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Unnecessary Roughness

Page 6

by GA Hauser

  The lights went dim and the noise settled to a restrained murmur along with a few scattered coughs. With an almost manic paranoia, Kyle kept checking to see where Connor’s hands were. Right now, one was on his own lap and the other was holding Hannah’s hand. With unmatched determination, Kyle wanted to find a way to lay his hand on that black denim-covered thigh.

  As the first cartoon began, Vicky rested her head on Kyle’s shoulder. There was nothing Kyle could do to get away from it. He wondered if she could sense his disinterest or if he thought hard enough he could turn her off through mental telepathy.

  As mini-film after film flickered by in one to two minute segments, one animation in particular was very violent and gory. He and Connor roared with laughter while the women said it was sick. Trying to communicate his hilarity, Kyle grabbed Connor’s thigh and shook it. Connor nodded in agreement and dabbed at his eyes as he controlled his laughing fit. It was the opportunity Kyle had waited for. Kyle didn’t remove his hand from Connor’s leg, loving the feel of that hard muscle underneath.

  When the amount of time grew conspicuous and Kyle still didn’t remove his hand, he glanced sideways to see Connor staring down at it. Wondering what Connor was thinking, Kyle tightened his fingers, feeling through the black denim to that incredible masculine body. He felt Connor tense up, then noticed Vicky’s eyes move towards it. That act of spying forced Kyle to release his hold.

  Kyle wished he was alone with Connor, not stuck with a woman he had no interest in.

  After the show the conversation revolved around which animation short they liked best. Inevitably the men voted for the violent one.

  “What is it about guys?” Vicky asked, turning on her phone as they walked.

  “Oh, come on. It was a cartoon,” Kyle said.

  Hannah crossed her arms over her chest. “The guy’s head blew off!”

  Connor roared with laughter and doubled over. His hilarity was contagious, so Kyle joined him.

  The girls exchanged annoyed glances. “Typical males,” Hannah breathed.

  “Ah, wait! Help me, Kyle! I’m dying!” Connor put his arm around Kyle’s waist as if to control himself.

  Instantly, Kyle checked the expressions of the girls as Connor held onto him. For some strange reason they didn’t seem to think it was odd. Testing the waters even further, Kyle reached around Connor and squeezed him close, whispering sensuously in his ear, “Come here, baby, I’ll help you.”

  The laughter stopped immediately, caught in Connor’s throat, and he blinked at Kyle.

  “Okay. I’m hungry. Let’s get a bite to eat,” Hannah announced and reached for Connor’s hand.

  Kyle caught Connor’s suspicious glance as they walked in front of he and Vicky. Cool it, Baker! You’ll lose him! Quit the gay act!

  The two couples walked hand in hand once more out of the campus to Sunset Boulevard, which was crowded with students coming and going from movies and bars.

  As they passed a pizzeria, Vicky suggested the place. They agreed unanimously and entered, only to stand in line for a table.

  “Let me hit the restroom,” Connor said.

  “Uh, yeah, I have to go too.” Kyle released Vicky’s hand, anxious to stop touching her. He followed Connor into the men’s room and they stood side by side at the urinals. Kyle heard Connor start to pee first, then laugh softly.

  Kyle asked, “What are you laughing about?”

  “The fucking cartoon. What’s with women? I really thought it was the best one.” He gave it a shake and turned to face Kyle.

  About to reply, Kyle noticed Connor fingering himself for a moment before he tucked his big, delicious prick into his pants. Connor grinned like a demon. Instantly Kyle lit on fire and couldn’t stop looking.

  “Are you staring at my cock again?” Connor hissed wickedly, wagging it at him.

  Forcing himself to turn away, Kyle felt cold sweat wash over his body. “Connor! You moron! I wasn’t!” He tried to use a restrained whisper as he died of embarrassment.

  “Yeah, right, Baker.” Connor smiled, tucking himself in. Once he had straightened himself up he headed to the sink to wash his hands.

  His head spinning with the vision of that large mushroom shaped head and piss slit, Kyle zipped up and did the same. “You are the worst troublemaker.”

  “Does its size mesmerize you?”

  Kyle grabbed a few paper towels, trying not to panic. “Yeah, I’m mesmerized by your dick. Give me a break.”

