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Devil's Spawn: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #6

Page 42

by Manda Mellett


  Cad nods. “Looks that way. He must have made his move after Cas got away and put an ad up on the dark web. Apparently, he’s getting ready for a hit in a few days’ time.”

  “You can do that?” asks Beaver. “Just put up a wanted ad for mercenaries?”

  “Sure, but not in the normal places, somewhere where only men of that ilk would go looking,” Cad explains. “Buried deep on the dark web where no one else would find it. Which,” he looks at Prez, “let’s me know whoever this contact is, he’s got skills way beyond mine.”

  I’m not the only one worried. An irate man lashing out and hitting us in the heat of his anger that he’s lost Cas is one thing. A man planning, bringing in people who’re presumably trained and know how to use the arms they’re carrying is something else.

  “What about sending the women and Theo away?” I suggest. “I know we dismissed it before, but I’d prefer Vanna and Cas to be far away when any shit goes down.”

  Demon looks tired. “Personally speaking, I’d like Vi and Theo removed from any harm, but there’s a risk Major’s still watching everything we’re doing. He learned enough to take Cas, who the fuck knows what other information he has?”

  Ink’s shaking his head. “We’d have to go with them to prevent an ambush on the road. What if Major’s looking for revenge as well as Mace’s woman? He could come at us when we’ve only half the brothers here to protect the compound.”

  “We stay on lockdown,” Demon decides, having weighed the risks up. “We sew this place up tight. Cad? Your contact able to tell us when to expect the hit?”

  “From what he’s said, it will take a couple of days for Major to set up what he needs to.”

  “You sure it’s not a message from Major himself, trying to mislead us?”

  Cad looks thoughtful. “It’s always a chance. But something tells me, it’s worth taking this info as legit.”

  Prez pinches the bridge of his nose. “We’ll work toward that while staying prepared for Major to come to us before the deadline.”

  “I don’t like it, Prez,” Pyro throws in, looking pale. I know he’ll be terrified of anything happening to his pregnant wife. While having someone else to protect is new to me, I have to remember, there are other men with the same feelings. “But if I’ve got a couple of days, I’ve got some ideas.”

  Demon nods. “Ideas are what we want, Brothers. We’re going to have everything that means something to us here. Ro, what are you thinking?”

  “Well, Prez. They could hit us from the front, or the sides, or the rear. If it was me, I’d be looking at multiple entry points to hit us hard. So, I’m thinking I’ll get my hands on some trip wires and mines, put a ring around our perimeter. If a fucker gets too close to one of them, he’ll be a dead fucker.”

  Mines? I don’t bother asking where Pyro can get his hands on them.

  “Nowhere near the gym, I fuckin’ hope,” Ink mumbles, his brow creased in concern. But he’s got a woman too. I guess if he has to start his project from the ground up again in order to keep Beth safe, it will be a small sacrifice.

  “You,” Pyro points at Ink, “are going to fuckin’ help.”

  Yeah. Ink’s handy with explosives too.

  “Good idea.” Cad is nodding. “As soon as a wire or mine is triggered, we can set off the rest. Take out anyone who’s approaching or give them something to think about.”

  “Two lines,” I put in. “They might get over the first, then think they’re safe and be less vigilant. If they’re mercs, they won’t stop to bury their dead.”

  Yeah, as the likelihood is, they’ll be looking at their individual paychecks, and won’t necessarily be friends with the man who’s just lost his life.

  “No women, dogs or kids to leave the clubhouse,” Prez announces.

  “Max will need to shit, Prez,” Beef puts in. “Pyro will have to set up the explosives beyond our fence line.”

  That will work. Beef prepared the rear of the compound to be safe for his blind wife. The flattened area is fenced to keep both her and Theo away from the dangerous parts. like the remains of the furnace where they used to smelt down trains. It’s big enough to take half a locomotive at a time, a death-trap for anyone who doesn’t know it’s there.

  “I’ll set up more cameras, Prez, so we know what’s happening at all times.”

  “I’ll keep the drone up,” puts in Paladin. “I got spare batteries in, it’s just a matter of keeping them charged and swapping them out.”

