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The Bear's Forbidden Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 4)

Page 7

by Vella Day

  He nodded. “I didn’t know what else to do. I’ve been sick about the whole situation ever since. I’m just hoping she wants to be cleansed.”

  “Let’s hope. You know you can’t bite her before then, right?”

  That’s what Connor had said. “I have no intention of even being alone with her, but I’m at my wits end. Last night, I kept picturing sinking my cock into her. Is that messed up or what?” Jackson dropped back his head and blew out a breath.

  Kalan’s phone rang. “Yeah? Where? Were his clothes inside? No, don’t. We need a plan. Thanks.” He disconnected. “They found Shamus’s vehicle off Ridge Road. His clothes were tucked behind a tree about a hundred feet down the path, implying that’s where he shifted before he started his run.”

  “I’m guessing they wanted to follow the trail to see if they could find out where he’d been killed?”

  His brother’s brows rose. “You should work for the department.”

  “No thanks. I like the freedom I have.”

  “We won’t know whether the body was moved until Doc Williams finishes the autopsy.”

  Or until the actual murder scene is found. “He wasn’t killed where Ainsley found him, and here is my reasoning: First, there aren’t any hiking trails near that road. Secondly, I don’t know how or if anyone even realized that Shamus was related to us; but it’s almost as if they are sending us a message to stay out of their nest.”

  Kalan stabbed a hand through his long hair. “Fuck. Do you think this is retribution for us stealing back the Wendayan’s magic?”

  Jackson shrugged. “That or Shamus was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  “Which was why I suggested Ainsley try to find out.”

  “My gut reaction was to say no, but the more I think about it, it would give her a chance to help—something she seems to want to do.”

  The coroner and his team took off in their black wagon as the two CSU techs packed up and headed out in a separate vehicle. Kalan then stabbed a key in the ignition and turned the engine over. “Have you asked her if she even wants to be cleansed?”

  That question had kept him up all night. “I haven’t, but she seems willing to help us. From what she’s said, she doesn’t care for the Changelings. Hell, she seemed almost happy her brother was dead.” Kalan didn’t look at him. “What?”

  “I need to come clean. My lovely mate told her about the process. I didn’t ask her to. She did it on her own.”

  Then why ask me? Jackson’s pulse fluttered. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me before?” If his brother hadn’t been driving down the mountainside, he would have punched him.

  “I wanted to know your intentions toward Ainsley.”

  Fuck if he knew.


  Driving back to town took all of Ainsley’s effort. The image of Shamus’s body was burned into her brain, and she wasn’t sure if she’d ever recover. From the horrific memory, another sob erupted, and her hands nearly slipped off the wheel. Even her foot had a hard time keeping a steady pressure on the accelerator.

  After an eternity, she passed the supermarket and then the gas station where she’d filled up yesterday. As horrible as this pain was, she needed to use the ache, welling deep inside her, to propel her to find Shamus’s murderers.

  Her swirling mind turned even darker. Why attack a bear? Shamus never would have instigated a fight, especially against a wolf. Sure, he fought Owen and a group of Changelings in Scotland, but that was because her family was brutalizing his Clan.

  No. Most likely his death was random. But did it matter? Murder was murder. The Changelings had done this to him, and Ainsley might be the only person to find the truth.

  Before she was even aware of where she was, her new second floor apartment came into view. She drove into her spot in back, parked the car, and sat there until she’d gathered enough energy to push open the door. Then with a heavy heart, she trudged inside and up the poorly lit stairwell.

  She was totally disappointed with herself. Yes, she had every right to grieve, but she needed to draw on her inner strength. If she waited until the pain subsided, all evidence of the kill would be long gone.

  She fixed a hot herbal tea, more for the calm it might bring than because she was thirsty. Music from Elana’s flower shop floated upward, but even the upbeat sound didn’t settle her frustration. Nothing could help other than finding Shamus’s killers.

