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  A millennium and two centuries later, again in the depth of winter, this region became the scene of a musical struggle which ended in a great Turco-Jewish success. Khazar Heritage and World Media had now changed parts: the defenders of the musical bridge betwixt the Eastern and Western Classical Musics-the founding fathers of Kurdi Makaams were the attackers of the third millennium and the God-Fathers of so called Arabesque Music in Turkey. The false naming swept across the frontier, and, as you will learn, wrested from the enemy-Khazar Music not only Erzurum, the most important stronghold of Arab Cultural Expansion in Asia Minor, but the Black Sea Region-the birt place of Orhan Gencebay-Kençebay and pushed south to within two hundred and fifty miles of the Kurdish Spoken region on the Tigris. And the new emperor, İbrahim Tatlıses-Abraham Tatlı, put his hand on the standard only ignoring the false naming of Khazar Music and using the ridiculous term Arabic instead of it.

  My first sample of primitive polyphonic Khazar musical compositions stands 7 degrees above monophonic level of Arabic Music, in a sort of polyphonic pocket of notes amidst lofty “mezzo fortes” which hem it in on the pitch sounds, middle eight scales, and basses. All listeners must enter the musical city of Khazar Culture by one or other of six roads of tempered notes.


  (From life stories to the living religion theory)

  The New Mesopotamians’ condition of being pious believers is contradictory in its content because, in wanting to Messiah’s Coming Back-The ascension of Jesus the Christ whose virgin mother had been got pregnant with baby Messiah-they don’t help themselves but swearing KADER/FATE the prostitute, it excludes all Value Heavenly related to Godly Designed future, when to love the God/The Saviour is, in itself, a Heavenly Value. To believe is to judge. It is untrue to say that life is not a trap for everybody. But it is true that it is impossible to imagine a life cleaned of traps. Those countless-myriad-tricks, betrayals, torture, suffer, and loss. From this simplified point of view, the victimized position of the newborn, could be translated into the action of self help, is inconceivable. It is equally inconceivable when translated into being sterilized of belief or atheism. Simply by being expressed for both good believer and non-aggressive atheist gives a minimum of surrendering to rebelling, and introduce consequence where, according to their special way of life, there is none who shouldn’t be after to be rescued from the TRAP we call LIFE.

  Thinking, reading, writing, speaking, singing are all restorative for the PEOPLE ON THE PATH OF SELF IMPROVEMENT, and being the first to save oneself before The Saviour Saves! The only incontinence attitude based on The Doom before DEATH would be “Shutting Up” if it is only an awkward silence under the oppression that were not related to any dreams like American Dream. Even the most bigot Anti-American militant who could not controlled by the allies in Anatolia-The New Mesopotamians-is to follow the holy motto: “Impossible is nothing!”

  The Trap called Life, in its purest form, attempts not to torture us only but likes to see us deaf and dumb. So as The New Mesopotamians’ saying goes, “Who choose silence before the EVIL is DEVIL without tongue!”


  In every line-AYAT-of SURAT-UL NEJM the Holy Quran descended to the Prophet simultaneously experiences rejection of ancient Arabic Goddesses whose idol characters and having been females-all of them-were open threat to his rights in teaching “ONE AND ONLY GOD" and a complete and spontaneous loyalty to Angels’ certain aspects that made Prophet crying in revolt: "Male to Judeo-Christians and Female to Muslims!"

  That could not be accepted. Necm Suresi, Lat, Uzza, Menat, Şira Yıldızı'nın Rabbi, Ezoterik ... ... izli9.html - ÖnbellekNecm Suresi. 62 ayetten oluşan sure, adım ayetin başındaki "yıldız" anlamına gelen "en-Necm " kelimesinden almıştır: Battığı zaman yıldıza andolsun ki, ...

  Thus he implicitly brings into bouquet of the Mankind’s prehistoric goddess namely Mom-the Nature as a new standard of religious values so far from being content with that he is prepared to support it no matter what he risks. Up to this point and he has at least remained silent and has abandoned himself to the form of despair in which Nature-the MOM was to be accepted even though it is considered unjust to be embraced. To remain silent is to give the impression that the Prophet has got a great desire to have a valuable opinion about The Nature...“Allah'ım, bana eşyayı olduğu gibi göster” (göründüğü gibi değil ... - Önbellek

  Peygamber Efendimizin en sık dile getirdiği duanın “Allah'ım bana eşyayı ( şeyleri) olduğu gibi göster” olduğunu belirtmiş, bir de Mevlana'nın ünlü eseri ...



