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The Princess and Her Rogue

Page 56

by Sheritta Bitikofer

  When they entered the throne room, Nate first heard the low roar of murmuring voices. He looked up to find that everyone at the castle had assembled in the throne room. Both sides of the room were filled with knights, squires, peasants and people that Nate actually recognized, including the Forger family and his father, who were standing near the front, as well as Sir Ethan, Lady Elsie and Gwen.

  Nate stopped just beyond the threshold and everyone grew silent and turned to look at him and Justin with happy, expectant smiles. At the head of the room, sat Malcolm on his throne and the royal family standing around the marble steps.

  “What’s going on?” Nate mumbled to Justin, keeping a wary eye on everyone who was staring at him.

  “You’ll see. Put down your bag and come on.”

  Nate did as he was told, slowly dropping the bag to the floor and following Justin to approach Malcolm. The king looked cheerful, dressed in his aquamarine blue robe. The only thing wrong with this picture was that his arm was wrapped up and in a sling, still recovering from his battle wounds.

  As they drew closer to the throne, Nate could see Kiara’s radiant beauty standing not too far away from Nate’s father, Randolph. She was wearing the dress that Nate had bought her. Kiara grinned widely at him, trying to look as humble as possible. Nate couldn’t resist a weak smile briefly before turning back to the king.

  Justin held out his hand for Nate to stop just before the marble steps as he ascended to his own throne beside the king, on the other side from Eshean. Nate gave another suspicious glance around at the guests in the hall, who were still quietly watching him.

  Nate turned back to Malcolm and hoped this wasn’t going to be something bad.

  “Nathaniel de Hunt, over the course of three weeks, you have done my kingdom and I a great deal of good,” Malcolm began, his voice booming within the vast chamber, echoing through the high rafters. “You rescued my daughter from the jaws of death, you informed me of Deceiver’s plot to rebel against my throne, you have stepped in to save the life of several of your comrades in battle, and above all, you have saved my life and contributed to the arrest of the most notorious villain in our kingdom’s history. You have displayed virtues of courage, nobility, chivalry, integrity, honor and vigilance. In combat, you were valiant and brave beyond measure. Such characteristics have not been shown in men your age, and sometimes even older. Without a doubt, I have never met a more worthy warrior than you… Kneel.”

  Nate’s eyes went wide upon the king, wondering if her was serious. Malcolm gave him a fatherly smile and nodded. Nate paused and cast his eyes down, contemplating all that Malcolm had just said.

  “Your majesty, with all due respect, I do not deserve any reward or honor from you or anyone else in the room. I beg your permission to be dismissed.”

  The congregation peered at Nate in confusion. Kiara’s smile went sour as it appeared that Nate was turning down the chance for them to be together. Malcolm stood up and walked to the edge of his platform and looked down upon Nate, his smile gradually fading as the rogue’s head did not rise with confidence as it might have in the past.

  “Nathan, this is not a time for humility. I know that what I am about to offer you, you have wanted for a very long time. If you still want it, I recommend you kneel now.” Malcolm could not understand why Nate was doing this, and frankly, nor could anyone else.

  “I do not deny that I have very much wanted what you may be offering me. I have dreamed of nothing else for years, my lord. But, upon reflection, I have come to realize that this blessing would become too great of a responsibility. I am unworthy of it and I am unwilling to take on this burden. It would be too painful, because the dream would not be complete and never will be. The disadvantages vastly outweigh the benefits in my eyes and I cannot accept this honor. I will gladly take anything else… including death,”

  Malcolm sighed and understood his hesitation. He glanced to Kiara, who looked as if she would burst into tears at any moment, her hurt gaze solely fixed upon Nate’s solemn countenance.

  The king nodded. “Very well then… Kiara, come here,” he requested, motioning Kiara from her hiding place to step forward. The princess looked up to her father with slight hesitation and puzzlement, but when he gave her an encouraging smile, she obeyed and joined Nate before the king.

  “Would this make your dream complete?” the king asked, motioning to his daughter. Nate and Kiara gazed up to each other with deep red blushes, everyone’s eyes watching the rogue’s response. Knowing he could not lie, Nate nodded his head in reply. The corners of Kiara’s mouth twitched into a smile and Nate’s own lips mimicked hers.

  “Then, I give you my heartfelt consent to her hand in marriage if you will take it.”

  Nate shot his eyes up to the king filled with utter shock. Muttering and murmuring erupted from the congregation, but were silenced quickly by Eshean’s cane pounding on the floor, ordering peace. Nate looked back to Kiara in disbelief. Were they just pronounced engaged? The rogue wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t just dreaming.

