Book Read Free

Unnecessary Roughness

Page 21

by GA Hauser

Kyle drank down the beer to the bottom, yearning twelve more. “I can’t believe how much Donald told everyone. That sucks.”

  “Yeah, he was a gossip-monger. Everyone knew that, but he was also everyone’s source of info.” Hannah said, “What I don’t get is why beat up a guy who you’re not sure is gay instead of two who admitted they are.”

  “Man, you’re killing me.” Connor moaned and rubbed his face.

  “I know what you mean,” Kyle replied, though he understood Connor’s opinion. “Do morons need an excuse? I think Donald was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  “Well, there was another frat party last night.”

  Connor finished his beer and put the empty bottle in front of Hannah. “I’m still in shock.”

  Hannah stood, taking the two bottles. “I have to get back to work. You want a burger and a veggie burger?”

  “Yes, please. And two more beers?” Kyle asked.

  “Coming up.”

  Once she left, Connor propped his chin up in his palm. “Why didn’t they kill the guys who were really gay?” he said in a high voice, mimicking Hannah.

  “She didn’t mean it like that.” Kyle used his index finger and thumb to massage his eyes. They felt dry and sore. “Don’t you get what she’s saying?”

  “No. I’m too tired.”

  “In her weird way, she’s supporting us. Believe me.”

  “I know.”

  “We need to buy a six-pack at the shop on corner.”

  “We do.”

  After a quiet moment of contemplation, Connor whispered, “Kyle, I’m afraid to walk around campus alone.”

  “Don’t be. In daylight, with a huge mass of students around, no one will do anything.”

  “Should we buy a gun?”

  “No.” Kyle refused to be bullied. “There are better ways to fight.”

  “Do you know self-defense?”

  “I’m not talking physically.”

  Connor tilted his head.

  Hannah returned with two more beers.

  “You’re great. Thanks.” Kyle raised it to her in a toast.

  “I feel sorry for you guys. I think everyone should just grow up.”

  “Thanks, Hannah.” Connor squeezed her wrist.

  “You’re welcome. And you know, just because you guys are a couple, doesn’t mean you can’t call me and Vicky to go see a movie or have dinner or something.”

  “True.” Kyle smiled.

  “Your order’s up. Hang on.”

  Kyle watched her hustle away. “See? Support where you least expect it.”

  “I feel bad for upsetting her that day when she tried to screw me.”

  “Oh well. Looks like she’s over it.” Kyle drank the second beer as quickly as the first.

  When the food was placed in front of him, Kyle realized just how hungry he was. “It smells great, Hannah. Thanks.”

  “Don’t worry. Enjoy.”

  “Thanks, sweetie.” Connor smiled.

  Hannah tugged Connor’s hair playfully and headed to the next table.

  Kyle stole a french fry off of Connor’s plate, smiling as he chewed it.


  “Carrot-cruncher.” Kyle felt Connor’s legs brush his under the table. He threw Connor a kiss.


  Connor carried the six-pack under his arm as Kyle unlocked their apartment door. Once he placed the beer on the kitchen counter, Connor removed his mobile phone from his backpack and turned it on, dialing, sticking it to his ear.


  “Mom?” Connor nodded yes, when Kyle offered to open a beer for him.

  “Connor! I heard something on the news this evening and I was worried. I wish you’d keep your cell phone on.”

  “I’m sorry. I had a feeling you may have gotten wind of the incident.” Connor mouthed thanks to Kyle and drank the beer.

  “Well, the news said a player on the UCLA lacrosse team was killed. I was very upset.”

  “What else did the news coverage say?” Connor relaxed with Kyle on the couch. Kyle reached for Connor’s legs and unlaced his shoes, tugging them off for him.

  “It said a young man was killed in an accident late last night.”

  Connor blinked. “An accident?”

  “I think they said an accident. An incident? Oh, I can’t remember, Connor. Did you know the boy?”


  “I’m sorry, Connor.”

  “Thanks, Mom. Uh, I quit the team. They don’t want gay guys on it.” Connor shifted his position to lie crosswise on the couch as Kyle massaged his bare feet on his lap.

