On October 21, 1963, all the world service of European Radio Stations omitted on purpose to give place the news by The Iranian Pahlavi Dynasty's broadcasting corporation which has reported that Russian metaphysicians had recently found the access between the two parallel universes bridging each one to the other.
Iranian Dynasty Radio has been carrying the commentary about the incident by SHEREF OG a poet and metaphysician of whom The Vatican circles should have got very interesting information later in the beginning of The Third Millennium through the famous musical album Stigmatization telling the story of the compositor-the gentleman named S. OG.
Before continuing the narration let's listen to one of the excerpts of The Album-Stigmatization of which excellent performance I've been on David's Harp as the concertmaster and virtuous artist!
The melodies-you have listen to through the link above were reflecting the proofs to approve the basic dissertation-DISERTATSIA in Russian-of Dr. Aram-the protagonist of the incident that has been reported but concealed in the memory were Yekaterinburg where Mr. Aram, his friends and their teachers were to be concerned with it obligatorily !
His memoirs have found or rather carried to the daylight in 2011 along with the notes remain consisting of four sessions all over the episode. The 2011 discoveries ought to be thought as absolutely clear rumination of Dr. Aram's well trained brain He told Radio Moscow World Service something on the level of ordinary innuendos which were belonged to clear evidences lived and shared by Mr. Aram and his closest circle of friends and teachers from the chief cooker of his secondary school to parents and from different ages roughly 18–73.
Our main character is familiar with to be looked for by several NGO representatives who would like to invite him to the special days of various communities. The main building that is generally allocated for such days is nearby the famous tower of Yekaterinburg and it should appear to have contained several facilities besides the turning doors which might give way of a fixed direction to the visitors. This point has to be accepted as a critical paradigm in understanding the climax of the incident narration consistent with an account by one of the investigation group, who shall be remarked that after the incident has occurred the result they doused the documents relating to THE JUMP of Dr. Aram from the universe of The Creator- nature The MOM to that which is belonged to The Saviour/The Messiah.
The hyper natural event lived by Mr. Aram is to be shared by scientists; and still he still tries for a little beam of inspiration light to be chosen for explaining both the full mechanism of THE JUMP and the full life beyond the access to The Parallel Universe.
One day Dr. Aram was invited to one of the several similar occasions to beautify the sect, that was otherwise devoid of the colours he should be expected to present excellently! It would be a pleasure, to introduce himself, and to see the mouths of the guests gap upon his skills as to play piano; to soften the rough German folk songs and make them a pleasure to listened to, besides to stand in the scene as if he couldn't fulfil such amazing things while seeing at times, only an emptiness before him. An yet that time an adventure thereof beyond the whirling gate of the inventorially fixed meeting place was waiting for him to open his eyes reflecting his feelings in a way having been bewildered, astonished, and even trembled with fear of being lost there! But no pleasure is comparable to the standing in a different universe some billion light years afar even known to be parallel to one's own universe-the ordinary one created by the Creator namely Nature the Mom.
If the reader ought to be real ground of the universe exchange in truth (a subject not to be narrated for the sake of narration), and to breathe the air of a clear and serene story), and to see the mistakes and errors, and skilful findings, and misty or vague statements in the incident reported below; then let the narrator be always loyal to the prospect without any humane feeling like pity, disgust, fear or appreciation or pride.
To pass from an ordinary (daily known) universe towards that of the Messiah, physical truth, would be acknowledged, even by those that should taste it not, could appreciate that as the new surrounding that might be enhanced awfully, and bound to be realized in a non-round dealing as the dignity of human's nature; and that mixture of innovation, should seem like alloy in salt of sodium and chlorine, which might make the taste of the flesh of edible animal would be tasting better, but based out of the ordinary truth itself.
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