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  But I don't want to narrate only theoretical aspects of The Russian Dating Format, I reiterate, but those irritated manner of general dating characters that could be seen happy to death by having been irritated at the threshold of the dating time soaked in sublimated dreams devoted to especially the female partner which I too was being thought by the people experienced in several kind of fancy preoccupations of purified dating!

  I mind my business so my Classical Russian Dating Dreams are...

  Dostoyevsky could intervene here and remind of us everything about his hero after a long term dream or a dreamy dating. That's not all I ask you to reread the "The Notes From The Underworld/By Dostoyevsky". Halt! If you've not read it already don't toss your head with the evil intention to hit you skull against any utensil for instance a steel fray till making your hairy skin to bleed; that much you should not able to make out in the dark, and if you put your lights on why not to read it in the author's famous book or through the expression in my eyes.

  Then watch it please:



  Apparently MAKAR DEVUSHKIN--the main male character of Dostoyevsky in the book- would have wanted to say something in the way of love if he had managed to date with the woman to whom he was used to be sending lovely letters. My dear readers: now keep still and listen the words of the real lover whose romance matches to the Messiah's bright shadow or rather dim light in his heart! Our encounter in the NARRATION OF RELIGION INDUCED DATING now seemed definitely coming to the end of its epoch of importance; I mean, important for going on to tell the dating samples of which great majority had not-and shall not-be realized! When someone called out, "The Real Lover!" It need must be addressing to MAKAR DEVUSHKIN. Probably for a moment one could not tell where the voice came from, but could see quite a few readers of mine-for instance one of them sitting at the table of his PC , his legs dangling down and knees bumping together-to whom I had been saying "Yes Sir, You're right...", and I have just heard that he wants to spend day and night in reading me if I were writing more than I used to do here.

  Now that I take my word and tell you the DATING ROMANCE IN REALITY of MAKAR DEVUSHKIN-one of my grand-grand fathers:

  In a town of The European Russia, the name of which I have no desire to explain, MAKAR DEVUSHKIN lived not long before quite a few of those gentlemen in Turkish Indo-European City known as the Greeks' World ARZ-I RUM or ERZURUM used-after getting acquaintance with the European Civilization represented by the commanders of Russian Army-to criticise themselves relentlessly and making the Turkish Citizens the eternal stock of fun. The people of that remote Greek World- while the Honest and Great Army of Tsars has occupied that subarctic climate and middle sized city- the great European Russia's poet-PUSHKIN taught Armenians, Kurds, Volga Germans, Georgians, South SLAVO-Turkish fishermen-The LAZ, and pseudo Turkish Persians named as DADASH that they should keep their mind reality and in their heart: ROMANCE. So the people of the farthest Greek World of the Eurasia there have been happened a sudden impulse over the people of ERZURUM and they metamorphosed turning into human being leaving their other patriots in Smyrna, Konia, Antioch etc. to carry on with living as the ring of the evolution chain between the rats and Homo Faber of Aesthetics and the lover of modern Science.

  The Religious rules or regulations within The Russian Believer's Romance of DATING speak to everyone, but expects a reasonable obligation only from those to whom they are offered the sterile dating over their LOVE. But we must accept that love is the one and only way of criticising the Creator-Nature-The Mom who has got no ability of loving, and the theology linked critics can do it over being able to love The Lord-the owner of the Creator namely Nature The Mom instead of the errors of that weird mother who would tend to stand weird forever if The Messiah should not intervene at times!

  Sterile Dating as lived by our characteristic kinsfolk like MAKAR DEVUSHKIN, or could be observed as A. Camus, Stephan Hawking and the poets of The New Mesopotamians have defined or has put in their behaviours as something to give a sample of it might not be absurd even if swaying between the good and bad points from the view of happiness built by a lover capable to love and the beloved worth to be loved!

  Taking the abovementioned good heartedly made speculations MAKAR DEVUSHKIN will naturally be able to explain us with whom he should be identified that used to spend on his hopeless love's object-his platonic darling who would be worth to be loved and to be paid not for going to the bed but for Sterile Dating, just as it would be explained clearly at the end of the previous instalment ad hoc Dating. "Please, reply the question form Dating Regulation Proposals of the religion" shall MAKAR DEVUSHKIN say to the mankind, who had already been sending words over the head of that very creation-The Mankind for a long time... Now shall not we take advantage of trying to understand his valour, validity, heroic love and peerless betrayal. He would sit at his table every evening like a master, and sit down above the love he nourished not for the sake of his darling but of improving his style...


  The lad who had been as the protagonist in the Dating Story taken place in ERZURUM of which some aristocrats had been taught before-at least-a century to be a member of humanity by our Russian's great poet PUSHKIN. The DADASH protagonist has been drawing a real human while The other people of Anatolia and Thrace would be in need of several millenniums for living the Turkish main character-wrestling gorilla and turning into the mankind.

