Dragon Her Feet

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Dragon Her Feet Page 11

by Mina Carter, Celia Kyle

  That had Katie preening and her hedgie fluffing out her quills. All right then. Taking her cues from him, she reached for the bottom of her small T-shirt, anxious to yank it from her body, but froze at his next words.

  “Don’t you dare.”

  She stared at him, eyes wide. “Wha—”

  “You’re a gift, and I want to unwrap you myself.”

  That she could handle.

  She laid back on the bed, upper body propped on her elbows so she could watch him as he continued to remove his clothes. The zip was already half undone and finished its southern journey quickly, and then those pants were sliding past his hips and down his legs. And—oh my God—he wasn’t wearing anything beneath his jeans.

  His cock sprung free of the fabric confines. His shaft was thick and long, the head swollen and purpled with his desire for her, and several droplets of pre-come glistened at the very end. Once again her mouth watered with the need to taste him and once again she forced herself to resist temptation.

  Next time. Next time she would taste.

  He palmed his dick, stroking himself from root to tip and showing her exactly how much he craved her body. “See something you like?”

  “Cocky bastard.”

  Joey smirked. “Why yes, I have a—”

  Several things happened at once. As Joey stepped forward, his ankles tangled in his jeans and then he tumbled onto the bed with a shout only to then bounce to the ground with a grunt.

  And she wasn’t going to laugh. She definitely wasn’t going to compare him to a floundering fish. Ever. At all. And she wasn’t chuckling either. Those weird hacking sounds she was making definitely weren’t laughs.

  A wave of smoke drifted up from the ground, telling her without words that her mate—her mate—was a little pissy after his less than graceful swan dive off the bed. She inched to the end of the mattress and took a peek over the side.

  He really did have an ass that begged for a nibble. Nice and firm and just pleading for a tiny little bite right… there.

  “Not. A. Word,” he growled and she definitely didn’t chuckle. Joey flipped onto his back and sat up, immediately reaching for his ankles. “Fucking shoes, fucking clothes, and no fucking…”

  He yanked and tugged—without laughs from Katie—and finally seemed to lose patience as he released a scorching ball of fire that destroyed what was left of his clothing. As the smoke cleared, she was left with the most glorious vision called her mate, completely nude and hard for her.

  “Now, it’s your turn,” he murmured and Katie found that she couldn’t wait. “You… are all mine.” Katie wiggled and writhed, tugging at her top and pushing at her jeans only to have Joey halt her movements. “Let me.”

  And so she did. She let him stroke her hips and her side as he urged her shirt to slide up her body. She let him cup her breasts as he undid the front snap of her bra. She let him suck on her nipple as he fought with the button of her jeans.

  Then she let him slide between her thighs, mouth hovering so close to her very center, and press the softest kiss to her mound.

  “Joey…” she whispered. Whispered because she didn’t think she could do anything but shove that single word past her lips.

  Not when he was so near where she needed him most. She was on fire for him, body burning and aching to be possessed by him. Her nipples were hard and desperate for his mouth, trembles of desire bracketed her body, and her pussy was slick and wet and waiting to be filled by his length.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are? Do you know how delicious you smell?” He rubbed his cheek on her inner thigh and then pressed his lips to the seam of her pussy and gave her a gentle kiss as he breathed deeply. “All wet and ready for me, aren’t you?”

  “Joey…” She really should expand her vocabulary.

  That was when she realized vocabulary was unnecessary because his tongue slipped between her sex lips and flicked her clit. She became a writhing mass of moans and groans, no coherent words leaving her mouth as he gifted her with unimaginable pleasure.

  He licked and nibbled, sucked and tasted, and feasted on her pussy. She burned for him, body aching for his touch, and she followed his every move. When he slipped two fingers into her heat, she rode his hand and fought for release.

  And all the while, as the ecstasy he caused grew and grew, his gaze remained locked on hers. Her hedgie was overcome by his intent perusal, reveling in his attention and overjoyed when Joey’s dragon made its appearance. His eyes deepened to near midnight, proclaiming the animal’s presence.

