by Elle Rease
“Got it, sis.”
Piper blushed and punched Cinnia’s arm playfully. “He hasn’t proposed.”
“Yet,” the rest of the women chorused.
“All I’m saying is, don’t give me false hope by calling me ‘sis’.”
Cinnia hugged her brother’s girlfriend. “We both know it isn’t false hope,” she whispered in Piper’s ear. “Teagan will make you my sister-in-law.”
Piper was sniffling as she pulled out of the embrace. “I’m just not used to it, you know? I was raised to be suspicious of everything good that happens in my life.”
“Rest assured that Teagan will help you un-learn that suspicion,” Dawn said.
“Have you heard from your family?” Mysie asked.
Shaking her head, Piper helped Cinnia out of the dress. “Not since Teagan got me a new phone and number, no. It’s been a relief, but I can’t help looking over my shoulder everywhere I go.”
“He won’t let anything happen to you,” Jemma assured the young woman. “The Raptors know how to take care of their old ladies.”
Dawn turned to Cinnia. “Speaking of, have you found out anything about your stalker?”
“Reade says the guy’s car is a rental and that he used a fake name at the rental company and at the shop, so no,” Cinnia sighed as she dressed in her usual skirt-and-T-shirt combo. “This does obviously make him even more suspicious, so Brennan’s got a few guys looking into it. We’ll track him down eventually. I haven’t seen him around in a while, so maybe he was spooked.”
“I’m just glad you’re not giving up, though. Byron’s a good scout, so he should stay by your side until we’ve dealt with the stalker,” Loraine said dismissively.
“Sure thing, mom.”
Jemma glanced at her watch. “It’s almost time for me to head back to the hospital.”
”How’s Nixon settling in, by the way?” Cinnia queried. “Is he gaining any ground with the kids?”
Jemma nodded, smiling. “I’d say so, yes. I’m glad he’s not looking for a job yet. He says he wants to get to know the kids first, before he has to be away for work. He’ll start looking soon.”
“Brennan told me Nixon’s doing well with the rest of the guys, especially when they all train together.”
“I’m glad. Nix has been really worried about missing out on life.”
“All’s well that ends well, they say.” Dawn tensed up when her baby started crying. “Murphy’s effing law.”
“Fucking!” the other women laughed.
“You guys are never babysitting.”
“Except for Cin’s bachelorette party, right?” Jemma smirked.
Cinnia giggled. “Well, ladies, thanks for joining me for my fitting. I have to go back to work now.”
“I’ll call you once I’ve got the bridesmaids dresses ready,” Piper announced, closing her notepad. “I’ve got all our measurements now, so I’ll go shopping for material this weekend.”
“I’m not worried. You’ve got this,” Jemma teased. She gave Mysie and Loraine a peck on the cheek and hugged the rest of the women. “See y’all later!”
Cinnia embraced her mother, Piper and Mysie goodbye, and helped Dawn get the pram and baby into her car outside Drummond’s Tailors. “Let me know when you’re home?”
“You know it,” Dawn winked.
Cinnia walked over to her Harley, giving Byron—who was still sitting on his—a smile. “How many times did you have to stop yourself from coming in?”
“Exactly seven,” he responded dryly.
“You understand why you couldn’t, right?” She put her helmet on and mounted her bike. “I can’t let you tattle to Brennan what I’m going to look like at the wedding.”
“I’m not a fishwife,” he grumbled.
She ignited the engine and grinned broadly. “That’s what you say, yes. Let’s go.”
Byron trailed behind her all the way back to Drummond’s Customs & Repairs, always glancing around to make sure they weren’t being followed. Cinnia’s already praised his dedication and vigilance to the people it mattered to most. Even though he was very young, she felt safer with him than she did with some of the older members.
They parked in front of the warehouse and she hung her helmet on the handle bars. “How’s school going, by the way?”
