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Wicked Love

Page 11

by Michelle Dare

  I shook my head. I didn’t fucking care how hungry he was. He was gonna die when I found him.

  As I thought about my ‘date’ with Dani last night, a strange stirring in my stomach began to emerge, and it wasn’t anger, fear, or dread. It was almost an excitement to see her again. But no way was I gonna fall for one of these filthy things. I’d kill her before that happened.



  “The fuck you mean you had him, and he got away?” Ringo roared into my face. I could swear that my hair blew back a little from his rant.

  “It’s not like that,” I replied, trying to sound brave, but honestly, the rage in his voice and on his face was scaring me a little—and I hated myself for that.

  “Then what was it like?” His jaw ticked with annoyance.

  I looked over to see Talon sitting on a shell of a Porsche he’d probably been working on, a toothpick in his mouth, staring at our interaction.

  Looking around the warehouse-slash-chop-shop, I resisted an eyeroll. Vampires stealing cars and bikes and chopping them up for resale—how original.

  “Go back to playing with your little toy,” I said to Talon, indicating the Porsche with my chin, and then gave him the finger.

  He grinned and threw the toothpick to the ground. “There’s nothing little about it.” He grabbed his crotch. “You wanna see?”

  I did roll my eyes this time and made a mock gagging sound. “No.”

  Ringo grabbed my face in a painful grip and made me look at him. “My office.”

  I nodded and followed him. He went around his desk and sat, then pointed for me to do the same in the chair opposite.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  I had planned on lying but decided I would go with a… mostly truth. “I went back to his place, we fooled around, had a nice time. Decided to keep him for a while.”

  “You’re joking. Please tell me you’re fucking joking. You know I don’t care if you fuck them first, but you have to kill them when you’re done.” He paused, then grinned. “Like a black widow spider.”

  “I know. And I will. I just want to get to the bottom of why he’s killing random vamps.”

  Ringo smacked his palm on the desk, and I resisted jumping in surprise. “It’s in the paperwork. Vamp killed his sister, he’s on a revenge rampage.”

  I bit into my bottom lip and shook my head. “I don’t know, boss. Honestly, he doesn’t even seem like he has it in him. We sure it’s him? And if so, why didn’t someone just off him when they caught him doing it?”

  “No one did. Security cameras, no live witnesses. Now, that’s all I’m going to say. This fucker needs to be dead by the end of the week—or else.”

  I nodded. I didn’t need to ask or else what… I knew I’d be the one headless if Judson didn’t die.

  “Am I dismissed, your liege?” I asked, batting my eyelashes.

  He shook his head and raked his gaze down my face and to my cleavage. “If you weren’t so goddamn fine, I’d kill you right now.”

  I left his office to contemplate what I was going to do. I got into my SUV and headed toward Bash. I looked at all the local businesses decorated for fall and the lampposts with their Halloween-themed city signs.

  Despite Ringo’s insinuation, I had never slept with any of my targets. I hadn’t wanted to. They had just been jobs—dirtbags who’d had it coming. There was something about Judson that didn’t scream dirtbag, though. Was my physical attraction to him clouding my judgment? After all, I really did want to sleep with the guy, but knew I shouldn’t. What I did want to know was why he killed the vampires who were pretty much innocent. They hadn’t murdered his sister or else he would have stopped after offing the killer. Perhaps I should try to find this person myself, bring him to Judson, then let him do the killing. Then maybe he’d stop.

  But first, I needed to see something. “Call Jonas,” I demanded of the car.

  “Calling Jonas,” the robotic female voice replied. I saw Jonas’s number pop up on the dash screen.


  “Hey, can you send me all the video surveillance you have of Judson Creed killing vampires?”


  Longer Pause.

  I glanced at the screen. Still connected. “Jonas?”

  “Uh, well, Dani, I’d have to run it by the boss first.”

  I sighed. “Fine. Tell him I need to see how he’s doing it so I can get him by surprise.”

