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Butterfly of Venus

Page 17

by Susan F. MacKay

  “Wait here,” said Tattie. He jumped over the ledge and in two quick movements grabbed both of the animal’s front and back legs. He heaved the sheep over his shoulders. With no more effort than if he were carrying a small child, Tattie climbed the bank, flipped the sheep over his head and set it down. The sheep bleated, trotted away and began to graze.

  “Aye. That’s ma good deed for the day,” said Tattie. His eyes crinkled at the edges when he smiled. He really was quite handsome. Their location was so remote the two of them could be the only people in the world. If they both tore off their clothes and fucked, no one would see them. No one would know. But the man in the bar had said something about Tattie’s wife. There was no way Elizabeth would mess with another woman’s husband.

  Tattie seemed to be appraising her. “You’re a bonnie wee lass.”

  Elizabeth blushed. “Thanks, Tattie. I’m not sure your wife would appreciate that.”

  Tattie looked surprised. “Ah’ve no got a wife. What makes you say that?”

  “The men in the bar.”

  “Och, they’re pullin’ yer leg. I had a wife once, but she ran off wi a fisherman.”

  It was Elizabeth’s turn to be surprised. “Oh no.”

  “Aye. It were a long time ago. Come on, lassie. Let’s be getting yer back.”

  As they climbed onto the RV, Tattie turned to her. “So what is it you’re called by?”


  “That’s a bonnie name.”

  Tattie kicked the RV into gear. Elizabeth’s mind was whirling. She hugged him tightly, enjoying the feel of his massive back as they made their way down to the village.

  When Tattie dropped her beside her Peugeot, he seemed bashful. “There’s a party at the village hall on Friday night. Will you be going?”

  “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it.”

  “Aye. Well . . .” Tattie struggled for words. “If ya do like, maybe we could have a wee dance?”

  “Sure, Tattie. If I go, we’ll definitely have a wee dance.”

  “Right. See ya then.”

  Elizabeth watched Tattie roar away. She realized she hadn’t thought about the office or Declan in a while. That was a good sign. Tattie wasn’t married. Was that another good sign?

  She returned to her cottage feeling surprisingly buoyant. Now would be a good time to Skype Effie. She clicked on Effie’s Skype handle and was soon looking at her best friend onscreen.

  Effie was also in a good mood and had news. “Stevie got a job with the UN. We’re moving to New York.”

  “Oh wow. When?”

  “She’s already gone. I’m packing things up here.”

  “That’s fast. What about the wedding?”

  “We’ll still go ahead with it in Toronto. We’re only an hour away. I want you to be my best woman.”

  “You got it, Eff.”

  “What’s with all the Franco gay stuff?”

  “Franco apparently chose this moment to inform the world, on ATM letterhead, that he’s gay.”

  “No kidding. Would someone whose name begins with ‘N’ be involved?”

  “That’d be my best guess. Now he’s suing.”

  “Fuck. She is a piece of work.”

  “You said it. I don’t care if she sues for wrongful dismissal, as soon as I get back, she’s fired. I’ll pay her out, even though I hate the idea of giving that bitch money for nothing.”

  “What’s happening with Declan?”

  “Nothing is happening with Declan. I should have known better than to get involved with a kid. Plus, he and Natasha are still fucking each other.”

  “Time to move on, sweetie.”

  “You said it.”

  “How is it there? Let me have a look.”

  Elizabeth picked up her computer and pointed the camera out the window towards the sea.

  Effie gave a low whistle. “That is some view. One of these days I’ll get there.”

  Elizabeth had a sudden brainwave. “Come for your honeymoon. I’d be more than happy to make it available.”

  “Oh wow. Really?”

  “My gift, Effie. Everyone should get here at least once in their life.”

  “We just might take you up on that.”

  “Great. Talk to you soon.”

  “Ciao, sweetie.”

  Elizabeth signed off and stared out the window. The view was indeed magnificent. Why didn’t she just pack it all in and come here permanently? She sighed when she thought of the big mess waiting for her back home. Retiring was certainly something to think about.

  * * *

  Effie couldn’t wait to tell Stevie about Elizabeth’s offer. But just as she was texting, a call came through. The name on the screen was the one she would have least expected: Declan Thomas. What on earth could he want? Was he hoping she’d plead his case with Elizabeth?

  Effie took the call and listened intently. When she learned what Declan had in mind, she laughed. It would certainly solve a problem for Elizabeth. It might even help to convince her of Declan’s sincerity. He certainly sounded sincere, and worried. Surely he wouldn’t be suggesting a plan like this if he and Natasha were still going at it, as Elizabeth seemed to think. No, definitely not. The plan required Effie’s participation and could be a whole lot of fun.

  As soon as she hung up, she called Manny to let him in on their little game. If it worked, she’d have a great story for Elizabeth and one less problem for her to deal with.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Manny swished over to reception and dropped a notice on Natasha’s desk. “Here, post this through internal email. See if anyone’s interested.”

  Natasha loathed Manny and his mincing ways. She tried to ignore him and put off anything he asked her to do until the last minute. She glanced down at the paper. It was a notice for a personal assistant. She looked back at Manny. “What is this?”