  Prez is nodding. “Pyro’s defence line isn’t just early warning of an attack from the rear, it allows us to focus our manpower on the front line. The gates, as we know, are our vulnerable point.”

  Conversation continues for a while, concentrating on ammunition, guns and where we’ll be positioned.

  Eventually, Ink stares at Mace and asks, “Shayla got a golden pussy or something?”

  When Mace growls and looks like he’s going to launch himself over the table, Ink holds up his hands. “Hey, man. Just wondering why Major’s willing to pay such a price to get her back. Surely, his normal MO would be to take another girl off the street.”

  Bomber supplies an answer which I think is right. “Doubt it’s the woman herself, just the principle of the matter. By taking us on, he’s sending a message, ‘don’t fuck with me, or I’ll hit you hard.’”

  “What about Esme?” I wonder aloud. “If he’s so keen to get his hands on his property, won’t he go after her too?”

  Demon nods. “You’re right. I was in touch with her dad earlier on tonight. He’s assured me he’s got Esme covered.”

  “He can’t have a clue what he’s up against.” I shake my head.

  “Oh, I think he does.” Prez grins as if he knows something we don’t. “And don’t forget, he’s got the law on his side.”

  Which we haven’t. I can just imagine the laughs we’d get were we to ask the cops for assistance.

  Prez bangs the gavel. “Okay. We’ll meet again tomorrow. I want plans fuckin’ A, B and C worked out, so we all know what we’re doing.”

  At last I’m free to go to see my wife and son. Mace calls me back as I’m about to leave. “Your fuckin’ son.” He shakes his head. “Chip off the old Jarhead’s block.”

  I stare at him, then grin. “You better fuckin’ believe it, Army Dog.”

  “What’s happening, Liz?” Vanna stands as soon as I emerge into the clubroom, as if she’s been waiting on me to come out. I beckon her and Cas over to a quiet table in the corner, making the split-second decision to include my son in anything I’m going to tell her. Kid proved he was a fucking man tonight.

  I wait until they’re seated. Without asking, Dirt runs over and puts a beer into my hand. I take it, then sit, leaning with my elbows on the table. “We’re on lockdown,” I tell them. “Which means you two, and every other man, woman, and child will be here on the compound.”

  “Major’s coming for me.”

  “He’s coming for Shayla,” I correct my son. “But yeah, can’t deny it. If he breaks through our defences, he’ll take anyone he can get his hands on.”

  “We have to leave,” Vanna says fast.

  A corner of my mouth turns up. “Safest here, darlin’. I’m a Marine, Ink too. Mace, Pyro, Dirt and Nails are Army. A lot of men here have served, or if they haven’t, they been dragged up in the school of hard knocks. Major has no fuckin’ idea of what he’s taking on. No one fuckin’ messes with the Satan’s Devils.”

  At that moment, Ink walks over and speaks into my ear. I nod at the news, and a full smile arrives on my face. As he moves off to spread the news, I turn to Vanna whose head’s tilted to the side.

  “RIP, he’s the prez of the local chapter of the Wretched Soulz, well, it seems they haven’t had fun for a while, so he’s sending some boys to the clubhouse. It will be a bit crowded, but hell, we won’t be turning a few more guns away.”

  “The Wretched Soulz?” Cas’s eyes have gone wide. “H
ell, yeah.”

  Hell, yeah is right. I grin at my son. They’re certainly not afraid of getting their hands dirty and will be good to have on our side. Put it this way, rather they had our backs than were the ones gunning for us.

  I notice the room has become emptier than it was before, and out of the window, a slight lightening of the sky. Well fuck, we’ve been up and talking most of the night. We’re probably all running on fumes.

  I pull my stick toward me and get to my feet. “Let’s go to bed. Cas, you’re sleeping with us tonight.”

  Vanna sends a look of relief my way. It was obvious mother and son didn’t want to be parted. And this dad wasn’t going to be missing out.

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

  Having emptied the chamber, I reload.

  “Getting faster, Liz.” Mace nods approvingly, then smirks. “Even hit the target a couple of times.”

  “Couple of fuckin’ times?” I growl. “Every one of those last bullets was a bull’s-eye.”

  “Lucky shots.”

