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Sometimes have the odd 'cruelty' guilt pang about unusually taking the mickey like that but something about the bossy tone and the regimented approach got to my sense of rebellion, so then I laugh and remember their faces...
You did live thousand-times the fake brilliance of the light falls upon you from the skirts of the ladies whose beauty had been exaggerated within the limitless boundaries of you imaginary or over the modern mythology of Marxist-Leninist leaders braveries that would carry their people to poverty, humourlessness in being devoid of honour . You also obligatorily saw the real faces of your parents, neighbours, friends and the like too for several times floating up over your memoirs and splash around muddy liquids of the history of the people we know from the surface of their first impression on us, in spite of the fact that you loathe everything irregular, untidy, coward and soiled up unless these peculiarities should belong to you! An yet what about the animals -our no-affectation frank, cordial, genuine friends!
After the well defined LOVE CAPACITY of THE HUMAN had come to the scene of the HISTORY OF HEART a new actor has arrived, THE ANIMAL! This announcement you heard ought to cover THE PETS first distinctly and yet there could be no obstacle to announce the same things for wild life from tigers to hamsters! For instance the door of modern folk to the anteroom was wide open to embrace them before shaking hands with human visitors!
No pet in the world merely wish to become an actor in the fragile atmosphere of a dating but sometimes one of the two sides may show anything like phobia concerning even the little pets having no potentiality in the case of this or that way not to be corrected easily! Then we reach the question asking where the pets must be while its owner dating? No one asks the reader, craning one's neck, and making an oppression with his eyes over the glasses frames. And yet all of us are apt to live such problems regarding pets' roles in our lives instead the main position of a pet-no matter it may be a bulldog or pussy cat-is based on love, only love!
The young and old bachelors with the fashionable garments and accessories to give a last aesthetics touch to their appearance could be feeling themselves for a dating but if some of them would be suffering from claustrophobia, all sorts phobia concerning pet or the little creatures from spiders to mice ought to arrange the first phases of the dating organized in the fresh air, briefly outdoors.
The women would be, besides, to be attentive not to be dressed in white for a green horn male dating with a sweetheart for the first time could scatter saliva, coke drops, parts of greasy hamburger dressing onto the light colour, lovely skirts!
Pets are occasionally-pardon me, generally-taking place in the centre of DATING in metropolitans. For instance the distinct shadow of a powerful mandible dog, say, a Rottweiler of the girl under which one would be dating dreaming her bosom in spite of the distance kept by the beast the male could only stiffly seated. Temptation created by the boobs might be evaluated to abstinence in a winter day that should dictate the dating pairs to be indoors under the frightening silhouettes of big beasts growing towards evening!
When dating even the simplest soul in the old earth may turn into the creator of the world to give a new shape to that earth as an Afghani who may not know to wash his hand after cleaning the anal region by means of flat stones after laying shit across the fields makes the brick-made homes to make love with God knows HOWMANIETH WIFE of his! Before the forces of CIVILISATIONS like Russians or Americans everyone would start to make a new marriage-you must accept this very term marriage as a substitution of dating we all used to do in the East and west Europe-once one arrived in a village where one had never been before.
Dating is to strike one who perceive how broad and open are the path-at times full of the pets which belong generally to the female- going to the point where a male and a female is supposed to meet with each other. Everywhere around that point especially the male tends to see new short bushes as tall old trees in front of. It may be a rainy day, yet he feels the gloomy sky sun shining, everything pleasing the wet air stricken plants with glamorous beams. The dating pare would try to indicate the meanings of their manners by means of the meaningless manners in which they obstinately greet each other and the people passing by in front of them without replying them friendly even if in a mood somewhat tepid or impartially presented. The one who loves dating may not love himself or the partner but dating itself.
If the time for dating is a serene, blue and blues induced night the partners would rather think it would be nice to spend the hours of sleeping indoors. I as the author must be thinking here that the pets-especially the large viz. number three size terriers of the dating female might be more intimidating for the male to open his bare hips into the direction of inquisitive eyes-inquisitive and identified with sharp canines-waiting the large minutes-larger even than the dog itself-to pass! But if one of the dating partners would wish or hope the time to pass speedily the dating should be denatured.
One remembers downright now one's dating memoirs within which the seconds past under a lilac-covered wall of a briar when a small aperture opening into veranda, where only three faces of a mice family-daddy, mom and the urchin mouse kitten-peered out, vanished, and appeared again.