  “Okay, that will work. If he approves it, you’ll have a link to them in your email by the end of the night.”

  “You’re a gem, Jonie!”

  He groaned. “Don’t call me that. Bye.”

  I laughed as the call ended and I reached Bash. I had to circle the block a couple of times, but I did eventually find a parking spot. I armed the SUV’s security system and went inside.

  A large, bald man with biceps like melons put his arm out. “Sorry, we’re not open yet.”

  I stared deep into his brown eyes and said, “I know, sugar. But I’m here to help the band. Remember your boss told you Dani would be coming by?”

  He blinked a few times and nodded. “Yes, my apologies, ma’am. Go right on in.” His arm extended out in a flourish toward the door.

  “Thank you kindly.” I winked at him and wandered inside.

  The band was warming up, so I went to the bar and ordered a club soda, grateful the bartender hadn’t given me the same hassle as the doorman. Guess he figured the bouncer let me in so I must be good. I didn’t want to have to bamboozle that guy, too. It was kinda draining and I was still new at it. I honestly did not like having to do it at all. It felt wrong and icky.

  It took a few minutes, but Judson eventually noticed me and gave me a warm smile that made me feel kinda gooey inside.

  I didn’t like that.

  He was supposed to make me feel murdery. Not gooey, dammit.

  I returned the smile but went back to my resting bitch face. I took a look around the club and there weren’t any people, just a couple of servers and stagehands setting up speakers and such. The tawdry Halloween décor was still in place and I looked at Dracula and smiled, remembering Judson say he knew vampires were real. Kinda dumb to be honest, but I figured he probably knew nobody would believe him. Still, strange thing to say to someone you just met.

  After about an hour, the place quickly became packed, and I decided to stay by the bar, watch the band, and observe the crowd. It was the same as last night. Groupies. Drunks. College kids. Some, all of the above.

  Once the band was done, I stayed perched on my stool and waited for Judson to come to me, and just like before, it worked.

  Except this time, he grabbed my hand, twirled me around, and then whistled low. “Damn, girl. Lookin’ hot.”

  And I was. Low-cut red top, black leather pants. Gleaming three-inch red pumps. Red lips, sleek jet-black hair.

  I grinned flirtingly at him and said, “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  And he didn’t. Also in black leather pants, he had skipped the damn flannel shirt and wore a loose-fitting army-green Henley, multiple rough-leather bracelets, and some brown leather kicks that looked like they’d been more than worn in.

  Sexy. As. Hell.

  I let him hug me and then inhaled his delicious scent. Some kind of musky cologne combined with his deliciously clean blood. I wanted to both bite him and fuck him.

  Like I said… gooey.

  “How are you tonight?” he asked, brushing some hair from my face.

  I couldn’t stop the smile that took over my face and looked up at him, grateful he was still taller than me despite the three-inch feet-killers I wore. “I’m great now.”

  He chuckled and nodded. “Happy to hear it. Now my night is complete.” He glanced over at my drink. “What’cha drinkin’? Can I get you another?”

  I shook my head slightly, my hair tickling my bare shoulders. “Nah, I’m good. It was just club soda, anyway.”

bsp; “I see,” he replied. “Wanna go get something to eat?”


  “Sure, sounds great.”

  He grinned, grabbed my hand, and led me out of Bash. Once we were out in the cool fall Colorado air, he looked down at me and asked, “What are you in the mood for?”


  “I’m easy, you choose.”

  He stared deep into my eyes, not saying anything, and honestly, making me both gooey and nervous. “Okay, an all-night diner it is. I know one down on Thirty-First Street.”

  “Can’t wait,” I replied, not letting go of his hand and letting him lead me to wherever he wanted. Without a care in the world.

  What was wrong with me?



  The diner was actually one of those metal Air-Stream trailers. It was supposed to be eclectic or something. I just thought it was cool and had good pancakes.

