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Blood Craving

Page 8

by Gabrielle Bisset

  As he let himself revel in remembering how her body had felt under his, Marc stroked his stiff cock, his hand sliding slowly from the base to the crown and back again while he pretended it was Solenne’s cunt around him instead of his own palm.

  “Marc, do you need me for anything more tonight? I’d like to go home because I don’t feel well.”

  He turned to look at the speaker on his desk and then closed his eyes, ignoring Emily’s shaky voice. That’s the last thing he wanted now or any time, for that matter.

  “Marc? Did you leave?”

  With each stroke of his hand, he inched closer to coming. The Bliss helped him hold off longer, another benefit of the drug that even Solenne’s blood had never produced in him. Working to put Emily’s interruption out of his head, he squeezed his eyes tightly shut and focused on the image of the woman who’d given him everything.

  He pinned her hands above her head and thrust into her timid body, his cock pushing hard into her almost damp cunt. She wanted this as much as he did, and in minutes she’d give him the perfect relief his body cried out for.

  She was strong, but nothing she could do would put him off from having what he craved more than anything else on earth. No amount of fighting would stop him, and something in the way she ceased pushing against his hold let him know she knew it too.

  His hand moved faster now, urging his body to give him the release he so desperately wanted. Eyes closed, he didn’t hear his office door open or the sound of Emily’s heels as she crossed the floor to stand in front of his desk.

  She cleared her throat, and Marc’s eyes flew open to see her surprised face. “What?” he bit out as his hand dropped from his cock. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I’m…I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were busy. I’ll leave.”

  But she didn’t leave. She just stood there staring down at his lap where his still hard cock waited for more attention.

  “Come here.”

  Emily did as he ordered and moved to stand in front of him. Dressed in her far more reserved office clothes he’d demanded she wear, she wasn’t much to look at. If he was going to do this, she had to improve in that department.

  “Take your clothes off.”

  Her eyes grew wide, but she obeyed and silently undressed. When she reached down to remove her shoes, Marc roughly grabbed her wrist. “Don’t. Leave the shoes on.”

  Emily stood to her full height, allowing him to examine the woman standing in front of him. He’d enjoyed her body when they first met, but that had never been the problem, in truth. The issue with Emily was always her mouth. Or more correctly, what was always spewing from it. The bitch just talked too much.

  “Tell me what you want, Marc, and I’ll do it. It can still be good between us.”

  Her whimpering tone was anything but sexy, but he sensed fear at its base. She was once again afraid of him, likely since the last time he’d had to teach her who was the boss and who was the underling.

  Good. He liked that.

  “Get on your knees and suck my cock. And I swear if I feel your teeth this time I’m going to knock them right the fuck down your throat.”

  She dropped to the floor and quickly set to work on him, taking his cock into her mouth and sucking gently, as she knew he liked. For his part, if he focused very hard on imagining it was Solenne blowing him, he might be able to come.

  But the Bliss made concentrating hard.

  Emily’s mouth did feel good, even if he didn’t want to admit it. When she wasn’t running her teeth up his shaft in some misguided effort she’d learned from some magazine written by women who had no idea what good sex was, she could give pretty good head. Now he just had to hope she didn’t talk her way through it.

  Stuffing his hand into her hair, he gave it a good tug to yank her head up. Crying out in pain, she pulled against his hold. “Marc!”

  “Don’t talk. Suck.”

  She hovered over his cock, mumbling, “I can’t do anything if you keep pulling my hair like that.”

  Her insolence pissed him off and told him her fear was gone again. It was time to remind her of the truth of their relationship. He pushed his palm against her forehead and brought her gaze to meet his.

  “Stand. And keep your fucking mouth shut.”

  If the Bliss wasn’t dulling the edges of everything he felt, she’d have been dead by that moment, but since he still hadn’t gotten off, he could put off what he really wanted to do to her for a little while.

  At least until he came.

  Emily stood naked in front of him wearing just her shoes, her posture telling him that she’d understood the mood he was in. His cock now only semi-hard, he stood from his chair and loosened his tie.

  “You know I hate it when you talk through sex, Emily. You know it, and yet you still do it.”

  “I didn’t mean…”

  Marc’s hand shot out and encircled her neck. In a flash, she was gasping for air, her arms flailing at her sides as she tried to push his arms down. “I swear you don’t learn, Emily. Do I have to teach this lesson every fucking time? And you wonder why I don’t want you anymore.”

  “Please…Marc,” she croaked out in a raspy voice.

  “If that was what you did, you wouldn’t have to be punished like this. Are you ready to behave?”

  As tears and mascara streamed down her cheeks, she nodded her agreement and he released her. Stepping back from him, she rubbed her fingertips over her bruised neck and inhaled deeply, trying to fill her lungs with the air he’d deprived her of.

  “I’m sorry, Marc. I never try to anger you,” she said in a tiny voice. “I really don’t.”

  Something in her words seemed forced, as if his threats hadn’t truly frightened her or she was playacting. The thought of her duplicity and the possibility that she’d had something to do with Solenne’s escape tore through his brain. God, she made him want to kill her!

