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The Bear's Forbidden Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 4)

Page 14

by Vella Day

  He grunted. “Be careful.”

  Ainsley let up on the pressure and gently swirled her tongue around his thickness. He grabbed her ass and squeezed. The faster he flicked his tongue across her opening, the quicker she pumped her fist. Just as his cum tinged her tongue, she found herself on all fours.

  “Fuck, condom’s in the other room.”

  This was the man she would be with, hopefully, forever. “I’m on the pill.”

  She had to be. Ainsley had never had sex without protection, but now things had changed. The first time she made love with Jackson needed to be extra special, and she wanted to ride him bareback.

  “Praise every goddess whoever existed.”

  Jackson leaned over her back, his cock between her legs. Shudders of lust swept over her as he palmed her tits. She had feared he’d find them too small, but from the way he was stroking her nipples and groaning, that thought hadn’t even entered his mind.

  “What are you waiting for?” she whispered more to herself.

  “I don’t want this to end.”

  She never thought Jackson would be that sentimental. Having him stroke her breasts brought unsurpassed joy, but it was her wolf who wanted more—a wolf, who by the way, was demanding satisfaction right now.

  Jackson’s distracting pinches and rubbings ratcheted her desire to the point where she might have to flip him over and ride him.

  Dragging his lips across the back of her neck, the tip of his cock found her entrance. Pulse soaring, she gently pressed back, giving him the go signal.

  “My bear is screaming for me to take you, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She was so wet she honestly believed she could handle him. “You won’t.”

  With his hands on her breasts, he slid into her, but then stopped halfway. Those few inches already had her climax knocking, but they weren’t enough. She lowered her head and dropped down onto her elbows. The change of angle allowed him to slide in farther.

  “You feel so fucking good. I don’t know how long I can last,” he panted. “Your scent, your delectable body, and those amazing tits are making my bear want to claw right through me.”

  She understood. Her wolf was doing the same thing. “Take me then.”

  Ainsley hadn’t meant for her words to come out strangled, but her vision was blurring, and even though they hadn’t turned on the light in her bedroom, the colors had intensified. She had to be hallucinating.

  He slid his hands to her hips and plunged in. She inwardly howled. Having skin-to-skin contact was better than she could ever imagine. Her inner walls stretched, and the slight pain ignited her even more. Clutching the sheets to help keep her from climaxing too soon, she pressed her hips back, only to be met with a huge thrust. His cock filled her to the hilt, and she could no longer hold that looming climax back. Blue stars shot out from every part of her body and nearly lit up the room.

  Jackson grunted with each push, and her moans grew louder and louder, right up to the point where he drove into her one last time and held still. Gulping in mouthfuls of air, her orgasm swept in just as his hot seed filled her. Her nails grew and her incisors lengthened. The euphoria encasing her was even better than what she’d experienced at the bottom of the lake. Filled with total bliss, she was satisfied beyond her wildest dreams.

  Even after her climax, her body continued to explode, and her heart was filled with a sensation she couldn’t even begin to name. Elation perhaps? It certainly couldn’t be love, though someday it might be.

  Jackson lowered his cheek onto her back and wrapped his arms around her waist. “That undoubtedly was the hottest sex I’ve ever had,” he said, taking several breaths to say those words.

  All she could do was nod. Still inside her, he rolled them to his side and held her tight. Minutes later, he withdrew and jogged into the bathroom. When he returned with a warm wet towel, he cleaned her up. “I bet you want to shower after being in the lake.”

  Cleaning up hadn’t even crossed her mind. She’d been too preoccupied with needing to make love with him. “Sounds good. My shower stall is small, but would you like to join me?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  This was going to be some adventure. Her shower was tiny, but it would be fun to rub up against him while she tried to scrub him clean. When they stepped into her bathroom, she realized asking him might have been a mistake. He was just too damned big.

  “I hope you fit.”

  He tapped a nipple. “I’ll try.” She turned on the water and waited for it to warm. “Go ahead and soap up,” he said. “Then I’ll join you.”