  Before they left the bathroom, Connor checked himself out in the mirror. As men came and went, Kyle observed how they reacted to Connor. While Connor was preening he received a few raised eyebrows. Did he act gay? No. Conceited? Not really. What about the comment? Does he want me to stare at his cock? “You ready or need some time to put on your lipstick and mascara?”

  Spinning around, Connor gave Kyle a violent shove. “Shut up! I’m not a fucking woman!”

  “Stop pushing me! I’m warning you, Worthington. I’m stronger than you.”

  “In your dreams.” Connor kept nudging Kyle from behind to keep him moving down the hall.

  Digging in his heels, Kyle leaned back into him. “I can take you. Don’t make me prove it.”

  “Yeah, yeah, take me later then, in private.”

  In shock, Kyle twisted over his shoulder to see his face.

  “What? Go!” Connor pushed him.

  Once again, completely confused, Kyle shook his head. The innuendoes and wrong assumptions had to be coming from his own warped mind. It seemed Connor was clueless he was sending out gay vibes.

  When they scanned the room they found the girls waiting in a booth, waving at them the same time as they texted messages on their little phones.

  “What took you so long? I thought women were bad,” Hannah scolded them, continuing to use her thumbs to type.

  Ignoring the comment, Kyle asked, “What do you want on your pizza?”

  Vicky shared the menu with him, splitting her concentration between the choices and her phone.

  “You know how guys are. They like to talk about violence and killing and stuff.” Connor winked at her. “And we do check each other out.”

  Unsure why Connor was making a statement like that, Kyle raised his head quickly and gave Connor a warning glance. Connor’s grin lit up devilishly.

  “Check each other out? What for?” Vicky asked, putting her cell phone on the table near her.

  “Connor...” Kyle shot him another glare.

  Connor said, “Never mind.”

  “What?” Hannah poked him with her elbow.

  “Just to make sure we don’t have any toilet paper stuck to our shoes.” Connor gave Kyle a wink.

  “Oh,” they both responded flatly and went back to reading the menu and checking their phones.

  When he lost the contact of the women’s eyes, Kyle mouthed across the table to him, “You’re going to get it.”

  Connor mouthed back, “Promise?”

  At Connor’s seductive expression, Kyle shut his mouth. Oh, Jesus...

  When the pie came they dug in hungrily. For some unknown reason, Connor decided to feed everyone, holding slices in front of them for a bite. Kyle noticed he didn’t eat much himself and started to wonder if he had some kind of eating disorder.

  Once they were full and the pizza was down to crumbs, the men split the bill, counting out the cash for the server.

  They strolled back to the sports bar, where they had picked up the girls, and where Kyle’s car was parked.

  “Do you guys need a ride?” Connor asked Hannah.

  “We’re staying in a sorority.” Vicky leaned against Kyle, holding his arm tightly.

  Connor shrugged. “We can drop you off there.”

  “Sure. Thanks.” Hannah smiled.

  Crap. Kyle dug for his key wishing this “date” would end.

  When Kyle was behind the wheel and Vicky was beside him in the passenger’s seat, Kyle turned to watch as Hannah nearly sat in Connor’s lap. />
  After Connor closed the door, he said, “We’re in, Kyle.”

  Nodding, Kyle started the car and kept his eye on the rear view mirror and the action behind him. Connor’s arm was resting on top of the seat behind Hannah’s head. Trying not to be too distracted by it, Kyle let Vicky direct him to where their sorority house was located.

  Hannah snuggled against Connor and rested her head on his shoulder. As Kyle observed secretly, she kissed Connor’s cheek and said, “I had a really good time. Can we do this again soon, Connor?”

  “Sure.” Connor caught Kyle’s eyes in the mirror.

  Kyle ground his jaw at the prospect of Connor having a girlfriend.

  Vicky rested her hand on his thigh. “You want to see me again, Kyle?”

  He glanced down at her hand first, then caught Connor’s light eyes watching him in the mirror. “Sure,” he replied, though he didn’t want to. Kyle heard a deep sigh released from Connor and strained to see if Hannah was getting anywhere with him or the noise was in response to his answer to Vicky’s question. While he was driving, there was no way to tell.

