The Princess and Her Rogue

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The Princess and Her Rogue Page 38

by Sheritta Bitikofer

“Well, then there is only one thing to do, if you are brave enough,” Sir Ethan stated, picking up their swords and returning them to the rack off to the edge of the ring.

  “Oh? And what is that?” Nate remained in his place, watching the knight.

  “Tell her you love her, propose an offer of marriage and run away together.”

  “Are you insane? It’s not that easy. She misses her family and she can’t disappoint them with making that kind of mistake with me.”

  “My boy, you are not a mistake,” Sir Ethan said harshly, pointing a wooden dagger at him. “And Kiara would be happy with you, even with all the difficulties you two would face.”

  Nate paused and thought about what Sir Ethan just said. “You called her ‘Kiara’,” he recalled, pointing a suspicious finger at the knight as he began packing up his armor and supplies for the tournament. Why was it that everyone knew who she was, despite their efforts to hide her identity?

  Sir Ethan stood up and looked over his shoulder at Nate. “Oh? Did I?” he said in a peculiar tone, as if he found it amusing.

  Nate glanced to the dining tent, then back to Sir Ethan, who gave him a cunning smile. “You know?” he asked nervously.

  “Of course, I do! She looks like the princess, talks like the princess, walks like the princess… So, she’s obviously the king’s daughter who had gone missing. I may be getting old, but I’m not blind yet…” Sir Ethan turned his back to Nate to finish packing, “Besides, I met Kiara when she was a little girl long ago and I’ve taken frequent trips to Aleph to see the king before. I’m honestly surprised that she doesn’t remember me.”

  Nate froze with fear, his face going pale. “What will you do?”

  Sir Ethan looked up to Nate and gave a hearty belly laugh. “Don’t worry! I’m not going to tell anyone or do anything embarrassing. I understand you’d want to keep her identity a secret. If I was in your shoes, I would do the same. I wouldn’t want people suspecting me of kidnapping the princess just because I was seen with her.”

  “Do you think I kidnapped her?” Nate asked in earnest as Sir Ethan turned back around to finish packing up.

  “I don’t think you’re the kind of man to do that. And even if you are, it wouldn’t make any sense why she would trust you to bring her back to Aleph. I believe you to be an honorable man and Kiara is in good hands.”

  Nate let out a breath of relief and slowly walked over to the chest of armor platting and weapons.

  “Although,” Sir Ethan continued, standing up straight and looking towards the mountains to the south, “I do have to wonder who did kidnap her and how she came into your trustworthy hands.”

  “That’s actually a very long story if you wish to hear it,” Nate replied, picking up one end of the trunk while Sir Ethan picked up the other.

  “I would very much like to hear it.”

  So, Nate told about how him and Kiara were once childhood friends and about Nate’s sudden departure from Malcolm’s kingdom. He was unwilling to disclose the bit about the Deceiver being his grandfather and all, so he left that and the part about his father’s assumed crime against the king out of the story. He went on to tell that Kiara was kidnapped by bandits, which is where Nate saw her again and they had been on a journey to get back to Aleph ever since. Again, Nate avoided any mention of Deceiver in this tale so that Sir Ethan would not over react or suddenly change his mind about trusting Nate.

  “My, that is one heck of a journey you two have made together,” Sir Ethan remarked as they reached the stadium arena where the jousting tournament was once held. They let down the trunk just outside a small blue pavilion, where Sir Ethan was to set up for the impending competition. The tournament was to begin in about an hour, and already half of the crowd from the previous day was present in the stands.

  “It certainly is. I’m half glad it’s almost over,” Nate said with a slight smile as Sir Ethan began to pull out his armor and weaponry.

  “And the other half?”

  Nate sighed and glanced off towards where Sir Ethan’s camp was hidden behind the merchant tents and crowd. “The other half wants to take your advice and run away with Kiara and never come back.”

  Sir Ethan smirked and patted Nate on the back reassuringly. “I have a different proposition now…” Nate turned to look at him while he spoke. “Go back to Aleph, return Kiara to her father and plead for her hand. If he opposes on the grounds that she is already engaged, perhaps let her choose between the two of you in front of her father… If he opposes because of your social status, then say you are training to be a knight.”

