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The Bear's Forbidden Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 4)

Page 12

by Vella Day

  Arguing would get him nowhere. “Understood.”

  She leaned back and watched him. The casual way she dragged her gaze up and down his body caused more inner turmoil. Damn, woman.

  “Now that your treasure hunting didn’t pan out, what do you think the other dots on Mr. Ernst’s map represent?”

  “I don’t know, but I sure as hell would like to find out.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Once Ainsley left Jackson, she rushed back to work. Before her next client arrived, she straightened up her workroom, trying to take her mind off Jackson’s allure. The more time she spent with him, the more her inner wolf wanted to say fuck it, and just jump his bones.

  Stupid wolf.

  She had more important things to do at the moment than pine over what wasn’t going to happen in the next few hours—like count the days until Naliana would perform her magic and cleanse her.

  Two days. That was all she had to wait.

  Oh, crap, she should have asked Jackson exactly what she needed to do to set up this cleansing. She could call him now, but she didn’t want to bother him. James said that she should wait by the lake. While that was all well and good, didn’t she have to tell them when she’d be there? And where by the lake?

  Tomorrow she’d deal with the logistics. Ainsley’s three o’clock appointment was about to arrive. She inhaled a few times to help center herself.

  I will function. No, I must function.

  It would be hard to concentrate though, since her head still spun from that kiss. Holy hell on a stick… Jackson’s scent had invaded her body so deeply she feared she’d never survive if she didn’t have her Changeling blood altered. If he decided he didn’t want to be with her after all that, she wasn’t sure what she’d do. Not that she would blame him if he decided not to mate. After all, she was stubborn to the core—and fiercely independent. Furthermore, she didn’t need a psychic to tell her that she and Jackson would butt heads constantly if they ever ended up together.

  Stop getting sidetracked.

  Ainsley had a job to do. She refocused. According to her next client’s chart, Mrs. Claire was a human with back pain, an issue that often drew many customers to her.

  Right on time, Mrs. Claire arrived. To her delight, once Ainsley asked her a few questions, she managed to focus—despite having her mind a million miles away. After the successful treatment, the next two hours went by quickly.

  When it was time to leave, Ainsley hurried out, anxious to shower, eat, and then delve into the mystery of the red dots. She couldn’t help wondering what Jackson thought was buried under that well. One of the shifters on the path mentioned sardonyx. Maybe that’s what was down there.

  Just for fun, she would do a little research on her own. It didn’t matter that even if she did learn what kind of treasure might be buried, Jackson would never be able to dig it up now that someone had purchased the property. Why he thought Mr. Donaldson would let him in the first place, she didn’t know.

  She arrived home and dashed into the bathroom. No sooner had she stepped out of her shower than her doorbell rang. The vibrations coursing through her body told her who was there.

  With a towel around her body, she stepped into the small living room and pressed her face against the closed door. “Give me a few minutes, Jackson, okay?”


  It wasn’t like he had a choice. Greeting him dressed in almost nothing would be asking for trouble. Quickly, she dashed to her bedroom and threw on jeans and a thick, baggy sweatshirt so she wouldn’t have to wear a bra. She looked a mess, but that was probably for the best.

  Seconds later, she threw open the door. It didn’t matter she’d seen him this afternoon; her body went wild. He’d changed his shirt to a soft green colored pullover that brought out the streaks of gold and green in his eyes. Whoa. Her nails sharpened and her bones cracked. That wasn’t good.

  She didn’t dare lower her gaze. Dangerous thoughts would crumble her resolve. “What’s up?”

  “Can I come in? I have a few things I need to discuss with you.”

  “Sure.” Ainsley stepped to the side, pleased she sounded in control, when she was anything but. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  He held up a hand. “No, thanks. I need to keep my wits about me.”

  She managed not to smile, totally understanding what he was going through. To make sure they didn’t accidently sit next to each other, she dropped down on the green leather chair while he took the sofa.

