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The Bear's Forbidden Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 4)

Page 20

by Vella Day

  Jackson wasn’t worried. “Bring it on. We’ll have five men here at all times once Wayne digs down far enough. By the way, he said he’ll have it dug by tonight.”

  “Great,” Connor said. He looked up and nodded. “Speaking of which, here’s Wayne now.”

  Just as Jackson turned to meet the man who would excavate the well area, he sensed two other shifters besides his brother, Connor, and Wayne. He searched the woods across from the property but didn’t see anyone. “I’m sensing company,” he said.

  “So do I,” Connor said, his mouth pinched and his gaze focused.

  “Let them watch,” Jackson said. “With what we have planned for Wayne, I don’t think our work will raise any red flags—that is, until we unearth the sardonyx.”

  “I bet the Changelings will feel the power emanating from the source before it’s exposed. Then they’ll wait for the right moment to grab it,” Kalan said.

  “Let them try. We’ll be prepared.”

  Wayne came over. With survey in hand, Jackson explained where he needed to dig. “Just be careful. We don’t need to be left with a pile of dirt sprinkled with sardonyx.”

  Wayne smiled. “I can grab a one carat diamond with my scoop.”

  Jackson laughed. “See that you do.”

  For the rest of the morning, Jackson stood watch. Kalan left around noon, but Dalton stayed until two. Jackson had scheduled members of his Clan to show up in three-hour shifts starting at three. By six, Jackson was beat and called it a day. Until the treasure was actually found, he figured things would remain calm.

  Suddenly, Wayne’s tractor scoop hit something hard, and Jackson rushed over, his heart running in overdrive. Together, they checked it out.

  “It’s the well!” Jackson said. “I’ll be damned. We’re getting close.”

  “I’ll go slowly around this area, but I’ll continue to dig the larger pond to throw those bastards off. You look like shit. Why don’t you head home and rest. I’ll call you if I find anything.”

  “Perfect.” In a few hours, Jackson would either be a hero or look like a fool. “Keep in touch. Connor should be back soon.”

  Of the five clansmen who’d volunteered to stand watch, three would station themselves around the area while the other two would do a larger perimeter search. That should be enough to dissuade the Changelings from charging in.

  When Jackson returned home, Ainsley’s car was in the driveway, and despite being exhausted and cold from standing outside all day, his bear wanted her.

  “She needs to rest,” he tried telling the animal inside him. Too bad his bear never listened. He’d promised her a movie, and that’s what she’d get.

  Tomorrow, after they found the treasure, they could celebrate in style. Not that he had any use for the red stone, but it would be one less source for the Changelings. Unfortunately, even if they kept this stash of sardonyx from the Changelings, it wouldn’t stop Council members from buying up one of the buildings that was on top of the other burial sites, ripping up the floors, and digging down. Crimeny, their reign of terror would never stop.

  Right now, Jackson hoped he was wrong about what was down there—that there were only useless Confederate notes. It sure would save the Wendayans a lot of grief.

  He unlocked the front door and entered. Now that Ainsley was living with him, he had to make sure she was safe. “Ainsley?” he called out as he tossed his keys on the kitchen counter and took off his gloves and jacket.

  When she didn’t answer, he headed into the bedroom. Aw. His sweet mate was still dressed in her uniform, faced down on the bed. He smiled. On the drive home, he’d thought about treating her to a massage, but it would be better not to wake her. If she did rouse and was in the mood, he’d make sure he provided all sorts of fun.


  Ainsley awoke at ten p.m. after having crashed on the bed. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been that tired. When she realized she hadn’t even taken off her uniform, she groaned then rolled over, only to find Jackson sitting next to her reading.

  “Hey, you’re home. Sorry, I must have passed out. I think not having used my invisibility for such a long time, exhausted me.” She brushed the bangs from her face and wet her lips.

  He smiled and looked so damn hot. “I can only imagine. The stress alone of breaking into someone’s house and not getting caught would tucker anyone out.” He closed his book and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. “If you get naked, I’ll give you a back rub.”

