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Norman, John - Gor 08 - Hunters of Gor.txt

Page 27

by Hunters of Gor [lit]

  the camp,” I said. “Until my return you are to her as her slave.”

  “Yes, Master,” said Ilene.

  “Come here,” said the red-haired girl.

  Ilene went and stood before her.

  “To your knees, Slave,” said the red-haired girl.

  Ilene fell to her knees.

  “Kiss my feet, Slave,” said the red-haired girl

  “Yes, Mistress,” whispered Ilene and, fearfully, did so.

  “You two,” I told the other two paga slaves, the dark-haired girl and the blond

  one, “come with me.”

  I strode toward the perimeter of the camp. At its perimeter I turned. I looked

  back at the red-haired girl, Ilene, in her yellow silk, was still kneeling at

  her feet. “Keep order in the camp,” I told the red-haired girl.

  She slapped the switch into the palm of her left hand. “I will,” she said.

  In their camp the men of Tyros doubtless felt secure. It was my wish to convince

  them that this was not the case.

  I might have entered the camp, but I did not chose to do so. I would, merely,

  deprive it of its guards. In the morning they would awaken and discover that

  they had been unguarded.

  I expected then that they would move their camp. They would then understand that

  the camp afforded them no protection. On the march, however, they would

  discover, to their dismay, that there was even less protection.

  Strung out in the march, perhaps eventually without points and scouts, they

  would prove easy game.

  There were six panther girls guarding the camp. I would locate them,

  individually, and then rendezvous with my two accompanying slaves.

  The paga slaves, in the skins of panther girls, in the darkness, would approach

  one of the guards.

  They would be halted.

  “We are returning,” they would say.

  Then, quietly, from the rear, my hand would close over the mouth of the guard.

  She would be thrown down, gagged, and bound hand and foot. I would then locate

  another guard, and repeat the same stategem. Interestingly, only two of the

  guards were immediately suspicious. The initial response of the other four

  girls, until they had seem the approaching women were not of their band, was on

  of intense relief. They almost ran to their arms. It had not occurred to them

  that these women might not be of their own band. To the best of their knowledge

  they were the only panther girls in the area. Indeed, their information was not

  incorrect. It was only that, in the darkness, they mistook paga slaves in the

  skins of panthers for their sisters of the forest, at least returning to the

  band. Their mistake, natural though it was, was a costly one. In my camp, bound

  in my coffle, they could contemplate it at their leisure. The two girls who were

  more suspicious fared no better. They, too, were distracted by the approaching

  women. They, too, were unaware of my presence, completely unaware, until my hand

  closed over their mouth and they felt themselves, helplessly, being dragged

  backward into the brush.

  When we were finished we collected the guards. We unbound their ankles and tied

  them together by the neck. We then herded them to our camp. Before I retired I

  saw them stripped and added to the coffle.

  There were now twenty-one prisoners, each of them a beauty. I was weary. “See

  that they rest well,” I said. “Do not permit them to struggle.”

  “I will,” said the red-haired girl, with her switch. She strode among the

  panther girls. They lay very still, not daring to move a muscle, fearing her.

  I looked up at the moons, and fell asleep.

  The next morning, early, the camp of the men of Tyros had been broken.

  They were gone.

  But, with the long slave chain they held, they would move with great slowness.

  I returned to my camp. It, too, had now served its purpose.

  The men of Tyros, in their flight, had abandoned much baggage, their own, and

  baggage taken from the camp of Marlenus. They were interested in moving as

  swiftly as they might. It would not, however, be swiftly enough.

  Some of what they had abandoned I thought I might be able to use.

  In my camp I had the dark-haired girl and the blond unbind the ankles of the

  panther girls.

  I then had the red-haired girl with the switch, order them to their feet.

  I would take my prisoners first to the site of the old camp, and then, by a

  parallel route, we would follow my enemies.

  “Coffle them by the left ankle,” I told the dark-haired girl and the blond.

  They did so. The panther girls were now tied together by the neck and by the

  left ankle. Their hands were still bound behind their back.

  “You many remove their gags,” I told the dark-haired girl. She did so, one by

  one. The girls threw back their heads, some with their eyes closed and drank the


  I had seen, among the baggage abandoned at the old camp, a sack of slave hoods.

  I would use them, if necessary, on the prisoners. Normally, however, I did not

  expect to be within earshot of the enemy. Many slave hoods, and those at the

  site of the old camp were among these, combine the advantages of the blindfold

  and gag. They fit entirely over the girl’s head and buckle under the chin, about

  the neck. Some are of leather, others of canvas. Some lock.

  We took the prisoners to a nearby stream and watered them. We then let them,

  with their teeth, pick fruit from low-hanging branches.

  We then marched them to the site of the old camp. They would be my porters.

  I had Ilene gather fruit and nuts for me as we made our way through the forest.