  “But, that would be a lie. I’m not a squire,” Nate said with a shrug. Sir Ethan gave him a sly, mischievous look, which Nate read perfectly clear. “Ah, I see. I could tell Malcolm I’m your squire, training under you to be a knight…”

  “And since Malcolm knows me and trusts me,” Sir Ethan added, “then I could be a good reference for you.”

  Nate grinned briefly, then peered at the knight. “Why are you so eager to help me?” he asked.

  “Simple,” Sir Ethan said, “I believe you have potential. When I watch you fight, it reminds me of myself when I was your age… I was a poor boy, just like you. My father was poor before me, and his father was, too. But, I had a dream of becoming a baron or knight one day, just like you. And one day, while I was practicing in a horse stable, a knight rode by and saw me and thought I had potential. He took me as his squire. Twenty-five years later, here I am,” Sir Ethan held out his hands as if to display his success, “I’m the richest man in my family and I’m living a happy, comfortable life, doing what I love. And, Nathan,” he placed both hands firmly on the rogue’s shoulders, “I believe you can become like me one day, if you have the heart and courage to fight for your dream. Don’t let it die again.”

  Such encouraging, wise words inspired Nate once more to pursue a meaningful future, and one preferably with Kiara by his side. He smiled to the old knight and nodded.

  “But, hear me when I say this,” Sir Ethan warned, leaning in closer to Nate. “You will never get to where you need to go before taking the first step.”

  “What’s the first step?” Nate asked excitedly.

  “Apologize to Kiara for last night.”

  “What?” Nate interjected. “Why should I apologize to her? She’s the one who slapped me!”

  “And I’m saying that you must have done something to deserve that slap, whether you know it or not. Women never do anything that rash without a reason… most of the time, anyway.” Sir Ethan walked back to his trunk and continued unloading the contents.

  Nate scratched his head and thought hard of what offense he must have done to her. “I honestly can’t imagine what I could have done,” he finally admitted.

  “Well, you said that when she was upset last night, you tried to tickle her to make her laugh, then she slapped you. Is that right?”


  “Ok… Did she tell you to not tickle her or to stop?”

  Nate cringed in realization. “Yeah, she kind of did. She told me to stop when I started tickling her, but I just wanted to make her laugh, that’s all.”

  “Women don’t care. If you don’t listen to them and heed them the first time, they get angry. Also, I’ve learned from the many years of living with Lady Elsie that if she is upset, all she wants is for me to leave her alone. Of course, I always want to make her feel better, just like you did. But, that is not what they want. Now, it may be different for some girls, but next time try to give Kiara her space when she’s upset. Got it?”

  Nate nodded and took a deep breath, thinking of how he was going to word this apology.

  After Kiara had eaten a small snack consisting of fruits, her and Lady Elsie took a walk down to the tournament arena where Sir Ethan would be competing. Kiara, though her stomach was full of butterflies fluttered inside her as they drew closer to the stadium. She anxiously gazed around the crowd, searching for Nate. Kiara didn’t know what she would say if she did
find him. She only knew that if she knew where he was, it would be easier to avoid a confrontation.

  Lady Elsie and Kiara took their seats on the front row, having a perfect view of the arena. Lady Elsie was all smiles and as happy as could be, but Kiara’s wandering eye kept her from enjoying anything at the moment. She was so anxious she thought she would burst or throw up her breakfast.

  After a while, Lady Elsie noticed Kiara’s odd behavior and knew exactly what was the matter. “He’s probably helping Sir Ethan put on his armor outside of the arena. You won’t see him until the tournament starts,” she said in a very kind and motherly tone.

  Kiara looked up to Lady Elsie, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “Is it really that obvious that I’m looking for him?” she asked.

  Lady Elsie giggled. “Don’t worry, dear. I was the same way with Sir Ethan. It’s natural for you to want to look for him.”