  She appreciated his thoughtfulness. Her hair was probably spiked every which way from her dunk in the lake. Believing he’d only wait so long, she dipped her head under the warm stream and lathered her hair. Just as she started to rinse, he stepped in. His back was pressed against the far wall and his chest was almost touching her back. Ainsley laughed. “I think I underestimated the space.” She spun around to face him.

  “It’s perfect.”

  He snatched the bar of soap from the tray and dragged it across one nipple, sending her urges upward once more. How was that possible? She’d just been satisfied more now than she had in her entire life. “That tickles.”

  “So? I need to wash you, remember?”

  “You don’t look so clean either.” Two could play at this game. She slipped the bar from his fingers, soaped up her hands, and then grabbed his erect dick. “Definitely need to clean this.”

  When she lowered her head, the water hitting her back sprayed him, so Jackson reached around her and shut off the water. “How about we soap each other up and then rinse?”

  She’d do anything to get in more touches. Ainsley would have thought that after the mind-blowing sex, her libido and her wolf would be satisfied—but no! It seemed to be worse. Good goddess, she’d never gone a second round before, but tonight she wanted to.

  When Jackson snatched the soap from her hands once more and swiped it between her legs, her need exploded. Suggesting they shower together had been a mistake. His large size and presence was messing with her rational thought.

  “I need to finish rinsing my hair.” She turned on the shower and leaned her head back.

  Another mistake.

  He leaned over, and when he drew a nipple into his mouth, pulses of need stimulated every nerve ending. How was this intense reaction possible? Jackson looked up at her and grinned. His eyes shimmered an amber-gold color, flecked with green, and then his teeth sharpened.

  “You clean yet?” He lifted her chin and touched his forehead to hers.

  “Yes.” Ainsley had no idea if she was, but his words held a kind of power over her that she had to say yes.

  Once more, he turned off the shower and pushed the door open. As soon as they slipped out of the confining space, he snatched a towel and rubbed her body with the soft terrycloth. At times he was rough, and at other times, he slowly dragged the material over her body until she pulsed blue. Her dripping hair made it difficult for him to keep her dry.

  She slipped the second towel off the rack and rubbed her hair. “You need to dry off too,” she said as she pulled the towel from her head. Then she twisted him around to face the small sink and mirror.

  With his back to her, she took a moment to study his body in detail. And what a fine body it was. She patted his back dry then dropped to her knees. His ass was biteable—so she bit him—lightly of course.

  “Hey,” he complained. She laughed at his attempt to sound hurt.

  Just as she was about to dry his calves, he turned around. “Well, well. Somebody’s excited,” she said, glancing up at him and grinning.

  “It’s all your fault.”

  A second later, she was over his shoulder, being carried back to the bedroom. Blue sparks shot off her body in every direction. If she’d known this was what it was going to be like to find her mate, she might have searched for him sooner.

  Chapter Sixteen

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  The night after the most amazing sex he’d ever experienced, Jackson pulled into Rye’s driveway. He hadn’t expected to see so many cars. In truth, he wasn’t sure what the get together was even about, other than to let Elana host a celebration for Ainsley at her house, which required Kalan to relocate.

  His future mate had implied that other than Blair, she didn’t have many friends, so Jackson was thrilled that the women wanted to welcome her into the Clan.

  The whole concept of having a mate still scared him, yet at the same time, it was a balm to his wandering spirit; strange, but true. Ainsley was funny, smart, talented, and beyond tempting.

  A few questions remained about this whole mating process, and he hoped Kip, who was also a Wendayan, could answer them. Then again, all that blue stuff might be a Changeling thing. Even Ainsley didn’t seem to know much about it.

  Jackson slipped from his truck, rapped once on Rye’s door then opened it. Laughter sounded as he entered.

  Rye looked up and raised his beer bottle. “Here’s the guest of honor.” He motioned to the cooler next to the coffee table. “Help yourself.”

