Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel

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Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel Page 26

by Elle Rease

  “Oh!” she gasped, clutching his head. She was shaking with need. She longed for him to strip her naked and take her roughly, yet he seemed to have a different plan in mind.

  “Ah can show ye what it’s like tae watch football.”

  “What—” She broke off abruptly when his tongue became firm, rubbing against her entrance. Her back bowed as she tried to get him closer, always closer.

  His mouth closed over her core, making her panties wetter than she had. His tongue piercing flirted with her clit, creating a beautiful tension in her body that will only be broken by an orgasm.

  “Yes,” she breathed, closing her eyes as he took her to that familiar tipping point. His teeth nipped at her flesh, adding an unexpected element. She was briefly reminded of a memory, long ago, when he’d gone down on her for the first time. For a fifteen-year-old girl, it had been such a pleasurable experience, even if it was nothing compared to what he was doing to her now.

  When she just needed one more lick before falling, he stopped.

  “Bren!” she complained.

  His breath was warm on her drenched nether lips. “What?”

  “I didn’t—”

  “Oh, Ah know, lass. Ah’m just gettin’ warmed up.”

  His hands cupped her ass as his lips attacked her core again. It wasn’t long before he took her back to the edge. He kept her there, flicking his tongue over her covered slit every time she began slipping back to sexual frustration.

  “Brennan, please!” she begged. “Stop teasing me!”

  “Ye want so badly for them tae score, but they take their sweet time,” he grumbled, scraping his teeth over the soft flesh of her inner thighs.

  What on earth was he talking about? “Huh?”

  “Football, lass.” He chuckled and looked at her with twinkling eyes. “Ah’m teaching you about football, remember?”

  “Really? ‘Cause I thought you’re eating my pussy.”

  His eyebrows arched in surprise. “Such a filthy mouth.”

  “I wonder why,” she said shakily. “You can’t just turn me on and then not do anything about it!”

  “Now you feel my frustration with The Reds.”

  She bit her lip and groaned, wanting to move against his face, but his hands prevented her from assuming any form of control. “Brennan, I’m not a fucking football team! I’m your Cin and I want a fucking orgasm!”

  “Just one?”


  That exclamation was part annoyance and part surprise, since he had returned to his ministrations just as she said his name. She could tell by the determined strokes of his tongue that he was done teasing her, that she would get what she wanted so desperately. Hopefully, she’ll get even more.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth through her panties and her orgasm took no prisoners.

  “Jesus!” she shouted. Her fingers dug into his hair. “Finally!”

  His self-satisfied laugh would’ve pissed her off if she wasn’t in the throes of passion. He lifted his head. “You’re going to pay for interrupting me, lass.”

  “I could give less of a shit. You’re not using your Scottish accent anymore, so I’m not worried.”


  She blinked a few times and made eye contact. “You probably don’t even notice it, but you slip into a heavy Scottish accent whenever you get pissed off or horny.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “It’s fucking sexy.”

  He sat back and pulled her onto his lap. “How so?”

  “‘Cause you go all caveman,” she answered, running her tongue over his lips. She loved it when he tasted like her. “I like it.”

  “I’m happy about that.” He captured her mouth in a searing kiss and her brain forgot what they were talking about. He nibbled on her bottom lip and massaged her tongue with his piercing. “You make me ‘go all caveman’, as you put it.”

  “My caveman.”

  “Yes.” He rolled them around on the carpet and leaned over her. “Thank you for wearing my present. With heels, no less.”

  “If we had a stripper pole in this house, I would dance for you.”

  “I’ll install one tomorrow and hold you to it. Right now, though…”

  She sighed in contentment once he unbuckled his pants and tugged her soaked panties off. She wasn’t even surprised that he was letting her keep her bra and shoes on: Brennan was in a sexy mood. She arched up as he settled the head of his dick at her entrance. There was something so erotic about him still having his pants on, almost like they were about to have office sex.