  “But, your majesty, Sir Claude… He is…” Nate stuttered, still baffled by what was going on.

  Malcolm smirked and waved Sir Claude to come forward. Nate looked to the proud knight, who had a grave look of conviction smothered in his expression.

  “Nathan, when we were battling side by side the other day and you saved me from being killed, I realized you were the better man out of the both of us. You were willing to stick to the code of honor and chivalry rather than promote your own agenda. I broke the engagement between Kiara and I as soon as we arrived back.”

  Nate thought it was too incredible. Was this all really true?

  “Satisfied?” Malcolm asked with a sly grin. As Sir Claude stepped away, Nate looked back up to the king, his expression still one of shock and surprise. He paused for a moment to assess the new situation, and then nodded, his vocal cords too twisted to speak.

  “Then, please kneel.”

  Kiara stepped away, her eyes glistening for joy as she saw Nate take a knee before Malcolm. Then, the king pulled out his long sword and gently tapped its blade upon both of Nate’s broad shoulder.

  “Rise, Sir Nathaniel de Hunt,” Malcolm announced proudly.

  And oh, how Nate rose with confidence, his countenance beaming with pride and boldness. The congregation all clapped in his honor and cheered with glee as Malcolm sheathed his sword with a gratified smile. He held up his hand to silence them so he could say something more, although Nate didn’t think he could take any more surprises.

  “Sir Nathan, I hereby bestow upon you all of the wooded land of Deceiver’s old territory, formally known as ‘Deceiver’s forest’ I am told that you are most familiar with that particular plot of land, as well as the outer regions known as the Grey, of which I will give you the southern strip of. Do with the land what you wish and I will sponsor you in the place of a baron. Until you are able to build a home of your own, you will be my honored guest in the castle with your own suite in the soldier wing…” Malcolm turned to the congregation, “I will hold a special banquet tonight to celebrate Sir Nathan and Princess Kiara’s engagement and you are all invited to attend!”

  And with that, everyone was dismissed to congratulate Nate’s great achievement. Even Sir Claude came up and gave him a hearty handshake. Nate embraced his father and immediately began discussing plans for them to clear out some of the land to make room for a small village, where the Forgers were invited to live and work in.

  But, Kiara had other ideas in mind. She excused herself and Nate from the crowd, grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the throne room and out into the deserted courtyard. Kiara led him over into the sunlight.

  “Isn’t this wonderful, Nate? We’re engaged and you’re a knight! Can you believe it?” Kiara cried out, completely ecstatic, while Nate tried to keep himself sober.

  “Yeah, I… wow.” Nate was still at a loss for words over the whole idea of him being a knight. “It’s incr
edible,” he remarked, combing his fingers through his hair, gazing in disbelief at the throne room doors.

  Kiara held Nate’s face in her hands and redirected his gaze back to her. “Are you alright?” she asked with a giggle.

  “Yes, of course I am… But, is this what you want too?” Nate asked, bringing his hands up to her face and lightly stroking her beautiful, flawless cheeks.

  Kiara’s grin couldn’t be weakened. “Yes, more than anything.”

  Nate let out a breath of relief, smiled and suddenly remembering something. He reached down into his deep trouser pocket and pulled out the silver ring he had bought from the tournament marketplace, its shiny texture glittering in the light.

  Kiara’s hands fled to her lips in delightful surprise. Nate took her left hand and gingerly slipped the blessed ring onto her ring finger, then kissed the back of it. Their happiness was now complete. It took them a while, but everything was falling into place. Who knew that just over the span of three weeks, so many miraculous and glorious events could occur.

  As little blossom leaves fluttered to the ground around them, Nate and Kiara enveloped each other in one more passionate kiss, knowing there would be many more to come and no one could say a word against them.

  No words were needed to express the young couple’s pure elation. The two children who used to play under this same apple blossom tree many years ago, were now standing under it as a happily engaged couple. Nothing could be sweeter than the feeling of true peace, hope and joy that existed in their love.

  For more novels by this author, check out the following:

  The Princess and Her Rogue



  The Neustrian Chronicles

  The Decimus Trilogy

  The Beast of Verona

  Amber Ashes - Coming October, 2015

  Saving the Beast - Coming November, 2015

  Check out Sheritta’s social media pages for “Story Behind the Story” sneak peeks and news on up and coming novels:


  Twitter: @moonstruckwrite



  And check out Book Trailers at her Youtube Channel:




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