  Since the lad from ERZURUM has been behaving under the influence of lessons in the European Civilisation taught by both the great Poet Pushkin and Russian General Staff of the Tsar's Honest Army could see the house where his darling loved in a way of purifies Platonic sense and the inner parts of the housekeeper's daughter in her bedroom doing everything except going to the WC and imagining or even-God Forbid-making love on the cushions decorated with colours and shapes in the style of absolute sterilization that none could extract anything from them any living character of worldly life!

  Because of her age-under twenty-and because of her being the daughter of one the most prominent Professors of The High School, the lad has devoted almost his whole poor life to sterilize the girl's life in order to exclude all nasty routines: shitting, gurgling, longing for coitus generally, farthing, loosing temper and using slang words or even swearing at the disliked creatures and so on...

  For the field of her daily life he could imagine only unimaginable things, who used to adhere poetical mottos: pinkie evening lights, seclusion in being to suffice herself, and remembering the dialogues with her friends focused on mocking everything but The Male first. Putting aside the age of this young man of ours-bordering on twenty-he has been of some hardy believes like sparing her appearance from the evil attention that could give way other males to carry her body lines in mind and to use those individually sanctified elements while might intend malice or to masturbate!, Our early riser and self imposed young great chevalier ought to be ready to be killed or to kill for the sake of her virginity. He has decided already that he would have his surname carried by herself or make her to live as a bachelorette to death (yet here there is some difference of opinion among the verdict of his reason and penalty of his heart because oppressing a lady being devoid of sex could be either a penalty or a sour fruit of relatively reasonable verdict ), although from reasonable conjectures it has seemed plain that she ought to be called either after her fathers' or the lover's family name. This should be of great importance to our tale; for it should not stray a hair's breadth from the reality in the narration of it.

  Here everybody shall find the remains of a fine feast of a medium size religious story, and soon be eating up spiritual jellies and moral cakes and all that was nice regarding to the Dating under the observation of The Religion. Maybe a few among you will suddenly find their pets growling and barking, mewing, even roaring. Then you shall not get angry and ask "What is that?" On
the contrary you will like that music reflecting both your and your pets' obligatorily shown sensibilities of Dating!

  For a noble man from ERZURUM-the city which has been taught to have at least some people worth to be called human, the male part of DATING is only a petty servant; and has a great desire to stir his heart up letting the female throw a little arrow at him. Otherwise he says one cannot please opening the doors of one's life to the impulses of a life similar to the infertile soils of, say Afghanistan. He do not like his sweetheart to keep her mouth locked in the way of showering orders over his head until he should lose the ability to think about his own necessities for being able to live. Her mouth that would be expected not locked after the marriage need not must be locked during the intervals of one's life decorated with the holy affair: DATING!

  We know that instead a refined beast, namely, any people from ERZURUM trained by our Russian Army's Art Star-Pushkin, could purify his dating instincts and made them sterile regarding to snapshot coitus or only drinking Starbucks before going to bed his story is not worth to a good pen's narration. Nonetheless no one should grumble in reply this little speculation of the narrator while reading about DATING looking from the windows of the religions-Christianity, Judaism, or Islam-linked to The Messiah, almost without knowing it, opening one's mouth instead of trying to open one's heart-eye to touch the LOVE taught us by The Messiah! Seemingly The LORD had given His Permission to the Creator-Nature the MOM who has got the ability to create full of good, bad, ugly and beautiful things in absolute equilibrium to create the creation-but only together with the mankind willing to take part in creation partly while throwing itself into the GREAT ADVENTURE we call LIFE. And yet The Messiah-The Saviour have had to be shouldered the most precious virtue-even more precious than that peerless virtue of the human viz. earning money-yes, the most precious one: LOVE which is and will be supreme over the Creation of the creator having been able to change the FATE including that of the lad from the most enlightened city of The United Tribes of Anatolia and Thrace: ERZURUM besides which the other cities' people of Turkey could be assumed as the half pig-half monkey creators dressed and behaved superficially as the Europeans!

  To draw up the initial statement let the story be on its natural flow. But what is that very part of speech: "Natural"? If one happened to look down the earth or look up the skies one might see the top of the wall by which the natural and synthetic areas of the life would be partitioned. Then an immediate question with your permission: could be the man from ERZURUM viz. The Greek's World assumed as natural while floundering around the DATING that had been remained unchanged from the time of Socrates up till now as non defined i.e. platonic? He would no longer there in agony because of-in spite of its height he could easily has jumped down-the wall and was perhaps discussing something with his id or sub-conscience that should be eager to keep the environment green and clean. Now let's discuss it, what could happen to the environment if DATING wouldn't be sterilized in the way of a certain chastity conception: holding out of the fantastic realities like coitus!