  As directed, Kyle stopped the car in front of a large, beige stucco building on top of a crest in the hillside. Connor opened the back door for Hannah and they climbed out together.

  Unable to prevent himself, Kyle stared as Connor leaned against the rear fender of the car and Hannah kissed him.

  In the awkward silence, Vicky cleared her throat. “I had a really nice time, Kyle.”

  He hopped out of the driver’s side and met Vicky so they were next to the Connor and Hannah.

  Not really hearing her words, Kyle was focused on the way Hannah kissed Connor. The way her hand ran through his long hair. God, why couldn’t I kiss him like that? Stop. Get your paws off my man!

  Kyle woke up when Vicky pressed him against the car. “Do you want to exchange cell phone numbers or what?”

  “Huh? Oh, sure.” He told Vicky his number and she typed it into her contact list.

  “You want mine?”

  “Just call me and I’ll add you.”

  Vicky giggled and dialed his number.

  It was shut off inside his pocket. Kyle’s stare rested on Connor. Hannah’s right hand was moving towards Connor’s crotch.

  “Should I leave a message?” Vicky smiled.

  “Uh. Sure.” Kyle had an urge to separate Hannah from Connor but had to grit his teeth and bear it.

  “Call me any time. So, when do you think I’ll see you again?”

  As Hannah increased the intensity of her fondling, she kissed Connor more passionately. In the dimness of the street light on that January night, Kyle could see Connor’s jaw muscles and mouth working.

  Kyle stifled a groan and grew rock hard.


  “What? Oh, soon, real soon.” He tried to focus on Vicky, but couldn’t. Both his passion and jealousy were rising as Hannah cupped both of her hands to hold Connor’s fabulous package.

  “Well, goodnight.” Vicky leaned closer to kiss Kyle.

  Kyle went to peck her lips quickly and felt her tongue. Completely revolted, he tried to tolerate it, couldn’t, and backed off. “Goodnight.”

  Obviously rejected, she scuffed her shoes noisily on the pavement. “Come on, Hannah. I’m tired.”

  Connor stepped back from Hannah instantly.

  “Walk me to the door,” Hannah said, holding Connor’s hand.

  Straining to hear, Kyle could only catch selected words from them as Connor and Hannah whispered. Maybe they were saying goodnight and making tentative plans.

  Connor waved as the two women entered the sorority. Then, as if straightening himself out, Connor tucked in his shirt and smoothed his hand through his hair as he jogged back down the plateau steps.

  He whacked Kyle playfully on the arm before he climbed into the car, flipping the visor down to wipe the lipstick off his face. Kyle dropped heavily behind the wheel, feeling betrayed.

  When Connor was through with his task, he grinned at Kyle. “I thought it was a decent night. You like Vicky?”

  Kyle fastened his seatbelt and checked the side mirror before he entered the traffic way. “She was okay.”

  “Not too crazy about her then? I thought she was pretty.” He shrugged and sat back, latching his own seatbelt.

  “She was. Very pretty.”

  “What didn’t you like about her? Was she too shy?”

  “No. I didn’t say I didn’t like her.”

  “Did you like Hannah? What do you think about her?”

  “What do you think about her?”

  Connor stared out of the window. “She was okay. Just average, I guess. I haven’t met one woman yet that really does anything for me, you know what I mean? I guess I’m just really picky.”

  Kyle stopped for a red light and stared at Connor’s profile. “What kind of woman are you looking for?”

  “Well, she has to be drop dead gorgeous.”

  “Hannah has pretty blue eyes.”

  “A fabulous body.” Connor touched his chin. “A sexual appetite like a guy.”

  Trying to absorb the checklist, Kyle bit his lip and moved on when the light turned green.

  “Very smart, very classy. What am I missing?” Connor turned in the seat to face him.


  “Oh, well, I don’t want her in piles of debt but she doesn’t have to be rich.”

  Strangely enough Kyle hoped he fit most the requirements perfectly. All but one.

  “I’ll never find her.”

  “You’re only twenty. You will. Give it some time.”

  Connor sighed. “How about you? What are you looking for?”

  Wondering how to answer that, he glanced over at Connor quickly, then parked in their assigned space at the apartment.