  Awareness of the New Mesopotamians, no matter how confused it may be to live the paradox of being very pious believers and swear the FATE/ KADER the prostitute, develops no act of blasphemy from the point of the Muslim subjects-still the greatest majority in Anatolia-of Ottoman Empire and Soviet type/Semi Military state viz. Turkish Republic: only the chronic benumbing perception that there is something in man with which he can identify himself as the little Messiah, even if only for a moment, and makes all good believers of the canonical laws induced Religions (Judeo-Christianity and Islam)to long for the MESIAH’s coming back to rule the world in peace.. What is very interesting is that up till now this identification was never really observed. Before the rebel writer-CAMUS qualifies the CREATION as absurd and Hawking justifies the CREATOR useless while the UNIVERSE could create itself with its NATURAL or Physical Laws, the New Mesopotamians wouldn’t like to accept all the demands made upon him by the CREATOR as a docile lamp might do it.



  Very often they even try to understand the orders i.e. KADER/the FATE through fortune tellers’ tales, the signs of Horoscope commentators, and by means of interpreting some ominous or auspicious events without reacting against them, which were far more reductive to mend humane faults than to exploit the keys presented by the fate. He accepted them patiently sometimes, though they may have protested before the public opinion with the most indecent words, swearing, and cursing the FATE/KADER the whore but in that frequently they remained silent while they were more concerned with their own immediate interests than as yet aware of his own rights to despise THE CREATOR for Her faults, or to find Her Creation absurd or simple as CAMUS and Hawking do! But with loss of patience a reaction begins which can extend to swearing that they overtly, boldly, clearly are to appreciate the Fate/Nature the MOM-implicitly The Creator-as blind, indecent, betraying as an ordinary prostitute!

  The very moment the New Mesopotamian subjects of the Creator refuses to obey the humiliating operations of their Fate, they simultaneously rejects the condition of blasphemy. Instead they embrace GOD-The Saviour more heartily. The act of praying piously carries them far beyond the point they had reached by simply swearing Nature-the Mom/The Creator.

  The New Mesopotamians never exceeds the bounds that they fixed for their opposition to a Dirty Fate/KADER the prostitute, and they demands to be treated as an equal in the world of believers who would use four weapons


  -Perception of the mankind’s godly power (MEVLA) to their own self rescuing what was at first the man’s obstinate resistance now becomes the whole humanity, who is identified with and summed up in the resistance even against The Creator.

  -If the weak part of their personal MESSIAH-MEVLA that they want to be respected as a quality of GOD couldn’t proceed they give their ritual waiting for MESIAH-The Christ.

  -If it becomes for them the supreme good to believe in the Messiah and blackening the Fate as
being in the interjection “You female wheel/FELEK of God how humbug you are” they wouldn’t use the heavy words in swearing Fate/KADER.

  -Having up to now been willing to compromise, the New Mesopotamians adopts gradually an attitude insisting for many centuries “If the wheel of GOD does disturb us we swear and curse it whether it carries even a bit of the wit of GOD or not’”

  -With New Mesopotamians, the new conscious has been born, and over their religious virtue-the newest in the World-they understood that Nature the MOM/The Creator has got the highest cleverness, wit, conscious and conscience.

  But can we see that the knowledge about the Creator gained by New Mesopotamians is including at the same time “Holy Soul”, or this is rather obscure?

  The believers of Monotheistic Religions want to pray one and only God who is only living all over the universe, and only owner of it which should be in need of saved by the MESSIAH who ought to be accepted as the peace representative of THE GOD. This definition is too much convenient to qualify the Holy Father/Holy Soul, and shared by both Judeo-Christians and Muslims because of the GREAT TRAP we used to call as THE LIFE could not be anything related to absolute SALVATION!

  According to The New Mesopotamians THE FATE is a female-Godly-power who could make so much witty and dirty things on purpose. Apparently in their sub-consciousness The New Mesopotamians identify Nature-The Mom completely with the female godly servant of God if not His daughter about whose evils-besides those of the devils-they have-by means of intuition-become aware and by whom they want to be personally well treated and not be tired with nuisance which CAMUS would callABSURDITY!

  At the first stages of the life of an adult person The New Mesopotamians would like to reach absolute peace! It should never be a welcomed death of course nor suicide as CAMUS was probably underestimated to be tending.

  Mental abilities of Nature-The MOM, according to the saints of the New Mesopotamians, well suffice occasionally to represent a transition from the smiling face to gloomy cheeks, from what is desired to what is abominable arbitrarily!

  Through the intermediary phases of happiness what is generally considered undesirable The New Mesopotamians call for their own-individual-Messiah to help them! In historical lines of his YUNUS EMRE-The Poet and Saint says:

  Using the reason and tongue of mountains

  Let me call you: my Messiah-MEVLA, whence

  The birds twitting in early down!

  ekşi sözlük - kutsal bilgi kaynağı - çağırayım mevlam seniçağırayım%20mevlam%20seni

  dağlar ile, taşlar ile çağırayım mevlam seni seherlerde kuşlar ile çağırayım mevlam seni sular dibinde mahi ile sahralarda ahu ile abdal olup "ya hu" ile ...