  He’s not going to give up giving me hell, but I really don’t mind. Seems now my brain has decided to start cooperating, my recovery’s speeding up all the time. That pistol is in my right hand, and while I’m still slow getting a new magazine in, whatever Mace has said, my accuracy is fine. If Major steps into my sights, he’s going down.

  “We better get back, Liz.”

  Yeah, we had. We’d gotten the okay from Demon to come out to our range for a while to see if I could handle a gun in my right hand, but he didn’t want us gone for long. If Major wasn’t the fucking reason I was pushing myself so hard, I’d be more pleased than I am that I’m steadily returning to normal.

  “Joking apart, Brother,” Mace tells me seriously as we walk back down, “you’re coming along in leaps and bounds.”

  I think the need to protect my family has kicked my brain into gear and made me stop fucking around. I may walk with a slight limp, but at least I’m getting around without that damn stick which I hate.

  “Cas doing okay?”

  “Yeah.” I glance at the enforcer. “With all the comings and goings, all the people around, I don’t think he’s yet come down. With everyone telling him how good he did to escape, he’s still on a fuckin’ high.”

  The clubhouse is full to overflowing. RIP, his VP Charmer and the Wretched Soulz sergeant-at-arms, Bam Bam, have taken over Demon’s and Shayla’s old rooms, both Cas and Vanna are in with me—my son might be cramping my style, but I’ll not complain and rather he be close—and Shayla’s in with Mace. Along with the officers, three other Wretched Soulz have come to help us, and are camping out in our clubroom.

  “It’s going to hit him hard at some point,” Mace observes as we near the clubhouse, giving a wave to Pyro and Wills who are trailing wire along the ground. “But we’re all going to be here for him when it does, Brother. Lots of us coped with that shit and are still around.”

  First time you take a man’s life, whatever the reason, whether it was him or you, it’s always difficult to come to terms when you realise the blood you have on your hands. “Just got to keep him knowing there was no other way.” I nod at Mace, appreciating the support he’s offering.

  “If he wants to prospect for us in a few years’ time, you going to be alright with that, Brother?”

  I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that’s the way the wind would be blowing. “I wouldn’t mind, but I think Vanna might have other plans.” Like Cas going to college and getting an education. I’m still lagging behind, trying to catch up with how to help shape a youth’s hopes and dreams so he can have the best life he can.

  “You and Vanna tight?”

  We’ve reached the back door of the clubhouse. Opening it, I step inside, and Mace gets his response without me having to say a word. As soon as she sees me, Vanna has come across, and she’s in my arms.

  “How did it go, Liz?”

  Mace winks at me as he walks off.

  I answer her, but also my Prez who’s standing behind her, one eyebrow raised. “I can fire, reload, and hit a target.”

  “Your hand?”

  I flex it and show her. “Almost good as new, babe.”

  “Good fuckin’ news, Brother.” Demon slaps my back as he walks past.

  The kitchen is filled to overflowing. Jeannie and Mo are having a loud discussion about food and supplies they need to get in. Vi is rolling her eyes at them and making a list of her own. Steph and Beth are chatting at the table, and Mel’s pulling something delicious smelling out of the oven. Jayden’s got Theo in her arms, and Sindy’s emptying the dishwasher. The club whores are, as usual, noticeably absent while there’s work to be done. Mind you, they usually sleep through the day anyway.

  “Where’s Cas?”

  Vanna rolls her eyes. “They’ve got Call of Duty set up on a big screen in the clubroom. Last thing I saw, he was beating everyone’s ass.”

  Sounds like my son, I smirk. “Got a few minutes, Vanna?” I lean in closer and speak directly into her ear. “I, er, want to show you what I can now do with my hand.”

  “Your hand?” She bumps my hip with hers. “What if I wanted another part of your anatomy?”

  She’s speaking quietly, but as I’ve found out before, Beef’s woman may not have the use of her eyes, but her other senses make up for that. At her barked laugh, I look down to see her sightless eyes staring at me, crease lines around them. “You and Vanna go fuck, I’ll keep an eye on your son. Make sure you’re not interrupted.”

  “What if he was standing behind you right now?”

  Steph rolls her sightless eyes. “He’s not.”

  He isn’t. How the fuck does she do that? I didn’t even see her sniff the air.