  “What do you mean? Can they do that? Aren’t there laws?”

  Connor was surprised his mom was defending him. “No. Kyle and I quit to avoid the same treatment as the guy who was beaten to death.”

  The other end of the line went silent.

  “Mom?” Connor wondered if he lost the connection.

  “That’s terrible, Connor.”

  “It is. And it scared the crap out of me. I’m not sacrificing myself for lacrosse.”

  Kyle sipped his beer, running one hand up Connor’s leg.

  “I can’t believe it. Maybe your father can write a letter.”

  Connor laughed. “Yeah? Would Dad do that?”

  “Of course he would.”

  The smile fell from Connor’s face. “He would? After all the verbal abuse he put me through growing up?”

  “Your father and I had a long talk, Connor.”


  “I think he just wanted to you be a man and admit it.”

  Connor choked making Kyle give him a concerned glance.


  “Mom, I was just as scared of admitting it to Dad as I was the guys on the team.”

  “He’s your father, Connor.”

  “If you say so. I have to go, Mom. I’m exhausted.”

  “Come visit this weekend. Stay for dinner. Bring Kyle.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  Connor made a face at Kyle in shock. Kyle set his empty beer bottle on the floor and pushed his face into Connor’s crotch.

  “Okay, Mom. I’ll let you know.”

  “Good. Bye, dear.”

  “Bye.” Connor disconnected the call and placed his phone and beer next to him on the floor so he could give Kyle his attention. “The media is calling it an accident, or an incident.”

  “And?” Kyle kissed Connor’s zipper flap.

  “It was a murder. A gay bashing-murder.”

  “They’ll wait until the jerks are charged before they admit that.”

  “Hmm. Maybe.” Connor hoped the media would report it correctly. He had his doubts.

  “Too tired?”


  Kyle opened Connor’s jeans and Connor slid them off with his briefs. “Mom wants us to come for dinner this weekend.”

  “Good.” Kyle nuzzled into Connor’s public hair.

  “Mm…” Connor hummed as Kyle used his face to caress his hard-on. “Forget Mom. Eat me.”

  Kyle chuckled. He gave his cock a quick lick, then with a hand on each thigh, Kyle began spreading Connor’s legs.

  Giving me what I gave you? Connor began breathing hard in anticipation. He had wanted a man to rim him forever. Was it going to happen? Connor loved the way Kyle’s forehead creased in pleasure as he ran his lips over his sack. Please, please…

  Kyle paused, staring between Connor’s legs. Connor held his breath, begging silently.

  When the tip of Kyle’s tongue touched Connor’s ass, Connor closed his eyes and groaned. Yes! Yes!

  Slowly Kyle grew bolder, experimenting.

  His vocalizations rising with the act, Connor wanted to encourage Kyle to go wild on him. Baby, do it. Do it. But he was reluctant to ask Kyle to do anything he wasn’t comfortable doing, so Connor moaned instead.

  Kyle backed off again, taking another look at Connor’s body.

was so excited his cock had turned dark reddish purple and was thick and pulsating.


  “Of fuck yeah, Kyle.” Connor used his hands to open his legs wider for him.

  Kyle licked his lips right before he dove in.

  Connor gasped and his body jerked as Kyle chewed on the base of his dick and ran his coarse jaw over the skin inside his thighs. “Holy shit!” Connor’s eyes sprang wide open as Kyle did exactly what he wanted him to do. Devour him.

  Kyle began massaging Connor’s body all around his groin. It drove Connor insane. He gripped the sofa under him to prevent flying off from the momentum. Kyle gnawed his way up Connor’s length, slipping his index finger inside Connor’s wet hole.

  “OhmyGod…” Connor prepared for liftoff.

  The more aggressive Kyle became, the higher Connor rose. While the internal massage competed with Kyle’s mouth doing laps up and down his dick to his balls, and nipping his inner thighs, the orgasm began washing over Connor. Connor arched his back and began riding the wave of a climax.

  Kyle obviously felt it start inside Connor’s body, because he went crazy, sucking and finger-probing until Connor cried out and shot his load.

  Kyle whimpered in ecstasy as he drew hard for every drop.