  “Good thing your tattoo’s healed so well, ‘cause you’re gonna have rug burns after this.”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way,” she breathed as he impaled her with his cock. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held on for what was to come, knowing that he would wring out as many orgasms out of her as he wanted. She had complete trust that he wouldn’t leave her hanging again.

  His thrusts were slow and deep and perfect. He encouraged every movement she made in return with a moan, while he kissed and sucked on her neck. His greedy hands squeezed her breasts and pulled at her nipples through her bra.

  She raked her nails down his skin and locked her ankles behind his back, whimpering at the new angle. “Your cock feels so good, Bren,” she told him huskily, hardly recognizing her own voice. “I fucking love it when you’re in me.”

  “No place Ah’d rather be.” He touched her cheeks and kissed her tenderly, a contrast to the way he was ramming into her. “Cannae wait for ye tae be my wife.”

  She gasped. Her skin was covered in goose pimples. “You’re doing the accent again!”

  “Aye, lass.”

  “Bren, I’m so close!”

  “Then cum for me, Cin. Ah want tae hear ye.”

  She closed her eyes and focused on her orgasm. It was so damn close, like she could reach out and touch it if she stood on her tiptoes. The powerful flex of his muscles under her hands reminded her that they were in this together, just before he spoke up.

  “Always look at me, Cinnia.”

  The second their eyes met, she unraveled. There was something about their lovemaking that was always more than just sex. It wasn’t about physical release. No, this was the platform they’d chosen to connect their souls.

  They reached completion just as the crowd on TV cheered a team’s victory. She hoped The Reds had come out on top, like he had.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Oh my God. This is actually happening.

  With Piper waiting right outside, Cinnia’s never been so nervous to take a piss in her life. She’s suspected for a while that she might be pregnant. Ever since that night she’d worn the lingerie set Dawn had bought, when Brennan had made sweet love to her, she had felt… different. She couldn’t describe it but, since her period was two days late, she’d decided to buy a test and put her mind at ease.

  She has also decided, to hell with Dawn’s current weight insecurities: she wanted to get married to Brennan as soon as possible. Why hold back any longer? He had agreed that they could move the date forward, and although it was now even more stressful to get everything done in time, she sensed it was the right choice.

  If I think about it, that could be the reason I haven’t started bleeding yet…

  “Cin, how’s it going in there?” Piper asked through the door.

  “I’m okay,” she replied reassuringly.

  “Let me know when you’re done, okay?”

  “Of course.”

  She pulled the stick out of the box after she’d scanned the instructions. Then, hovering over the toilet seat, she did what needed to be done to get the process started. If she was pregnant, it would ruin the bachelorette party the Raptors women had arranged for her tonight but, on the other hand, it would be worse if she got incredibly drunk. She didn’t want to do anything to harm the baby.

  The wedding was a month away, so if she did have one growing in her belly, she�
��ll be able to give Brennan the best surprise. She couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when she—

  Don’t get ahead of yourself, she thought glumly. She put the stick on the basin and washed her hands. Just wait for the test.

  “Cin, you’re killing me out here.”

  Sighing, she opened the bathroom door so Piper could come inside. “I’m going to be just as annoying if you ever think you’re pregnant.”

  Piper rolled her eyes. “I already figured that out myself, thanks.” She double-checked her immaculate makeup. The girl knew how to dress and accessorize, that’s for damn sure. “Jem just let me know that they’re on their way.”

  “Great.” Cinnia closed the toilet’s lid and sat on it. “I’m going to ruin everyone’s fun if I’m pregnant.”

  “Hell no, you’re not,” Piper argued. “We’ve spent too much time and effort on this damn party. You can drink non-alcoholic champagne with Dawn. Even I’m considering getting shitfaced, and I don’t usually drink.”

  “Do I even want to know what you’ve got up your sleeve?”

  Piper smiled sweetly. She was so pretty and, now that her relationship with Teagan was going from strength to strength, she was glowing. Heck, maybe she was expecting. From the rumors Cinnia’s heard of her brother’s insatiable appetite, she wouldn’t be surprised.

  “I’m not saying anything.”

