Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel

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Original Cin: A Raptors MC Novel Page 32

by Elle Rease

  “Of course, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  “Brennan, we’re too tall.”

  He gave her a cheeky look. “I’m just giving you incentive to get better sooner.”

  “Okay,” she said, blushing. “I’m going to need more pillows.”

  He pointed to the heap on the floor. “Stop procrastinating and get on the bed, lass.”

  His tone brooked no argument. Unfortunately, it also made her wet, her body recalling all the times he’s punished her with pleasure. If she wasn’t sure she would pass out, she would’ve thrown caution to the wind and fucked his brains out.

  “Don’t give me that look, lass.”

  “What look?”

  “That look,” he answered, his eyes darkening. “We can’t afford for you to get hurt.”

  “Fine,” she scoffed as she gently got on the bed. Before she needed to ask, he placed a few more pillows behind her. She shifted to get comfortable and frowned when he headed out. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m just going to change my clothes. Should I shave?”

  She shook her head. “Only shave when I’m better.”


  The television kept her company until he returned, wearing loose-fitting flannel pajama bottoms. She suddenly realized that it’s going to be the first time they share a bed with clothes on. She hoped it wouldn’t pave the way to bad habits from now on: she quite enjoyed their naked time.

  Then again, he was equally delicious right now. She hated that he’s lost weight since it pronounced his muscles in an unnatural way. She preferred him with a bit more meat on his bones. She was certain he felt the same about her.

  “Want to share a chocolate?” he asked as he got in bed. He smirked at the way his feet crept over the edge. “This is going to be a fun couple of days.”

  “Told you.” She grabbed the slab. “Trying to fatten me up?”

  “Hell yes.” He gazed at her chest, seeming satisfied when her nipples hardened in response. “I love you any way I can get you, Cin, but I prefer your fuller body. God, your ass…” He cleared his throat and shifted his attention to the television screen, holding his hand out. “Give me some of that.”

  She placed a few blocks of chocolate on his palm and stuffed one in her mouth. For once, it was doing nothing to relieve her sexual frustration, so she decided to think of something else. Her brain, for some obscure reason, jumped to Brennan’s act of revenge. She swallowed with difficulty and cleared her throat.

  His icy eyes landed on her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Uhm, are you going to get in trouble for…?” She trailed off, not wanting to say the words aloud and praying that he knew what she was talking about.

  “No,” he responded. He began stroking her long locks. “The sheriff turned a blind eye for an hour. It doesn’t happen often, but he was just as upset as we were.”

  She longed to cuddle, yet was content to let him play with her hair. “If I were from a normal family, they would’ve tried to stop me from loving a murderer.”

  “Does it bother you that I killed them?”

  Cinnia looked at him. “No, I’m glad you did, or I would’ve.”

  The corners of his mouth twitched. “So we’re two bloodthirsty killers getting married?”

  “Until death, babe.”

  He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Aye, ‘til death.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Most of the bruising’s gone,” Piper remarked. She was concentrating hard on making Cinnia perfect for the wedding. “You heal fast.”

  “Thank God,” Cinnia muttered. “I don’t want the photographs to look like Brennan abuses me.”

  Dawn giggled. “Although we all know he does that, anyway.”

  “Ugh, I wish.”

  “Your threshold for pain must be pretty high,” Dawn said conversationally, pretending as if it wasn’t weird to have a baby latched to her breast while discussing this topic.

  “Unfortunately, I’ll never know whether I’ll be able to survive childbirth.” Cinnia regretted saying it the second the words were out. She’d meant it as a joke but, due to the tense silence that followed, she realized they might not have taken it that way. “Girls—”

  “I don’t believe it,” Jemma argued, adding another layer of mascara to her own lashes. She had the Gothic eyes down to a T. Cinnia shuddered to think what Jemma’s monthly expenses on eyeliner, mascara and dark eye-shadow were. “Doctors don’t know everything, Cin. You’ll be knocked up in no time.”

  “Well, duh, I’m able to fall pregnant. It’s just not recommended that I let it happen.” Cinnia breathed deeply, blinking as Piper’s eyelash curler came closer to her face. “My uterus is way too damaged for a normal pregnancy.”

