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Shadow Ops: Danger's Heat (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Shadow Ops Novella Book 2)

Page 8

by LS Silverii

  “No matter what happens, we can’t go in like a pack of wild animals,” Rose warned. “The freaking feds and CPD would eat our ass alive if they caught wind.”

  “What about CIA?” Justice asked.

  “The CIA leaks like a cheap diaper,” she grumbled.

  “Don’t forget the stash of chemical weapons. One bad bullet and the entire place goes up in a death ball.” Billy had remained quiet most of the time while calculating a less forceful option.

  Hollywood moved closer to Billy in anticipation of his strategy drawing opposition from an adrenaline-fueled crew of cowboys. “I say we establish surveillance and wait for more diary decodes or phone calls to Fats. We might luck out and see the van or even Bonny. St. Paddy’s Day’s still over a day out and I doubt they’ll move the barrels until the very morning of.”

  “Fuck that waiting shit. That’s what caught us hell in Helmand province—I ain’t waiting. We know where the terrorists are. Longer we sit here playing briefcase badass, the more chance they got to escape.” Viper leapt to his feet. He waved his hands for approval from his brothers.

  “We’re not even sure the bio-chem is there, or whether they have it in multiple locations. We’re glad to work together with a bunch of kickass veterans, but lets not risk a bad move by bum rushing the wrong warehouse.” Hollywood caught Chase’s glare at Viper but he also sensed the swelling tide of an immediate call to action. These killers didn’t get into the pits because they thought through shit.

  “Leatherneck, he’s right you know,” Chase called out.

  “We lost one war with the terrorists because we listened to D.C. suits. It ain’t gotta be that way now. We control this battle, not you federal agents.” His words riled up the other Savage Soul brothers.

  Justice took a long time rising to his feet. “Boys, you volunteered for this mission, and I can’t order you to listen to them, but I trust them and ask that you do too. Wait on the intel.” Justice stared across the silent room at hard faces showing nothing but contempt for his words.

  Thick animosity clouded the air.

  “Justice, you right—we volunteered. I un-volunteer, and say it’s time to move if we gonna catch these extremists.” Viper stood up to face Justice.

  No one showed fear. These were hard-core criminals who’d faced death in combat and returned home to find there was no place for them so they’d made their own—a place without fear or rules.

  “Savage Soul forever brother.” Justice extended his hand.

  “Savage Soul forever.” Viper gripped it and hugged him close.

  He walked out with six others in tow. Hollywood looked at the other STR operatives—there was no surprise in their faces, except for Voodoo. She looked to Justice with her hands up as if to ask what the fuck?

  “Well, that didn’t go like it should’ve,” Rose said.

  “I just lead ’em, I don’t control ’em.”

  “We need to move past, and set a plan in place. No time worrying about rogue ops,” Billy said. “Who knows, they might capture the whole crew.”

  “No capture. Kill only.” Justice stated what everyone already knew.


  “You sure this shit’s safe? I’m not too happy about returning to their clubhouse,” Hollywood examined the endless line of Harley Davidson motorcycles that jammed up most of Division Street. Music screamed through the walls, making talking street side difficult. Hollywood’s eyes sliced through the haze that settled atop the block. He wanted Billy and KC’s attention.

  The mood was tight and the Savage Souls who loitered around the front door failed to acknowledge Justice with the same earlier reverence. The five brothers looked right through Hollywood and the other STR members, keeping their hands tucked beneath leather vests on what Hollywood assumed were weapons. Justice waited for the biggest of the five to move from in front of the door. The man wasn’t as tall as he was wide. His girth was a hard mixture of obesity-covered slabs of muscle. He didn’t move immediately.

  “Problem?” Justice asked in his typical low tone.

  “Yeah, your cop friends are a problem.” His vest patch read, Stump.

  “I vouched for them, so you saying the problem is me?” Justice’s biceps pulled the slack in his shirt into a screaming stretch as his arms rippled. Fists clenched. His voice, now a growl, dared Stump’s loyalty to his president.

  “It’s whatever you think.” The older man’s feet shuffled off balance and his hands moved between his pant pockets and crossed arms.