  That was all Katie needed, all she required to finally let herself embrace the pleasure he gifted her. It raced down her spine, slithered along her nerves, and filled every muscle in her body. The bliss gathered within her, rolling and growing until it consumed every inch of her body.

  “Oh God, soon. Joey, soon. Need you.” She didn’t give a damn, she begged.

  He lifted his head, mouth glistening with evidence of her arousal, and she shuddered when he licked his lips with a low moan. “Delicious.”

  “Please.” She wasn’t sure what she wanted, she just knew she wanted Joey.

  “I’m going to make you mine.” He growled the words and her hedgie took it as a direct challenge.

  Katie sat up and reached for him. Cupping the back of his head she yanked him along as she eased to her back again. “And I’m going to make you mine.”

  That was when he pounced…


  She drove him mad, had from the moment she’d smacked him with a skillet and he had no doubt she always would. Right now though, it was the curvy little body and heated look in her eyes, the scent of her arousal and need on the air that drove him past thinking.

  A growl rumbling in the back of his throat, he reached for her, flipping on to her stomach and grabbing a pillow to shove under her hips. He was big, she was little, and if he didn’t get inside her in the next ten seconds he would explode, but that didn’t mean she had to be uncomfortable.

  Her squeak of delight urged him on. Shoving her legs apart with a hard knee, he slid into place behind her. The sweet curve of her ass distracted him for a moment and he ran a big hand over the plump, decadent curves. Even the touch of her silken skin was addictive. So soft against his palm. Lifting his hand, he gave her a smart spank and grinned at the mock-outrage in her squeak.

  “That’s for putting yourself in danger coming here,” he said, his voice filled with his dragon. “But I’m glad you did.”

  He dipped his hips, taking his cock in hand to rub the head between her pussy lips. That was almost his undoing. Slippery and wet, her decadent heat called to him. Grimly, he fought the temptation, determined that she was never, ever, going to forget this night. The night they mated. The night he took her as his, forever.

  She whimpered, pushing back against him when his cockhead kissed the entrance to her pussy, but he clicked his tongue, pushing it downward instead to rub over her clit. Her nails, sharp from her hedgie, shredded his bed sheets in response.

  He took his time, ignoring the roaring of his own beast in order to work her up to fever pitch again. Her soft breathy moans became sharper and more pronounced, and the jerk of her hips backward demanded more. His sheets were fucked, and she’d started on the pillows by the time he took pity on her and changed position. His hands smoothing up her thighs and over her ass, he pressed himself against the entrance to her body and pushed.

  His eyes crossed. Sinking into her, feeling her body part to accept him and enclose him in its heated embrace was… awesome. Better than awesome. There weren’t words for that kind of bliss, a feeling so good that he was sure the ceiling had collapsed; he had died and gone to heaven.

  Dead or not, there was no stopping his hips. They drove ever forward, impaling his little mate on the rigid length as she whimpered and sighed beneath him. Her pussy was tight, so tight he felt every inch as his hips met hers and he paused.

  Shit. Was he too big? She was only a tiny little thing aft
er all.

  “Joey, I love you and all…” She turned her head to say. “But if you don’t move soon I’m going to have to do some real physical damage. Okay?”

  “Your wish is my command, sweetness.” Given permission, he pulled back until his cock was almost all the way out of her. Fingers hooked around her hips, he thrust back in on a long, slow ride of pure pleasure.

  “Mmmhffmmck!” he managed, not entirely sure he’d be able to frame a sentence again. Instinct drove him, his hips, cock and balls making all the decisions as he pulled out and thrust again. Retreat and repeat, until he had built a pace that rocked the bed and made his little mate cry out in pleasure.

  The sight of her in front of him, the feel of her around him, short-circuited his brain. He moved on instinct, varying his pace and position to wring the little growls and moans out of her that had become essential to his continued existence. The taste of her was branded on his tongue, onto his soul, and the scent of her arousal in the air tapped into his primal instincts. The instincts of his dragon.