  “Then I guess you’ll have to have an abnormal one.”

  “Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to do—”

  “Stop moving, Cin,” Piper interrupted, a slight frown drawing her eyebrows together.

  “Sorry.” Cinnia kept quiet while Piper finished up the makeup on her eyes. Once the young woman moved on to Cinnia’s hair, she felt ready to talk again. “Bren and I have spoken about it, okay? It’s just one of those things that we don’t want to risk.”

  By “we”, she really meant “he”. He’s made his position on the matter abundantly clear. Her life was more important to him than an heir. It was touching, although she felt like a failure. She couldn’t even do the one thing women were supposed to guarantee a man. Sure, it wasn’t her fault, but it made her situation no more pleasant.

  Now that the doctors had insisted she scrap children off her to-do list for a few years, she only craved a baby more, which was why she hasn’t gone back on the Pill yet. She was hoping to fall pregnant in the next few months and prove to everyone that she was strong enough to survive it.

  This will be considered stubborn. She couldn’t give less of a shit. She wanted a mini-Brennan running around, making her life the best kind of hell.

  “You could always adopt,” Jemma supplied, finally stepping away from the mirror. She tugged at her bridesmaid’s dress, seemingly satisfied with her appearance. “I know it’s not ideal—”

  “I want his kids,” Cinnia insisted.

  “Well, then get a surrogate,” Dawn said.

  Jemma nodded in agreement and put her hand up. “I’ll have your baby.”

  The thought warmed Cinnia’s heart. “I appreciate that, but it won’t be necessary.”

  “Oh, for the love of…” Dawn trailed off and put Aurora in the pram. She tucked her heavy breast back in her dress and glared at Cinnia. “You’re not going to become one of those ‘I’ll show you’ women, Cinnia Sloane. I will kick your ass severely. First of all, you’ll piss Brennan off for going behind his back. And then you’ll probably have to terminate the pregnancy!”

  Cinnia flinched. She hated that her friends knew her so well. She couldn’t hide anything from them.

  “Look, I know this is difficult, but just listen to the doctors for now, okay?” Dawn made sure she had Cinnia’s full attention. “It’s not set in stone, remember? They just want to see how you heal first.”

  “You’re right.” Cinnia sighed deeply and moved her hand to rub her eyes, gasping when Piper smacked her with the curling tong. “What was that for?”

  Piper glared at her friend. “You’re going to mess up everything. Just sit still!”

  “Jeez, you’re mean. Does Teagan know?”

  “He knows to leave me alone when I’m doing my hair and makeup, yes,” Piper responded. She pulled Cinnia’s hair this way and that, presumably to make her look like a bride, although Cinnia wondered if it wasn’t just an outlet for Piper’s sadistic tendencies. “I think he wants to propose.”

  Cinnia rolled her eyes. “What have I been telling you?”

  “Do you know anything?”

  “If I did, do you really think I would tell you?”

  Piper let out a shaky breath. “I just�
� don’t like surprises.”

  “Bullshit,” Jemma giggled, “you loved Teagan’s surprise at Club Vex.”

  Piper went as red as an overripe tomato. “How do you even know about that?”

  “Honey, nothing’s kept a secret if it’s done in or around the property of the Raptors.”

  “Oh my God, that’s so embarrassing.”

  “No, embarrassing is getting whipped during your lunch break,” Jemma said as she leered at Cinnia.

  “Nope, that’s just a regular day at the office,” Cinnia teased.

  The women burst out laughing just as there was a knock on the door. Dawn called for whoever-it-was to enter, and Loraine peeked inside. Her facial expression went from curious to overly emotional in the blink of an eye.

  “Oh my gosh, Cin,” she whispered, walking to her daughter with a hand over her mouth. “You look beautiful!”

  “Really?” Cinnia had no way of knowing, thanks to Piper having covered every mirror in the room with a sheet. “Can you see any bruises?”

  “Not at all.” Loraine dropped to her knees and took Cinnia’s hand in hers. “You’re such a beautiful bride!”