  “You can read, can’t you?”

  “Why is it going through here?”

  “Ms. La Chance is a client of my boyfriend. He redesigned her penthouse. It’s a good opportunity for someone. But don’t tell Ms. Harding. She and Eff— . . . Ms. La Chance don’t exactly get along.”

  “Oh really.” Natasha read the notice with growing excitement. It was an ad for a personal assistant to a major media executive. The job involved extensive travel and a chance to meet celebrities.

  “Post it right now,” snapped Manny. “Ms. La Chance needs someone right away.”

  “What do you know about her?”

  Manny examined his nails, appearing offhand. “Oh, just that she’s fabulously wealthy. Cheap as only the wealthy can be. Travels the world. Moves in celebrity circles. She’s also a bitch, by the way.”

  Natasha raised her pencilled eyebrows.

  “You’re not thinking of applying, are you?” said Manny.

  “Why not?”

  “Ms. Harding would never give you a reference, especially if you leave before your contract is up.”

  “Big deal.”

  “What sign are you?”

  “Pisces. Why?”

  “Ms. La Chance is heavily into astrology. I happen to know that she only hires air signs. And you, my little fish, are a water sign. She also insists that her assistant wear red at all times. And she obsesses over the letters ‘C’ and ‘H.’ She’s a bit of a nutcase, if you ask me. Anyway, be a good girl and post it, will you?”

  As soon as Manny left, Natasha slipped the notice into her purse. She googled Effie La Chance. Indeed, Effie was a media mogul and the founder of Stylish magazine. Fortunately, Natasha was wearing a red dress. She could easily change her birthdate on her resumé and make herself an air sign. While she was at it, she’d change her name to China. She checked the number on the posting and dialled.

  Affecting a French accent, Effie a
nswered the call. “Ms. La Chance’s office. How may I help you?”

  “I’m calling to apply for the job of personal assistant.”

  “Oh yes. Just a minute and I’ll put you through.”

  Effie waited a moment, then came back on the phone with her normal voice. “Effie La Chance speaking.”

  “This is Natasha Khomeini, although my friends call me China. I would like to apply for the job of your personal assistant.”

  “China? I see. How old are you, China?”


  “And when will you be twenty-three?”

  Natasha knew Effie was trying to ascertain her astrological sign and gave the correct answer.

  “Are you free to meet this afternoon?”


  “And are you free to fly to Dubai on Monday if this works out?”

  Natasha was elated. “Yes, of course.”

  “Very well. I’ll be at home. Here’s the address.”

  Natasha notified Manny she was taking her lunch break.

  “Okay. Don’t be late getting back.” Manny had a little chuckle as Natasha left.

  Natasha stopped at a drugstore and picked up two cheap charms, the letters “C” and “H,” attached them to her bracelet, and then took a cab to the address she’d been given. She was hugely impressed when the elevator door slid open to Effie’s massive penthouse. Effie swanned about in an exquisite silk kimono, supervising two men who were carefully packing up dishes. Effie held out her bejewelled hand to Natasha.

  “China, is it? Come in. Are you good at organizing schedules? Booking flights? First class, naturally.”

  “Oh yes.”

  Effie assumed a concerned expression. “I need someone who can start immediately.”

  “That’s not a problem.”

  Effie glanced at Natasha’s charm bracelet. “That’s interesting. Why C and H?”

  “Oh, they’ve always played an important part in my life. My mother’s name was Carmella. My father’s name was Chadra. I was born in Charlotteville. And then my name, China.”

  Effie patted Natasha on the hand and led her to a plush couch. “My dear, that is so remarkable. I have a feeling this relationship is destined by the stars.”

  “I think so too, Ms. La Chance.”

  “So tell me, dear, do you have any attachments? A boyfriend, perhaps, that you’ll hate to leave?”

  “No. No one.”

  “I find that hard to believe, China. A pretty girl like you? Surely there must be someone?”

  “No, my last boyfriend and I broke up months ago. He met someone else.”

  “Oh, really? And what’s his name, dear? Sorry to be so personal. It’s just that I like to know these things.”

  “His name’s Declan.”

  “I see. He met someone else, you say?”

  “Yes, the woman I’m working for, actually. I believe you know Ms. Harding.”

  “Oh yes, I know Ms. Harding. Strange you should be working for her.”

  Natasha shrugged. “I wanted to keep an eye on things.”

  “In case you saw an opportunity to get him back?”

  Natasha nodded.

  “Resourceful of you. So now, tell me, China, how soon can you be available?”

  “I can resign this afternoon.”

  “And how are you with celebrities? I frequently dine with Katie. Oh my God, that little Suri is such a brat.”

  Natasha’s almond eyes widened. “Katie Holmes?”

  “I’m friends with that whole crowd, so I can’t have anyone who’s star-struck.”

  “Oh no. Celebrities are people just like you and me. I mean, they all go to the bathroom, just like we do.”

  “My sentiments exactly. I consult for magazines all over the world. You’d be responsible for celebrity fashions, arranging free clothes for them, talking with designers. In short, making my life easier.”

  Natasha was practically quivering with excitement

  “So, China, honey, let’s talk money.”