  Cinnia snorted. “Good to know you’re on my side, sis.”

  “Don’t try to butter me up now. You should’ve thought about it a few weeks ago, when you could’ve still changed your fate.”

  “I had other things on my mind.”

  Piper fell silent and leaned against the edge of the basin. “Any news on your stalker?”

  “Brennan found out who he is.” Cinnia breathed deeply for a moment, trying to reel her nerves back in. She always got a little jumpy about this subject. “It’s the guy they beat up that night at my homecoming party. I now understand why he looked so gaunt the first time. He must’ve come to the shop not long after he got released from hospital. Brennan doesn’t think it’s a coincidence and is on high alert to track the fucker down.”

  “Why haven’t they found him yet?” Piper asked softly, chewing on her bottom lip.

  “He’s ‘dropped off the face of the planet’, if I had to quote Brennan. Maybe…” She trailed off, thinking. “Maybe he’s just decided to move along. I mean, I’ll always look over my shoulder, whether he does something or not, simply because he’s made me so edgy. Maybe that was his only ploy.”

  “I hope so. I don’t want anything happening to you.” Piper blinked as her eyes filled with tears. “None of us want that.”

  “I’ll be okay.” Cinnia gave her a wry smile. “I can open a can of whoop-ass that would make the Raptors proud.”

  “You shouldn’t have to, though.”

  “Hey, let’s change the subject. It’s my bachelorette’s, for crying out loud!”

  Piper wiped her tears away and glanced at the pregnancy test. She went completely still. “Oh my God.”

  “What?” Cinnia shot to her feet. It felt like her heart was in her throat. She picked the stick up and stared at the blue line. It took her a while to figure out what it meant. She burst into tears. “Oh my God, I’m pregnant.”

  “Cin, you really are!” Piper gave a happy squeal and hugged Cinnia. “Oh my gosh, congratulations!”

  “There’s nothing wrong with me!” Cinnia choked out a laugh. “I was worried when I didn’t get pregnant straight away.”

  “Everything’s working out! This is such great news!”

  Cinnia held Piper at arm’s length. “Brennan can’t know until the wedding, okay? I want to surprise him.”

  “My lips are sealed!”

  “I’m going to be a mom,” Cinnia realized, touching her stomach and smiling. “Wow.”

  “You’re going to be the best one, ever.”

  “Thanks.” She went to the basin to splash her face with water and patted it dry with a towel. “Yup, definitely ruining everyone’s night.”

  “We’ll have more to celebrate,” Piper said dismissively. “Come on, let’s get you into more comfortable shoes.”

  Cinnia giggled. “I’m not that far along, sis.”

  “Doesn’t matter! I don’t want you tripping and hurting yourself.”

  Thankfully, a knock at the door diverted Cinnia’s attention. “Do what you have to, sis,” she called over her shoulder, going over to see who was outside. She smiled broadly at Jemma and Dawn. “Hey, girls!”

  “It’s the bride!” Jemma shouted happily, embracing Cinnia. “We brought so much alcohol!” She sashayed inside, swinging two store packets. “Tonight is going to rock!”

  Cinnia raised an eyebrow at Dawn. “Have you started without me?”

  “Yeah, Jem took a shot of tequila at my place,” Dawn giggled. She pecked her best friend on the cheek. “I’m the designated driver, though, so I just watched.”

  “Sucks being a voyeur, doesn’t it?”

  “Don’t get me started on the cons of breastfeeding,” Dawn agreed.

  “You’re still supposed to sell the lifestyle, yeah.”

  “Ugh, I’m probably being punished for having such a smooth pregnancy, ‘cause Aurora is always complaining these days.”

  “Well, then get your ass in here so we can unwind.” A few Harleys pulled into the driveway when Cinnia was about to close the door, so she waited to see the other old ladies in before shutting it. “I’m starting to regret giving in to the pressure of having a bachelorette’s.”

  “Nah-uh, stop right there,” Jemma sang, holding her finger in the air. “You’re going to love tonight. You know why? ‘Cause we got you the best present ever!”

