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The Bear's Forbidden Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 4)

Page 16

by Vella Day

  “You were right. He’s a wonderful and honorable man. It tears me up to see him suffer like that.”

  “Me too. Me too.” She had to look away or fear breaking down. Being depressed when Jackson was trying to cope wouldn’t help anyone, so she decided to take the advice of the girls and do something kind of wacky and out of character to cheer him up—and cheer herself up too. “I know of something that might boost your spirits.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist. “What’s that?”

  “I’m not telling. You’ll just have to trust me.” They hopped in their rental, and Ainsley returned to High Point Road where most of the businesses were located. She wasn’t sure he’d go along with her crazy scheme, but she had to try. When she reached Studio IV on the north end of town, she parked in front of the entrance.

  Jackson studied the storefront window. “Wait a minute. I’m not getting a tattoo. The one on my upper back is enough.”

  “That’s not a tattoo. You were born with the circle with the bear paw print inside.” He looked off to the side. “Besides, I wasn’t going to suggest you get one.”

  He returned his gaze to her with raised brows. “You’re getting one instead? Is that why we’re here?” He smiled. “How about having the artist ink my name right below your belly button?”

  She just shook her head. “I was going to suggest you get a gold stud earring. It’ll give you that bad boy look.”

  He furrowed his brows and pressed his lips together. He then lifted his chin and struck what he probably considered was a Hollywood pose. “You don’t like my look?”

  Ainsley laughed and lightly punched him. “You know better than to ask, but you do seem a bit uptight. I thought you could use some loosening up.”

  “Really? You think I’m straight-laced?” He waved a hand. “When I’m on a case, I admit I’m focused, but not when I’m home or out having a good time.”

  “I’ll have to take your word for it.” However, it wouldn’t do any harm to let him think he needed to be more carefree. “I bet there are times when you work too much and don’t relax.”

  He focused his gaze on her. “You’re right. What the hell. I say, let’s do it!”

  She hadn’t expected him to give in so easily, but she was stoked. Ainsley could envision Shamus looking down at her and smiling.

  They entered the tattoo and piercing parlor where she immediately spotted some really cool drawings of dragons. She’d love to have one of them tattooed on her arm, or maybe her back, but she didn’t want to do anything that would create a tender spot. She had some hard loving to do tonight.

  Jackson followed her over to the cabinet that contained earrings, and together they picked out a small gold stud. Ainsley had to admit he was being a good sport. Most men would have balked by now, but Jackson seemed to want to do this for her.

  Once he chose the earring, Emily, the piercing artist, led him over to a chair. With precision, she cleaned and marked the area, and then pierced it. “All done,” she announced.

  “Let me see.” Ainsley was excited to see his new look. When Jackson turned his head, the added touch of gold suited him. “Definitely more macho.”

  He wagged a finger at her. “I don’t need an earring to look macho.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “Then why suggest the new addition?” he asked.

  She told him the truth. “Because it was something fun to do.”

  Jackson lowered his chin and seemed to think about her comment. “You’re right. This might be the first thing we’ve done together that didn’t involve… shall we say research.”

  He must be implying learning about who’d killed his cousin.

  Emily explained how to clean the stud, and how long he needed to keep it in before moving onto a bigger earring.

  “I’m good with this for now,” he said.

  Ainsley insisted on paying since she’d pressured him into getting the adornment. When they exited the shop, the cold winds had died down, and the sun was out. “You up for a walk?”

  “Absolutely. Gotta show the Scots what a real man looks like.”

  She cracked up. “What have I created? I thought about getting you a leather jacket to complete the look, but I’m not sure I could handle your ego.”

  He winked. “Careful what you wish for.”

  “Ain’t that the truth?” She pointed to the northeast, toward the town’s icon, though the buildings blocked the view. “On the other side of the buildings are some castle ruins that I thought you might enjoy exploring. They overlook the water and are a huge part of our history.”