  Because of tomorrow’s flight to Scotland, Jackson needed to limit his intake. Once he grabbed a drink and opened it, he dropped down onto the lounger next to Kalan and Connor. Rye and Kip sat across from him.

  “So?” Connor asked, waving his bottle.

  Jackson wasn’t sure what he was asking. “So what?”

  Connor chugged half of his beer. “How was it?”

  It? They’d seen him drive Ainsley home after the cleansing, and knowing shifters, Jackson assumed they were asking if he’d consummated their relationship. Did they really think he would talk about it? “It was fine.”

  Rye laughed. “Fine? If that’s the case, then Ainsley is not your fated mate.”

  Jackson could see where this was headed. “All right. I give. It was amazing, but kind of scary at the same time.”

  He swore every one of them leaned forward, their eyes bright. “Did you mate with her?” Kalan asked.

  Geez, what were they? A bunch of high school girls? He had to chuckle to himself; the guys were a nosey bunch. Even if he lied, the physical manifestation of their markings would have combined if they’d mated, and these four just might insist on checking out the marking on his shoulder. Then they’d know he wasn’t telling the truth. “Not yet.”

  Kalan sobered. “Did she turn you down, bro?”

  “Hell, no.” Surely, his brother didn’t think that little of him. “We decided it was better to wait. “Did you bite Elana the first time you were with her?” He knew the answer to that question was no. He then glanced to Rye and Kip. “How about you two?” They shook their heads, and the tension between his shoulder blades released.

  Kip leaned back and sipped his beer. “Did her blue aura envelope you though?”

  Jackson sat up straighter. This was one of the things he wanted to learn about. “I’m not sure, but I can tell you there was a shit-storm of blue sparks flying off her. Hell, I thought she might be allergic to me or something.” They all laughed. “If you’re laughing, you must know what it means, so tell me.”

  Kip set down his bottle. “Ainsley is part Wendayan.” He went on to explain how the blue sparks meant she was excited, and that eventually, there would be so many sparks that it would appear as a blue glow. “When Teagan and I mated, it was incredible. Mind you, we are both pure Wendayan, so it will be different for you, but our blue auras encompassed each other, and a white light connected us. That was when we passed our talents to each other.”

  Jackson stilled. He’d completely forgotten about their abilities being transferred—albeit to a lesser degree. “Are you saying that if, or rather when, Ainsley and I mate, that I might inherit her talent of invisibility?”

  “Invisibility?” they said in unison.

  Oh, shit. She’d had no reason to tell anyone. He had to think back to the last time he’d spoken with Connor. After those Changelings had attacked him—and Ainsley had saved his ass—he’d returned to the office the next day, but Connor hadn’t been there. The next time he saw his boss was at his parents’ house, and his and Connor’s fathers had dropped the bomb that they’d purchased the Donaldson property. Ainsley having the ability to disappear at will had slipped his mind. Be honest. He was still embarrassed at having a woman come to his rescue.

  “I need to start from the beginning.” Jackson told them about visiting James and how he’d said if they wanted to find out who killed Shamus, they should find where he was killed. “So we went on a run that night.”

  “You took Ainsley with you?” Kalan asked, sounding as if he would never have asked Elana to join him on a potentially dangerous mission.

  Jackson held up his hand. “Just wait. I thought that too, but James said not to underestimate her talents. At the time, I didn’t know what that meant.”

  He described how he was attacked, and then, all of a sudden, two wolves flew off his body.

  “Ainsley did that?” Kip asked.

  “Yes. Being invisible has its advantages, but the girl can fight. She tore out their throats once she took them to the ground.”

  Pride swelled at their wide eyes. “Holy shit,” Connor said. “If she is ever open to doing some consulting work, I’d hire her in a heartbeat. We could use someone with her talent.”

  Jackson bristled, his protective side flaring. If she couldn’t be seen, how much danger could she really be in? Regardless, he wasn’t sure he wanted her to take the risk. “I’m not sure how long she can remain invisible.” That was the truth. He’d never asked her.

  Connor nodded. “I’m still interested.”