“Good, thanks,” Byron answered, following her to her office. He grabbed his backpack along the way. “I can’t wait for break, though.”
Upon her insistence, he’s started sitting with her and doing his homework while she went over the books of the Raptors’ various enterprises. She was really enjoying his company and could tell that, despite his inner struggle about his sexual curiosities, he was a well-rounded individual. He was going to make some woman very happy one day.
“Oh, I’m sure. Have you decided what you’re going to do, yet?”
“I’m staying on to help the Prez with a few things.”
She raised her eyebrows and sat down behind her desk. “You know he won’t mind if you wanted to go on holiday, right?”
“I don’t want to, though,” he responded, lifting a shoulder nonchalantly. “I want to get my cut. The only way to do that is to be dedicated.”
“You’ll still get your cut, even if you take a break.”
“Yeah, but I want it right on schedule.”
She shook her head with a laugh. “I’ll never understand why men are so eager to join a club.”
“It’s not really about joining the club, as much as it is about getting my start in life.” He pulled his books out of his bag and grabbed a pen from her desk. “I mean, Reade’s already said he’ll help me go to college, but I don’t want charity, so I’m going to work for it. The club is just a bonus, like an instant family.”
“What do your parents say about this?”
“They’re very conservative.” He pulled a face. “They don’t want me signing on to become a ‘lawless hooligan’, but it’s not up to them. I know what I want.”
“That’s admirable, By,” she informed him. “A lot of kids your age are still aimlessly floundering. Have you decided what you want to study?”
He smiled shyly. “Business management.”
“I’m impressed.” She stared at him for a while. “I’m sure Reade will be happy to know that.”
“Thanks, Cin.” He twirled his pen around a few times, seemingly undecided. Then he cleared his throat. “So, uh, are you having a bachelorette party?”
She tilted her head to the side. “Who’s asking?”
“Brennan,” he said sheepishly. “He wanted me to find out so that he can get a few guys together to look out for you.”
Cinnia softened, the corners of her mouth tilting up. “Right, of course. You’ll have to speak to Dawn about the details, but yes, there will be a party.”
She watched him as he began scribbling a few things on a page. Something about him reminded her of Teagan, which was probably why she was so fond of Byron. He’s been going through a bit of a growth-spurt, though he still needed the muscles to fill out his lanky frame.
He glanced up questioningly.
“Are you okay?”
“What do you mean?” he frowned.
“With school, your family, the club.” She paused. “Love?”
He chewed on her questions for a while. “School’s easy,” he answered slowly, “and I know how to deal with my family by now. The club’s great. They’ve only ever made me feel welcome, despite all of the usual prospect taunts. Love…” He trailed off, embarrassed.
“I’m not going to force you to tell me. I just want you to know that I’m here, if you want to talk.”
“That’s not why I’m quiet. I know I can tell you anything, I just don’t know how.”
She leaned forward, watching him. “What’s going on?”
“Uhm, it’s complicated.” He rubbed his eyes. “I, ah, really like this one girl, b
ut I really like her brother, too.”
Cinnia schooled her expression, trying not to give her surprise away. “Oh?”
“Yeah, they’re twins.” Byron’s cheeks reddened. “I play soccer with the brother, and the sister’s my lab partner in chemistry.”
“What a coincidence,” she teased.
“Believe me, I know.”
“Has one of them shown an interest?”
“Zoey definitely has. She’s going to the dance with me.” He sighed deeply. “Finn… I don’t know. There are rumors that he’s gay, but I think he tries to cover it up. I’ve caught him staring at me, but I don’t know. He hardly ever talks to me.”
“It’s a difficult situation, especially because you like them both. I mean, ideally, you’d probably want to date them both, but I doubt they’d be okay with that, since they’re brother and sister. Polygamy is already difficult enough as it is, without throwing incest into the mix.”
“I know, but the attraction isn’t something I can just switch off.”