  A dragon who very much wanted to claim their little mate as their treasure, permanently.

  Bending over her, he covered her gorgeous, curvy body with his own. She bucked back at him, her back brushing against his chest, then gave a sibilant moan when he slid his hand around to slide it between her legs. Her pussy lips were slick and slippery with her excitement and her clit easy to find. He rubbed against it, timing his thrusts and rubs to bring her to the edge as quickly as possible. He needed this, needed her, more than he needed air. His thrusts quickened, his own end near but he couldn’t let go. Not yet.

  First, he needed to bite her.

  Her pussy clenched around him, a fluttering warning that she was close. So close. Leaning down, he brushed his lips against the side of her throat, and whispered, “Mine. For always.”

  And then he struck, driving his teeth deep into the fleshy part of her shoulder, and pushing them both over the edge into ecstasy.

  He had her now. His bite tied them together and now no one would be able to take her from him. His. His. His. His.

  Her scream echoed off the walls as she rhythmically milked his length, telling him she’d found her ultimate release. His cock throbbed and pulsed inside her as he lost himself to the pleasure of her body. It would be like this always. Forever. He couldn’t get that single thought out of his mind. It continued to circle as the bliss of his claiming enveloped him.

  Her blood flowed over his tongue, teasing his taste buds with the coppery fluid, and his dragon roared with joy.

  She had chased them, hunted them, and submitted to them in the most basic and ultimate way.

  It wasn’t until she whimpered that he realized his teeth were still embedded in her flesh as he sucked on the damage he’d caused. He carefully and gently withdrew his fangs, bathing the still bleeding punctures with his tongue to seal the wound. She whined and trembled, the objection to his withdrawal easily recognized when she wiggled against him and attempted to rise.

  “Shhh… Let me care for you.” His voice was hoarse and rough, the dragon still evident and present.

  Katie relaxed beneath him, and he took his time caring for his mate—his mate. He eased from her sated body ever so carefully, gently easing from atop her and carefully edging to the side until his back rested against the mattress. Just as carefully, he pulled her closer and positioned her as he desired. She lay sprawled atop him, chest pressed to his, an arm and leg drawn across his body. He wore a deliciously curved Katie-sized blanket, and he’d never been happier in his life.

  “Joey…” She sighed and there was no way he could miss her satisfaction.

  “My mate…” He had a mate. Him, Joey, one of the twelve… had a mate.

  “I am now. I almost wasn’t because—”

  “—I am a very, very stupid dragon.” He smiled widely.

  “Yes, you are.” She wiggled and snuggled even closer. “But you’re my stupid dragon.”

  “Always.” And forever.

  An easy, sated silence wrapped around them, enveloping them in a cocoon of relaxation and togetherness. Joey simply listened to her breathing, the steady and even tempo as air whooshed in and out of her lungs. She’d chased after him, stood up to the dragon queen, and made her choice clear.

  Hell or high water, crazy dragons or annoyed werehedgehogs, they were mated in the way of dragons. He wasn’t sure about what Katie would need to satisfy her hedgehog, but there was nothing he wouldn’t do to tie them together.

  As for chasing…

  He pressed a tender kiss to her temple. “You never explained how you found me. Or how you got here,” he murmured.

  Katie huffed. “Do I really have to tell you?”

  “The queen will ask.”

  She groaned. “Hypothetically…”

  “Try actually.”

  This time she moaned. “A certain female black dragon—”

  “—we only have one—”

  Katie lifted her head and glared at him and he decided he would stay quiet. “A certain female black dragon knew that a certain male black dragon whose name starts with J and ends in Y was being an idiot. She didn’t want him to make a dumb mistake, so she went to the smarter of the two people in the relationship…”

  Joey’s dragon bristled at the words, but accepted that there was a tiny kernel of truth to them and so remained quiet.

  “… And told that smarter woman— You knew it was a woman, right? Anyway. It boils down to she felt sorry for you, called me, and I called the airlines. One first-class ticket later and here I am.”