  “Then I guess Piper’s talents really are wasted as an accountant.”

  “Hell yes,” the rest of the women agreed.

  Piper’s cheeks reddened. “I don’t want to do makeup professionally. Every once in a while is nice, especially if it’s for a friend.”

  “I’m so glad you decided to go with the veil, though,” Loraine went on. “Brennan’s going to love this surprise.”

  The mention of her soon-to-be-husband made Cinnia’s heart gallop like a runaway horse. “Come on, sis, are you done yet?”

  “Just one… more…” Piper put the curling iron down and fluffed Cinnia’s fringe. “Let me put the veil on, and then we’re done!”

  Jemma handed the veil over and tried to swipe the moisture from her eyes without smudging her smoky makeup. “Wow, Cin. You really look good.”

  “You’re making me so curious,” Cinnia mumbled. Her foot tapped on the floor a bit impatiently and she stared at her nude-colored, bandaged wrist. The doctor had conceded to take her cast off and swap it for this surgical glove, giving her strict instructions not to do anything stupid. It had a built-in splint to support her mending bones, but it was much less bulky than a cast.

  She was just happy that she’ll look better on her big day.

  Piper wiggled the veil a few times before stepping back with tears in her eyes. “Cin, you’re so gorgeous.”

  Cinnia’s face warmed, taken aback by the compliment while, at the back of her mind, she was convinced it was only because of the makeup and hairstyling. She accepted Loraine’s help as she got off her chair, once again amazed by how comfortable her dress was. She wasn’t filling it out as much as Piper had hoped, but it had been altered to suit her slighter frame, without compromising the original design.

  Her mother led her to a full-length mirror and Jemma removed the sheet. Cinnia halted with wide eyes, unable to marry the reflection’s image with her body.

  She had to admit, she looked absolutely ravishing. Somehow, Piper’s found a way to eliminate the dark circles and bruising on her skin. The dress was loose, floaty, without being baggy; her black hair pinned up at the back with tendrils framing her face; her makeup impeccable. Piper had emphasized Cinnia’s green eyes while keeping her lips a neutral hue.

  “Wow,” Cinnia breathed. All of her reservations about the wedding going forward have disappeared. She’d been so afraid that the photographs would, years from now, remind her of a terrible time. Now she could see that she should’ve never doubted her friends. “Piper, this is… I don’t know what to… Wow.”

  “That’s all I wanted to hear,” Piper gushed, clapping her hands together and doing a little happy dance with Jemma. “We can all get drunk now!”

  “After they’ve said ‘I do’,” Dawn reminded them.

  “I doubt Brennan will be able to say anything else,” Loraine giggled. She headed for the door. “But I don’t know whether your father will actually give you up.”

  “Oh God, I need tissues to deal with this,” Cinnia muttered.

  “You will not ruin your makeup!” Piper said huffily.

  Cinnia stepped away from the mirror once her father—his arm around Loraine’s waist—and Mysie sauntered into the room, only to come to an abrupt halt. They stared at Cinnia as if she’s grown a second head and she squirmed under their gazes. Why couldn’t she make people do double takes without a ton of makeup?

  “You look amazing,” James choked, tears in his eyes.

  “Healthy,” Mysie chimed in.

  Cinnia shifted on her feet. “So, uhm, is it almost time?”

  “Yeah, we were checking in to see if you’re done. All the charters and guests have arrived, so they’re ready to begin,” Mysie replied, coming over to cup Cinnia’s face in her hands. She smiled warmly. “I am so happy you’re here, about to be married to my son. I love you, Cin.”

  Cinnia carefully returned her mother-in-law’s embrace. “Thanks, mom,” she whispered. “I love you, too.”

  “Come on, let’s get this show on the road.” Mysie pulled back with a cheeky facial expression. “I’m sure you can’t wait for the honeymoon.” She went on to order everyone around before Cinnia could argue.

  “I don’t think you’re ready yet,” James interrupted firmly, tucking Cinnia’s hand in at the fold of his elbow. He looked quite dapper in his traditional Scottish kilt and tailored jacket, having lost the extra kilos he’d been carrying around. “You’re not healed.”