  “I think you’re about to lose some teeth if you ever question me again. And move your worthless ass out of my way.” Justice eased his right leg back to balance for a strike. His hand looked like a hammer ready to pound.

  “They’re talking shop inside—no visitors. Satan’s order.” Emboldened by the vice president’s support, Stump drew his shoulders back and lifted his chin in objection.

  It wasn’t so much a crack sound, as it was a smack against a slab of beef. Layers of fat flesh rippled along Stump’s jaw as Justice’s right fist buried itself to connect directly with bone.

  “Dress him for church revival.” Justice told the others, who nodded with gnarled expressions. The president looked side-to-side and two other brothers jerked against Stump’s hulk until they’d cleared the doorway for he and his guests. They also pulled off his “colors” and handed the Savage Souls leathers to Justice.

  Music exploded as Justice shoved open the thick metal barrier. Hollywood felt his bones vibrate as he followed close behind. He blinked to adjust to the smoke and dim lighting as he moved from the foggy exterior to a haunted darkness that seemed to muddle and pool, like liquid at the edge of his vision. The stench of motor oil, gasoline and gunpowder came at him like an octopus on prey. His gut twisted at the thought of the decadent shit that went on in here.

  “This way,” Justice ordered.

  Hollywood captured everything he could about the interior and those who occupied it. He’d get his revenge for the chicken-shit ambush a bunch of bikers had laid on him years back. Sure, he’d stumbled into the wrong bar while chasing pussy, but the bullshit beating hadn’t been called for. Bearded, toothless faces were burned into his memory—one by one he scanned, looking for them.

  “What the fuck?” Hollywood whispered. His jaw dropped in surprise. His eyes strained toward the pool table, but Justice demanded he move into the office. He reached for Chase, to alert him.

  Couldn’t be…

  * * *

  “If she’s dumb enough to keep her cell, much less use it, why don’t I call her? She doesn’t know I’m with y’all, or that I know she’s involved.” Voodoo’s idea seemed simple and also sophomoric in the midst of the hi-tech and tactical ideas being passed back and forth.

  “What’s to lose?” KC agreed.

  “Any word on your boys at the warehouse?” Billy’s question appeared to remind Justice of the brothers who refused to follow him.

  The big man pressed thick fingers against his eyelids. “Nothing.”

  “Know what? Let’s give it a shot, what’s to lose? HQ hasn’t anything new, your boys can’t find the van and if they get into a firefight with Rougarou’s bayou boys, the whole damn thing might go up in all of our faces. Voodoo, if you want to call, then call.” Defeated, Rose collapsed in her seat—both hands rested atop her head.

  “Who’s Rougarou?” Justice asked.

  “Some blue star secret in their database,” Voodoo snapped sarcastically. Rose jerked up to reach for her—too late.

  Justice’s look blanked. “Blue star? Rose, what the fuck have you gotten me into?” His voice trembled. His hulking frame seemed to wither before the group.

  “You know that’s a no talk,” Rose said. Her eyes blazed at Voodoo, lips pursed so tight, they created a circle.

  “This changes shit, Rose. I’m not getting involved at that level. None of this happened.” He stood up and stole all the free space in the back office.

  “We need your help
, Justice,” Rose pleaded. His big paw scrubbed over his face and beard before slamming the door shut as he exited the room.

  “Stupid move, Voodoo,” Rose snapped and continued to glare at her.

  “Sorry, but unless you tell me what the fuck a blue star means, how do I know it’s important? I’m just a high school dropout, remember?” She curled her bottom lip down and imitated sad eyes in a sort of taunt. “So don’t tell me I’m stupid again.”

  “You just jeopardized the mission,” Rose said.

  “Maybe you did by not telling him the whole truth. He’s a good man and deserves that much,” Voodoo defended.

  “Maybe so.” Rose said.

  “Oh, and Bonny replied to my text.”

  “I see that. HQ just messaged me. They’re working on a location—keep up the communications.” Rose’s eyes brightened. The team gathered around the two.

  “Did you see who I saw behind the pool table?” Hollywood asked Chase.

  “No, who?”

  “Lucky Cavanaugh.”

  “No freaking way.” Chase let slip a nervous laugh.