  About the neck of the last panther gild in the coffle were slung seven quivers

  of arrows, which I had taken from various prisoners.

  At the site of the old camp I had the red-haired girl order the panther girls to

  their backs.

  From one of the abandoned crates, discarded now because of its weight and its

  putative lack of utility, I spilled a quantity of chains to the grass. They were

  Harl rings, named for the slaver Harl of Turia, who is reported to have first

  used them. They consist, I effect, of four portions. First, there is a metal

  ankle ring, which snaps about the girl’s ankle. Second, to the back of the ring,

  there is welded a closed loop. Third, to the front of the ring, fastened through

  another closed loop, is about a yard of chain. Fourth, this chain terminates in

  a locking device, which may then be snapped shut, if one wishes, through the

  welded, closed loop on the back of a second ankle ring. The Harl ring is a

  versatile piece of custodial hardware. It may be used to chain a girl to

  anything, the ankle ring closed on her ankle, and the locking device at say,

  about a tree, or stanchion, or the ankle of another girl, and then locked about

  its own chain, or through one of the links of its own chain. The chain, of

  course, may also be looped about, say, a tree, or a piller in a public building,

  and the locking device snapped into the welded ring on the back of the girl’s

  own ankle ring. This is called a closed Harl Loop. One of the most frequent uses

  of the Harl ring, of course, is to form a segment in a slave chain, which may

  then be of any length, adding or removing girls, as short or as long
as the

  slaver wishes.

  I looked at the panther girls lying on their backs, at the site of the old camp.

  “Remove the binding fiber from their left ankles,” I told the dark-haired girl.

  She did so.

  “Extend your left legs,” I told the panther girls, “and bend and lift your right

  knee, heel to the ground.”

  They did so.

  I went to the last girl. I closed the heavy metal ankle ring about her ankle,

  snapping it shut, and extended its chain, with its locking device, to her right.

  I then took the second Harl ring and closed it about the ankle of the next girl.

  I then took the locking device at the termination of the first girl’s ankle ring

  and snapper it shut, through the closed, welded loop on the back of the second

  girl’s ankle ring. The two were now chained together. I then extended the chain

  on the second girl’s ankle ring to her right. I then locked the third girl’s

  ankle ring to her, and then snapped the locking device on the chain of the

  second through the welded, closed loop of the third girl’s ring on her. Three

  were now fastened together. “Please do not chain me,” begged the fourth girl.

  She knew the dangers, the helplessness, of wearing chains in the forest. I did

  not speak to her. I chained her. I proceeded, thus, girl to girl, through the

  fair prisoners. When I finished, I stood up. I looked at the girls, lying on

  their backs. They were now a slave chain.

  “Stand,” I said.

  With a rattle of chain, they stood. There were tears on the cheeks of several.

  “Remove the binder fiber from their throats,” I told the dark-haired girl, “and

  untie their hands.”

  She did so.

  I went to her who was now the first girl in the chain, she who had been last to

  be chained. There was, seemingly left over, the yard of chain, coiled on the

  grass, attached to the front of her ankle ring. It may be used, of course, to

  fasten the entire chain about, or to, some suitable object, a pillar, a

  stanchion, a wagon wheel, a tree, a column in a market colonnade, a post in a

  bazaar, one of the heavy slave rings, set in the ground, usually found at the

  edges of a square in a Gorean city. But, that it not impeded the girl, I picked

  it up and, with the locking device through one of the links in the chain,

  fastened it about her left wrist. She could carry it that way until it was


  One key, incidentally, serves for an entire set of ankle rings and locking

  devices. The key had been in the crate with its set of Harl rings. I dropped the

  key in my pouch.

  “You have chained us,” said one of the girls, a blond one, standing proud in her

  ankle ring, her feet widely apart. “Our safety is entirely in your hands.”

  “A single panther,” wept another, cringing, the ankle ring fastened to her left

  ankle, “could kill us all.”

  I did not respond to them. I walked about the chain.

  “Posture!” cried the red-haired girl, with her switch. She struck two of the

  girls with stinging stripes.

  Then the captive panther girls, fearing her, stood well. Their backs were

  straight, their heads were high. Their trim ankles were together. Their

  shoulders were back, their bellies flat and tight.

  “You are of the warriors,” said the blond girl in the ankle ring looking

  straight ahead.

  “I am of the merchants,” I told her.

  “No merchant,” she said, “could have taken us as you did. You are of the


  I shrugged. It was true I had once been of the warriors.

  “Sit,” I told them. The girls sat down on the grass.