  He pushed her hard against the wall, the back of her head banging off it as he lunged toward her. Killing her could wait a little while longer. At least until he got off. Holding her shoulders still, he thrust his hips forward and rammed his cock between her thighs trembling with fear.

  “Open your legs,” he ordered and she obeyed immediately.

  The look of terror in her eyes excited him, and even though her pussy was practically dry, he fucked her hard. Whatever her cries were supposed to mean, the moisture that began to coat his cock after just a few thrusts into her told a different story.

  No matter how terrible he’d been to her, he still could turn her on. Stupid bitch. She was what she’d been since the first time he touched Solenne.

  A substitute for the woman he truly wanted and a poor one at that. More like just a body he used for his pleasure until he once again could have the only woman worth anything in this world.


  Emily wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned forward to kiss him, and in his Bliss induced state of happiness, he didn’t stop her. Her mouth did nothing for him when it wasn’t wrapped around his cock, but the drug made him even enjoy when her lips touched his. He slid his hands up the wall until they sat next to both sides of her head and rammed into her with all his might.

  Burying his head in her shoulder, he heard her cry out again, but that didn’t matter. Nothing mattered when he was this deep into the Bliss. His hips ached from driving into her body, the muscles in his thighs and ass sore to the point where a tiny voice inside him told him to stop or even slow down to ease the pain, but he didn’t listen.

  He needed to find that place that only the drug showed him, and if it meant pretending Emily was someone else for a little while as he fucked her, that worked for him.

  His mind focused singularly on the memory of how Solenne felt beneath him as he took her, and the first twinge of his release began to uncoil inside him. Pumping faster than ever into Emily, he buried his hands in her hair and tore at it until she screamed in pain.

  “Marc! You�
�re hurting me!”

  Even after all the time they’d spent together, she still couldn’t seem to understand that only made him more excited, and moments later, he came hard inside her, flooding her needy cunt until his cum ran down between their bodies.

  He pulled out of her as soon as his cock stopped twitching, leaving her still unsatisfied and he didn’t give a fuck about it. She began to whine about him not being sensitive to a woman’s needs, and something inside him snapped. Without a word, he leveled his gaze on her, placed his hands on both sides of her head, and twisted, cracking her neck in one swift motion and finally shutting her up.

  Emily slid down the wall into a lifeless heap of flesh. Marc looked down past his still semi-hard cock to her face and saw the wide-eyed look of shock she still wore. How the fuck could she be surprised?

  Stupid woman.

  The sound of footsteps forced him to look away from her, and Marc saw Magistrate Consera standing just inside the doorway. Before he could say anything, his superior shook his head in disgust.

  “Clean yourself up. I have no intention of conducting a conversation with one of my Archons looking the way you do.”

  Quickly, he stuffed his rapidly deflating cock back into his pants and zipped them up. For a moment he wondered if what he’d said referred to cleaning Emily up, and Marc turned to look at her and then at him, hoping he’d explain. Instead he just grimaced and rolled his eyes.

  “For what reason have you killed your secretary and your own vampire, Marc?” he asked in a loathing voice.

  The effect of the Bliss all but faded away under the Magistrate’s questioning, and Verrater bit back the urge to say he could do whatever the fuck he wanted to with his own vampire.

  “She was insubordinate. I caught her stealing vials of Bliss.”

  Consera looked down at Emily’s limp body and shook his head. “Poor girl. She certainly didn’t draw the lucky card when she got you for a sire, did she? This is why Archons aren’t supposed to sire.”

  Marc Verrater wished for once that he could tell his boss how much he didn’t appreciate his snide comments about everything he did, from how he ran the Bliss production to how he dealt with his office staff. He knew better than to say what he wanted to, though. Magistrate Consera wielded considerable power in the vampire world and pissing him off was a sure road to nowhere at best and a painful death at worst.

  So he stifled himself and instead forced a smile onto his face.

  “I guess I have a long way to go before I’m a sire like you are, sir.”

  It sounded obsequious as soon as the words left his mouth. He didn’t care. Consera didn’t seem to recognize how smarmy the words actually were, though, simply nodding his agreement to Marc’s false compliment.

  “We don’t have to coddle them, son, but killing them like this is messy. I think you’ll find that if you want someone dead, all you must do is provide the weapon and they’ll take care of it themselves. I can tell you right now I have one who is slowly killing herself with that drug you so love.”

  “Really?” he asked, surprised to hear that he’d want one of his vampires dead. “What did she do?”

  Consera let out a low groan. “She’s always been a handful. It’s almost as if she never quite completely shook off being human.”

  “Why not just kill her?”

  The Magistrate made a tsk-tsk sound Marc hated. “So messy. So unnecessary. You need to learn how to exercise power, my friend.”

  Pretending to agree, Marc nodded and forced another smile.

  “You also need to learn how to control that addiction of yours. I have a sneaking suspicion this poor soul lying there at our feet wouldn’t be there if you weren’t just two steps away from being a junkie. I’m not ready to see you leave this world just yet, so get that nasty business under control.”

  Marc struggled to keep the guilt from his face. “Bliss? I’m fine. Just a little way of taking the edge off this job. You know how it is.”