  “Fantastic.” Several blocks later, they passed the last of the shops and the castle came into view.

  “Wow, is that it?” Jackson asked.

  “Yup. That’s Panillor Castle. It was built in the mid 14th-century as a fortress and was one of the last curtain wall castles to be constructed. You can see how the cliffs protect the other three sides, making it the perfect spot to defend Scotland.”

  “If I lived back then, I’d feel safe here if enemy ships came in by the sea. Who owns it now?”

  “The Historic Society of Scotland. Supposedly, the castle was handed down from one generation to the next, but when it was severely damaged in the late 1600s, it was sold to the Marquis of Perth. When he died, it became the property of Scotland.”

  “It makes me realize just how young America is. We have our forts, but nothing as grand as this structure.”

  As they neared the North Sea, the wind picked up, forcing Ainsley to pull her coat tighter. It didn’t bother her as much as it had in the past because doing something with Jackson made any discomfort worthwhile.

  A long stairway led to the entrance of the castle. Because the stone had crumbled in many places, a state-of-the-art metal railing had been installed to reinforce the sides. From the outside, the castle looked rather intact, but once they stepped inside, the extensive decay became evident. The ceiling had long since fallen, and most of the parapets on top of the walls had been destroyed.

  Jackson walked over to a roped off area and looked down the several stories. “It’s too big to be a well. What was this used for?”

  “I’m not sure. I always figured the floors were missing.”

  “Is there a way down there?”

  “Seriously? It’s got to be crawling with rodents.”

  “I don’t believe for one second that Ainsley Chancellor is afraid of a few rats.”

  “Make that sharp-toothed, disease ridden rats.”

  Jackson laughed, a sound that warmed her heart. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he led her away from the precipice and guided her over to one of the openings that were used to shoot arrows from and later, cannonballs.

  “The view is fantastic. I can see for miles,” he said with true awe in his voice. “I can see why they’d build a fort here. My enemies wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  “It’s quite marvelous.” She had visited a few times with Shamus. Perhaps right now, he was looking down at her from above. Hell, knowing him, he’d found Naliana and had charmed her into giving him a front row seat. If Ainsley ever saw her again, maybe she’d ask.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jackson asked.

  Tell him. They shouldn’t have any secrets. “I was thinking about Shamus and where his soul is right now.”

  Jackson glanced upward. “I’d like to think he’s right here with us.”

  Those few words were just what she needed to hear. Without thinking, she faced Jackson and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I like being with you, Jackson Murdoch.”

  As if they were the only two people in the whole world, she blocked out the sound of the wind whipping across the sea and the seagulls squawking overhead, and kissed him. His response was so immediate that the instant connection and passion transported her back in time, to a place where Changelings didn’t exist and the only worry was where to find food.

  As their tongues entwined, several school children
giggled on the landing area below. While the contact escalated her need, she didn’t want to make a scene. The last thing she wanted was for her presence to somehow reach her family, so she broke the kiss. “I feel exposed out here.”

  “Oh, yeah? I know of a more secluded space,” he said, his mouth an inch from hers.

  She grinned. “Why Mr. Murdoch. Are you suggesting we head to the hotel?” Please say yes.

  She was about to ask if all he thought about was sex, but then realized she wanted him just as much. The timing was right for them to mate. She and Jackson belonged together forever.

  “I most certainly am.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Once they checked into the quaint Dunwick Hotel, they took the tiniest elevator known to mankind up to the third floor. Their room didn’t have a swipe card, but rather was an old fashioned skeleton key.

  “Is most of Scotland still in the Middle Ages?” Jackson asked. From the way he was trying to hide his smile, he was pulling her leg, but she’d go along.

  “Absolutely. We’ll have to ask the porter to bring up buckets of hot water if we want to wash.” The sheer horror on his face had her cracking up. “You are the most gullible man I know.”