  Jackson leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and his fingers dangling. He looked sexy as hell. “Shamus will be cremated tomorrow, and his father has asked that either you or I fly his ashes home.”

  Her heart jammed in her chest. Shamus. With all that had gone on in the last few days, she hadn’t thought about him often enough. “I want to take him to Scotland.”

  Jackson nodded. “And I will come with you.”

  She leaned back, her ire flaring. “I can do this alone. I don’t need a babysitter.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Shamus was my cousin. He’s my family. I’m sure Uncle Gordon would appreciate it if a family member came over. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come too.” Thankfully, his voice had softened with the last few sentences.

  Pushing aside the slight, her thoughts jumped toward the erotic. A shared hotel room, maybe? Hot sex? Heat swamped her, and her bones cracked.

  Just as she was about to squash those ideas, she remembered she would be cleansed in two days and might not be able to go if he insisted on leaving tomorrow. “When would you go over?”

  “I thought after the cleansing.”

  She blew out a breath. He seemed to care about eradicating the Changeling part of her as much as she did. “That works for me.”

  “So should I buy tickets for us then?”

  She mentally went through her list of clients, checking to see if any of them had to see her. “How long would we be gone?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe two days? Fly over on one day, give the ashes to my uncle, and fly home the next day. It’ll be hell on the body, but I don’t want to be away from work for long.”

  Jetlag would be a bitch, but this was for Shamus. “I can go if we leave on a Friday afternoon. We’d arrive Saturday morning. If we leave early Monday morning, we’ll by home by noon.”

  “It needs to be done. I’ll see what I can find ticket wise.” Jackson sat up. “The other piece of news doesn’t really affect you, but I thought you might like to know. I learned who purchased the Donaldson property.”

  From the way his voice almost shook with excitement, this was good news. “Who?”

  “My father and Connor and Rye’s dad.”

  That didn’t make any sense, especially in light of the fact that a corporation bought it. “I don’t understand.”

  He explained that his dad and Connor’s father used to own McKinnon and Associates. “When they retired, Connor took over. They now miss the action, but said that our place is too small for them to join the team again.”

  His voice had risen with excitement. “That sounds amazing, but are you sure they don’t want the property for the treasure?” It was the only thing that made sense.

  “No, they didn’t know anything about my map when they purchased the place. They claimed that they want us to have a bigger, better office—one with more room. Now that they understand what it takes to be successful, they want everything to be state-of-the-art. Part of the building might even be built as a safe house. Besides, if they unearthed the sardonyx they would just turn it over to the Clan anyway.”

  She sank back against the chair. “That’s remarkable that they would do this for you. I can tell you my parents would never have done anything so wonderful. You’re lucky.”

  “I am, but my folks aren’t Changelings; no offense. They plan to travel for a portion of the year, but when they’re home, they’d like to help out.”

  “Will you tell them about the treasure?”
This seemed important to Jackson.

  He nodded. “I just told them, but I didn’t have the map with me at the time. I could tell they didn’t believe me.”

  “But they’ll let you look first, right?”

  He chuckled. “You are something else.”

  She hoped that was a good thing, but she didn’t want to ask despite the smile on his face. “Blair told me stories about your life growing up, and while your folks were strict, they were really loving. They sure proved it today.”

  Jackson stretched out his legs and looked good enough to eat.

  Snatch one kiss, her wolf demanded.

  “They are the best.”

  Wanting to take her mind off her desires, she changed the subject. “Before you go, let me ask you. Is there something I need to do to let James and Naliana know that I want to be cleansed?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll ask Rye. He’ll know.”

  “I appreciate it.” Jackson was such a nice man.

  He stood. “When I buy the tickets, I’ll let you know, but I’ll need your passport number and other information.”

  Ainsley shot to her feet. “I can pay for my own.”

  He waved a hand. “It’s our family.”

