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Page 15

by Ashley Love

  Jax chuckled. "You are so good for my ego, babe."

  She reached blindly behind her and slapped weakly at him, but he just laughed and swatted her hand away. He noticed the dark purple mark on her shoulder and leaned his face down to kiss it. Some small part of him felt like he should apologize, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. With one finger he traced the little indentions his teeth had made and smiled, remembering how she'd bit his hand that first time.

  Cassie looked to see what he was doing and laughed. "Did you really give me a hickey? That is so junior high."

  He kissed it again and shook his head. "That's not a hickey, Cassie. That is a bite mark. And the way it's positioned would leave no doubt in anyone's mind what you were doing when you got it." Her neck and ears started to turn red and he had to suppress another chuckle. He leaned in close so his lips would tickle her ear when he spoke. "So unless you want everyone to know you've been fucked doggy style you might want to skip the tank tops for about a week."

  She turned bright red at that and rolled away from him, glaring at him when she saw the amused look on his face. "You're a dick," she said, rolling her eyes at his laughter.

  "Yeah, but I'm your dick so that makes it okay, right?" He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her close so he could kiss her softly on her lips.

  "I guess so," she whispered, relaxing into the kiss.


  Jax had just rolled over and started nuzzling Cassie awake, hoping for a little morning loving, when she got a text from Aaron telling them to come over for breakfast. With a reluctant groan he let Cassie drag him from his bed with the promise of good food, one of the very few things that could distract him from the promise of good sex.

  She wasn't wrong. Mrs. Carson fixed an enormous spread complete with grits, eggs, bacon, homemade biscuits, and red eye gravy. Every bite was delicious and by the time he finished eating Jax was ready to go right back to sleep. Just as he yawned Mrs. Carson set a cup of coffee in front of him with a smile and a wink.

  "Cassie, honey, can you help me clean up in the kitchen please?"

  "Sure, Mom."

  "You too, son," she added, effectively wiping Aaron's gloating grin off his face.

  Suddenly Jax found himself alone at the dining table with Mr. Carson. He poured some cream in his coffee just to avoid squirming under the man's intent gaze.

  "Jax, son, I've known you a long time," he finally said.

  "Yes, sir."

  "I think of you as one of my own. You know that, don't you?"

  Hearing those words from one of the only stable male role models he'd ever had made Jax's throat constrict. "Thank you, sir. You've always made me feel like part of your family."

  "Good. Then you'll understand how difficult it is for me to tell you that the thought of you touching my little girl makes me want to break every bone in your hands."

  Jax just stared, wide-eyed as Mr. Carson took a long sip of his coffee. He was built like Aaron, large and imposing, but Jax had never so much as heard him raise his voice so the violence behind his statement came as something of a surprise.

  "However, Aaron has assured me that there isn't a guy on earth he'd trust to take better care of his little sister and I suppose he knows you better than anyone else."

  "Aaron said that?" Jax asked, dumbfounded.

  "He did. And more importantly Cassie is a grown woman and is perfectly capable of making her own decisions. At least that's what her mother has been trying to convince me of—"

  "I love her, Mr. Carson," he blurted, surprising both of them. Mr. Carson lifted an eyebrow and the expression was so familiar he almost laughed. There was a long awkward silence during which Jax felt like he should say something else, but couldn't think what.

  "Okay then." Mr. Carson extended his hand and Jax grasped it firmly. "That's all I needed to know."

  They both sat back with their coffee and Mr. Carson asked Jax about his job at the park. That discussion kept them occupied until Cassie walked in a few minutes later. She gave him a hesitant smile that widened when he grinned at her and gave her a wink.

  They hung out at the table drinking coffee and talking for another hour before they decided they needed to get on the road. Jax drove Cassie back to school, since it wasn't far out of his way and Aaron would have had to double back to get her there. Jax had hoped they might get the chance to say goodbye the good way, but when they got to her dorm Cassie's roommate was there and didn't look like she had any plans of leaving any time soon.

  He held her tight outside the door for a long moment before he left, trying to memorize the feel and smell of her in his arms. "I'll see you soon. I'll come visit."

  She nodded against his chest and clung to his shirt, not ready to let him go yet. He kissed her on the forehead and she looked up at him, lifting up on her toes to press a kiss to his lips. Her hands clasped his cheeks and she kissed him deeper, pouring her goodbye into it, making him tremble a little inside at the strength of her emotion.

  "I love you," she said, fixing those deep brown eyes on him as she stepped back.

  "I love you, too." He touched her cheek with his fingertips and then turned and left while he still had the power to do it.


  I dove for the phone as I rushed out of the bathroom, well aware of who was on the other end. After two months me and Jax had worked ourselves into a fairly regular schedule of nightly phone calls and weekend visits. Lately we'd relied more on the phone calls, since we'd both been busy on the weekends. Still wrapped in my towel I snatched the phone off my desk and pushed my dripping hair out of the way so Icould answer it.


  "Hey, babe."

  "You're early. I almost missed the call."

  "What were you doing?"