  Never had Connor experienced sex like this. He didn’t even imagining anyone could coax this kind of pleasure out of his body. It was a dream.

  As he recuperated, Kyle removed his finger and lapped at his dick lazily. A bead of sweat rolled off of Kyle’s face and hit Connor’s pelvis.

  “I love you. I love you.” Connor gasped, gaining air.

  “Fuck, you taste good.”

  “Veggie cum.” Connor laughed tiredly.

  “Don’t move.”

  “I can’t.”

  Kyle vanished and raced back with a condom and the lube. He stripped off his clothing and sheathed his stiff cock.

  Gradually getting his breathing back to normal, Connor wiped the sweat off his face and waited. Kyle was back inside his ass with two fingers and a lot of lube.

  “Oh, baby!” Connor said. “Someone’s hot!”

  “Shit. I’m about to blow.” Kyle rocked Connor’s legs backwards and put his dick on target. “Ready?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  Kyle jammed his cock in. Connor knew he couldn’t hold back. He relaxed his muscles and exhaled. “That’s it.” Connor urged Kyle deeper. “Make the shot count, Baker.”

  Kyle laughed, but soon was all business. He braced one hand on Connor’s shin and kept hold of the base of his own dick with the other. Connor enjoyed Kyle’s posture as he witnessed their connection. It seemed Kyle was getting off on the sight of his cock in Connor’s ass. “Nice?”

  “You gorgeous fucker.” Kyle glanced at Connor’s face quickly but was soon engrossed by the action between them.

  Connor watched the pleasure grow on Kyle’s expression and body language. It brought a big smile to his face. Look at you. Ya fabulous jock. My macho man. Mine.

  “Babe…” Kyle gasped and increased his speed.

  “Come on, lover.”

  Kyle fucked Connor as if he were a machine.

  He was on fire and Connor loved it. Loved it! To tease Kyle, Connor raised his own balls up, imagining he was improving the view.

  It put Kyle over the edge.

  “Ah! Ah!” Kyle rammed his body deeper and choked in a gasp.

  The delicious throbbing of Kyle’s cock followed and Connor closed his eyes to savor it. “I bet that felt good.”

  “Holy…shit…” Kyle gulped air. “I almost passed out.”

  Taking a second to recover, Kyle then held the base of the rubber and pulled out slowly. “You okay? I kind of got carried away.”

  “Loved it.”

  “Yeah? You sure?” Kyle dropped the spent condom on the floor. “You’d tell me if I was too rough, right?” He wiped at his dripping, sweaty face.

  “Love it rough. The nastier the better.”

  Kyle blinked. “Yeah?”

  Connor grabbed Kyle by his biceps and dragged him down so they were connected from chest to toes. “Yeah.”

  “I’m the luckiest gay-fucker on the planet.” Kyle’s smile was filled with adoration.

  “You took the words right out of my mouth.” Connor brought Kyle’s lips closer for a kiss.

  Chapter 16

  On the way to class Tuesday morning, Connor bought an LA Times newspaper from a box on the street. He thumbed through it as they walked.

  “It’s not front page news?” Kyle asked.

  “Wait. Check this out.” Connor showed Kyle a tiny article in the local section. “It says a student from the UCLA campus was assaulted after a party at a frat house.”


  Connor continued to read, “…victim Donald Mulhouse, twenty years old, died at Providence from his injuries…”

  “And?” Kyle asked in exasperation.

  “No mention of the reason he was beaten up.” Connor didn’t realize Kyle stopped walking until he glanced up from the paper. “Nothing.”

  Kyle appeared furious.

  “They may be keeping quiet until they’re charged. Maybe it’s a court thing.”

  “Bullshit.” Kyle resumed their pace.

  “Kyle.” Connor folded up the paper.

  Kyle shook his head, obviously finished with the discussion.

  It did seem strange. Why would they keep the fact that there was a gay bashing and murder of a lacrosse team member a secret?


  Connor sat in his seat next to Mary in biology class. “Hi.”

  “Hi, Connor. Are you okay? Everyone’s talking about Donald Mulhouse.”