  “I’d do it practically for free.”


  “Well, I’d need to be paid, of course, but whatever you think.”

  “Five hundred to start?”

  “Five hundred thousand?”

  Effie roared with laughter. “You have a sense of humour, China. Five hundred dollars a week.”

  Natasha winced. It was even less than she was earning at ATM.

  Effie glanced at her diamond-encrusted watch.

  “I can see I’m taking up too much of your time,” Natasha said quickly. “Five hundred is fine.”

  “Did I say five? Slip of the tongue, my dear. I meant four.”

  Natasha hesitated for only a second. “Yes, yes. That’s fine.”

  “Let’s try it, then, shall we?”

  “You won’t be sorry, Ms. La Chance.”

  “No, dear, I definitely won’t be sorry. I can assure you of that.”

  Natasha stood up. “So what’s next, Ms. La Chance?”

  “Do you have a passport?”

  Natasha nodded.

  “Good. Fax me over a copy of your resignation letter this afternoon, and you can start first thing Monday morning. Come here at eight a.m. and we’ll head directly to the airport.”

  Natasha was clearly excited. “Thank you so much, Ms. La Chance.”

  “And, dear, you’d better go shopping this weekend. My assistant wears only red. Lucky for you that you’re wearing it today.”

  “Sure thing, Ms. La Chance.”

  As soon as Natasha left, Effie collapsed on the sofa, laughing till tears came to her eyes.

  * * *

  By the end of the afternoon, Manny had Natasha’s resignation letter in hand. He posted an internal email that ATM was looking for a new receptionist. Elizabeth would be thrilled.

  She would be less thrilled by a formidable-looking envelope that had arrived from Fasken, Walters and Coppins, Franco’s lawyers.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Elizabeth checked her wardrobe. She never brought anything fancy to Kinlochbervie, but she had packed a pretty white cashmere sweater. It would do for the dance, along with jeans and short leather boots. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and added a pair of white pearl earrings. She examined her face in the mirror. The fresh air of KLB agreed with her. She definitely had a glow. It would do her good to get out and have a dance with Tattie. She decided against taking her car to the village hall. A walk would be bracing, and she wouldn’t have to worry about having a few drinks. She threw a bag over her shoulder and set off along the loch to the village hall.

  The hall was a large room with a stage at one end and a bar at the other. For tonight it had been festooned with coloured lanterns that lent it a festive glow. Tables and chairs were set up around the perimeter of the room, leaving a large space in the middle for dancing. By the time Elizabeth arrived, the hall was packed with locals and people from surrounding villages. A group of young men huddled together in one corner, drinking pints and joking with each other. A group of girls stood nearby, giggling and whispering, casting flirty glances at the guys. As soon as several drinks had been consumed, the groups would merge.

  A pretty blonde on her way to the washroom stopped when she saw a good-looking youth. “Hey, Johnny,” she said. “How’r ya doin’?”

  “What the fook d’ye care?” was his response.

  “Aye, go fook yersel, then,” she said and disappeared into the washroom. It was typical KLB courting banter. They were probably in love.

  Elizabeth edged her way to the bar and ordered a glass of wine. It might not be the fine wine she was used to, but fine wine was a luxury she was willing to do without for the pleasure of being in Kinlochbervie. Elizabeth took a sip and almost spat it back into her glass.
At the far end of the room she saw a tall, slim man with dark curling hair that looked exactly like Declan’s. It couldn’t be, could it? Almost involuntarily, her legs moved towards him. Her mouth dried up. Her heart pounded as forcefully as waves on the beach. Surely it couldn’t be Declan in this remote corner of the world. Was it possible he’d found out where she was and followed her?

  When she was halfway across the dance floor, the man turned around. His face was narrow, and he had a pronounced overbite. It wasn’t Declan. Her heart sank in disappointment that quickly turned to anger at herself. She was finished with Declan. She should not be feeling like this.

  At that moment, a pair of strong arms picked her up and whirled her around. It was Tattie, in a freshly ironed blue shirt, smelling of aftershave. His salt and pepper hair was slicked back. He’d clearly made an effort with his appearance.

  “Hi, Tattie.”

  “So we’re going ta have that wee dance after all?”

  “Sure. Why not.”

  “Ahm sittin’ over there wi Muriel and Alison. Can I get you another?” he asked, pointing at her glass. Elizabeth nodded. This was her last night to party in KLB. Tomorrow night she was definitely going to bed early in preparation for the journey home. Despite her ponytail, she planned on letting her hair down.

  Muriel and Alison waved her over to their table. Elizabeth made her way to them and sat down while Tattie went off to replenish the drinks.

  Muriel beamed at Elizabeth. “I think ye might’ve found yourself an admirer,” she said.

  “Just don’t go falling off a ledge or he’ll throw you over his shoulders and carry you off like a sheep,” added Alison with a tinkling laugh.

  “Aye, and the men ’round here have been known to do more wi sheep than just sheer em,” joked Muriel, with a wink at Alison.

  “Tattie seems like a nice man,” replied Elizabeth.

  “Och, aye. He’s a decent fella,” said Muriel. “He’s lookin’ for a woman, though.”


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