  “Me? This place is old. Hell, the elevator shook so much, I feared we’d plummet to our death. Even you have to admit that not having key cards is a little backward.”

  “True.” She pushed open the door to their room and was surprised by its spacious size. The fact it had a king-sized bed instead of one queen was a real plus.

  Jackson followed her in, carrying both suitcases. “A flat screen TV? I didn’t expect that.”

  “Me either.” She hoped he wanted to do other things than spend the evening watching the tube. “I’m a little grungy from the flight. Mind if I shower first?”

  He stepped closer. “Can two fit?”

  “Let’s check it out,” she said. He placed their suitcases next to the bed then followed her into the bathroom. “The shower’s tiny.”

  “You’re right. It’s definitely built for one.”

  While the sink was pedestal style and the toilet appeared to be modern, the shower stall was even smaller than what she had at home. “We should be thankful we have a private shower,” she said.


  “The sad truth is that in many small town hotels or B&Bs in Great Britain, guests often have to share a bathroom.”

  “Then I’ll be thankful for what we have.” Jackson stepped closer. “Do you need help undressing?” He dragged a finger down the front of her jacket.

  If she said yes, she might never get to wash. “You can help if you’re good.”

  He grinned. “I’m always good.”

  Ainsley didn’t believe him. After kicking off her boots, she unzipped her jacket and placed it on the closed toilet seat. She then lifted her sweater off while Jackson worked on removing her pants. Between the two of them, she was naked in no time. “Thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

  He shook his head. “Not going to happen. My bear is ready to be released.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Under no circumstance are you to shift. Scotland isn’t ready for that.” It didn’t matter they were in the privacy of their room.

  As if he hadn’t heard a word she said, he kicked off his boots then stepped out of his pants. “Don’t worry about me. I’m just getting ready. Turn on the water.”

  She didn’t believe he’d be noble and merely watch. Jackson didn’t appear able to keep his distance, especially since both of them were naked in the small space. In case he could control his urges, she did as he suggested.

  Once she scooped up the hotel’s liquid soap container, she opened the glass shower door and stepped in, half expecting Jackson to pull her into a hug and kiss her silly. But he didn’t. Instead, he leaned against the sink with his arms crossed over his chest and kept his gaze on her.

  She might have considered objecting to his controlled behavior, but she hadn’t slept in forever and was struggling to stay on her feet. Hopefully, the hot water would revive her.

  Keeping an eye on him, she let the warmth soak into her skin while she readied to wash. Because her hair was clean, she made short work of the chore.

  Jackson remained still, watching her. Where was the man who couldn’t keep his hands off her? She hoped he wasn’t having second thoughts about them mating. Or did he want to wait until they returned home? That would suck. She wanted him now, and she saw no reason not to mate with him.

  As soon as she stepped from the shower, it was as if his bear came out of hibernation. His lids lowered, and he pushed off from the sink. When he ran a finger over her wet nipple, waves of lust shot straight to her core, and her body pulsed blue. “You’re wet,” he announced.

  “I am.” Ainsley grabbed a towel from the rack and handed it to him. “Want to help dry me?”

  “Careful what you ask for. I might do more than dry you.”

  That would be fine by her. With care, he rubbed her tits with the soft towel, and each swipe had her pulsating with need. Navy sparks rippled up and down her body, surprising her in their brightness. “You can go faster,” she pleaded.

  That way they’d make it to the bed sooner. Inhaling his fresh scent had totally messed with her libido. Ainsley had no doubts that she was out of her comfort zone here. Sex never held that much appeal, but the moment she’d met Jackson, she couldn’t help dwelling on being with him in the most intimate way—all the time.

  “I’m in charge here, so I’ll go as fast or as slow as I please, missy.”

  “If you’re trying to turn me on, don’t waste your time. I’m ready.”

  He stopped drying her and leaned closer. “This isn’t a race; it’s a slow seduction—assuming I can wait that long. Rest assured I want you right now, but this is a special night, and I want us to enjoy it to the fullest. Who knows when we’ll return here?”