  “No. I’m not okay. The papers didn’t even report it as a gay murder.”

  “I thought that was weird too. I watched the news all night trying to get information on it, and the TV stations only said he was beaten up.”

  Connor removed his notebook from his pack, trying not to scream.

  “Was Don gay?” Mary whispered, “He sent a text message around to everyone that you and Kyle came out as lovers. I have to admit I figured you were.”

  Connor cringed but tried not to show it. “We quit the team. We were getting harassed pretty badly.”


  Biting his lip, Connor nodded. “We went to the cops and told them what we knew, but it looks like the school has successfully shut down the fact that the motive was Don’s sexuality.”

  “So Donald was gay too.”

  “I don’t know. He never admitted it, and he was engaged. I have no idea.”

  “That’s fucked up, either way.”

  “No shit.”

  Professor Jacobs called the class to attention to begin her lecture. She gave Connor a look of deep sympathy.

  Though Connor was appreciative, he was astounded how quickly and how far-spread news of he and Kyle’s preference had raced across a campus as large as UCLA.

  Why is my sex life everyone’s business?


  Kyle worried when he wasn’t with Connor. Would someone try to hurt him? Jump him? Beat him up?

  No. No. NO.

  Nothing will happen to my baby.

  As his fears began to make him ill, Kyle spotted Connor coming his way across campus to meet him. He exhaled in relief.

  “Hey.” Kyle touched his arm, reassuring himself Connor was fine.

  “We have something to do.”

  “We do?” Kyle asked.

  “Yes. Let’s go.”

  Kyle hurried to keep up with Connor’s determined pace. He was about to ask where they were going, but shut up and let Connor show him what he was planning.

  The moment the student activity center came into view, Kyle spotted a rally or protest. He was about to ask Connor if he knew about it, but judging by Connor’s expression, he didn’t.

  The closer they drew to the action, the more Kyle could see. Rainbow banners, signs against gay bashing, and support diversity po
ster were everywhere.

  “Wow.” Connor said, “I was considering consulting the LGBT center about approaching the Daily Bruin for an article about the attack. But it looks like this may be in response to it.”

  “I hope so.” Kyle clasped Connor’s hand and walked to someone carrying a sign. “Hi. Is this protest in reaction to Donald Mulhouse’s killing?”

  “Yes.” The young man noticed they were holding hands and looked relieved. “Do you want to join?”

  “We do,” Connor said, “We were on the lacrosse team. We came out and were threatened.”

  “You’re Connor and Kyle?”

  Kyle choked in surprise as Connor’s eyes grew wide. “Holy shit. Please don’t tell me everyone knows about it.”

  “Yeah, everyone here does.” He chuckled and reached out his hand. “I’m Alex Richfield. Nice to meet you guys.” Alex pointed behind him. “That’s my lover, Oliver Loveday.”

  “How do you know what happened to us?” Connor asked.

  Alex shrugged. “Word gets around. Oliver and I can’t do anything without the whole campus knowing either.”

  “Is the director around?” Connor asked.

  “She’s at that desk. Right there.”

  “Thanks, Alex.”

  “My pleasure. Hey, everyone’s here for you. You’re not alone.”

  Kyle paused and gave Alex a warm smile. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Connor walked to the desk mumbling, “I can’t believe everyone knows we came out. Donald had one heck of a text network.”

  “Ya tell one student, they text ten, they text ten more, you know how it goes.”

  “No, I don’t. That’s why I don’t keep my phone on.” Connor stood in front of the table. “Are you the director?”

  “Yes. What can I do for you?”

  “I’m Connor—”

  “Worthington? And Kyle Baker?” she asked excitedly.

  Connor glanced at Kyle and sighed loudly. “Good Lord. We’re notorious.”

  “Come here. Come with me.” She hopped to her feet and waved for Connor and Kyle to follow her.

  They entered the student center behind her.

  “I was just curious if you’d help us get an article into the Daily Bruin.” Connor kept up with her as she jogged down the hall.

  “Yes! That’s exactly what we want from you two. The frickin’ media is hiding the fact this was a gay-motivated crime. We needed you guys to get the facts straight.”


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