to pull him deeper and he responded, his cry matching mine as he bottomed out inside me once again. He let go and slammed into me over and over, the pain melting into intense pleasure as his thrusts became erratic. I vaguely heard him cry out my name and I could feel him throbbing deep inside me as he grinded hard against me, both of us cresting together. A few moments later my legs slid bonelessly off his shoulders as he rolled to one side and collapsed next to me.

  "Holy shit," he mumbled.

  I giggled breathlessly, unable to do anything more than lie on my back, my limbs lying limp around my body. With my last bit of energy I turned my head to look at him, reaching over to push his sweaty hair back off his forehead.

  "Is it always like that for you?" I managed to ask between breaths.

  "Fuck no," he said to the ceiling, then rolled toward me and cupped my cheek with one hand. "No, it is not always like that. You are incredible, Cassie."

  Even in the dim light I knew he could see the blush in my cheeks. He pressed another kiss to my lips and I thought I could feel some kind of intense emotion behind it, but told myself it was just wishful thinking. I trembled inside, but refused to let myself think about his words or the fact that the way he was kissing me didn't feel like it was just a game at all.

  We lay for a long time just holding each other, our hands unable to remain still on each others' bodies, our lips occasionally finding each other. Eventually we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, our breath mingling in the darkness between us.

  Sometime in the very early morning we woke and made love once more, slowly and quietly, aware in the still of the night of the need for discretion. Jax's lips never left mine and when I came he swallowed my cries of pleasure, muffling his own against my mouth as he shook in my arms.

  "I should go," he whispered afterward, the fingers tangling in my hair and the arm locked around my waist sending a different message.

  I sighed and settled myself comfortably against his body, my knee pressing between his thighs so we were as entangled as two people could possibly be.

  "Don't," I said, my lips brushing the soft skin of his neck. "Please."

  The tension drained from his body and he relaxed against me as I fell back to sleep with a smile on my face.


  We were jolted from a deep sleep by loud pounding. Jax bolted upright in bed and I grabbed his arm, confused and startled, my heart beating in my throat.

  "What the—"

  "Cass! Cass, open the door!"

  "Shit," Jax sighed as Aaron's voice tore through the early morning, shattering the peace.

  "You should hide." My mind still felt muddled with sleep and I was more irritated with Aaron for waking me than anything else.

  "No, I'm not gonna hide. He already knows I'm in here or he wouldn't sound so pissed."

  He swung his legs over the side of the bed and leaned down to grab his jeans, standing to slide them up over his taut butt. I couldn't help staring, still unused to being able to look at him openly like this, and a little smile flitted across my face until the banging started again.

  "Cassandra Carson, get off your ass and open the goddamn door!" A sharp blow sounded, louder than the banging, and it made me jump, a little shriek escaping me. It was enough to bring me fully out of my sleep haze and into the moment.

  "That fucker," Jax muttered. He'd been about to put his t-shirt on, but he tossed it to me instead. "Put that on."

  The expression on his face made my heart speed up even more, his uncharacteristic anger sending a spike of fear through my heart. "Jax? What—"

  "Quick, before he breaks the door down." He buttoned his jeans and pushed his hair back out of his face, stepping toward
the door with his shoulders squared. Just as he reached for the handle another blow fell, accompanied by the sound of cracking wood.

  "That motherfucker better not be in there with you or I swear to God I'm gonna—"

  "You're gonna what? Cuss your sister some more?" Jax asked, swinging the door open.

  Aaron was already in fighting stance ready to kick the door again so he when his fist shot out it wasn't entirely a surprise and Jax was able to jump out of his reach. He walked back a couple of steps, holding his hands up in a gesture of peace.

  "Look, Aaron, I know you're pissed at me, but there's no need to talk to her like that."

  Aaron advanced into the room after him. "Shut the fuck up. Don't even try to act self-righteous with me after you've been in here all night FUCKING MY SISTER."

  "Aaron!" I snapped at him, absolutely floored by his behavior as he took another swing at Jax's face.

