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You're the Closest to Heaven That I'll Ever Be

Page 8

by Molly Shanahan

  Ch. 13

  Hayden picked Lily up at her house for their date right on time. He had gotten ready two hours before he actually needed to go pick her up. He was anxious, nervous and excited all at once. He had never been out on a real date before and now he was going out with Lily. It was like a dream come true. He was absolutely sure that nothing could ruin this date.

  Hayden had no idea where he was going to take her. He knew that Lily wouldn't care where they were, as long as they were together. But for Hayden, the location had to be perfect. Everything had to be perfect. He didn't want to mess this up.

  He asked the guys, but they were no help. Jeremy had been with the same girl for a year—she had been his first and only girlfriend. All of Tate's suggestions dealt with trying to get in her pants. Wes was far from an expert on the topic of romance and Ricky told him to take her out for pizza. Coming from Ricky, that was no surprise.

  In the end, Ricky's idea was the best option there was. It wasn't exactly what Hayden had in mind, but then again, Hayden didn't have much in mind about the whole situation.

  So there they sat across from one another with a pizza sitting on the table in the middle of them. The only sound heard throughout the whole building was soft, emotional music gently pulsing through the speakers on the ceiling. It was awkward to say the least.

  As Hayden tried to search his brain for something to say, a voice that was clearly not Lily's broke the awkward silence. Hayden looked over to see the last person he ever expected to see walk in towards them.

  “Chance?” Hayden was confused, happy, angry and surprised all at once.

  “Hayden! Bro!” Chance slid into the booth next to Lily. "Well, it is snowing like Jesus outside.”

  “Chance...” Hayden groaned. “Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see you but... What are you doing here?”

  Chance shrugged. “We're on vacation and my parents wanted to visit with your parents. Your mom told me you were here. But she didn't tell me you were on a date.” Chance nudged Lily's arm with his elbow. “Is this Lily? The girl you tell me all about all the time?”

  Hayden dropped his head in his hands as he felt a warm blush creep up on his cheeks.

  “Uh, I'm going to go to the bathroom; give you boys some time to talk.” Lily tried to squeeze by Chance so she could get out of the booth.

  As soon as she was gone, Hayden turned back to Chance.

  “Well, she seems nice. She’s too quiet, though.” Chance said nonchalantly.

  “Chance, you are so dead.” Hayden seethed. “You're making me look like an idiot. I really like her, dude. Just... stop trying to be a wing man because you suck at it.”

  Chance opened his mouth to say something but then closed it when he saw Lily walking back to the table. Instead of scooting in back to her seat next to Chance, she sat down next to Hayden.

  Chance had a smug look on his face as he looked down at his phone, rapidly typing a message. A few seconds later, Hayden's phone vibrated in his pocket.

  From Chance: Looks like having me around isn't that bad after all. Now she's sitting next to you! Put your arm around her, dumb ass. She looks cold (;

  Hayden looked at Chance who gave him an encouraging head nod and then looked back down at his phone, re-reading the message and trying to figure out how to put his arm around her suavely.

  Okay, Andy. Don't think about it. Just do it. That's the only way you'll be able to do it. He thought to himself.

  With one swift move, his arm was around her shoulders. She looked at his hand on her shoulder and then back up at him. She smiled and snuggled up into the crook of his arm where she fit just perfectly.

  Okay, Hayden thought. This is good. Everything is good.

  Ch. 14

  “I like the makeup.” Lily said, brushing Hayden's bangs out of his eyes. “It makes you guys different. And you know me, I'm all about different.”

  Hayden smiled, looking around at the rest of the guys tuning up their guitars or talking with Chance; all of them had their own unique war paint style.

  “You promise the amps will work this time?” Hayden asked and Lily laughed.

  “Yes. I promise they will work this time. Everything should go perfectly. I promise.” Lily assured. “Now go, you're up!” She lightly pushed him towards the stage and watched him and the rest of the band get ready to play their first song.

  The crowd wasn't too big and they didn't expect it to be after their first gig. But they had to start somewhere and hopefully it would take off eventually.

  As Hayden began to sing, Lily felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Chance standing by her, looking out at Hayden and the guys on stage.

  “You're very proud of him. I can tell.” Chance said, still looking straight ahead.

  Lily looked out at Hayden, jumping around the stage having the time of his life. “I am, Chance. I'm very proud of Hayden. He's grown up so much in just the past few months. And now he's going after something he really wants to do.”

  “You love him, don't you?” He looked down at her and she looked down at the floor.

  “What is love? I don't know. Maybe? I don't know what love is.” Lily sounded slightly ashamed.

  “Well, he loves you. That's for sure. He never shuts up about you and just the way he looks at you, the way he needs you. He loves you.” Chance put an arm around Lily. “And I think the longer you're with him, the more you'll realize that you love him, too.”

  Lily nodded but didn't say anything. She just wanted to think about everything Chance had said. She wanted to just soak it all in and absorb it. Lily watched as Hayden said goodnight to the crowd and run off stage towards her. He threw his arms around her, almost knocking her to the ground.

  “You did amazing!” Lily enthused.

  “I know! They loved us!” Hayden agreed.

  “Another group hug!” Ricky exclaimed and the rest of the boys enclosed Lily and Hayden in the middle of the group hug.

  “You're big on group hugs, huh Ricky?” Lily managed to say.

  “Can't... Breathe...” Hayden choked out and everyone let go.

  “So, who's up for a party?” Chance offered.

  “Chance...” Hayden put a hand to his forehead.

  “Oh, come on, Hayden. It could be fun.” Lily said.

  “Oh, hell yes! I love parties!” Wes exclaimed, jumping up and down. “I'm a professional party animal! Let's go! Please, please, please?!”

  “Will there be hot chicks?” Tate asked.

  “Most likely.” Chance responded.

  “Alright, I'm in.” Tate agreed.

  “Come on, Hayden.” Lily whined and pouted. “I've never been to a party before. Puh-lease?”

  Hayden grimaced. “Well...”

  “Maybe you and I could, you know, be alone.” She whispered in his ear.

  Hayden's eyes widened. This was a side of Lily he hadn't seen before. What had gotten into her? “I'm in.” Hayden agreed.

  Lily took him by the hand and they followed Chance outside to their cars to follow him to the party.


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