  Most likely either Kalan or Jackson had called Blair to let her know the tragic news, but Ainsley wasn’t ready to talk about it. Right now, she needed a few moments to herself. She’d told Mr. Ernst that she had to break the appointment with his father, and the last thing she needed was for him to learn the real reason. She couldn’t let any Changeling know of her relationship to the victim or she’d never find out anything.

  In her most cheery tone, she dialed the Changeling’s number and paced to help her think better.

  “Ms. Chancellor,” Mr. Ernst said.

  Damn. He must have programmed her number into his phone. “I want to apologize for missing the appointment this morning. I’d like to reschedule when it is convenient for your father.” She was rather pleased with her smooth delivery even though her stomach wanted to vomit the words.

  “How about tomorrow?” he asked.

  That worked for her. “Would eight a.m. be okay for your father and you? That would give me a chance to work on him and still make it back in time for my job.”

  “That would be perfect.”

  Her hands shook so hard it was difficult to swipe a finger across the screen to disconnect. As soon as she ended the call, she rushed over to the sofa and dropped down, her legs barely able to hold her up any longer.

  She glanced at the clock mounted on the brick wall. It was just after twelve noon, and she should head back to work, but she feared she might become distracted when working on a patient. On the other hand, maintaining a normal routine would be the only way to convince any Changeling that she believed in their cause. Changelings didn’t grieve.

  However, running into Blair would renew her pain. Hopefully, Kalan had called her already. Even though Blair barely knew Shamus, she would still be distraught.

  Other than self-pity, Ainsley couldn’t think of any reason to stay home. Sucking in all of her objections to crawl into bed and cry, Ainsley grabbed her purse and headed back to work.

  Though she believed she’d be able to stay calm while being among those who were healing, it wasn’t to be. The moment she spotted Blair’s red eyes, Ainsley nearly lost it.

  Her friend was talking with Eve at the front desk. While Ainsley didn’t detect any Changelings in the building, word might leak if Ainsley broke down in front of everyone, but she couldn’t walk on by without saying something. Ainsley wrapped an arm around her friend’s shoulder. “I’m guessing Kalan told you?”

  Blair spun around and hugged her. “Yes.”

  Not wanting to discuss the details in the open, she led Blair back to her room. Ainsley didn’t have a client for another hour, so she could have some undisturbed time with her friend.

  Three rust-colored padded chairs sat along one wall across from the table where she treated her patients. Ainsley guided Blair to those seats now. The only time more than one chair was used at the same time, was if Ainsley needed to discuss her procedure or nutrition plan with the family.

  “You saw him?” Blair asked.

  “Yes.” Giving only the minimum detail, Ainsley described what she was doing on the road. “I freaked out when I saw him.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “I wanted to, but I figured you might be treating a patient, and I don’t think I could have kept it together long enough if I had to speak with Eve first. I couldn’t call the police, so I asked Elana to contact Kalan for me.”

  Blair nodded. “That was smart. Kalan said that Jackson came to the crime scene. How did that go?”

  Blair seemed to have accepted the whole concept that she and Jackson were ma
tes. “He was surprisingly nice.”

  Her brows rose. “I wonder what made him soften. I’m surprised he didn’t accuse you of harming Shamus.” Her lips curled in disgust.

  “I thought he might too, but I had no blood on me, and the marks indicated many animals were involved.”

  “Given you don’t know any other Changelings, he probably figured you were innocent,” Blair said.

  “That, and I had no reason to harm him. As far as not knowing any Changelings, I have met one. He came to the clinic yesterday.” She explained how she was on her way to treat his father in the hills when she’d spotted the body. As her mind shot to the image of the foot sticking out from the leaves, all of a sudden, a powerful blast of lust descended upon her. Ainsley gripped the chair, forcing herself to push back her desire. “Jackson’s here.”

  As if Blair had been lost in thought for a moment, she jumped up. “I wonder what he wants. Come with me.”

  “Why?” Blair must not understand how hard it was for Ainsley to be around Jackson. Her inner wolf wanted him, but she did not. He was judgmental, and while he was rough and tumble sexy, he wasn’t always nice. Right now, she needed nice, which was why she was talking to his sister and not him.