Cinnia knew that only too well. Even when she’d hated Brennan, she had still wanted him more than anything in the world. Just because there were many attractive men out there, wasn’t to say she was attracted to them. So far, Brennan’s been the only one, and she doubted there will ever be another.
“I think you should just take it slow,” she said finally. “Maybe it’ll go away, maybe it won’t, but rushing into things will only complicate matters.”
He nodded. “Thanks, Cin.”
“What for?” she asked, sensing it was a loaded statement.
“For not judging me.”
Her heart swelled with love for this boy, who was always making sure she’s safe. Brennan couldn’t have given her a better caretaker. “Oh, By, I doubt I ever will.”
Sharing a smile, they both returned to their respective books, filling the hours that followed with the odd remark here and there. Once the shop closed, Ike—one of the guys on the floor—came over to relieve Byron.
“Time to go home,” Ike declared brightly.
“Thank God, I’m starting to see numbers everywhere,” Cinnia muttered. She walked over to Byron and gave him a hug. “See you tomorrow, okay? Ride safe.”
“You bet.”
She grabbed her bag and followed Ike to her motorcycle. “How are things with the missus?” she asked conversationally.
“They’re good, thanks. She got promoted at work.”
“That’s great!” She straddled her bike and donned her helmet. “Are you feeling threatened yet?”
He chuckled. “Nah, she can make all the money she wants, as long as I’m still the first person she calls when something breaks.”
“How twenty-first century of you,” she commented, knowing that Brennan wouldn’t be so casual about it. He was a Dominant, through and through, and will always want to be the primary breadwinner. Not that she truly minded it. “She’s a lucky girl.”
She stopped by the supermarket to get a few small things for dinner, so she wasn’t surprised when she saw that Brennan was already home. She parked the bike in their driveway and waved at Ike, who sped off to go home to his own family. She carried the groceries into the house.
There was a wonderful aroma wafting its way to her nose, making her frown. Could he be…? “Babe, I’m home!”
“I’m over here!” he yelled from the kitchen’s direction.
Stunned, she sauntered over. He was manning the stove, shirtless. For a moment, she stood there to admire the specimen that he was: tall, broad-shouldered, rippling muscles and tattoos. And his sweet, sweet ass, perfectly on display in his leather pants.
Snap out of it, she thought half-heartedly. “Why are you cooking?”
“I felt like it,” he shrugged.
She dumped the groceries on the counter and embraced him from behind. “I can’t help but feel you’re trying to make up for something.”
He chuckled. “You’re wrong, for once.” He turned around in her arms and tilted her chin up to kiss her. “I just felt like steak, so I figured I’ll take over as chef for tonight.”
“Well, thanks. I get to put my feet up!”
“Exactly,” he agreed. “So, how was your day?”
“It was good, thanks.” She slipped onto the counter, swinging her legs while she spoke. “Piper’s done an amazing job on my dress. Oh, and Dawn got me really sexy underwear for the wedding.”
He arched an eyebrow at her. “You’re not going to wear anything except the dress, Cin.”
“Uh, what do you mean?” she gulped.
“Exactly what I said. I don’t want anything in the way of taking you fast and hard at the wedding. I want to fuck you in the limo after the ceremony, finger you during dinner and go down on you in a dark corner. You’re going to be so thoroughly fucked that, by the time we get on the plane to the honeymoon, you’ll be passed out.” He grinned devilishly. “That way, the destination will be a surprise.”
Her eyelids fluttered at the images his words brought to mind. “Okay.”
“So, you’ll just have to show me that underwear set some other time.” His gaze darkened. “I’m thinking tonight.”
She was already quivering with need. “Okay.”
“After dinner.”
“Okay,” she nodded.
He smirked at her dazed facial expression. “You can get plates out, lass. The food’s ready.”
She blinked a few times and got to work, setting up their places at the breakfast nook. She was aware of his gaze on her every move, but was still fixed on everything he wanted to do to her at the wedding. There was something so sensual about that promise, even though he’d delivered it crassly.