  “Jim, don’t start,” Loraine mumbled as she covered Cinnia’s face with the veil. “Don’t act as if she’s a virgin, all of the sudden.”

  “Wish you were,” he muttered under his breath.

  Cinnia had to resist the urge to laugh. “I heard that.”

  “I just want you to be careful.”

  Her eyes fixed on her friends forming an orderly queue in front of her at Mysie and Loraine’s command, Cinnia smiled to herself. “Always am, dad. You should know that by now.”

  “I’m happy you’re getting married to Bren, Cin,” James informed her quietly. “I never met that other guy you dated, but no one else ever would’ve earned my trust. I know Bren’ll take care of you and make you happy for the rest of your days.” He gazed at his daughter, even though her face was obscured by the veil. “Not everyone is blessed with that combination, so I hope you keep him close.”

  “I will,” she said, effectively making the first vow of that day.

  “See you on the other side!” Mysie called as she ushered Loraine, who was pushing Aurora’s pram, out of the room.

  Jemma, Piper and Dawn glanced over their shoulders, giving Cinnia an encouraging look before they sashayed forward, in that order. Butterflies were roaming free in Cinnia’s stomach and she took deep breaths to calm her nerves. After everything she’s been through to get here, the moment’s finally arrived.

  She’s always known, deep in her gut, that she would become a Drummond. Brennan was the only eligible man who’s ever existed for her. Others were nice to look at, but he was the one she wanted to touch, kiss and fuck. She has craved his love since the moment she fully understood what love is. She’s wanted to satisfy his every desire, to embody all that he needed, for as long as she could remember.

  She’d taken a detour but, inevitably, ended up right here, about to bring her fantasies to life with a few simple promises.

  “Here we go,” her father announced as he led her out of the room, down a long corridor, to the inner entrance of the large cathedral she was going to become a wife in. Neither side of the families were overly religious, but this building held a certain charm that Cinnia wanted on her wedding day.

  Despite the fact that she wasn’t a virgin—not even a backdoor one—anymore, she was wearing white, after all.

  There were so many people attending that extra seats had had to be arranged. Reade h
ad called all of the Raptors charters to base to witness their VP’s nuptials. Many friends of the Raptors, although not members themselves, had been invited, too. Cinnia knew that Mysie had armed all the guests with nametags, which she was grateful for. At least she didn’t have to worry about remembering people’s names, or even recognizing them.

  The second she stepped over the threshold of the room, her eyes locked on Brennan. She didn’t even hear when everyone rose to look at her. Her heart was thudding loudly and her palms were sweaty, but Brennan was the only focus of her attention.

  Their ceremony wasn’t following Scottish tradition to the T, yet she was ecstatic that he was wearing a kilt. He stood, tall and proud, on the opposite end of the aisle, while Haye, Teagan and Byron flanked him on the one side. His auburn hair was loose, falling over his shoulders; his beard was long and hid the studs in his lips; his hands linked in front of him.

  She had no clue what song played as she began walking down the aisle. The murmurs of the audience went right over her head. She was vaguely aware of her father pulling her back so she would move to the beat of the music.

  All she wanted to do was run and jump into Brennan’s arms.

  Her three bridesmaids grinned like naughty schoolgirls, bringing a slight blush to Cinnia’s cheeks. She cleared her throat and resumed eye-raping her future husband, nearly drooling at the sight of him. Why couldn’t she have healed faster? The way she felt right now, he deserved nothing less than being tackled to the floor and ridden to her heart’s content.

  And then, before she knew it, James brought her to a halt. He turned and lifted the veil over her head. The look in his eyes brought answering tears to her own.

  “Now you don’t need me anymore,” he whispered.

  “I’ll always need you.” She hugged him firmly, ignoring the discomfort in her ribs. “I love you, daddy.”

  “You haven’t called me that in years.” He held her tightly. “I love you, Cin. You’ll always be my little girl.”

  She sniffed as they broke apart, taking Piper’s warning very seriously. James stepped back, revealing a beaming Reade. Keep it together, she urged herself. Don’t break down yet.


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