  “I bet he’s here to ask you some more questions.”

  “I just left him.”

  A knock sounded on the door. Damn. Eve poked her head in. “I thought you might be in here, Blair. Your brother wants to see how you’re holding up.” She looked over at Ainsley. “He asked to speak with you too.”

  Her brain froze, as did her mouth. There had to be something she could use as an excuse not to see him. If he came into her room, the sexual tension would be worse. Her mind spun, but she came up blank. “Okay.”

  She and Blair followed Eve back to the front desk. The moment she saw him standing at the reception desk, her wolf nearly clawed a hole through her stomach. Sure, Jackson looked good in his camouflage jacket, faded jeans, and boots, but now wasn’t the time for such a reaction. Stand down, dammit.

  As soon as he caught sight of both of them, he trained his gaze on his sister, and Ainsley couldn’t help but feel the small mental slap from the dismissal. Rationally, Jackson should care about Blair first, but he could have at least acknowledged her. Or was he having the same reaction to her wolf as she was to his bear?

  He embraced his sister, and the love that poured from his eyes melted her. Neither Alex nor Owen had ever looked at her like that.

  “How are you doing?” he asked Blair.

  “I’m upset, of course, but Ainsley is the one who is suffering. I barely knew Shamus. How is Mom holding up?”

  “Kalan is with her now.”

  Ainsley’s internal sensors finally clicked in. Another Changeling was here. “Excuse me,” she said.

  Having her kind wander about wouldn’t do anyone any good.

  “Ainsley, hold up. I’d like to talk to you for a minute,” Jackson said.

  The Changeling was close by, and she didn’t want him to see them together. Her only chance of finding a clue to Shamus’s death was to distance herself from Jackson. After all, his company had been responsible for breaking into the Changeling bunker and recovering some of the Wendayan magic that had been stolen. “I’m sorry. Now’s not a good time.”

  “Then can I stop over to your place tonight after work? I have some things I’d like to discuss with you.”

  Be alone with Jackson? Hell no. It would be too hard.

  Tell him yes, her inner wolf urged. She wished she had the skill to shut her up.

  Ainsley pressed a hand to her stomach and pushed inward, hoping to quell her inner beast who had never acted up like this before. “What about?”

  He looked around. “I can’t discuss it here.”

  Ah, then why ask to see her in the first place? “Sure, now excuse me.”

  As quickly as she could, she stepped away. Before she reached her room, a Changeling emerged from the physical therapy area and looked straight at her. Well damn.

  Chapter Eight


  Going over to Ainsley’s house might be about the dumbest thing Jackson had ever done, but he didn’t have a choice. She was the only one capable of finding out who’d killed Shamus. Everyone in the Clan was depending on her—just like many had depended on Olivia and Nathan before they left town.

  He also needed to have the discussion about the whole mating issue. At the moment, his human side wasn’t ready to be with a Changeling. Even if he wanted to be, he couldn’t. One bite and his genes would be tainted for life, and from what he understood, not even Naliana could undo that damage, if he let his bear take over.

  It would be hard to stay in control being so close to her, but he needed to suck it up and threaten his bear if he misbehaved. Those few minutes at the clinic had tested his resolve to the max. Ainsley not only looked adorable, but her scent continued to alter something inside him. The more he was with her, the harder it was to contain the animal within, but for Shamus, he had to see her.

  He slipped his hand in his pocket and fingered the envelope his dad had given him for Ainsley. It was from Shamus.

  Jackson parked behind her building and gripped the wheel tight, stealing himself against the sexual draw that was about to tug on him from the inside out. Being in a small space with her would be pure torture, but this was about retribution for Shamus’s death, not his comfort.

  For the last hour, he’d debated bringing her a piece offering—like flowers, chocolate, or a nice bottle of wine, but he didn’t want her to think this was a date. Having her remain distant toward him might be the only way to maintain his sanity.