Though pets are not strange creatures, we humans say-not aloud of course-we have been alienated to the situation of "Stranger", so turning to beginning beside two sides of the dating there would be pets as if they had got something with us as we make love or at least while preparing to do it. And, as if to embarrass one of us, there might be in fact standing a big terrier-number three in size-or a Rottweiler next to us with either showing its tongue between sharp teeth! obviously we must be quickly recovered after putting it out of the door. The door? Oh our Lord, what an awkward things we could fancy in the cases of The Door! Could we see the possibility that through it every little door opened?
Yes, shall you ask, but what's strange in that? Why it might not the hubbub of the Turkish tenant farmer's children. Maybe their footsteps would be audible now and who should look out to see who would be walking there without being afraid of to be too late for the dating time. Every religious stories ought to be based on the explanations simple, morally transparent, of course so I am to narrate each incident hoping to see your faces with a smile. Things would be right down seem queer to the people stranger from the point of Abraham's saviour and grandson-the Messiah, his faith. Thank you for your reading my compilations here.
"Dating in the same way" is something like "Swimming in the same river" and not possible from the-exactly correct-point of my beloved co-ancestors namely ancient Greeks besides the Semitic People (The Sons of Abraham) who provided the humanity with the one and only reality: Religion; yet one ought to remind the reader that there would be no reason or means for us to walk on the ways of the religion if Saint Augustine hadn't build the Institution of Belief as the best fortified worldly reality: Religion. Religion has got so much a huge roof above the heads of clear youth that they can seed the first steps of a decent dating aiming at to enrich the East and West European People with new generation a simple but magnificent procedure beginning with the wedding ceremony to end with a new beginning to give birth European Children who are not to live in the Europe only but in The America and Australia too!
All dating sceneries are to have the same order reflecting one behind the other-while climbing some steps-or not side by side. One could see then you turned and asked: "Is this the right way to the enter a coffee house-STARBUCKS or not- or anywhere like a café in any phase of dating?"
LORD BLESS US! This is really a question to ask in vain! The main problem from the point of dating is not to climb upstairs but to stopped and coming downstairs. We don't and cannot have any guarantee about the ending date of dating as we can ascertain its beginning, debut duration during the average dating time especially the period of both sides' introducing!
Religiously there is nothing advised properly in the path of Humanly Dating-far from the mating of Hyenas- and none under sanctuaries can claim as "rather we have one but it can't be lived in". It's standards' sophisticated bundle belongs to the community within which the dating parts live and with the condition that no one has the right to apply anything for the management of dating otherwise it could be turn over to an old crippled way of life with which the community already had had to provide us for centuries.
With one's wit one can manages the dating, but in such a way that one can hardly pass by the door of feelings of the lady young or old with whom one is to realize the dating! One must keep it in one's mind that the meticulous portrait of a female heart reflecting out of her chest is will be very strong always. The points of the nerves are always very much sensible with the perception made by suspicion, fear and being excessively circumspect. The most wretched way of dating under the female's defensive oppression may carry a disgrace to the male's experiences involving the love affairs, a disgrace to the soul which is supposed to be in need of self respect. None wants to contradict the honour of a man; his appearance provoked by innocent defence peculiar to all ladies but one ought to endure the censorship induced, peevish looking of the people roaming around the vicinity where the dating is to take place.
Summarising the queer and tasteful matter-Dating, the author and the reader should share the same features with fearfully opened eyes, gray skins, dilated nostrils, absurdly pink hued cheeks, and very thoughtful wrinkles spreading all over the muscle areas of the face. Well, apropos the observations over the visible peculiarities of dating sides one may make a harsh remark that dating is a matter of weird fate sampling the initial steps of the different sides of-generally-the male and the female ,and none can express any great surprise at this state of dating affairs, furthermore then go on with an instinctive reaction: "The let's stop it!"
While reading the religious text-Dating, don't turn left or right. You'll go straightforwardly to see the main signs of the male and the female at once. That of the man is timidity decorated with boldness and the other is about seeming timid in hidden boldness! That's it. I thank all dating pairs of the earth for my observations to discover the latent and overfed weirdness of dating compared with the marriage. I call all the readers now to walk past dating pairs while they try to regard the holy fruits of The modern conservative Blondie and the gentle but The lion hearted husband model-American Marines end their brethren (including Russians) namely the sword of Lord whose breath-The Messiah that is closer to the hearts of dating pairs and much more closer those pairs ready for wedding!
The mankind has no way of guarding against the possibility that the dating pairs-pairs because the there may be eternal triangle: an e male two females or vice versa but dating obligatorily consists of only two persons who will had give themselves right or wrong directions, but they are determined to be put on artefact faces for not reflecting the sexual trends in the way of cheating or tending to make-in the genuine dialect of drug takers-group sex either by their self control forcing them to march past cordiality now and then, or by the fact that they have such remarkable affectation that can abandon all attempts to show each one's real face alongside the classical artistic mimics and gestures.