  With the aid of the paga slaves, and Ilene, I sorted through, discarding here

  and saving there, the baggage abandoned at the campsite. There was much of some

  value, though mostly bulk goods. I found quantities of slave meal, which is

  mixed with water, and silks, and bowls, and collars. Not inscribed, and lengths

  of dried meat, stretched and salted; and coils of rope and chains. I have

  already mentioned the sack of slave hoods. Too, there was a small box of slave

  bracelets, all opening to the same key. The box, though small, was heavy, for

  slave bracelets, in quantity, are heavy. There was a large, rolled tarpaulin,

  which might probe useful. The girls could be slept under it at night. The edges

  could be pegged down. It would provide some protection from cold night rains,

  and some protection, though less, against panthers and sleen. Among the baggage,

  too, I found items which had been brought from Verna’s camp, which had been

  taken originally by Marlenus to his camp, and captured there by the men of Tyros

  and the band of Hura. Among these items I found the remaining bottles of drugged

  wine, those which we had not drunk, when we had fallen captive to Verna and her

  band, not seemingly so long ago. I smiled. Such an exotically vintaged wine

  might prove of value. These items, and many others from the baggage abandoned at

  the old camp, I sorted through. When I had decided what we would and would not

  take, I, and Ilene and the paga slaves divided up the burdens. Four girls, on

  their shoulders, would carry the heavy tarpaulin.

  I was pleased with the amount of foodstuffs found left behind. It did not seem

  likely to me that it would have been poisoned, but, even if it were, I and the

  paga slaves would be in little danger from it. It would be fed first to the


  The fists of the chained panther girls, sitting chained on the grass, were

  clenched. They could not believe what they saw before them, boxes, and bundles,

  the rolled tarpaulin.

  “We are panther girls!” cried the blond girl in the ankle ring. “We are not

  porters of a man!”

  it was she who was struck first with the switch by the red-haired girl, who

  leaped among them, striking and slashing with the supple lash.

  The blond girl, weeping, seized up her burden, and stood straight in the coffle.

  She carried the box on her head, in the fashion of the Gorean woman. She

  balanced it with her right hand. She stood straight. She was, though in tears,

  very graceful.

  I regarded the coffle. Each beauty carried her burden, we would, at least in the

  beginning, follow a parallel trail to that taken by my fleeing enemies. Later,

  if their flight became more precipitate and less rational, we might simply make

  their route ours. In this fashion the trail would be broken and clear and, if

  anything of value had been discarded in the flight, we might, if we wished,

  gather it up and, following, bring it with us.

  I turned and strode toward the forest.

  I heard the slap of the switch twice behind me, and cries of pain from panther


  “Hurry, Slaves!” called the red-haired girl.

  Ilene walked beside me. She took quick steps. Her head came only to my shoulder.

  She looked up at me, and then looked down.

  I regarded her sternly. Her hand lifted before her mouth. Fear showed suddenly

  in her eyes. Would I have the red-haired girl beat her? “Forgive me, Master,”

  she whispered.

  She fled back two paces, and put her head down, trembling. The Gorean slave girl

  does not dare w
alk beside a free man. She had forgotten. She had not been long

  on Gor.

  I turned away from her, and continued on. I hear her sob, following me.

  She had not yet, even, fully, yielded to a man. I expected, however, that soon

  she would be ready to do so. I had sensed in her body, and her head. She was a

  pretty slave, the Earth girl. I expected some master would be much pleased with


  Helplessly yielded, she would be exquisite.

  She had not been completely open with me. I would have her sold in Port Kar.

  I continued on.

  Behind me I could hear her quick, light steps, and, behind me, farther back, I

  could hear the chain of the slave coffle. I would hear the chain, and then a

  silence, and then the chain again. The left leg of each girl moved in unison,

  the lovely left ankle of each locked in the clasp of the ankle ring, lifting and

  carrying the chain that bound them.

  I looked back. They were beautiful, the panther girls. They walked straight, and

  they bore their burdens well. They were a splendid set of slaves.

  The red-haired girl walked beside them, with her switch.

  I stood on the branch of a tree, concealed in foliage. The slave chain of the

  men of Tyros passed below me.

  It was a long chain, containing ninety-six men. Each was double fastened, and

  the hands of each were manacled behind his back. Each was chained by the left

  ankle, and each too, by the throat. About the left ankle of each and the neck of

  each had been hammered a band of iron, each band with two welded rings. At two

  ends, then, of a given length of chain, links had been hammered shut again. In

  this fashion, rude but effective, was formed the long slave chain.

  Marlenus was first on the chain, followed by his men. Then came Rim, who had

  been captured at the time of the raid on the Tesephone. Then came Arn, and the

  other eight men of mine who had been in the camp of Marlenus when it had been


  Following the men came a coffle of twenty-four slave girls. They were tied

  together by the neck, by binding fiber. Their wrists were bound behind their

  body by slave bracelets.

  Men of Tyros, and panther girls, flanked the lines of slaves.

  Many supplies had been tied on the backs and shoulders of the male slaves.

  Apparently the men of Tyros, and the panther girls, feared to free their hands.


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