  I had tried to get her on the back of my bike, but she’d refused, saying she’d just follow me. I again questioned her need for an SUV as I’d chanced a glance behind me on our way to the diner, but vowed I’d ask her about it later. She’d said she didn’t have kids, but she seemed to be a mostly closed book, honestly. But I was damned and determined to crack open her pages and find out what made Daniela, Daniela,

  Look at me, getting all feely over a vampire. The hell is wrong with me?

  Chastising myself for having some kind of attraction to the gorgeous brunette, I told myself to keep it business as usual. Get just close enough where she trusts me to tell me she’s a vamp and get info about Audrey’s killer, then dump her like yesterday’s trash. These creatures shouldn’t exist. Keep telling yourself that.

  After we were seated in the diner, it was no surprise she ordered a bloody mary and nothing else. Claiming she wasn’t hungry. I was willing to bet on our next “date”—if there was one—she’d claim some kind of food allergy. My ass had done extensive research on these things and those two excuses reigned supreme to justify their lack of public food consumption. Although I hadn’t figured out why they never ate. Sure, they needed blood, but weren’t they once human? I’d admit I didn’t know much about their physical anatomy. Maybe blood was all they needed. I tried to hide the shudder that engulfed my body at the thought.

  “You gotta try these pancakes. They’re the best in the whole frickin’ city.” I held out a forkful of dripping, syrupy amazingness to her across the table.

  She wrinkled her nose and recoiled. “Nah. I’m good with my bloody mary.”

  One I noticed she hadn’t eaten the olive or celery stick of.

  “Oh, come on, just a bite. Who doesn’t love pancakes?” I baited.

  She glanced at the fork, then into my eyes. “Uh, I’m watching my carbs.”

  I bit back a smile then shrugged. “Okay, how about some sausage?” I dredged it in syrup and held it out to her.

  She shook her head. “No, I’m good. You enjoy that. Honestly, Judson, I’m just not hungry.”

  Liar. I could see the way she was looking at me—like cartoon characters look at pigs and cows like they’re big slabs of meat.

  I lifted a shoulder and let it fall. “Your loss, but you really should come here for breakfast one time. It’s the best in the city.”

  She took a long pull from the straw of her drink and then wiped the red dribble from the corner of her mouth. “So I’ve heard.”

  “I get it,” I said, poking another sausage with my fork. “You’re one of those chicks who doesn’t like to eat in front of guys. It’s okay, though. I’ll get you to eat.”

  I could see the frustration storming in her eyes before she plastered on a fake smile. “I guess it’s something like that.”

  Hah! I had frustrated her. I would get to her somehow. Talking about food got under her skin, I noted. Let’s see what else would make a vampire squirm.

  After swallowing down the bite of sausage, I rubbed my neck, concentrating on putting my fingers over my jugular. “Man, my neck bands have been killing me. I think it’s the strain of the guitar strap. I need a serious massage.”

  I grinned in triumph as her eyes zoned in on my neck. They seemed to glaze over, the telltale silver vampire glint taking over her irises.

  She caught me staring at her and cleared her throat. Her eyes quickly reverted to their light-brown color. “Yeah, better find a masseuse. I know quite a few here in town if you need one.”

  “I do. Can you text me some names?” I asked, licking my lips before pulling my phone out.

  I smirked as she watched the action with my tongue a little too closely. Even if she was human and not a vampire, I would have been turned on at the desire coloring her eyes. She wanted me, I could tell. Just as much as I fucking wanted her. I could tell she was rocking some serious curves under those clothes. Tits. Ass. Hips. I wanted all of it.

  Once I was done with my meal, the server came over and delivered the bill. I paid it and then grabbed her hand once more as I led her out of there.

  I ground my pelvis into her as I kissed her hard and passionate against the door of her SUV. I’d wanted to bring her back to my place again and fuck her hard but slow until she screamed out my name several times. But…she’d insisted she go home, which was no surprise. It was almost three a.m. and the sun would start coming up in a couple of hours and she couldn’t risk getting stuck at my place until the sun once again sank below the mountains.