  Piper elbowed Jemma in the ribs. “Shut up!”

  “Oh, right, it’s supposed to be a surprise.”

  “Are you sure she only had one shot?” Cinnia asked Dawn.

  “Hey, I can’t account for what she had before she came to my house.”

  “I’m officially worried.”

  “You don’t get to worry about anything tonight,” Farrah insisted. She brought a glass of bubbly to Cinnia and grinned. “We’re getting you so damn drunk that the most embarrassing photos will land on Facebook by tomorrow.”

  Cinnia stared at her drink, hesitating. “Uhm, I can’t drink this.”

  “No, that’s the deal with bachelorettes!” Farrah seemed aghast at Cinnia’s blatant refusal. “We’ve all been through this, doll! It’s a Raptors tradition!”

  Coughing, Cinnia put the glass down and braced herself. “Is it a tradition to do it when the bride-to-be is knocked up?”

  Absolute deafening silence met her question. They all stared at her—apart from Piper, who already knew—like she’s just grown a second head. And then, just when Cinnia wondered whether time had frozen, their voices crashed together.

  “Oh my God, that’s such great—”

  “Brennan’s going to be so—”

  “—the best wedding ever!”

  “I can’t believe that—”

  “Are you kidding? They’re worse than—”

  Jemma pushed two fingers in her mouth and gave an ear-splitting whistle. “Stop talking about their sexual appetites and congratulate her already!”

  In the time it took her to blink, Cinnia was crushed in a loving hug from every single female in the room. “Girls,” she gasped, “I can’t breathe!”

  A chorus of well wishes floated all around her as they finally let go.

  “Thanks.” She tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled shyly. “I’d appreciate it if you don’t tell anyone. I want to surprise Brennan.”

  “Wow, this is such amazing news,” Farrah said. “Wes will drink on your behalf.”

  Cinnia chuckled. “Good to know, thanks.”

  The rest of the women arrived five minutes later, bringing the tally up to thirty-four. Cinnia had no idea how they were getting to the club, but trusted that her maid of
honor had figured out the details. So, when two Hummer limousines stopped in front of the house, Cinnia merely shook her head.

  “This is too much,” she complained to Dawn.

  “There’s no such thing.”

  “But who’s paying for all of this?”

  Dawn smacked Cinnia’s arm. “Will you calm down? This is the type of party you get when you marry the VP.”

  “So ridiculous,” Cinnia muttered to herself, allowing her friends to push her into the first limo. “Do I get to ask where we’re going?”

  “Will you please stop worrying and just have fun?” Jemma bitched. “You’ll be safe with us, okay? Brennan’s got, like, ten guys following us around to make sure of it.”

  Cinnia inclined her head, realizing that she was being a bit of a whining baby. “Sorry, girls. Let’s get ready to party!”

  “You’re going to love your surprise,” Piper grinned. She shoved a bag over. “Wear these shoes, they’ll be more comfortable.”

  Cinnia refrained from rolling her eyes, accepting the bag. “As long as you didn’t get strippers. Brennan will murder me.”

  Dawn sent her gaze heavenwards. “No, he’ll just discipline you. I thought you were into that kind of thing.”

  “Shut up,” Cinnia said, blushing.

  “Besides, we’ve got more class than hiring strippers,” Jemma huffed. “I know we’re a biker club and all, but please. We’re not hillbillies.”

  She was saved from having to respond once the rest of the women in the limo gushed over the wedding and her pregnancy. She allowed their enthusiasm to lift her spirits. The last time she’d gone out like this, she had still been living in the city and loathing her life. So much has changed since then.

  They got out at Club Vex, which eased her stress. At least no one could get up to any questionable things here: the MC wouldn’t allow it.

  Piper blindfolded Cinnia and the women led her inside. The music was blaring, as usual, but something about the setting made her very uncomfortable. They plopped her down on a chair and tied her hands to the armrests, further alarming her.

  “Is this entirely necessary?” she asked shakily.

  Jemma’s drunken giggle spoke volumes.


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