  "Taking a shower. I just barely caught the phone as I came in."

  "Oh really? So you're all wet and naked?"

  I grinned, warmth suffusing my body at the way his voice dropped into a lower octave. "Well, I'm wearing a towel so not entirely naked, but I am wet. I'm dripping all over the floor."

  Jax let out a low groan. "Damn, that is so hot."

  "You want me to send you a picture?" I asked, giggling at the idea.

  "I would absolutely love for you to send me a picture."

  "I'll think about it."

  "Why don't you think about me snatching that towel and licking the water droplets off your body one by one."

  I sank down onto my bed, my legs suddenly trembling. I took a deep breath and waited until I felt like I had my voice under control before responding. "That doesn't seem like a very efficient way to get dry."

  "No, I'm pretty sure it would make you wetter. I bet it's making you wetter just thinking about it, isn't it?"

  "It's so unfair when you do that to me." I complained, but I loved it when he talked dirty to me. His voice alone was enough to get me aroused so the majority of our phone calls ended with one or both of us having an orgasm.

  "Where's Grace?"

  I glanced over at my roommate's calendar. "She's at soccer practice."

  "Lay back and spread your legs, baby."

  "Jax," I whined. "She's gonna be home in half an hour."

  "Then you better hurry."

  The commanding tone in his voice pushed me past the point of resistance. Biting my lip, I lay down on my bed and pulled the towel open, spreading my legs so that I could feel the cool air drifting over my heated flesh. Looking down I could see my nipples standing at attention and I didn't have to see to know that I was already wet for him. An idea began to form in my mind and I smiled to myself. It might not shock him, but it would probably surprise him.

  "Spread your legs nice and wide for me, baby, but don't touch yet. I want you to play with your nipples first."

  "Okay," I whispered, playing along for the moment. The hand not holding the phone drifted over my breast, teasing myself with light touches.

  "Tell me what you're doing."

just using my fingertips, brushing them over the very tips."

  "Good girl. Use your fingernails, light scratches around your nipples and across the tips."

  I gasped at the sensation. "Oh wow."

  "Do it again on the other side, use all your fingers. Spread them out as wide as you can and then run your nails up toward your nipple until you get to the tip and then pinch it."

  I did as he said and my breath caught as a violent shiver shot down my spine.

  "Again," he said, sounding slightly breathless. "Pinch hard and pull it."

  "Oh shit, Jax." I could feel my stomach muscles trembling already and we'd just started. "Can I touch—"

  "No. Put the phone on speaker and set it down so you can do both nipples at the same time."

  I did as instructed and took the opportunity to reach into my bedside table and get out my secret weapon. I used the vibrator Kayla and Blaire got me fairly regularly, but never like this. At the rate I was going I certainly didn't need it, but the idea of surprising Jax with it was pretty exciting.

  "Okay," I said, settling back on the bed with my phone resting on my belly. "What do you want me to do next?"

  "Play with your nipples some more. Twist them for me and pinch them hard." His voice was getting deeper and quieter and I smiled again, knowing he was enjoying himself as much as I was.

  "Is your dick hard?"

  "As a fucking rock."

  "Is it in your hand?"

  "You know it is."

  "No fair."

  "You want to touch your pussy?"

  I groaned in anticipation. "Yes."

  "Okay, you can put your fingers inside, but don't touch your clit yet."

  I smiled and my heart skipped a beat as I reached for the vibrator. "What if I use something besides my fingers? Would that be okay?" I turned it on the lowest setting, knowing he'd be able to hear the low buzz.

  There was nothing from the other end of the phone, not even the low ragged breathing that had been there a moment before. Finally his voice came whispering through the tinny speaker. "Oh, fuck yeah, babe. Do it."

  "Do what, Jax?" My hands were shaking with anticipation, but I was enjoying his reaction so much I wanted to drag it out a little more. "What should I do with it?"

  "Just barely put it in. Just the tip. Keep it on low and don't let it touch your clit."

  I did as he said and moaned loud as the vibrations radiated outward from my dripping entrance.

  "Damn Cassie, that sounds so sexy. I can hear how wet you are. Move it in and out a little bit."

  "Mmm, it feels so good."

  After just a few minutes of this my body was starting to tense and move involuntarily and I could hear myself making little grunting noises.

  "Turn it up a little and go deeper."

  I emitted a high pitched moan as I pressed the thick vibrator deeper inside. When I was by myself I usually just focused on my clit and came within minutes, but this felt very different. Insanely good. I wanted to talk, say something sexy to make him gasp, but my brain wasn't working.

  "Jax," I gasped breathlessly. "Please, just a little."

  "No. I know how you are. If you touch your clit you won't be able to stop."

  The vibrator was driving me crazy from the inside out as I moved it in deep strokes. If I moved it a certain way...oh, right there...I could feel it in my clit. "Oh God, oh God, oh my God."

  "Don't you dare cum yet. I'm not done with you."

  I quickly pulled it out and started stroking again, more quickly now.

  "Turn it all the way up."

  "I'll cum if I do that."