  The question of the lad whose father has been trained as a human by Pushkin when our brave Russian Army has conquered ERZURUM:

  -"WHAT is DATING, and what is TRUTH ?"And yet he would not stay for an answer for he has been living something related to dating more or less already. Certainly there be too, the delight in his day dreams having no bondage to fix a conception which could be related to TRUTH!Nourishing the typical will the slave in thinking, he was much more far from the TRUTH in acting. His thought might be have a link to the sects of philosophers following Sufis who had been used to follow Socrates as much genuine as they could be able to know scientifically.

  There were prevailing certain discoursing wits which would be remarking the strong points from the point of lovely females with whom anyone should-of great probability-imagine nice, pure, innocent, potent, and even fruitful DATING, and were of the same advices of his mom, though there be so much fervent lessons in those of his mother, as was in those of the past influence of European Stock Russian Officers. But it is not only the difficulty and laborious to install the sex phases of the classical dating into the sterilized day-dreams of that green horn form the Greek's World named as ERZURUM after the wild Turkic, Mongoloid tribes had conquered the City where the people could feel and think instead of those from the rest of Anatolia and Turkish Balkans!

  By the way finding out of truth alongside with the sense and sensation, the lad's thoughts, that did bring lies or rather wry speculations based on social prejudices in favour of chastity following the tradition of Turkish Muslims' distortional approach towards the natural perception of sex ; but a natural, though lacking in sexual aspect of love, dating itself. Nonetheless some Greco-Semitic schools of the Philosophy had examined the matter of chastity in dating, flirting, sexual intercourse etc. observing that it "is at a stand, to think what should be in it, that men should love lies"; on the other hand having been showing that dating should be a anything for pleasure, as with the man in the street, nor for preparations to make the dating sides ready for the marriage-holy, decent, and useful from the point of the society as with the bachelors at the threshold of missing the train or of the future generation's sake.


  Tomorrow is 26th February 2012, and the Tale of Three Brethren Jewish Dad from New York, Christian Son from St. Petersburg and Muslim Grandson from Kuwait shall be ready to be told you!

  Wait till the Sunday please!

  Now let's remember that either DATING or another thing that ought to be observed through the windows of sanctuaries need must be based on the past great personalities that have preached before from the basics of the altar!

  One of the partners, suffering from the synthetic or artefact behavioural events, might call Dating as "VINYUM DAEMONUM", because it kills the fantasy over hyper fantasy; and yet, all of them are to be but under the shadow of a lie: the personalities to be defined. But it is not the fantasy that passes through the minds solely, but the fantasy that stinks, and settles in it the lie as the main element, that does hurt imagination; such as the partners live as something antecedent. But howsoever these things are to be thus in the case of partners depraved of personality as 99% of the people involved in the phenomenon full of affections, yet real relatively, which can only realize itself preventing inquiry of truth, "which is the love-making, or wooing of it, the knowledge of truth, which is the presence of it, and the belief of truth, which is the enjoying of it, is the sovereign good of human nature."

  Since The Creator and the Creatures are owned by The LORD whose sniffing out had been sufficient to send the son of Mary the Virgin-the mother of Messiah/The Saviour , and after having been enlightened by The Saviour a few of us felt ourselves to be authorized in making investigations about the unfinished personalities who would like DATING most to learn something about each other's personalities while dating!

  Only religion- namely ABRAHAMIC religion-have been teaching the regulations of The Marriage for millenniums, that's true, and yet The religion in modern days cannot do it if it should stay under the influence of the modern sense and sensibility, and under the light of reason reconciling with the reason, individuality and its regulating work ever since. Instead of the truth that The Lord breathed our Saviour-The Messiah to help The Mankind in solving the mangled matters or rather chaos-the most modern term to show the modern concept of order none could have the right to wait for the help of The Messiah in the Matter of DAITING!

  If one should be expected to talk about The MARRIAGE one could propose a strong law for the problems of NON-SINGLE LIVES: They are open to the help of MESSIAH-The Saviour! But problematic qualifications of Dating are to be assumed-very much obligatorily-linked only single life because of the absence of pairs-and even the children-,and parents/brothers/sisters in law!









  Dr. Aram spent a good part of his life in Yekaterinburg. While he has lived his numerous first love expectations-he has not felt the twilight enhanced on his cheeks as broad daylight especially in the cold seasons like autumn and winter, and even in the spring-time nor he managed to explore new parishes of the city after he had passed his adolescence then! To make getting into the episode let's learn something about EKATERINBURG:

  First of all a photo from 1910 can show the tallest building in the pre-revolutionary Urals, the GREAT ZLATOUST bell tower and remind us of some useful information about the era it has been founded. The city was founded in 1723 by VASILY TATISCHEV and GEORG WILHELM DE GENNIN and named after Tsar Peter The GREAT'S wife-Catherine I called YEKATERINA in Russian. The official date of the city's foundation is November 18, 1723. It was granted town status in 1796.


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