  Ainsley snickered at his comment. “Hmm, naked? Really? Is that a prerequisite for this back rub?” If she hadn’t already decided that he was the most amazing man in the world, he’d win that award now. “Do I get to rub you down naked afterwards too?”

  A burst of energy surfaced at that thought.

  “Oh yes, Miss sassy. It is definitely a requirement for this back rub, but I don’t think after touching every inch of your body that my bear will be willing to wait, especially if you are planning to do naughty things to my body.”

  “That’s probably true.” She’d never be content just to rub him down. Her mouth and tongue would have to join in the pleasure too. “While I undress, how about grabbing the bottle of lotion from the bathroom. You can rub it all over me.”

  “How about I watch you get naked and then I’ll get the lotion?”

  His eyes had already turned that yummy golden hue, implying she might never receive that back rub. “Deal.”

  Her wolf was going crazy. Because of the delay caused by last night’s adventure up in the hills, it had been too long since they had made love. Love. Not only did Jackson’s eyes shine with it, his actions showed her how much he cared for her. Ever since they’d mated, she’d promised herself that she’d allow herself to fully feel. For the first time in her life, she was ready to be in love and be loved.

  As slowly as her wolf would allow, she unbuttoned her work shirt and tossed it behind her on the carpeted floor.

  Jackson whistled. “I love white lace.”

  “Admit it. If I had on a plain cotton bra, you’d say the same thing.”

  He shrugged. “I can’t help that no matter what you wear, watching you undress turns me on.”

  Everything turned him on, but she wouldn’t play that game. She had some serious loving to do. “I’m glad.”

  Next came her pants and then her bra. When she flung them behind her, Jackson’s incisors extended, and hair sprouted on his face. Next thing she knew, he had her flung back onto the bed and pinned under him. “I can’t wait.”

  “What about my massage?” Ainsley pouted and gave him some sad puppy dog eyes.

  “How about I rub you until you come?” Jackson waggled his eyebrows at her seductively.

  Ainsley giggled at his antics. She could imagine what that would entail. Somehow, her back and shoulders wouldn’t receive the attention they deserved. That was okay. She didn’t think she could last very long if he dragged his rough hands all over her body. “I’m waiting for the rubbing to begin.”

  “Geezus, I love that sassy mouth.”

  “Is that all you love?” Me and my big mouth. Damn, Jackson might not be ready to discuss something like the concept of love.

  “Clearly, I’ve done a poor job showing you that I love everything about you. Your hair, your tits, your pussy…”

  She cracked up. “You are all man. Now show me with your mouth and your hands exactly what you love the most.”

  He growled. The next thing she knew, he was all over her. Ainsley’s blue aura shot to life as his lips found hers. His scent and taste spread through her body like wildfire, and her wolf demanded more.

  She ran her fingers over his short hair, loving the bristled texture. His facial hair was a little rough on her lips, but she adored that he was as needy as she was. As she ground her pelvis against his hard cock, their tongues dueled for position.

  Jackson broke the kiss. “Panties have to go.”

  With amazing dexterity, he slipped them do
wn over her butt and dragged them to her knees. She had to intervene and take them off the rest of the way since his arms weren’t long enough.

  He slipped a hand around her back, and when he lifted her up enough to suckle on her tits, waves of ecstasy washed over her. He drew one nipple taut while he palmed the other breast. Streaks of pure bliss shot straight to her core, causing Ainsley to moan her pleasure out loud. If he continued for much longer, she’d come, and that wouldn’t do. She was determined to have one huge climax timed precisely with his release. Tonight was about loving Jackson the way he deserved.

  “Get on your back,” she commanded.

  Without a word, he did as she asked. Before he could take back control, she straddled his legs, leaned over, and then scooted backward until her mouth was close to his cock. Not able to wait any longer, she drew him deep into her mouth. Her blue glow intensified.

  “Sweet goddess of love,” Jackson whispered. “Your mouth is pure velvet.”

  Not wanting to break the seal, Ainsley worked hard not to smile. Her love for him bloomed. Each flick of her tongue and stroke of her palm heightened her desires. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could last since her need for him surpassed everything she’d ever experienced.