  “That was brave. You didn’t know how I’d react.”

  She snorted. “Puh-leeze. As if.”

  He growled, the sound not containing an ounce of heat. “Are you saying I’m easy?” He wrapped his arm across her back and with a single flex of muscle, flipped their positions until she lay beneath him. “Are you?”

  Giggles escaped her lips, the laughs continuing for a moment before she finally was able to reply. “Yes.” He snarled this time, baring his fangs. “Hey! Don’t show ’em if you’re not going to use them.”

  That had Joey nearly losing control. The thought of biting her again had the dragon rushing forward and nearly breaking free. “Don’t tease.”

  “Not teasing. Craving.”

  He groaned and leaned to the side to press his head to a pillow. Anything to keep his attention from her teasing gaze. “No, we have things to discuss before we start round two.”

  Katie hummed. “How about we grab a quick snack between rounds seven and eight and we can chat then?”

  He really liked the sound of that. “Fine. But we’re going to have to talk about where we’re going to live, how to get you moved, and how many dragonlets we’re going to have.”

  “Miami, a truck, and four and they’re hoglets, not dragonlets. There, we’re done. Now, claim me again, already.”

  And that sounded like a plan, so he did.

  Chapter Eleven

  Katie dodged a snatching hand, the familiar manicured nails nearly snaring her prize. “Watch it, bitch, this shit is mine.”

  “I so didn’t see you pack that! I thought we agreed that I got that pan,” Honey growled and Katie ignored her.

  Instead, she bent down and slid the pan that belong to her—and not Honey—into the cabinet. “No, we did not agree because someone in this kitchen doesn’t actually cook.” She released the frying pan and stood, propping her hands on her hips. “Now, I wonder who that could be.”

  Honey sniffed and stuck her nose in the air. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I am a magnificent cook.”

  The sudden hacking cough that came from the entry to the kitchen drew their attention and they both turned to find a red-faced and gasping Blake in the archway.

  “Blake?” her best friend growled. “Don’t you agree?”

  Katie’s Alpha pounded on his chest and cleared his throat. “Of course, baby. Absolutely.”

ey spun and shot Katie a fierce glare. “See!”

  Yes, Katie did see. She saw her pregnant best friend demanding a pan that she would never ever use because she was still pouting over Katie’s move with Joey. She sighed and stepped up to her friend. She grabbed Honey’s hands and gently squeezed the woman’s fingers. “You don’t need to be all bitchy to get attention.”

  Honey snarled at her and Katie was almost afraid. Almost because it was kinda hard to be fearful of anything now that she’d spent time with Joey and the other black dragons. And don’t even get her started on the queen.

  Honey sniffled and she knew it was all downhill now.

  Katie slowly turned her best friend around and wrapped her arm around Honey’s waist. “Come on, come sit in the living room with me for a little bit. You have to be tired.”

  Her friend sniffled again. “And hungry. I’m a little hungry.”

  “Of course you are. You’re eating for two.” Or five, but Katie didn’t tell Honey that. There was no telling if her best friend would have a single birth like regular humans or multiples like werehedgehogs.

  “I know, right.” She sniffled again.

  “Exactly, why don’t you come sit here by the window?” She led Honey to the living room, one wall made up entirely of windows from floor to ceiling.

  The ocean spread out before them, the gently rolling waves begging them to come for a swim. The view was… magical. Joey had secured the penthouse apartment in the tall building, ensuring they had the best view possible.

  He told her that she was already making a sacrifice by moving away from her best friend and he wanted to give her whatever her heart desired. And this… was glorious. The entire roof was at their disposal alone, and they often spent evenings relaxing as the sun descended, enjoying the wind off the ocean and the riot of colors that painted the sky.

  Honey slumped onto the couch that was positioned near the window, and Katie tumbled down beside her. She leaned against her best friend, propping her head on the woman’s shoulder, and released a soft sigh. “I’m gonna miss you.”


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