  Neither guy looked at me; Aaron's fury was focused entirely on Jax, who was busy blocking another blow. I wanted to get up and intervene, but Jax's t-shirt barely hung to my thighs and a frantic search through the sheets didn't turn up any underwear.

  "You need to chill the fuck out, man," Jax said, his voice rising in anger as he grabbed Aaron's wrist to stop another punch. "I don't want to fight you, Aaron. Come on, let's—"

  Aaron used Jax's grip on his wrist to yank him forward and slam his forearm into the side of Jax's face, catching his jaw with an elbow. Jax's head snapped back and to the side with an audible crack and he released Aaron's wrist and staggered backwards a few steps until he hit the wall, then slid to the floor with a dazed look on his face.

  "STOP!" I leapt out of the bed, modesty completely lost to fear and anger. I grabbed the back of Aaron's shirt and pulled as hard as I could to spin him away from Jax, then knelt on the floor between them and ran my fingers gently over Jax's cheek. "Oh God, Jax. Are you alright?"

  Jax just nodded, still in a daze. He opened his mouth and moved his jaw back and forth to test it, wincing in pain.

  "Get up, you pussy. I'm not done beating the shit out of you yet."

  I stood and whirled on Aaron, whose eyes were still fixed in anger on his best friend. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed as hard as I could, barely budging him.

  "Get out," I gritted out through my tears.

  Aaron looked at me for the first time, almost as if he were surprised to see me there. "I—"

  "I said get out!"

  "I've watched him do this over and over for years, Cass. He fucks and then he leaves. Don't for a second think you're any different from any of the others. You were just convenient." He turned his sneer on Jax again. "Easy target right there in the next bedroom, huh, motherfucker? And drunk too, no doubt. I didn't think I had to worry about you of all people taking advantage of her."

  "Can I have a little credit please? I wasn't drunk, I am not a target, and Jax didn't take advantage of me. We..."

  I trailed off as I realized that disabusing Aaron of the notion that last night had been the first time anything had happened between us would probably not be a good idea at the moment. Unfortunately he must have heard something in my tone because I watched the comprehension dawn on his face and then morph into utter disgust as he turned back to Jax.

  Jax looked up imploringly, as if he could will his friend to understand. "Aaron, bro, I—"

  "Don't fucking call me that! I am NOT your brother." Aaron stepped toward him again, but I placed myself squarely in his way so that he had to look over my shoulder to see him. "I trusted you. My parents trusted you. We treated you like family, welcomed you into our home when yours was..."

  He shook his head as he trailed off. His voice sounded calmer, quieter, but I could hear the trembling underneath. I knew he was speaking from hurt now, not anger, but that didn't excuse what he was saying. He was trying to hurt Jax and, I assumed, succeeding quite effectively since Jax was just sitting silently now, taking the abuse. Tears stung my eyes.

  "Aaron, please—" I began, but it was like I wasn't even there.

  "And this is how you repay us? I can't believe I thought for a second that you had any respect for me or my family. I should have known better than to expect you to think with anything other than your dick. Some things never change."

  "That's enough, Aaron," I said, my voice shaking with emotion as I tried again to push him toward the door.

  Turning to me he just shook his head in disappointment. "And I can't believe you were stupid enough to fall for his bullshit."

  "Check. Yourself." The tone of warning in Jax's voice was clear despite the mild slurring.

  Aaron uttered a harsh laugh. "Really? You're the one waking up naked in my sister's bed and I should check myself?" He turned to me again. "I hope you aren't expecting him to suddenly grow a heart and declare his undying love like one of those idiotic romance novels you read because this story ain't gonna have a happy ending."

  "You don't know what you're talking about, Aaron. You need to go."

  "I know exactly what I'm talking about—"

  "No! You don't. I'm not some innocent little girl who got corrupted by your big bad friend. I came on to him and I got exactly what I wanted out of it."

  Aaron's eyebrows shot up, then came together in an angry scowl. "Oh, I get it. You're just gonna sign on to be another one of his trashy fuck buddies."

