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Her First Noel (Curves for Christmas Book 4)

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by Dani Wyatt

  I shrug. “It’s only one day. I’ll need to find a real job soon.”

  “Still.” My dad smiles. “Sounds fun.”

  Even though I’ve only known he was my real father for about six years, he’s my dad one hundred percent. When Henry—my mom’s husband and the man I thought was my father for most of my life—died suddenly, I was devastated. Top that with the revelation that he wasn’t my real father, then enter Martin...suffice it to say it was a shitty, crazy time.

  The only thing that kept me sane was that Martin, who I now call Dad, was amazing. Right from the start, he never made me feel he wasn’t completely thrilled to have me in his life. It took me a good few months to process my grief and anger with my mother, but Martin was there for me in every way.

  Now, it feels almost like he’s been with me my entire life. I miss Henry terribly, of course, and will always think of him as my first father, but the consolation that I now have Martin has eased the burden slightly.

  I look around and see the hundred or so employees sitting at tables or standing near the bar, chatting and laughing. Cole looks as gorgeous as ever in his black suit. Normally he wears jeans and a t-shirt on site, or a button up dress shirt if he’s in the office, but he looks next level sexy tonight.

  I know to him I’m probably just his friend’s awkward kid, but that doesn’t stop me from fantasizing that the bulge I see behind the black fabric of his trousers is because of me and not that tramp Amanda, who was practically eye fucking him when I walked in.

  I lick my lips, trying to think of something interesting or witty to say, when my dad drops his arm from my shoulders and motions to someone across the room.

  “Hey, you two catch up. I’m going to get a drink and I need to talk to a couple of the guys about the Blake job. Have to get it wrapped up by next week if we’re going to meet the New Year’s deadline.”

  “I’m not working through Christmas.” Cole shakes his head at my dad.

  “You will. We both will if we’re going to have it down for the New Year’s party they already have booked. Not their fault we’re running behind, and if we miss it there’s a huge revenue loss we’ll take, you know that. It’s in the contract.” My dad steps away and I look at Cole, who lets out a pained breath.

  I force my lips into a sympathetic smile. “He’s a workaholic.” I turn to watch my dad walk away, then look back at Cole, his blue eyes and kissable lips so sexy he could be on the cover of a magazine.

  “That he is.”

  “Is the contract really that bad?”

  “No. I wouldn’t have let him sign it if it was. There’s compensation to pay, but only if we don’t meet all the deadlines. The New Year’s party isn’t even mentioned.” Cole pauses and I swear he must be able to hear my heartbeat, or the pulse that’s throbbing between my legs. “So, you going to look for another job out of town?”

  I swear I hear something like disapproval in his voice, and I can only dream that he might not want me to be so far away.

  “Not sure. I’ll take what I can get. But I think I’m going to try to stay closer to home. Mom isn’t doing so great with me so far away.”

  He makes a sound in his throat like he’s holding back a laugh, then runs his hand down his face. “Sure your Dad would like you closer to him as well.”

  What about you? Would you like me closer too?

  Because I’d like to be closer to you.

  Way closer.

  I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack.

  Looking over at my Dad, standing with some of the guys, I see just a handful of women. Dates. Wives. I realize with a sinking feeling that I don’t know if Cole has someone, and that thought crushes my chest, thinking of him with someone else... But I’m sure a man like him—a sexy, successful, confident alpha male—must have someone waiting for him in his bed.

  Trouble is, I want him in my bed.

  But I’ve resigned myself to the fact that that will never happen. And I’ll probably die a virgin. Because the thought of ever being with anyone else makes me sick to my stomach.

  With a jolt, I realize I’ve been gawping at him for longer than is comfortable and search for something to say about being closer to home. “It was a little lonely being away...”

  “No boyfriend you’re leaving behind?”

  “No!” I snap the word a little too quickly, and feel myself sinking into the floor. I need to chill the hell out, but being this close to Cole is making my head spin. “No boyfriend. What about you? I mean, not a boyfriend...a girlfriend...lady friend...?” Kill me now. I try to act casual as I look around the room, but the answer to my question could very well bring me to my knees. “No date tonight?”

  My throat tightens as I wait for what seems like an eternity, but when he shakes his head, I can’t hold back the sigh of relief that escapes.

  Cole grins. “No date for a very long time. Years.”

  My eyes go wide. “Years? I’m sure you wouldn’t have trouble finding a date.”

  “Not interested.” I watch his Adam’s apple move as he takes a sip of his Coke, then his eyes pin to mine. “In dating.”

  The way he says it makes me feel funny and the throbbing between my legs intensifies.

  “What are you interested in then?” I manage, trying to not sound too eager, but wanting the conversation to keep going. “Skydiving? Fishing?”

  God, I’m so lame.

  “Oh, I’ve got my interests.” I swear his eyes settle on my tits for a beat longer than a man looking at his best friend’s daughter should, and I’m fortified by the heat I feel growing between us.

  In a moment of complete insanity, I throw a line out and see if I can sink my hook into the man that’s made my heart ache for so many years.