Every instinct could direct the dating pairs to the places where beer, music and even dance available as well as the clean and serene corners to change kisses, and if the place they would go were dirty, why then for once they would simply kiss each other standing up or sitting down in dirt, if only to satisfy in accordance with their universal obligation to do something while dating which generally belongs to the Creator-Nature the Mom. Moreover, they not have much of a choice; it is already something which call them to date of which ways of life are muddy from the saliva, and it is a long way to the next stop to stop saliva and while kissing with clean mouths-the marriage.
By now-speaking of the place, generally, and its tidiness- the male is not behind the female to choose the area where they should date, and yet after the marriage the turn would rather be of the female to be the fuehrer of the habitat choosing. Yes "home sweet home" is available within the conditions of both dating and sustaining marriage. Why the very word calling to mind "sustainable"? For marriage is similar to the economy policies of the state from the point of having had to be sustainable! Non-intended concoct of the male and female-DATING is not to trouble dating sides with the roof above their heads unless any further when they hear a virile mouse's squeak to tell them that he and his lady are to date-even to mate-there where they seem to choose a dirty place instead of the excretes of at least one hundred mice spread over the floor.
After some queer manoeuvres peculiar to DATING they turn their faces against each other. Out of the darkness-for they both are in pitch dark about the mouth odour, stinking organs of production, and the most exaggerated sensibility ready to be shown even to the most, yes, trifling behaviours of the participants-they would try to do something under the influence of a group of platitude hopes, wish-full expects or non-scientifically probabilities that could rule out of those weird ones which could leave behind some colourful picnic type dating a woman hanged to the thickest branch of an ash-tree. I confess that in the romance induced days of the Tsars-like our beloved Nikolai who was slaughtered with his whole family members by aggressive atheist rebels namely the most abominable carnivorous killers of all times-our old Russian Samaritans had not used to carry witness about such wild crimes. The national European sort of Russian memoirs could then remember only the skirts of dating females shone as a big, real green emerald carrying embroidery wrought on a texture reflecting Anglo-Saxon's yellowish-actually-colourless taste, and fantastic hats over their heads, and their ivory shoulders glimpsing occasionally between the gaps or concourses of swaying wings to make the corners met with other ones belonging to the classical home-made shawls.
In a stable or under roof of a kiosk "Dating" would naturally be unpleasant for two sides if they were not too much keen about sticking to illusions to exalt each other's smelling, touching, speaking, way of thinking and sense and sensibilities! If they hadn't started to spread false reports of mutual exalting through their own minds or imagination power before coming to the place chosen for dating, no matter of what kind, they would have been able to catch the mouth odours, wry smiling and thoughts swimming in distortions. For this reason The Religion shouldn't warn the woman or the man unless they would wake up to see the real findings related to the dating place and the real peculiarities of dating sides.
For an interval, here you are the most ancient Aramaic song of Dating:
As for the classifying the types of dating we have the right to speak of four different ones:
Giving some impressions of romance from The European-Judeo Christian-Russia shall be absolutely sufficient to tell you the unique peculiarities of DATING IN THE UNIVERSE OF THE MESSIAH. Remember please that time of both the Creator's and The Saviour's parallel universes are synchronized. But the universe of the Creator-Nature the MOM may hardly look pure, lucid in promising happiness or a good output! As for the time of Satan that might reign any dating it cannot be regular: you know, it runs speedily at some occasions and unbearably slow sometimes for the male or the female or for both of them, and goes over to the pair not sm
oothly but scratching the skins of the bodies and the receptors of the souls to heal with the ointment of the time planning to disturb again peeling the old crust of the scars in the way of bleeding repeatedly! I would like to come the main point here: Before the Communist treacherous that has stabbed Christian Russians-maybe the most pious ones all over the world then-dating under the shadow of The Messiah's Universe which is parallel to and synchronized with that of the Creator-Nature the MOM since The day The LORD had given the permission to the creator to create Her own universe for us-the non-trainable adventurers who have and shall have sought to live among traps of the worldly life about which they cannot be trained over having been conscious of what sort of adventure they had jeopardized themselves and their children covering all future generations-thereafter would be evil directions imposed by the Creator-Nature the MOM and Her most favourite servant-if not friend-namely The Satan besides self-evident relationship between the two, we should shoulder the mission of EXPLORING RELIGION: To explore The Messiah i.e. the breath of THE LORD-The owner of the Creator and all Creations. If there is anything you ought to know first about the Messiah's Universe Dating Samples in Russia, let me speak of ROMANCE first: The Classical Russian Romance full of purity and idiocy.