  He wasn’t ready to talk about it. Besides, it would be up to Ainsley to make that call. Knowing her, however, she’d jump at the chance. The woman seemed to have this inner need to prove herself.

  “Back to my story: after the Changelings attacked me, I was disoriented and really weak. I can’t even tell you how I made it back to the truck. All I remember is collapsing onto the front seat. I do know I was in human form at that point. I then woke up in my bed in my bear form.”

  Rye pointed the tip of his bottle at him. “I say mate with her as fast as you can.” The whole group smiled and held up their bottles in a show of unity.

  When the time was right, he would. Kip had partially explained about her blue glow, but perhaps Rye could add something. After all, he was a shifter and Izzy was a Wendayan. “Rye, when you and Izzy mated, did you bite her and she just glowed blue to indicate the mating process was complete?”

  He nodded. “Kind of. Her aura totally encompassed both of us. That was her signal that she was accepting my bite.”

  “Do you think Ainsley has to both encompass me and bite me? After all, she is part wolf, and part Wendayan.”

  Rye glanced away. “Let’s just say, Izzy now does both.”

  From the way his Alpha’s voice had trailed off, Jackson didn’t need to be asking any more questions. That was okay. He now understood what to expect.

  Kalan propped his feet onto the coffee table that sat between them all. “Do you know where you’ll be staying in Scotland?”

  “With Ainsley.”


  It was around eight p.m. when Ainsley picked Blair up to drive over to the shifter compound to meet with some of the Clan women. Ainsley still couldn’t believe that her life had made a one hundred and eighty degree turn in such a short period of time.

  “Have you packed for the trip?” Blair asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Yes, as we leave tomorrow. I only have to pack for two days, but since it might be much colder there than here, I have to wear a lot of layers.”

  “I’m chilled just thinking about it.” Blair pointed to the next street. “Elana lives down that road.”

  The homes, most of them brick, sat on large lots. Personally, she liked Jackson’s log cabin better, but she’d keep that opinion to herself.

  Four cars t
ook up the driveway, so Ainsley parked on the street. Excited, she exited the car. Before she could raise her hand to knock on the front door, Elana pulled it open. “Hey, come on in.”

  There wasn’t a reason to be nervous, but she was. Her whole life, Ainsley had stayed away from groups, fearing she’d let something slip. For the first time ever, she had no secrets. After all, beside Blair, Elana, Teagan, and Izzy had been at her cleansing ceremony.

  Four women were seated on both of the leather sofas. The two women she hadn’t met had to be Missy, Izzy’s sister, and Chelsea, Rye’s sister. Ainsley could definitely see the family resemblance between Missy and Izzy—both had auburn hair and a creamy complexion. Chelsea was a pretty brunette with bright blue eyes and a turned up nose.

  “Have a seat,” Elana said.

  As soon as she and Blair were seated, Izzy began asking Blair what she did for a living and when she’d returned to Silver Lake. While Blair told them a little about what she’d been up to since high school, Elana stepped into the kitchen then returned with two wine glasses. Several bottles were already on the coffee table. “Help yourselves,” she said.

  Izzy picked up a tray of oatmeal raisin cookies. “I made these. They’re delish, if I do say so myself.”

  They looked divine, and the first bite of sweetness managed to lower Ainsley’s anxiety level. “These are amazing. I’d love your recipe. I bet Jackson could eat the whole batch in one sitting.” Not that she’d been with him often enough to know that fact, but she had a feeling he liked his sweets.

  “I can guarantee you Kalan can.” Elana sat down. “So you and Jackson seemed rather cozy at the lake.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

  He’d carried her from the water and then never left her side. As much as Ainsley didn’t want to share the intimate details, she did have questions—questions that only another Wendayan could answer. “We’re taking it slow.”

  She poured a glass of white wine while Blair went with the red.

  “Slow is good,” Teagan said.

  The women snatched more of the cookies. Aw, what the hell. Ainsley just needed to ask about her blue sparks. “Can I pick your brains?”


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