  The transition from the belief of New Mesopotamian to the logical conclusions is to manifest, as we ought to understand, the owner of Holy Spirit is the owner-not the creator-of the breath by means of which He had got Virgin Mary pregnant with the Messiah who could be the one and only chance to be rescued from the Nature-the MOM who would be the most clever when she would help us or destroy our little worlds of which we should be learn the master i.e. MEVLA/the individual size Messiah. So is the transition from “How nice the life is” to “This is full of tricks and traps so I ought to know how I should call the Messiah within my soul for the time being and long for the coming back of the Messiah” and even more so, perhaps, the duty of the SELF DEVELOPMENT of the individual in a henceforth ability of swearing the Fate/KADER the whore representing perfidious components of the Creator’s Wheel/FELEK from the Satan to accidents. If we remember the Freudian rule-saying there is no accidence in the Universe-the Satan shall be the unique source of evil and the greatest enemy and virtuous farm hand of the Creator!

  As The Creator and even Her Creation have got wit, cleverness, all type of virtues of our brains prove CAMUS’ concept of “Absurdity” yes prove “Absurd”, contrary to his opinion, and show us that Her pseudo absurd actually perfidious nuisance could spring from everything that is most strictly individualistic in man or social in human society. If SELF DEVELOPMENT is to be possible at the rate of crying aloud the American proverb which prove us that “impossible is nothing” then the mankind shouldn’t accept to be loser!

  Coming Next:



  As you shall see in the last State Story written for the sake of showing the readers the New Mesopotamians activities as being Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish Muslims and the sufferings they have been inflicted by Anti-European Movements within the boundaries of Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic. The path of the New Mesopotamians is to make the persons PM who seem as the friends of the USA and Europe! In every general election polls would happen in a special political victory of theirs because they are the greatest majority of Anatolian Voters. They used to win always in their political struggles against non liberal and aggressive atheist groups, and as a consequence of their act of the lovers of American type liberalism, they have demonstrated by doing so that they were willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a common good on the way of American Dream which they considered more important than their own destiny even THE FATE.

  If they prefer the risk of death to the negation of the human rights that they defend, it is because they consider these rights more important than themselves. Therefore they are acting in the name of certain religion values which are paradoxically determinate but which they feel are common to themselves and to all allies of the USA including Russia. We see that the affirmation implicit in every act of SWEARING THE FATE is extended to something that “transcends the individual insofar as it withdraws themselves from his supposed solitude and provides them with a reason to act” yet their idealist courage is worth being the American lover heroes since Korean War! Their self sacrifice is not for the sake of Americans in flesh but for the American dream that is loved already in Europe from Russia to Spain...

  In their world that the American Dream Lovers assert themselves when the general election times come to the fixed conclusion that a strong belief has strengthened on something in their hearts!

  It shall be possible for us forever to define the positive aspects of the values implicit in every act of SELF DEVELOPMENT over EXPLORING RELIGION or having the chance of SALVATION who could know the way to be saved by the Messiah. Comparing the philosophies of aggressive atheists with a completely negative concept like that of resentment as defined by MONOTHEISTIC religions as a good one who would be worth of being rescued by the Messiah with that of the Non-Judeo Christian good believers namely the New Mesopotamians we could reach the station of THE LIFE TRAIN of which tickets were reserved for only the people having been on the right path and waiting for the coming of The Messiah.



  Several observations covering CAMUS’ Absurdity/Rebelling, HAWKING’s, thoughts concerning the creation of The Universe, and the religious cocktail of hard pious praying/bold swearing without blasphemy had support the principles which could help every souls in SELF DEVELOPMENT:

  First, we can see that THE CREATOR-Nature The Mom is cleverer than all of us, and her acts of ruining or repairing are not, essentially, controlled by us without our individual Messiah hidden in the heart or THE MESSIAH-the son of Virgin Mary who had been got pregnant with the Jesus the Christ by the OWNER OF HOLY SPIRIT AN ALL UNIVERSE-all monotheistic believers would be obligatorily longing for to live in The World of Eternal Peace. Of course, our reasonable behaviours can have the power of resistance against the EVIL of The CREATOR, and that of The DEVIL beside caressing The Protective and Helping face of hers viz. The Creator/N
ature the Mom!

  Second we can observe the New Mesopotamians saying-without uttering a single word- very well “The creator can protect or ruin one whom she has created. But she cannot be appreciated as a godly presence equal to The Saviour because The Saviour/Messiah has got the infinite power to open the eyes of the blind, and to enliven absolutely dead creatures in abstract or concrete meanings.”

  Third, in spite of The CREATOR’s Will is to severely prohibit the mankind’s worst crime i.e. ANARCHY following the SATAN, and everybody know that HEGEL has defined THE STATE as the Shadow of The CREATOR the traces of Messiah hidden in human make us able to resist against the bunch of lies of the SATAN and defy the oppression of the FATE/KADER the prostitute.

  Moreover, HUMANS – once they have accepted the motives of SELF DEVELOPMENT and at the moment of absolute debacle they risk everything. They demand respect for HUMANITY, of course, but only insofar as they identify THE SOCIETY’s basic element-The Family, with a religiously and morally exalted community: THE PROPER PLACE OF THE SAVIOUR!


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