  “It’s ringing.” Surprised, Voodoo held the phone out to show everyone. Billy curled her hand back toward her head and mouthed for her to answer it. Hollywood and Chase quieted.

  “Hey, Bonny. Where you been, girl?”

  “Oh, here and there.”

  The room stilled, as every operative huddled to listen.

  “I need you to pay rent for March. Shit, it’s like two weeks overdue. You know they gonna boot me.”

  “Why don’t you ask your beau to help pay?”


  “Hollywood, I thought y’all were all in love.”

  “That dude hauled ass after Mardi Gras. I thought he’d be different, but work called and he hauled.”


  “Yes, seriously.” Voodoo mocked a cry with wiped tears.

  “I’m sorry, baby girl. He looked like a dick anyway.”

  “Thanks. You coming home soon, or should I look for a new roomie?”

  Rose jerked her head up from the e-tablet—a big smile and thumbs up signaled they’d locked onto her call and were narrowing the location. Rose rolled her finger for Voodoo to keep Bonny on the line. Voodoo winked.

  “Where were those bikers heading?” Rose whispered in Hollywood’s ear.

  “Shit, Rose, we got a serious problem,” Hollywood warned.


  Hollywood’s pulse began to race. Even exercises to calm his breathing in stress situations wasn’t working. The thought that his partner and friend, Lucky Cavanaugh was on the other side of the OMC’s clubhouse door and possibly in a deadly scenario made remaining calm almost irrational. There was nothing he could do at the moment—everyone’s lives were at risk.

  “Hollywood, pay attention—where were those six bikers heading?” Rose leaned closer—he felt the hot rush of air.

  “The SilverHart Complex on the South Side,” Hollywood replied. His focus shifted to Rose’s e-tablet as Voodoo’s conversation with Bonny droned on behind him.

  “That’s not where Bonny’s calling from. Better cue Justice—might be a trap.” Rose’s face showed an unusual level of concern, considering the disrespect the bikers had shown her earlier.

  Anxiety formed a sheen of sweat across Hollywood’s forehead. He was sure it was Lucky in the clubhouse, but no one else seemed to have noticed. He motioned for Billy to come closer while Rose handled Voodoo’s phone call and HQ’s information feed. Hollywood leaned close to fill him in.

  “Lucky Cavanaugh’s out there. Remember what Justice said about a gun deal going down today?” Hollywood’s voice tightened in concern. There was so much at jeopardy now—Lucky’s safety because the Savage Souls had the federal agent identity database, STR getting jammed up if ATF raided the clubhouse with them in it, Justice getting dinged as a rat for vouching, and the Rougarou’s plan launching the next morning.

  “Who’s that? You got somebody listening?” Bonny’s voice shot angry and cold.

  “Oh, that’s the SWAT guys—they always get jacked up before a raid. Heading to the French Quarter—they think they gonna see some titties. Freaking children.”

  “No shit. Cops are dicks, you should quit that crap and come work for me.”

  “Ha, just what do you do Bonny. Besides dress slutty and try stealing my boyfriends?”

  “Good point. Well, gotta, baby. Big day tomorrow and then off to another adventure.”

  “Another? Damn girl where you going?”

  “To hell I’m sure. Later, baby.” Bonny ended the call with a kissing sound.

  “We got her pegged around West Marquette Road and one or two possible cross streets. It’ll keep sweeping until the signal is pinpointed. Time to move—now,” Rose ordered.

  “We got problems,” Billy said. “Lucky Cavanaugh’s out in the main room making an arms deal. I’m sure ATF has this place under surveillance if not ready to raid.” Billy explained.

  Hollywood pressed his foot against the door to prevent anyone from walking in on their conversation. He nodded his head to alert the others that he needed to tell Justice about his guys going to the wrong location.

  The door exploded inward. Hollywood tumbled into KC and Chase then landed atop the small desk. Papers and whiskey glasses smashed against the far wall. His palm hit the Medal of Honor shadowbox. Blood covered the light blue ribbon and embedded white stars.

  Billy scrambled to his feet and reached for his weapon as they all flailed for cover. Justice followed the shattered wooden door. His breathing was exaggerated and his neck flexed with each pulse beat. Hollywood struggled to push himself from the desk—his right shoulder throbbing despite the pain meds.