  The princess sighed and looked down to her feet, feeling a bit ashamed of her conduct. Lady Elsie gave her an encouraging pat on the back, petting her long, smooth hair to sooth Kiara’s bundling nerves. It did help her to relax, but as the trumpets blew to proclaim that the contest was beginning, Kiara’s heart beat more rapidly in her chest as she looked down both sides of the arena, wondering which side Nate would come out of.

  The herald stood up at his podium and soon announced the names and a short message or genealogy about the knights. He introduced Sir Ethan first. Kiara shrunk in her seat, which thankfully was upholstered in velvet and had a cushion for her bottom. She hoped Nate wouldn’t look up and see her.

  But, as luck would have it, as soon as Sir Ethan, Nate and one or two of the knight’s male servants came boldly striding into the arena, Kiara locked gazes with Nate immediately. He must have been looking for her, too. She quickly looked away to hide her blushing red cheeks.

  Kiara tried her hardest to keep her gaze upon something random on the other side of the arena like a flag or abandoned shield, but the effort was futile. She found herself glancing back to Nate, who was glancing back at her and seemed to be having as just as hard of a time avoiding eye contact as she. Kiara’s notice of this sent her heart at a bit of ease, knowing that Nate was having just as difficult a time as her, if not more. She also wondered why.

  The competition did not last long, but it was certainly eventful. Sir Ethan fought against the knight who won the sword contest the previous day in three rounds. One round was with the sword, the second with the axe and the final with daggers. All the weapons were made of wood, of course. Judges watched closely and marked down points for every time each warrior took a hit. The limit before a winner was declared was five points.

  As the fighting commenced, Kiara could see Nate standing by the sidelines, but tried her best to watch Sir Ethan instead. She noticed which techniques were uniquely Nate’s and to her pleasure, every one of those moves either saved Sir Ethan from having a point put against him, or earned him a point against his opponent. Kiara could see Nate’s own satisfied smile when Sir Ethan initiated a technique beautifully. She smiled as well, happy for both him and Sir Ethan.

  The competition was over within less than an hour. And to everyone’s joy, Sir Ethan won all three matches. He was awarded the grand prize of one hundred gold pieces, as well as a new horse.

  Lady Elsie cheered on her husband and when her knight walked off the field, she ran from her seat and hurried out to greet and congratulate him. This left Kiara sitting in her own seat, staring around, bewildered and in a panic of what to do now. She hated being left like that. Instinctively, Kiara stood up and ran after Lady Elsie to catch up, almost getting lost in the congested crowd.

  But, before she knew it, she did find a familiar face, just not the one she was looking for. Nate could be seen not more than a few yards away, peering over the heads of the crowd, looking for someone too. And Kiara knew just whom he was searching for. She ducked as low as she could go without looking conspicuous and weaved her way through the mass of bodies, trying to get away from Nate. She didn’t know why she did this, but something similar to fear was provoking it. She wasn’t read to face him just yet.

  Kiara maneuvered her way around as gracefully as she could, squeezing in between people, dodging little children running around like wild animals, and eventually found herself all the way on the opposite side of the main arena from where Sir Ethan was stationed. When she thought it safe, Kiara poked her head up to glance behind her. She didn’t see him; so she slowed down and stood up straighter.

  However, as soon as she did and turned back to watch where she was going, Kiara almost ran straight into someone. Recognizing the blue tunic, she looked up in horror to see Nate, standing in front of her, looking frightened as well. She let out a surprised squeak and impulsively turned straight around and tried to run off. But, Nate was too quick for her and grabbed her by the arm.

  “Hey, where are you going?” he asked, pulling her back.

  Kiara looked up to him, feeling she would burst right at that moment if she opened her mouth. “I… uh… I was looking for Lady Elsie. She ran out of the stands without me and I was trying to find her.”

  “Oh.” Nate let out a sigh of relief, giving her a weak smile, “Well, you’re on the wrong side of the arena… Are you alright?” he asked as his smile slowly wilted.

  Was Kiara’s face so readable that everyone could tell she was upset? She tried to put on her old, dusty mask of contentment, but she felt it crumbling. “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just the crowd. I’m feeling a little overheated, that’s all.”

  Nate donned a peculiar look of concern and nodded. “Ok… Let’s take the long way around then, to avoid the crowd. Sir Ethan will be serving lunch at camp soon.”