  “I like romance as much as the next, but I suck at expressing my feelings. You’re so good at it.”

  He smiled. “You’re pulling the Changeling card on me?” He held up a hand. “Don’t answer. That’s all the more reason why I need to take my time. Someone needs to show you what loving is all about.”

  She inwardly groaned, and as hard as it was to say nothing and not move, she remained still. Finally, he finished drying her breasts and stomach. If he’d been content to finish the job by drying her back, she might have lasted, but when he dragged the towel between her legs, she lost it. Her bones cracked and her teeth sharpened.

  Don’t shift.

  Needing some control, Ainsley grabbed his hard shaft and directed him out of the bathroom. How she thought that would help reduce her desires, she didn’t know. She stared at the dark floral pattern on the floor to help stop her shift from happening.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. Jackson didn’t sound too concerned, nor did he swat away her hand.

  “Clearly, someone who wants to get laid needs to be in charge.”

  “Is that so?” As if she’d lit his fire, he lifted her up and tossed her onto the bed then shook a finger at her. “Don’t ever think I don’t want to be with you. I’m working hard just to stay in human form.”

  “So am I.” She grabbed his cock again, needing the connection. “Stay right here while I tempt you.”

  “Merely looking at you tempts me. Your smell tempts me. Your luscious—”

  “Okay, okay.” He wasn’t making this any easier.

  She sat on the edge of the bed, leaned over, and dragged her tongue up the length of his cock. He groaned and grabbed her shoulder. When she glanced upward, his brows rose as if he couldn’t believe she’d just done that. Hell, after a few swipes, he’d be so close to the edge that he’d have to impale her.

  The mere thought of him driving his cock into her and then biting her, made her body heat and her inner walls spasm with intense need. Returning to his glorious length, she flicked her tongue across the tip of his cock, and hi
s hard shaft twitched. This was fun, but it was also testing her resolve. If only she could pretend to be indifferent, she could really make him squirm. Too bad, every part of her was radiating blue.

  She grabbed the base of his cock and pumped her fist. He sucked in a breath, and his sharpened nails dug into her skin. When she looked up once more, his eyes were closed. As she lifted her hand once more, he grunted. Victory was near!

  Wanting to taste him, she sucked on his cock hard. Two seconds later, a huge blast of cum shot out of him. Holy crap! She could barely swallow fast enough to keep up with the flow. When he finished exploding, she leaned back on her elbows. “I can’t believe you came.”

  His hands straddling her on the bed, he leaned close. “What did you expect? I’ve been with you for close to a full day, touching, rubbing, and smelling your delicious scent. I’ve seen your kindness and your considerate actions, despite you trying to play tough with me. Well, news flash. I might be a shifter, but I’m also a man. I couldn’t take the temptation any longer.”

  She glanced down at his dick and was delighted that it hadn’t deflated at all. “I trust you are up for more?” She wanted him so badly.

  “I can go all night long, my invisible witch.” He slid a hand under her legs and lifted her more fully onto the bed. Like an animal hunting its prey, he crawled on top of her. “I want to see how long you last.”

  “I’ll admit I’m weak around you. I give myself maybe fifteen seconds, so if you want to go straight to the final episode, I’m good with that.”

  He grinned and then nabbed her earlobe. “That so? Well, I’m not. Now that I’m partially defused, I can last a lot longer.”

  Oh, shit.

  His mere touch made her want to do all sorts of nasty things with him, but first, she wanted to sink her teeth into his neck and be transported to paradise.

  Wait a minute. Did I really think that?

  Clearly, Jackson had robbed her of all thought. His nibbling on her ear, coupled with his palm caressing her breast, was almost too much to handle. She spread her legs wide, hoping he’d get the hint, but he seemed content to kiss her and then drag kisses down her neck.


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