  "Do. Not. Talk to her like that." Jax's voice was all cold fury now and when I turned to look at him I could see the angry determination in his eyes as he pushed himself up off the floor.

  "Get out before you insult either of us any more than you already have." I pushed Aaron hard in the chest. My hands were shaking with barely-contained anger and I had a few choice words I wanted to lay on my asshole of an older brother, but I knew I had to get him out of there before Jax got on his feet. I didn't even want to think about what would happen if they both went into a fight actually trying to hurt each other. Just the idea of it made me feel sick inside.

  Aaron resisted just long enough to make it clear that he was going of his own accord and not because I told him to. "I swear to God if I see your face again I will finish what I started," he ground out, jabbing a long finger into the air in Jax's direction. "You aren't welcome here anymore."

  He stormed out, slamming the door behind him. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and turned to see Jax on his feet as he leaned heavily against the wall to steady himself. Wrapping one arm around him, I helped him to the bed and knelt in front of him.

  "Let me see," I said, reaching to touch his jaw again. He pulled away and shook his head, wincing at the movements.

  "It's fine. I should just go."

  "You can hardly walk."

  "Yeah. He wasn't pulling his punches, was he?"

  The fact that he wouldn't meet my eye led me to believe he wasn't really talking about the blow to the jaw. "He doesn't really think that way about you."

  "No, I'm pretty sure he does and maybe he's right about me, but you don't deserve to be treated that way. If I ever hear him talk to you like that again I'll tear his fucking head off."

  "He's angry, Jax. That's his problem, not ours. It doesn't make anything he said true."

  I tried again to touch him, resting my hand on his arm, but once again he pulled away. I stood and backed away, confused about why he seemed to be shutting me out all the sudden.

  "Cassie, I'm sorry."

  "For what?"

  "For all of this, I never should have—"

  "Don't!" I stomped my foot, fully aware it was a childish, silly thing to do, but not caring in the least. "Don't let him make you feel like you did something you need to apologize for. You know you didn't take advantage of me. You know we didn't do anything wrong."

  "Right. It was just a game. Fun for everyone and no one gets hurt." His voice was thick with sarcasm and my temper flared again, but the look on his face drained all the anger from her. My heart broke in two to see the shame and self-doubt there.

  "I did have
fun, Jax. And you helped me learn things about myself that I don't think I ever would have figured out on my own. That was the whole point, right? I don't regret any of it. Please don't ruin the whole thing by walking away acting like you do."

  "So you meant it?"

  "Meant what?"

  He looked up at me, finally meeting my eye. "What you said to Aaron. That you got exactly what you wanted?"

  I hesitated, unsure how to answer that question.

  "Because he was right, Cassie."

  "Right about what?"

  "All that bullshit; physical recreation, sex with no deserve better than that. You deserve more than just being a fuck buddy."

  "I wasn't asking for more than that. That was enough for me."

  His head dropped and he stared intently down into his lap. I stared at the top of his head, my hands clenched into fists, willing myself not to cry.

  I didn't want to lie to him so I was careful not to answer his question, but there was a huge part of me that wanted to admit the truth. Of course I didn't mean it. Of course it wasn't exactly what I wanted. But it was enough. I never expected anything more and was honestly okay with just taking what he'd been offering.

  At least I was pretty sure I would have eventually talked myself into being okay with it.

  But I couldn't say that. I didn't want him to think he'd hurt me when he'd given me so much. I didn't want him to think Aaron was right about him. Without thinking I reached out and touched his hair, smoothing it back from his face. He jerked away from me as if I'd burned him.

  "Can I have my shirt?"

  I drew back, shocked at his cold tone. When he didn't apologize or even look up at me I pulled the shirt off and threw it at him, reveling in brief triumph when he sat with it bunched in his hand for a long moment while his eyes drifted over my body. But he turned away before they reached my face. I went to my closet and quickly pulled on my old flannel robe and by the time I turned back around he was standing by the door, still slightly shaky but steadier on his feet.

  "I should go."


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