  She was about to say Shamus wasn’t just her friend, he was like family to her too, but she had the sense Jackson needed to do this. “Thank you. Let me give you the information now.” She ducked into her room and retrieved her passport then handed it to him. She trusted Jackson.

  Ainsley then walked him to the door, her body jittery and needy. Just as she reached for the knob to pull it open, Jackson focused his gaze on her. Her mouth turned dry and wetness pooled between her legs. Her pulse sped up, and her bones began to crack.

  Stay away, she pleaded to her inner wolf.

  Jackson leaned over. “It won’t be long, Ainsley. Then watch out.”

  Her heart racing, he pulled open the door and left. His footsteps pounded down the stairs, but his scent lingered. Holy hell. What had she gotten herself into?


  As soon as Jackson reached the outside, he plastered his back against the door. Being around Ainsley had been pure torture. He wanted to rip off those baggy clothes and sink his cock deep inside her, but he understood that he couldn’t—at least, not yet.

  He had to work to convince his bear that all he had to do was wait two more days. The bear agreed to be patient. Jackson didn’t want to rush her, but the yearning was growing stronger by the hour. His bear would only wait so long.

  Ainsley already seemed skittish around him, but he couldn’t blame her. He hadn’t exactly been welcoming. Knowing full well what Changelings could do, he’d fought against them for years. Having one in his presence had messed with his mind, so it was understandable that his first reaction had been rather negative. Hopefully of late, he’d shown her that he could treat her with respect and even love.

  Pushing off from the building, he headed to his truck. Needing to take his mind off his enchanting witch, he went into work, antsy to find out more about the supposed treasure. Jackson was thrilled that his dad and uncle wanted to build a better office for them, but he was happy where he was. However, if Kip’s brother-in-law, Sam, came on board in a few months, he’d have to take over Devon’s old office. If they needed Connor’s brother’s help again, they’d be short on space. With the new building, if they needed to add more personnel, they’d be able to.

  On the way to town, Jackson stopped at a fast food joint and ordered a chicken sandwich and fries. He figured fueling his grumbling stomach would help him think better.

  When he arrived at the office, a light was on. It had to be Connor, though Kip had been known to work late too. Ever since he’d mated with Teagan Pompley, Kip’s extra hours had been cut short. Jackson understood why. Kip’s own brother had his powers stolen by the fucking Changelings, and then they’d tried to steal Teagan’s magic twice. If she were his mate, Jackson wouldn’t leave her side either.

  As soon as he entered the building, Connor stepped from his office with a cup in his hand and headed for the coffee maker. “I thought you were going to talk with Ainsley.”

  “I did.”


  He shrugged. “She wants to deliver the ashes with me.”

  Connor’s brows rose. “Being so close to her won’t be a problem?”

  “We won’t go until after the cleansing.”

  “Won’t that be a fun trip?”

  “It will be a sad trip,” Jackson said. “Remember, I’m delivering my cousin’s ashes to his father.”

  Jackson didn’t want to talk about the details. It was the mating process that concerned him. How could he be certain her cleansing had worked? And if it did, would it change her personality? To be honest, he didn’t want her to change. Ainsley was bold and aggressive. If anyone had asked him what he wanted in a mate even six months ago, he probably would have said someone who was a bit shy and demure but who had an edgy appearance. He inwardly chuckled. Boy, had he been wrong. Who knew he enjoyed a good challenge?

  Connor dropped his gaze. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Why are you back here?”

  “I’m going to do some more research on that treasure. First though, I’d like your opinion.”

  “On the map Ainsley found?”


  He motioned for Connor to follow him into the office. When they were at Connor’s parents’ house, Jackson had explained that Ainsley had taken a picture of the map from one of the Changeling’s laptops.

  Jackson slipped behind his desk, booted up his computer, and then brought up the two overlapping maps.

  Connor studied the images. “I see the one red dot on Ainsley’s map aligns with yours. What do you think the other dots mean?”