  “I’ve got my interests too. I wonder if yours and mine might—”

  My father appears at Cole’s shoulder, clearing his throat. “Sorry, baby, I need to borrow Cole for a second.” My dad jerks his head toward the front of the room. “Time for us to give out the bonus checks and wrap this party up before they drink the bar dry.”

  “O—okay.” I nod on a shrug, breathing a sigh of disappointed relief that I didn’t have the chance to finish my last statement. At least I avoided the embarrassment that surely would have followed.

  Cole gives me one last sidelong glance, then licks those perfect, sexy lips and follows my dad to the front of the room as I try to keep from following behind him like some stupid lost puppy.



  THE ENTIRE TIME WHILE we make our speeches and hand out the checks, all I can think about is getting my lips on her.


  No, that’s not quite right.

  Every fucking where.

  As Martin and I give out the last of the bonuses, he clears his throat and makes a final announcement.

  “We’ve got mandatory overtime on the Blake job this week.”

  There’s a collective moan from the crowd of workers and their partners. There are groans of ‘Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve, boss!’ and some of them look to me, but my face is set. This is my partner’s call and it’s my job to back him up, even if I don’t like it any more than they do.

  He holds up his hands. “I know, I know. But, work first. So, let’s wrap this up so we can all be bright and shiny tomorrow morning.”

  I do my best to hold back my own irritated groan as most of the employees begin to file out of the restaurant, while a few others take up spots at the bar, looking forlorn. I turn, looking for Holly, but she’s not standing where I left her and with a quick scan of the room I come up empty.

  There’s a tightness down deep that has her name written all over it. Now that she’s back, now that I know she’s close, my obsession is spinning out of control. I’ve fought these feelings for too long.

  Jerked off to thoughts of her.

  No, not just thoughts.


  I’m not proud of it, but I’ve stolen fucking pictures o
f her from Martin’s phone. He and Holly text message almost every day, and sometimes I’m with him when a message comes through and he’ll share what’s going on with her, showing me some of the funny selfies she sends him or whatever else she’s doing. Little does he know what seeing her and hearing about her does to me.

  Then, when he’s not looking and his phone is unattended, I forward the pictures to myself before deleting the evidence.

  After that, when I’m alone at night...or the morning, or in the car, or in my private bathroom at the office...shit, anywhere I can get a second to myself, I stare at them. Flip through each one until the pressure in my balls is unbearable and I grip myself with shame and anger, knowing I’m a sick fuck for jacking off while looking at my best friend’s daughter, but unable to help myself.

  I’ve shot my load looking at her pics so many times, each one is burned into my eyeballs, like when you’ve been looking at a light for too long, but it’s not enough.

  As I glare around the room and find no sight of her, I start to seethe. After being so close, and now to have her disappear even for a moment, it’s killing me. I’ve wanted her for so long and now she’s back, and something deep down inside tells me she needs me.

  And I need her.

  Martin is arguing with a few of the laborers, who look pissed and I get it. Overtime is great, but it’s the holidays and the word ‘mandatory’ in Martin’s speech has got them bristling.

  Besides, a lot of them have been over-served at the open bar, and that means they’re not on their best behavior.

  I start to work my way out of the restaurant’s private function room to look for her, when I hear Martin’s voice from behind and turn to find him standing right at my shoulder.

  “Hey.” The annoyance is plain on his face and he jerks his head toward the three employees I saw him with a moment ago. “I’m gonna drive these guys home. They’re three sheets to the wind, and I’m not going to be liable for what happens if they drive themselves.”

  “Call them a cab,” I answer, still scanning outside the room for any sign of her in the main part of the restaurant.

  “I would, but the weather’s getting dicey and all the cabs are taken. It’s going to be an hour before the next one’s available, and Greg lives about an hour north. Anyway, they’re pretty pissed about the overtime, so I figured least I could do is give them a ride personally. Try to build some goodwill back and all that? ‘Tis the season for goodwill, right?”

  I nod, still focused on where she’s gone. “Sure, whatever.”

  “Good. So, can you drive Holly back to my place?”

  My heartbeat quickens and I answer too quickly: “Yes.”

  Martin looks at me for a beat, then looks back to the three guys at the bar, who are getting louder by the minute. “Thanks, man. Probably take me a few hours to get them all where they belong for the night. Holly has a key to my place. Maybe hang out with her until I get back?” He shakes his head on a smile. “I know she’s an adult, but I don’t like her being alone. My protectiveness is over the top, I know, but indulge me, okay?”

  My pulse is racing. Not only am I going to have her in my car, I’m going to take her home. To an empty house. “I’ll take good care of her.” I do my best to keep my words steady, the innuendo thick, but luckily Martin is focused on his task.

  He slaps my shoulder. “Thanks. I trust you with her. You’re one of the only ones I trust with her. I may have only been her father for a few years, but I swear, if anyone touches her...” He shakes his head. “Man, I feel like I want to cut their fucking fingers off.”

  With that, he laughs, then waves his hand in the air as he turns, calling for the three guys. They half stumble toward him, making their meandering way for the front door of the restaurant.

  I follow behind them as the last stragglers from the party file out of the room, saying good night to the staff as they pass. With a glance, it’s clear that Holly isn’t among them and I need to find her, fast.