  Enough, her wolf demanded. Ride him hard.

  Her aura expanding, she lifted up, drew his cock to her entrance, and plunged downward. Whoa. While she was wetter than the rose quartz at the bottom of Silver Lake, he stretched her wide. Ainsley had to stop in mid ride to allow the slight pain to subside. Once her muscles relaxed, she dropped down the rest of the way. Blue sparks burst everywhere. She was so close to coming.

  “Need you,” Jackson mouthed.

  He clasped her shoulders, and when he drew her near, the change in angle hit more erotic spots than she knew existed. Dropping down to her elbows, she cupped his face and kissed him with all of her passion. He’d given her a new lease on life in so many ways, and she planned to thank him for the rest of her life.

  In need of air, she lifted up. As if they both were overcome at the same time, he dragged his sharp teeth across the soft part of her neck just as she lightly touched his skin with her needle sharp canines.

  Poised to bite, Jackson withdrew his cock partway and then drove right back in. The second he hit her back wall, all hell broke lose. She sunk her teeth into his neck and rode him hard, her blue glow completely encompassing him. As he bit down, her climax came so hard and fast that she saw stars on the back of her lids.

  Jackson lifted his head just as his cock exploded, sending his hot seed into her. Her mind blanked, and her body collapsed. She’d never been happier in her life.


  Ainsley must have fallen asleep because the next thing she remembered was Jackson shaking her. “Ainsley, I gotta go.”

  She sat up. It was dark out. “What? Why? It’s late.”

  “Connor called. Wayne found the sardonyx.”

  Suddenly, she wasn’t sleepy anymore and sat up. “That’s fantastic.”

  “It would be if Connor hadn’t sensed a butt load of shifters near the property. I’m calling Kalan and Rye to see if they can rally the troops.” He leaned over and kissed her. “I’ll be back soon.”

  She scooted off the bed. “I’m coming with you.”

  “No, you aren’t. I don’t want to be distracted, and if you’re there, I will be.”

  “Okay. Then go.” She didn’t want anyone to suffer because she’d delayed him.

  He gave her one final kiss then ran down the hall. Her mouth kicked up at the corner as she shook her head. Did he really think she’d let him go alone? And here she’d thought he understood just how stubborn she could be.

  Ainsley would give him a three-minute head start. If she parked down the road, shifted, and then cloaked herself, he’d never know she was there. Or so she hoped.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The second the front door closed, Ainsley quickly dressed. As much as she wanted to wear Shamus’s necklace, if she shifted, it would splinter apart, which meant she had to leave it at home. When Jackson had nudged her this morning, anxiety along with excitement had radiated off Jackson’s body. No doubt, he anticipated a fight. Sure, he’d mentioned that Rye and Kalan would have men ready, but could he be certain it would be enough? John Ernst seemed like a resourceful man. After what had gone down when Kip, Kalan, and Connor stormed the Changeling bunker, the Changelings had probably found a ton of trained men to replace the ones they had lost in that battle.

  Ainsley jumped in her Jetta and headed to the Donaldson property. Fortunately, Jackson had pointed it out when they’d driven by, so finding it should be easy. She was happy Jackson had found his treasure, but given what it was, it might cause more issues for everyone.

  Damn Changelings. Thank goddess she wasn’t one of them anymore.

  As she neared, her senses shot to high alert. Just then, a strong pain raced along her arm, and then another one shot across her chest. Oh, shit. Jackson was being attacked. At least this time, he’d anticipated the assault.

  The anger radiating from him nearly made her miss her turn. Pressing hard on her brakes she rounded the corner. Ainsley parked and estimated she was about a half mile away. While she undressed in the car, the hardest part was being outside naked for those first few seconds before she shifted. Brrr. Once she closed the car door, she shifted and raced toward the fray.

  Howls, screeches, and loud growls sounded everywhere. She envisioned being invisible and suddenly disappeared. Three bears and about fifteen wolves were battling, but she couldn’t tell anyone apart, except for Jackson and his light colored snout.