  “Oh, no, I’ll go this way,” Kiara replied, motioning and starting to move back the way that she came, which was still dense with people. Nate raised an eyebrow at her and was about to inquire why she would willfully put herself back into the crowd that was supposedly making her uncomfortable, but before he could, Kiara slipped out of his grasp and hurried back into the fray.

  Kiara didn’t like to brush him off like that, but her nerves needed a break. And all of the sudden, she fretted over the idea of eating lunch with him. It was as if the new realization that they had a mutual intimacy for each other caused her to become more skittish, which was completely contrary to her normal personality. She would have to force herself to forget any suspicions about Nate’s feelings towards her so she could function naturally again.

  She wormed her way through the crowd once more and found Sir Ethan and Lady Elsie gathered at his practice tent close to the arena. They looked to be discussing something in a gay, giddy mood. Upon seeing Kiara approach, they hushed their conversation and turned to her with grins. Sir Ethan was already out of his armor, but drenched in sweat that he was mopping from her brow and neck.

  “I’m so sorry for leaving you at the arena. I was just so excited, I forgot my manners,” Lady Elsie said.

  Kiara only smiled and found her courage. “Oh, it’s fine.”

  “Did you find Nathan out there? We have to get these things back to the tent for lunch. I sent him out to…” Sir Ethan paused and peered past Kiara with a nod, “Ah! There he is. Come, Nathan and help me get these things back to the camp.”

  Kiara swiftly turned about to see Nate coming upon the group with a sober, thoughtful expression that made her wonder. He only glanced to her, gave a weak grin and walked past with his eyes cast down. All of the sudden, Kiara felt offended by his lack of enthusiasm to see her.

  Lady Elsie rushed to Kiara’s side as Nate began to assist Sir Ethan and his servants in packing up his equipment. Kiara stiffened her back and tried to not show her startled feeling.

  When the men left with their cargo, Lady Elsie took Kiara by the arm and pulled her aside from any prying ears. “Did you two quarrel? Did he not forgive you? What is wrong, dear?”

  “I haven’t the slightest idea. I left the arena, looking for you and fou
nd him. He offered to escort me back on a path that was away from the crowd, but I refused and walked off without another word… I’m afraid I may have offended him again. Oh, what’s wrong with me?” Kiara buried her face in her hands with a groan.

  Lady Elsie smiled sympathetically and hugged the girl about her shoulders. “My dear, nothing is wrong. I will try to get you two together again so you may resolve these issues. Don’t you worry.”

  “No!” Kiara looked up hastily. “No, I can’t face him, not yet. I feel so humiliated and confused and anxious, I feel as if I’ll bust at any moment if I’m forced to speak to him before I’m ready. Please, just leave the matter alone?” she pleaded to the puzzled Lady Elsie. She sighed and nodded in agreement.

  “I’ll do my best not to meddle. I just hate to see you two unhappy. Shall I have Nathan room with the other male servants? Or do you believe you two will stay tonight?”

  “I’m not sure… I don’t want to think of anything past lunch to be honest.”

  Kiara and Lady Elsie made their way slowly back to the camp, taking their time so as to avoid running into Nate.

  “Would you like to take your lunch in the tent? I’ll eat with you, if that will make you feel better,” Lady Elsie offered.

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea. Would Sir Ethan be ok with that idea?”

  “I’m sure he will be… Although, may I give you a hint of advice?”

  Kiara turned to her, listening more closely, hoping that she would tell the secret to killing these passions and feelings of turmoil inside.

  “I understand how you are feeling,” Lady Elsie began, “but, if this fear that you are feeling is going to drive you away from Nathan and all chances of mending your friendship with him, then - forgive me for being blunt - you need to get over it and face your problems. If you keep running from Nathan, trying to hide your feelings and never attempting to find out if he truly loves you in return, then you may regret it for the rest of your life.”

  Lady Elsie’s speech made Kiara grow quiet and even graver. It wasn’t that she thought the advice rude or uncalled for, but because she knew that the lady was right. The two walked on with an understanding silence between them.


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