  Vanna goes bright red as everyone turns and looks at us knowingly, but I don’t give a fuck. I grab her hand and all but drag her out of the kitchen. On my way to the stairs, I stop for a moment, seeing exactly whose ass Cas is currently whipping at the game he’s too young to play—only the Wretched Soulz prez and his sergeant-at-arms. Jeez. I continue on my way, shaking my head.

  While I’d previously objected to him playing an adult game, I’ve revised my opinion. Seeing what Cas had to do to escape Major, if that game taught him any skills he needed to bring into play, I’m not going to be saying one more word.

  “Liz.” Vanna’s puffing beside me. “Eager, much?”

  Again I chuckle, pausing only to lock the door of my room once we’re on the other side of it. “Gotta take our chances when we can.”

  “You’re getting the hang of being a dad,” she laughs back. “Be worse if we have a baby. You sure you want that?”

  “So fuckin’ sure, Vanna,” I tell her, seriously. “And this time I want to be a part of it and remember every fuckin’ thing about it until the day I die.”

  She’s already taking off her top and letting her bra fall to the ground. My eyes flare as I see the body I’ll never get tired off.

  “You’re fuckin’ perfect, Vanna.”

  “You’d be perfect too, if you got the goods out.”

  Oh, this wife of mine. “I’ll show you my fuckin’ goods,” I warn, stripping out of my t-shirt and unbuckling my belt. “I’ll more than show you.” I toe off my boots and step out of my jeans, handling my cock and pumping it. “Gonna fuck you hard, Vanna.”

  “Do your worst, big man.”

  I stalk her, pushing her down on the bed. “Tell me if it gets too much.”

  “Pretty sure I can take whatever you want to give me,” she gasps. “Just get on with it, Lizard.”

  A flash of memory comes into my mind of a young Marine and his new bride. I handled her like fucking porcelain, never wanting to hurt her. Now she has more meat on her bones and somehow the independence that’s been forced on her over the years has made her more confident in bed. She takes everything I want to give and even asks for more.

  “On your stomach, ass up. Want to
see my property patch.”

  She obeys, and as normal, all the blood in my body seems to rush to my cock as my name is revealed in all its glory. She’s wet, ready for me.

  Gotta slow this down. I reach around for her clit.

  “Just fuck me,” she instructs.

  Oh hell. She’s taunting me, wiggling that ass. I don’t wait to be asked twice, just enter her already wet pussy in one long stroke, both of us gasping at the feeling. I swear her cunt tries to draw me in.

  Then I start thrusting, hammering into her, my fingers finding her clit and strumming it.

  I’d love to say I fucked her for hours, but once she starts clenching, I’m a goner, and I’m gone with her.

  I roll over, pulling her with me, still semi-hard inside her. “Fuck, Vanna. Sorry, babe. That was fast…”

  “I came,” she giggles. “What’s the problem?”

  “No problem,” I tell her. “No fuckin’ problem at all. But we didn’t use a condom, babe.”


  I chuckle softly. If she’s got no issues with that, I certainly haven’t.

  “Liz? You finished in there?”

  I’m going to fucking kill Ink.

  “Whatcha want, asshole?” I yell back, nuzzling my woman’s hair.

  “Prez wants us.”

  Vanna’s giggling again. “Only one thing wrong with this clubhouse,” she tells me. “No privacy.”

  “We are so getting our own place, babe,” I tell her, dragging my jeans back on, knowing the dick I’m stuffing into my pants is sticky with her juices and mine, and relishing the feeling of taking her with me. “Soon as Major’s no longer a threat, we’ll find somewhere where no fucker will bother us.”

  My wife immediately grows serious. “Take care, Lizard. Please, take care.” She pulls herself up, slipping into the robe she’d left by the bed. “I’m so scared I’ve found you just to lose you again.”

  Crossing the room, I curl my hand around the back of her head, forcing her to look up at me. “Can’t make promises I might not be able to keep, but I’ll do everything I can to ensure you and Cas are safe, Van. I’ll walk through the fires of hell to come back to you.” I feel like I already have. I’ve been in hell for twelve years. Now I’ve got my slice of heaven, I’ll do whatever it takes to hang onto it.


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