She cleared her throat while he dished for them. “How was your day?”
“Good, thanks.” He put a plate down in front of her and joined her at the nook. “I finished early, so I came home and began watching the game I missed last night.”
“You weren’t really complaining,” she teased.
“I can never complain around you.”
“When are you getting your suit fitted?”
“Tomorrow.” He glanced at her. “Are you still coping with the wedding arrangements?”
“What do you mean?” She snorted. “I’m hardly doing anything. Between your mother and mine, I don’t know who’s more controlling. They just tell me where and when to show up, and chastise me if I’m late.”
He chuckled. “Mom was always sad that she couldn’t have a daughter, so she’s just compensating.”
“Why didn’t they have more kids?”
“I was a difficult birth. She didn’t want to go through that again.”
“Huh. So, based on that, how many kids do you want?”
“As many as possible.”
She was taken aback. “You’re not joking.”
“Hell no.” He shook his head. “I want this house to be so noisy that we can’t go anywhere without stumbling over one of them.”
“Bren, I was thinking two, at most.”
“I grew up without any siblings. I don’t want that for my kids.”
“And I get that, but aren’t two of them enough?”
He shrugged. “I suppose. We’ll work that out later, though. You’re not in a rush, remember?”
Don’t be so sure, she thought slyly. “I remember.”
They finished dinner and she packed the dishwasher. Brennan went off to the living room, presumably to watch more television, but she decided to take a bath before she joined him. She shaved her underarms and legs, happy that her bikini line was still taken care of, thanks to the wax she’d had with Jemma a few days ago.
She lathered her skin with lotion afterwards and piled her hair on top of her head in a loose bun. Then, feeling especially daring, she fulfilled his fantasy and slipped into the underwear Dawn had given her. She stared at her reflection and bit her bottom lip to stifle a moan. Sure, she’ll never fully understand why he was so attracted to her, but she could only i
magine how he was going to react once he saw her in this.
Deciding to finish the picture off by wearing strappy high heels, she clicked her way downstairs and over to the living room, where Brennan was staring intently at the screen. She saw the colors of his favorite soccer team and felt guilty for a split-second. Why did she want to stop him from finishing the game?
Just do it, she urged herself.
Taking a deep breath, she sashayed past his line of vision and sat down on the couch next to the one he was occupying, pretending to be very interested in the game. She sensed his gaze on her and did her best not to squirm, although she couldn’t stop the goosebumps.
“What’re you wearing?” he asked huskily.
She looked herself over, turning up the theatrics. “Oh, heels,” she replied.
“Don’t be coy, lass.” He rose to his feet and stared at her, his gaze running from her flushed face, all the way to her toes. “Ye know exactly what Ah mean.”
If she’d been standing, she would’ve swooned at his accent. “Dawn’s present.”
He nodded, satisfied by her truthful answer. “So, this is wha’ ye would’ve worn under yer wedding dress?”
“Ah’m almost disappointed that ye won’t.” He dropped to his knees between her feet, his icy gaze so riveted on her crotch that she felt like she could reach orgasm without him touching her. He trailed a fingertip from her knee to her hip and back again. “Almost.”
She shivered in anticipation, not knowing what he had up his sleeve.
“But Ah’m glad ye’re wearin’ it now,” he went on. “Ye look good enough tae eat, Cin.”
Her nipples stood to attention. She licked her lips, waiting. Which side of Brennan’s personality will come out tonight?
He shifted on his knees and leaned forward, breathing on her core. It was as if he was deliberately making her wait, crave. She knew what he was capable of, knew that he could give her more pleasure than she could handle… So, why wasn’t he doing anything?
“Ah don’t give a fuck about the game anymore,” he murmured before lowering his mouth to her silk-covered crotch. His tongue flattened on her core, like he wasn’t perturbed by the barrier her panties represented.