  When she moved closer, the Changeling signatures became apparent. Thank goddess for that talent. Unfortunately, she was able to identify many more Changelings than non-Changelings. Three naked men were sprawled next to a pile of dirt, and she could only hope they were Changelings who’d lost their fight.

  Jackson let out a roar when three wolves attacked him, two in front and one behind. Time to move.

  Ainsley charged.

  “What are you doing here?” Jackson telepathed in between swipes.

  Damn. She’d forgotten that as his mate, he could sense her, and didn’t need to see her. Just then a wolf bit his leg. Crap, she hadn’t meant to distract him.

  “I wanted to help.” Now wasn’t the time to debate anything. “And I’m not leaving.”

  Crouching low to gain some momentum, she sprang forward, aiming for one of the Changeling’s neck. Her bite hit the mark, and the attacker rolled to the ground. Victory!

  As she ripped out that wolf’s throat, another snarling Changeling wolf ran into her, knocking her over. His paws scraped her neck and shoulder. Fire burned inside her.


  “I’m good,” she telepathed, but Jackson could probably sense that wasn’t true.

  Just as she pushed aside the pain, two wolves charged each other and she was caught in the middle of their gnashing teeth. One of the wolves pawed her back while the other bit down on her spine. They pulled back as if they couldn’t understand why they hadn’t reached the other animal.

  Just then, huge bear arms smacked the Changelings aside. “Let me see you,” Jackson demanded.

  With so much pain consuming her, Ainsley was unable to hold her invisibility shield much longer anyway. As soon as her arms and legs appeared, Jackson scooped her up and carried her to the side of the fray.

  “You need to stay and fight,” she managed to communicate as her vision blurred, and a huge ache stole her breath.

  “They’re running for the hills. They spotted our clansmen coming. Cowards.”

  “I just need to rest…”


  Jackson was beside himself. “I told Ainsley not to come to the property.”

  He strode over to the refrigerator, grabbed two beers, and handed one to his brother.

  “Did you really expect her to listen?” Kalan asked. “She’s your mate. Wh
en she felt your pain, she didn’t want to sit home idly.”

  He spun toward his brother. “Whose side are you on anyway?”

  “No one’s side. We’re shifters. We fight. We get injured, but she’ll heal.”

  “Why couldn’t she have learned her lesson after going into John Ernst’s home? She almost got caught then. At the battle, she nearly died.” Okay, that was an exaggeration, but she might have. Jackson had only himself to blame. He never should have agreed to let her help the first time.

  “Calm down. Missy is doing everything she can to help her. Ainsley will be fine.”

  “She’s strong, but I should have been the one who was injured. I can heal faster.”

  Kalan chugged his beer. “You should be lucky she showed up. When I looked over at you, wolves were crawling all over your ass. She took out one that was about to rip out your throat. I will say it was spooky that the wolf suddenly dropped to the ground and was dead a minute later.”

  Maybe he was being too harsh. “She’s saved my butt a few times now.”

  Missy came out from the bedroom carrying a flowered bag over her shoulder. “Ainsley is resting comfortably. When she wakes, she’ll want to shift into her human form. If her cuts are healed, encourage it.”

  “I appreciate you coming here and helping out,” Jackson said. Missy was a Wendayan healer who’d helped many of his shifter friends—including Rye and Kalan.

  She smiled. “I’m happy to help.”

  Kalan set his beer on the counter. He’d driven Missy. “Let me know how Ainsley is tomorrow.”

  “Will do,” Jackson said.

  As soon as Kalan and Missy left, Jackson rushed into the bedroom. When he saw Ainsley in her beautiful wolf form, his heart ached for her. She had a white patch of fur on her face while the rest of her body was a combination of tans, blacks, and grays. She was so lovely.

  He sat on the bed and examined her. Jackson had to admit that Missy was a miracle worker. While Ainsley’s fur was matted with blood in places, the deep cuts had almost healed. Stroking her face, he hummed, hoping the soothing tone would aid her in getting better.


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