  “I have no idea. Our only hope of finding out is to identify the exact location of the well and dig from there.”

  Connor straightened. “Our dads won’t close on the property for another two weeks, so you can’t excavate until then.”

  “I know. I’m here merely trying to take my mind off Ainsley’s cleansing and what comes after that.”

  Connor smiled. “When do I get to meet her?”

  “How about joining us at the cleansing?”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Ainsley was nervous. Jackson had explained that she could invite any shifters she wanted to her cleansing ceremony, and naturally, she asked all of Jackson’s family. Having Blair there helped, though being in Naliana’s presence had her in awe. The goddess might have lived on earth until she was sixty, but she looked beautiful with her long, white flowing hair. Wearing only a yellow gauzy dress, she didn’t seem to be affected by the weather at all. Ainsley, however, was freaking cold standing near the lake at night with the cold wind blowing across it.

  Because Rye’s mate, Izzy, was needed to part the waters, she and Rye were there. Jackson had asked if his two coworkers could also watch, and she’d said yes.

  It’s time.

  Ainsley was going to be cleansed, though the whole concept was still surreal.

  She studied the cold looking shimmering lake. Just the thought of jumping into the water made her visibly shiver. It didn’t matter that Jackson had explained how at the last cleansing, a witch by the name of Ophelia had somehow heated the lake. How that was even possible, she had no idea. Then again, she didn’t understand how she could become invisible either. Some things might always remain a mystery.

  James clapped his hands, and Ainsley returned her focus to what was about to happen. Even though it was evening, between her shifter vision and the white moon illuminating the lake, she could see rather well. Everyone looked almost as eager as she was.

  “Ophelia,” Naliana called. “Please join us.”

  A very old woman with slumped shoulders appeared out of nowhere. Wearing a long, black dress, she walked up to the lake, not even glancing toward Ainsley. The witch raised her arms then lower
ed them, pointing toward the water. If Ainsley hadn’t been standing there and seen it for herself, she would have never believed steam could rise from the cold lake.

  Naliana moved next to Ainsley. “Please remove your clothes then walk in to your waist. Once in position, dive down. When you reach the solid stone bottom, lower your head to the ground and wish away your Changeling ways.”

  Was she kidding? Hell, if that’s all it took, she could have done that herself. Don’t question her.

  While Jackson had told her she’d need to undress, being naked in front of him made her a bit self-conscious. With so many people watching though, she believed her wolf would remain hidden.

  Ainsley slipped off her clothes and placed them in a neat pile next to the lake. The only thing she refused to remove was the red-stoned necklace that Shamus had given her. She wouldn’t be required to shift, so it would be safe.

  “Go on,” Naliana prompted.

  How hard could this be? Walk in. Dive down. Think cleansing thoughts.

  Then why was she so scared? She knew. What if this didn’t work? Perhaps she was too damaged to succeed.

  Jackson placed a hand on her shoulder. “Go.”

  Oh, my goddess. She’d been frozen in place. Ainsley nodded and stepped into the lake. Warmth surrounded her, and suddenly, she felt lighter. Trudging through the lake water, she walked about fifteen feet until the water reached her waist.

  Here goes.

  Holding her breath, she dove in. Only it wasn’t like being in an ordinary lake. The water suddenly changed color from blue to a shimmering pink. Her vision sharpened, and it was almost as if she could breathe underwater. Ainsley didn’t even struggle for air.

  She reached out, and when her fingers touched bottom, it was as if the stone rose to greet her. White light surrounded her and love poured into her. Waves of healing seeped deeply into her soul, and Ainsley never wanted to leave. The beauty of the blues, pinks, yellows, and oranges of the water mesmerized her.

  A figure, who looked like Naliana, seemed to appear before her, but the glowing light was so bright that Ainsley couldn’t make out her face. Arms reached out toward her. Wanting to be embraced by this wonderful being, she too stretched out her arms.


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