  Get going.

  With his shoulders pulled back, Jackson stepped up to the intercom that Mr. Berta had installed on the back door of the brick building. Elana told him that the rear door was left open during shop hours, but now that the store was closed, this entrance was locked.

  He pressed the worn button. A few seconds later, Ainsley answered then buzzed him in. Their discussion needed to be factual, appealing to her sense of justice—assuming she hadn’t been faking her grief this morning. If Elana was right, Ainsley wanted to be rid of her evil Changeling ways and was all in favor of having Naliana help.

  As he trudged up the dimly lit, steep steps, his heart pounded, and the rapid beating wasn’t from exertion. That damn mating pull was doing a number on him. Grabbing onto the handrail, he pictured Shamus’s prone body and his libido calmed.

  I can do this.

  Jackson interviewed people for a living, drawing out secrets they had no desire to share. Speaking with Ainsley shouldn’t be any different—just more strenuous.

  He knocked. When she pulled open the door, Ainsley didn’t make eye contact as she motioned him inside, and he was grateful for small favors. She’d changed out of her work uniform and thankfully had on a baggy rose-colored top that went well with the streaks in her hair. She hadn’t applied any makeup since the last time he saw her, but she still looked pretty. It was the low slung jeans that hugged her body too well, outlining every lickable inch, along with her bare feet, that was making his animal claw at his gut for release.

  Touch her, his bear urged.

  Jackson clenched his fists to force a barrier between him and his inner demon. “Thanks for letting me come over.”

  “Sure. You want some tea?”

  He needed something stronger than that to get through this conversation without doing something stupid. “Got a beer?”

  She shook her head. “Whiskey okay?”

  A woman after his own heart. “If you’ll share one with me.”

  He swallowed a groan. Now why the hell had he said that? He was here on business. If she hadn’t rushed into the small kitchen right away, he would have told her not to bother. Keeping her back to him, she fished out two short glasses then retrieved a bottle from one of the top cabinets.

  “Shit,” she said as she poured the drinks.

  “Need help?”

  “No I just spilled some.” Her level of frustration seemed higher than was warranted.

  A minute later, she brought out two drinks and set them on the small table wedged between the kitchen and the living room. She then sat down. Jackson pulled out the hard seat across from her, and when he sat, his knees practically touched hers.

  He was close. Too close. His gaze locked onto hers, and then his teeth sharpened. A few bones cracked. Damn. Her flowery scent was undoing his resolve one cell at a time.

  “How are you holding up?” he asked with so much sympathy, it even surprised him that he cared whether or not she was okay.

  “I’m still upset, but I’ll make it through. I have a job to do. And your mom?”

  She must not believe that he was upset about his cousin’s death, but he was. Shamus was family, and family meant everything to him, but he’d leave that discussion until later. He didn’t need to defend his honor. “Distraught. Losing Shamus has brought back all the memories of when my aunt died. Shamus was my mom’s last bit of connection to her. Not only is she grieving that loss, she’s trying to come to terms with Shamus’s violent death—as we all are.”

  Ainsley nodded. “Your mom is a nice lady. She and her sister shared a lot of the same kind-hearted traits.”

  His heart pinched. Ainsley had to be good inside if she could see that his mom and aunt were amazing women. “Thank you.”

  Her grip on her glass was so tight that her nail beds had turned white. Ainsley drew the glass to her lips and chugged half the contents. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  He’d rehearsed this a million times, but nothing ever sounded right. “I’m not sure where to begin.”

  “How about the fact that we’re mates, and I’m a Changeling?” Her lip curled as if she found the mating distasteful too.

  His gut clenched. “You don’t pull any punches, do you?”

  “I see no reason to.”

  A trickle of relief wormed its way into his body and helped release the tension strangling his gut. Now that she’d pointed to the big elephant in the room, he wanted to address it head on. “Elana told me she mentioned the chance to have Naliana help rid you of your Changeling genes.” It would have to happen if they had any chance of being together.


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