  Kyle shut off the engine and climbed out. He straightened his back tiredly as Connor met him by the door. When they walked inside the lobby Connor said, “Answer my question!”

  Still thinking of a reply, Kyle gestured for him to go first so he could watch his ass as he walked up the stairs. “What do I want in a partner?”

  “Yes. Why won’t you tell me?”

  “Okay, let’s see. Someone athletic, strong, honest.” Connor opened their apartment door for them. The items from shopping were still on the floor where they had left them. “Tall, fit, perfection in mind and body.”

  “Ha! Good luck. We’ll both end up single.” Connor stared at the mess.

  “Tomorrow.” Kyle tugged his arm.

  Nodding in agreement, Connor backed away from it. “Athletic and strong? That’s something you want in a woman?”

  Kyle wanted to tell him, he didn’t say it had to be a woman. He couldn’t. Not after seeing a woman fondling Connor’s crotch. “I want someone to stay in shape with me. Someone to play sports with.”

  “That sounds like a tomboy.” Connor kicked off his shoes and went to wash up.

  Kyle followed him. “No, it doesn’t.”

  “Or a man!” Connor stuck his toothbrush in his mouth.

  Knowing he couldn’t win this debate, Kyle lowered his head and walked to his bed to take off his shoes and socks. It was living hell. He was very sure of it. Here was the perfect man of his dreams, and totally unattainable. I have to be kidding myself. I cannot have Connor. I have to find someone who wants men.

  The only problem was, the men who wanted men, in general, did not appeal to him. Connor was perfect. He was big, athletic, and absolutely gorgeous while still being masculine. Where the hell was he going to find that combination?

  Connor poked his head into his room. “You showering?”

  “No, go ahead. I’ll go in after.”

  In the dimness of the room, Connor stepped closer. “You all right?”

  “Just tired.” Kyle pulled his polo shirt over his head.

  “Tomorrow’s another day off. Just homework and practice.”

  “Some day off.” Kyle laughed sad

  Connor sat down with him on the bed. “You sure you’re okay? Did Vicky say something to upset you? She told me she wants to see you again. She really likes you.”

  Kyle covered with chills as Connor’s hand rested on his bare shoulder. He stared into those blue eyes with an aching heart. “No, she didn’t say anything to me to upset me. Go shower.”

  “Kyle.” Connor touched his cheek, rubbing his knuckle against his coarse shadow.

  Kyle closed his eyes and wanted to tell Connor not to touch him. It was tearing at him painfully. He would die if he couldn’t have this man. He had to wait. Maybe Connor had some tendencies and would come around. He had to be patient.

  “You sure you feel okay? Was it the pizza?” Connor moved even closer, leaning his length against Kyle.

  As their bodies connected, Kyle let out a sad laugh and opened his eyes to that innocence. “I’m just tired. Really.”

  Staring at his face, it appeared as if Connor was desperately trying to read him. “You’re sure? You can tell me anything, Kyle. I’m here for you.” He hugged Kyle squeezing him tight.

  Kyle was about to explode. Connor’s heat, scent, hard body, all pushing against him in a loving way, Kyle had to prevent himself from shoving him down on the bed and connecting to those lips he’d yearned to kiss all night. Forcing himself to behave, he held it in and kept his features calm. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Connor drew nearer still and kissed his cheek softly, lingering. A little noise escaped Connor’s throat, like a sigh, or purr. Then he stood and walked off to the bathroom.

  Kyle was absolutely stunned and touched the spot with his fingertips. He whispered under his breath, “Connor, I cannot figure you out.”

  A pile of clothing dropped at Connor’s feet. The water started shortly after that. Kyle groaned in agony, quickly stripping down to his briefs and laying back on his bed to wait. Ten minutes later the shower stopped and those muscular, slender legs appeared through the beads. In agony he stared at them while he squeezed himself tight, imagining that kiss. Kyle came hard and closed his eyes. Was this what it was going to be like? Living this close to this man?

  Connor emerged wrapped in his towel. “It’s all yours.”

  “Thanks.” Kyle climbed off the bed, cupping a handful of spunk, and pushed aside the beaded door. It was odd, the way Connor was staring at him. Kyle stopped and stared back curiously. “Why are you looking at me like that?”


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