  Consera moved toward him and stared into his eyes with a look that made Marc’s blood run cold. “What I know is that your erratic behavior is beginning to show. You missed yet another meeting, and your fellow Archons are starting to ask questions. That makes me look bad, something I cannot allow. So get yourself in shape or risk me doing it for you.”

  “Okay. It’s not a big deal. I was just using some to make the long days a little less stressful, but I can stop right now.”

  “Good. That’s what I like to hear, Marc. Now finish your secretary off and meet me in my office in five minutes. We have things to talk about concerning what I’m hearing about Bliss’s effect out there.”

  Magistrate Consera left Marc standing above Emily’s body. He felt no remorse for what he’d done, no matter what his superior thought. Turning toward his desk, he found a stake he kept for emergencies in his bottom drawer and returned to her to do as Consera ordered. One last thrust into her body where her heart once beat and all that was left of her instantly turned to dust.

  Wiping off the remnants of her that landed on his pants, he picked up his office phone and dialed for maintenance. When they answered, he said, “I need someone to come up to my office to clean up a mess. Make it quick as I have a meeting with Magistrate Consera.”

  The man who answered promised to get to it immediately, and as Marc hung up the phone, he looked down to see his tie covered in dust. He brushed it, but he couldn’t get all of her off. As the janitor knocked on his door, he called him in as he slid his tie from around his neck.

  The man’s face showed his surprise at the mess, and as Marc walked toward him to leave for his meeting, he threw his tie onto the pile of dust that was once Emily.

  “Throw that out too,” he said as he passed.


  Sion watched as Kali pored over her books strewn all over the table in their rooms. She worked feverishly, flipping through pages like a woman on a mission and only stopping occasionally when some stray fact made her pause for a moment.

  Always impressed with her ability to research, he wished he could be more useful to her in this, the most important task any of them who were part of the Order could complete. If she could decipher the Prophecy of Idolas, they may find the way to defeat the Archons and their allies who would be sure to pose a significant challenge to the stability of the vampire world.

  Who was he kidding? They’d likely pose an insurmountable challenge to the Sons and the Order. Seven warriors and a bunch of bureaucrats would have little hope of defeating the legions of evil the Archons could throw at them.

  “I think I found something, Sion. Can you help me out here?”

  He shook his head to rid it of the negativity he secretly harbored for the fight that loomed ahead and smiled. “Sure. What do you need?”

  Kali handed him a book opened to a page that contained what looked like a flowchart or a family tree. “I need you to hold that for me and make sure not to lose the page. Something’s jumping out at me, but I need to check out the book Nico gave me a while back before I’m sure.”

  She returned to her scouring pages of old books as Sion watched. Finally, after five minutes had passed, he said, “I feel like I should be doing more than acting like a bookmark.”

  Kali looked up from the book she studied and laughed. “You know you’re more than that, Sion.”

  “I’m supposed to be the intelligent Son, and here I am holding books for you.”

  “You are intelligent, but this is where I shine. You shine with mechanical things, remember? I’m pretty sure you made it possible for Vasilije and Sasa’s dishwasher to go into hyperspace.”

  Her joke made him smile and for the first time since he found her, he saw the old Kali from back at the monastery. But her expression changed to a look of sadness and he knew what had happened with Vasilije and Sasa still weighed heavily on her mind.

  “You didn’t do anything you should feel bad about, Kali. Vasilije and Sasa will find each other again if they’re meant to be.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Are you okay? You seem off since we got back from the bar.”

  She forced a big smile and nodded a little too much for him to believe she really was okay, but it wasn’t his way to talk about feelings. He’d barely been able to figure out how to deal with her when he found her a mess because of the Bliss, and if he could never have to go through that again, he’d be thankful.

  “I better get back to work. It won’t be long. If you’re tired of holding the book, lay it down, but just put something on the page so I don’t lose it.”

  Before he could say anything, she turned back to those books she spent so much time in. He wanted to say he liked being a part of what she did and didn’t even mind being her bookmark like he’d joked, but she felt far away from him and to find out why would mean he’d have to be open to whatever emotions she might be experiencing.

  So instead, he simply sat silently watching her as she did what came naturally to her and he did what came naturally to him. At least since he’d become vampire.

  Fifteen minutes later, Kali raised her head and looked at him with confusion in her eyes. “Do you know anything about Solenne’s background?”

  “Solenne?” he asked. “I know she’s French by birth and has lived almost all her life in France. She was made vampire by Saint’s brother, Teagan. Other than that and that she’s married to Saint, I don’t know anything more. Why?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’ve wondered since I first heard that Archon thought there was something special about her blood if there could be a reason for that. It just doesn’t sound logical that her blood could be the foundation for a drug like Bliss if there’s no reason for it.”

  “So what are you thinking?” he asked, unsure where she was going with all this talk of Solenne and that crazy Archon who’d kept her hostage for her blood.

  Kali pushed away the books in front of her and pulled his laptop toward her. “I’m thinking I need to do some investigating about her genealogy. It might be nothing but a wild goose chase, or it might be something, but I want to check it out so I can know for sure.”


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