  When I don’t see her in the open area of the restaurant either, but when I pass the coat room, I practically lose my shit.

  “No, thank you...” Holly is pressed up against the wall, turning her head away as Nathan, one of the newest members of our rough carpentry crew, leans in close to her, holding a twig of some greenery over her head.

  “Just pretend... It’s mistletoe.” His words are thick. He’s not even old enough to drink, but clearly the bar tender didn’t ask for ID because he’s loaded.

  “She said no, asshole.” I bark, marching forward in three long strides and putting myself in the small space between them my hands balling into fists at my sides.

  Nathan’s eyes go wide and he lowers his hand. “Just having some fun.” He slurs out. “Besides, look what she’s wearing! She’s lookin—"

  “Pushing yourself on a woman who is clearly not interested is not in any way, shape or form fun. Nor is it acceptable. Capeesh? No matter what she’s wearing. So, if you want your head to continue to be attached to your neck, you’ll get your drunk ass out of here in the next three seconds.”

  “Cole...” Holly’s voice comes from behind. “It’s okay.”

  She’s sweet. Too sweet.

  I spin my head around and shoot her a warning look. “Not okay.” I turn back to Nathan, who is still standing there looking stupid. “Did I stutter? Can you not count to three? Get. Out.” I bark the words right into his face, and it finally snaps him out of his stupor. He turns his face away and nods as I look back at Holly. “Don’t leave this room. I’ll be right back.”

  She starts to protest, but the look on my face shuts down whatever defense she was about to mount. A moment later I’m on Nathan’s heels, marching him to the front of the restaurant my hand gripping the back of his shirt practically lifting him off the ground. I find a chair and drop his ass down making sure he knows he’s going to wait there while the hostess calls him a cab.

  He can wait the fucking hour Martin said they’d take for all I care.

  When I’ve got that settled, I go back to the coat room, grab her coat.

  “Put this on.” I hold it out and she slips her arms in giving me a confused look.

  When I’ve got her coat on, I take her hand and half drag her behind me heading to the front door.

  “Is the party over?” She looks into the back room to see it’s empty. “I just went to get some gum out of my coat and he followed me. I tried to just be polite...”

  “Sometimes being polite can get you hurt. Sometimes you need to be a bitch.”

  She gives me a wary look. “Yeah, I’m not so good at that.”

  That’s why you need me around.

  It’s what I want to say, but I hold back, instead leading her past where Nathan sits giving him another death glare and out into the chill of the parking lot.

  “Where are we going? Where’s my dad?”

  “He’s driving a few other over-indulgers home. Said for me to give you a ride to his house. I’ll wait with you there.”

  She looks like she’s going to protest but I keep us moving, needing her in my car, next to me, more than I need my next breath.

  I lead her out into the cold air, a fine freezing mist covering everything with a layer of ice. I hold her elbow as she tries to stay steady on the heels she’s wearing until we’re at my pickup and I open the door, helping her up and inside.

  “Oh my God it’s freezing out.” Her shoulders quiver and she rubs her hands together in front of her chest.

  “Put your seat belt on.” I lean in, covering her legs with my suit jacket and her scent once again raging through me like a fire, agonizing, searing my flesh as it warms me, making hot blood surge to my thickening dick.

  She clicks the belt on, and I close the door, making my way to the driver’s side and getting myself behind the wheel.

  Once I’ve started the car and got us moving, I shift myself in my seat, my uncomfortable hard on making it difficult to drive. Holly finally breaks the silence with he
r soft voice.

  “Thank you.” She murmurs, and I turn to see soft eyes. “Back there. You’re right. Sometimes, I need to not be so nice.”

  I nod. “It’s one thing to want to be on the nice list, but sometimes the naughty list is where you need to be.”

  She giggles and I so badly want her to know how I feel. How in love with her I am and have been all these years.

  But fuck, she’s so young. She’s my best friend and business partner’s little girl. He’d hate me forever. It would wreck our business.

  Besides, what’s a young, gorgeous, smart girl like her going to do with an old asshole like me?



  Still, I can’t help thinking, we’re here.



  I swallow hard and all the rational reasons I shouldn’t do what I’m about to do evaporate.

  This may be my only shot.

  I’m not going to miss.



  I CAN’T BELIEVE I THOUGHT I looked good in this outfit.

  Tugging at the hem of the skirt as Cole walks behind me into the house doesn’t make me feel any less naked, and I hurry inside, laying my coat over one of the chairs at my dad’s kitchen table.

  “Thanks for the ride.” I cross my arms over my chest shivering then release them when my boobs practically pop out of the top of my sweater.


  My stomach flutters as he walks into the great room, leaning down to put some logs in the fireplace.

  “Umm,” I start. “You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you have better things to do with the rest of your evening. I’ll be fine, really.”

  He keeps doing what he’s doing, while I fidget with the neckline of my sweater, pulling it up. Then back down.

  Then up again.

  I watch as he stacks the logs. His firm body easily maneuvering around, then crouching down as he stuffs newspaper under the grate and lights the paper. A few minutes later, the logs crackling and he stands, clearing his throat and giving me a solid, unapologetic stare.


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