  “This is fucking war,” Justice roared like a grizzly. Fists rose to rip whatever door was left on its hinges. His reddened face glowed with hell’s vengeance.

  Hollywood was able to see beyond Billy into the clubhouse. The others were sprawled throughout in disbelief. Someone unplugged the music. Hollywood heard wailing and the slaps against leather, as the brothers mourned the loss of six Savage Souls.

  They deciphered that the six brothers, in their rampage, went to the address where the deadly bio-chems were stored. Like bulls in a china shop, accidently set them off.

  “It’s your fucking fault, bitch. Get out of my house. Now.” Justice snatched up Rose by the shirt with one hand. She kicked but resisting was no use. She was on her way out of the very place she wanted out of. The others grabbed their belongings and trailed Justice and Rose to the door.

  “You got thirty seconds to be off my street or I’ll start shooting,” Justice said as he kicked the front door open, and hauled Rose through it. She clawed at his wrist but it was like a dove pecking against titanium.

  “Let her go or I’ll put this bullet through the back of your skull.” Billy whispered so the other brothers couldn’t hear him. Hollywood saw the .45 caliber model 1911 concealed beneath Billy’s vest.

  “Be cool, this is the only way to get y’all out of here alive,” Justice whispered to Rose, while Hollywood helped her regain her footing once on the sidewalk.

  “What happened?” Rose asked.

  “Crashed through a door on their hogs, and into a gun battle with a Cajun bad ass. Ricochet into the barrel and gas cooked ’em all. Even the old, fat swamp stomper.”

  “Tater, I bet,” Hollywood recalled the only one of Rougarou’s men that treated him with an ounce of decency.

  “Y’all got work to do, I’ll handle these bastards. Kill ’em for America will ya?” Justice’s big body jolted as the brothers tried getting past him to attack STR’s team.

  “Thanks,” Hollywood said with a sincere nod.

  “Thank you, brother. Nice work on bin Laden—total respect.” Justice gave him a thumbs up and a menacing grin. Hollywood felt a sense of sadness for Justice. The man had fought for his country, yet met the same fucked-over fate he had upon returning home. Justice jus
t refused to allow them to put him in a rectangle. Hollywood studied the cracks in the sidewalk but roused at shouts from Chase and Voodoo who waited in the SUV.

  “Call off the gun deal. Just tell the dude it’s off—no questions,” He said to Justice. Hollywood’s gut turned like a pig on the spit. Lucky could negotiate other undercover gun deals but Justice had earned a reprieve from the long arm of the law.

  “Will do—total respect, Brother. I got colors waiting for you when you decide the 1% life is best for living free.” Justice winked and turned to face the wrath of his men. Hollywood only hoped they wouldn’t take it out on him.

  As he headed for the SUV, the door swung open and the brakes released. Hollywood leapt and landed on the running board before Voodoo yanked him the rest of the way by the collar. Chase made eye contact through the rearview mirror as he blasted the Suburban away from the OMC’s clubhouse.

  “What was that about?” he asked without taking his eyes from the reflection.

  “Nothing, I asked for directions to Soldier Field.”

  “That’d better be all it was.” Chase’s tone harsh and accusing.

  Hollywood finally looked away. I hope Lucky gets out alive.


  “Showing about forty minutes to touchdown.” Chase estimated once KC had completed punching Bonny’s location into the navigation system. “Probably do it in less.” He smiled as the powerful 5.3 liter, V8 engine’s massive three hundred and fifty-five horsepower chewed up the streets as he hit the main artery to head toward Englewood.

  [Where are you?] Bonny texted Voodoo.

  “Hey, she just sent this message. What should I tell her?” Voodoo asked.

  “Say you’re working.” Rose snapped.

  [working u/c deal] Voodoo replied. Her palms were moist and her head ached in a dull throb.

  [I called for you. Lawless said you were out]

  [Am out. Working u/c deal. Wuz up] Voodoo sensed Bonny knew she was with Hollywood. Everyone assumed Bonny was a dumb blonde, but Voodoo had seen a different side of her.


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