  “When can I see you again?” I asked breathlessly.

  She gazed deep into my eyes and replied, “Text me anytime. I work nights, but other than that, I’m free.”

  I grinned. “Good, I definitely want to see you again. You’re sexy as hell and very easy to get along with. Where have you been my whole life?”

  It wasn’t a rhetorical question. Like seriously… how come I’m just now finding out about vampires? If I’d have known sooner, I wouldn’t have led my sister into the dark, deserted night without some kind of training or protection against these fucking freaks.

  If vampires could blush, she would have. She smiled coyly and swiped some hair behind her ear. “I’ve been right here.”

  “Well, you certainly have escaped my radar for the past few years.”

  “Yeah, I like to lay low,” she replied breathlessly.

  Despite the fact that I was just trying to use her for information, I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers anyway. When she flung her arm around my neck and pushed her soft, curvy body into mine, I couldn’t help the groan that escaped my mouth into hers. I kissed her harder as I wrapped one arm around her waist and used the other to grab her hair at the back of her head. I pulled gently to slightly ease her head back. I trailed kisses down her jaw, neck, and to her collarbone. She tasted sweet and smelled even sweeter.

  A vampire’s seduction, I supposed. I didn’t care. She had me harder than a rock and all I wanted now was to bring her home and worship her body.

  I felt her nails graze the back of my neck and then travel into my hair, where she lightly scratched at my scalp. That aroused me even more. I wanted her so badly at this point it hurt.

  My mouth found hers again, and when our tongues intermingled, I pulled her even closer. The feel of her nipples poking through her shirt to stab me in the chest almost made me come in my pants. I pushed her up against her car and she jumped up and wrapped her legs around me. I used both hands to prop her up against the car, my hands gripping each ass cheek as I continued to plunder her with my mouth. Her nails were still scraping the back of my head and neck, and I involuntarily ground my pelvis to hers. She had to have felt how hard I was through her leather pants.

  When her mouth moved away from mine, I opened my eyes and gazed down at her. Lust danced in her brown gaze, and her lips were glistening, puffy, and swollen. “Your place or mine?” she breathed.

  Fuck, she didn’t have to say it twice. “My place is just around the corner from here.”

  “I know,” she replied, chest heaving, pouty mouth grinning. “But I�
�ll follow you anyway.”

  Smiling like a fool, I opened her car door and helped her inside. Before closing it, I kissed her hand and said, “Follow me.”



  What the hell was I doing? Going to this guy’s house? For what… sex? Yeah, it’d be fun. But then what? I just kill him?

  Dammit! I should just turn around and go home right now. Formulate another plan to off this guy that didn’t involve sexy, sweaty, writhing bodies.

  Not that I sweat, but still.

  My phone chimed with a notification and I picked it up at the stoplight and checked it. An email from Jonas with a link. I clicked on it and saw six different videos. The first showed a white guy in a dark hoodie looking very much like Judson following a man out of a club. The guy in the hoodie looked around briefly before waiting a few seconds and then following the vamp outside. A honk told me it was time to go so I pressed the gas and waited until I got to the next light, where I was able to watch two more videos. All the same, him following the vampires to the exit doors and then going outside.

  I didn’t understand… were these particular vampires missing? Presumed dead? What about these videos made Judson guilty of actually killing them? I mean, yeah, pretty damning if he actually did, but from what I could tell, there was no actual evidence of him killing these guys. The stupid bars and clubs had no outside cameras, so this was all Ringo had to go on?

  We pulled up to Judson’s apartment complex and I watched as he got off his bike, pulled his helmet off, and then looked in my direction. He pointed to a guest parking spot that I pulled my SUV into. Once I killed the engine, he opened the driver’s side door and offered me a hand up and out of the car. It was sweet but completely unnecessary. Not that I would tell him that.


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