  "No you won't. Not until I say."

  The second I turned it up I felt the orgasm rush toward me and had to bite my cheeks hard to hold it back. I couldn't think, couldn't talk, all I could do was focus on not letting the pleasure overwhelm me, all the while Jax's voice a steady rumble in my ear. I hardly heard what he was saying and the only reason I even kept listening was so I wouldn't miss the words I desperately wanted to hear.

  "Feels good doesn't it, baby? I know you're close, but I want you to hold on for me just a little longer."

  "Mmmmm," was all I could manage as I held the vibrator perfectly still inside me. I knew if I moved at all it would tip me over the edge.

  "I'm gonna cum with you Cassie, are you ready?"

  I nodded violently, but couldn't make a sound. Every muscle in my body was tensed in resistance to the bubble of pressure that seemed to be inflating inside me, filling me to the point that I thought I might explode.

  "Cum, baby." His voice was a gentle growl and his words were followed immediately by a loud grunt and a string of mostly unintelligible curses featuring the frequent repetition of the word fuck.

  I barely heard any of that, however. My body completely took over as the pleasure crashed over me in huge, drowning waves. I mindlessly thrust the vibrator in and out, holding it so it brushed against my clit with every stroke. My legs kicked instinctively against the bed, my feet sliding around bunching my sheets up under me as my back arched way up.

  I finally had to drop the vibrator and push it away, curling into a ball on my side as the aftershocks continued to shake my body. When I came to my senses I could hear myself making pitiful whimpering noises and took a deep breath to force myself to stop. The vibrator was still going strong somewhere near my foot and I reached down to turn it off and then dug through the sheets to find my phone.


  "Welcome back." He sounded amused and I couldn't help giggling a little as I turned off the speaker and held the phone to my ear. "Damn Cassie, that was the sexiest thing I've ever heard."


  "I swear to God."

  "Did I shock you?"

  "I was definitely not expecting that."

  "Did you cum too?"

  "Hell yeah I did."

  "Good," I said, my voice coming out as a whisper. Suddenly I felt like crying despite the endorphin high, or maybe because of it. My body felt over-sensitized and I closed my eyes and imagined him in bed with me, his body curled protectively around mine as he stroked my arms and back gently. "I miss you so much. I wish you were here."

  "Aw babe, me too."

  His voice was so soft and familiar in my ear that if I kept my eyes closed I could almost pretend he was really there. I felt silly for the tears that were welling up and I squeezed my eyes shut to stop them, but couldn't disguise the sniffle.

  "Hey now, don't do that."

  I tried to stop and catch my breath, but to my annoyance a few sobs escaped instead.

  "Cassie, baby, you're breaking my heart. What's wrong?"

  "Sorry. I'm's just I'm all shaky know."

  "I know, baby." He sighed deeply. "I love you."

  "I love you, too." Hearing the words and saying them made me feel a little better. I wiped at my eyes with the corner of my sheet and sat up on the edge of my bed. "Can you come this weekend?"

  "I wish I could, but we put a bunch of bear baits up today and I have to go out and check them on Saturday. I don't want to leave them up too long."

  "You're catching bears?"

  "No, we don't trap them, it's just to get an idea of where they are. We dangle treats from trees in different places the forest and go back a few days later to see if any bears have tried to get at them. But if I leave them up too long they'll attract bears from further out and bring them in to where the people are. It's not safe."

  "Oh." I tried not to let my disappointment come through in my voice, but it had been two weeks since we'd seen each other.

  "What about the next weekend?"

  "I have a dance competition in Birmingham. But my spring break starts the next weekend. If I can find a ride I could come see you." I brightened considerably at the idea of spending a whole week with him.

  "Oh, um, I hate to say it, but Aaron's spring break is the same week and he's coming up—"

  "You've got to be kidding me."

m sorry babe, we've had it planned since before my mom's wedding. I guess I should have said something sooner, I just wasn't thinking about it. But there's no reason you can't come too. I'd bet he'd even give you a ride."

  "You and me and my brother in a cabin in the woods is not my idea of a pleasant vacation. And as okay as he says he is with us being together I don't think it'd be very much fun for him, either."

  "Invite Kayla and Blaire. We can make a big party out of it and they'd all distract each other enough that we could maybe get some alone time, too."

  I considered it a minute and began to see the appeal of the idea. "That actually sounds like it could be a lot of fun."

  "It would be. There's tons of stuff to do here and I've got some friends who'd love to come party with us."

  "Okay," I said, a bright grin on my face. "I'll call Kayla and Blaire and see what they're doing and let you know."

  "Cool. I'm actually kind of excited about this."

  "Me too. I should go though. Grace is gonna be home soon and I should probably put on some clothes, not to mention hide the vibrator and fix my sheets."

  "Alright," he said with a chuckle. "I'll call you tomorrow?"

  "Okay. Love you."

  "Love you too, baby. Bye."

  I hung up and smiled to myself. Spring Break in the Chattahootchie...hiking, swimming, drinking, sneaking off with Jax. Yeah, that definitely sounded like fun




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