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Broken Rules: A Rescuer Romance

Page 9

by Gunn, Jenna

I glance down at my robe. “Should I want to look adorable, or hot?”

  “You always look hot.”

  “Well, thanks. But something feels all wrong about our first time starting like this…”

  His eyes are twinkling, “You liked the way the other night started better?”

  “It was super hot.” I say a little shyly.

  He tosses the blanket back and slides from the bed, every glorious inch of his naked skin is bared to me.

  His hand catches the belt on my robe and pulls me toward him. “Super hot indeed.”

  I shiver as one of his big warm hands slips into my robe. The other unwinds the towel around my head. “I’ll see if I can’t fix this problem.”

  His mouth claims me then in a fast and hard kiss. The fire in that kiss leaps straight into my veins. My arousal shoots from zero to a thousand in four seconds flat.

  Brandon’s warm hands mold the curve of my waist. He lifts me up. “Let’s go for a little walk?”

  I laugh and wrap my legs around him. The man is always surprising me. I love that about him. He flips from dark and serious to funny and unconcerned in the blink of an eye.

  Without the slightest strain, he carries me to the kitchen. “I think we were right here.”

  He’s right. I’m sitting on the counter in the exact spot where I sat before. Only this time things feel very different.

  The spontaneity is gone. Replaced with an understanding that through all these rough patches the fire between us is undeniable.

  We’re dangerously close to being skin to skin.

  The heat of his body pours through the cotton of my robe as he pushes his big erection between the vee of my legs.

  The skin on my breast goosebumps as his fingers glide along the opening of my robe, “I like the robe a lot better. Easy access.”

  The anticipation of his next caress makes me shiver. Where will those talented fingers go?

  I love that he teases every bit of me before going for the vee between my legs.

  And the things he says… good lord.

  He melts my panties right off. If I had any panties on...

  I wiggle a little closer to him. “I like you naked, too...”

  I trace hands over his bare chest. Shaping the strong muscles beneath his skin. He’s golden bronze. The contours of his abs stand out boldly. A dusting of dark hair forms a thin line down to his proudly erect manhood.

  I’ve never been intimate with a man like him—the perfect male form.

  A man like this should be with someone sexy, and blonde and bombshell hot.

  Not a little B-cup, with freckles, and a houseful of baggage.

  My mouth tries to turn down in a frown.

  Dammit. What a time to start feeling down on yourself. But he’s magazine model perfect—

  I’m not a perfect anything.

  But he is here…

  With me.

  He doesn’t seem like the kind of man who’d stick around if he didn’t want what I had to offer.

  He nips at my ear, drawing me back. “So sexy…” he murmurs. “I love this spot right here.”

  I nearly purr at the deliciousness of his mouth on me.

  After he’s turned me to pure melted taffy, he pulls back, holds me with those amazing blue eyes of his. “I just want you to know, I see you as the beautiful, sexy woman that you are. I don’t care about all the rest of this stuff.”

  Talk about the feels—my voice is a breathy whisper when I reply. “Thank you, I would totally understand—”

  He smiles. It’s the softest, sexiest smile I’ve ever seen. “Sh...pretty girl, put those sexy lips to use doing something productive, like kissing me.”


  He doesn’t give me any chance to argue, he thrusts his hot tongue into my mouth, chasing away any doubt that he might want me just as I am.

  A splash of cold air hits my body as he shoves the robe from my shoulders.

  I’m naked and wrapped around his bare waist before I can breathe. We’re spinning around suddenly. I gasp as the cold kitchen table touches my back. His eyes are dark, hungry as he arches over me.

  The second he sucks my nipple into his mouth I am nothing but hot, and melting, and throbbing with need.

  I moan out his name. His fingers press into my leg as he spreads me wide. “I owe you an orgasm, or three.”

  My throat clenches as I try to catch my breath, “Um… okay.”

  He laughs that sexy as hell, deep rumble again.

  I nearly bolt off the table when the heat of his mouth collides with my clit.

  Holy magic-freaking-tongue-ride!

  I cling to the table with one hand, and his hair with the other. The man knows how to do it right. He drives me wild with his nips, licks, sucks, and the delicious pressure of his chin.

  I just want to grind myself to nothing on his face.

  Screw modesty. Screw being timid.

  I want it all with him.

  Everything inside me begins to clench and unclench. I’m so close. “Please, please more.” I beg.

  He slips a finger into me, curling it toward my g-spot.

  “Yes, oh—” The air freezes in my lungs. My body contracts. His tongue laves across my clit mercilessly. I buck against him. “More,” I gasp.

  He growls. “I fucking love a woman that knows what she wants.” He inserts another finger inside me. My back arches. I groan, “Yes, that’s it, don’t stop.”

  He licks at me viciously. Working me with every ounce of his attention.

  I reach for it, cry for it. “God, please….”

  “I’ll give you all the cock you can take soon, baby girl, but you’ve got to come for me first.”

  “I—I want to.” I twist and arch and clench on him. He goes right on licking at me and pumping his amazing fingers into me.

  Suddenly I feel his fingers shift. “Please, Brandon,” I cry, thinking he’s moving away from me, but he shifts his hand and I feel one of his fingers pressing against my rear.

  I clench instinctively, I’ve never—

  He swirls my hot moisture around all the sensitive places between my legs. Every inch of me melts into his touch. While he gently sucks on my clit, he slides one of his fingers gently into the place I’ve never been penetrated.

  My breath catches. My body quivers.

  It feels sooooo good.

  An explosive tide of energy rips through me. I’ve never felt anything like it before.

  My fingernails bite into the wooden table. I hear the ecstasy in my own cry as I disintegrate into the best orgasm of my life.

  Good god.

  I’m floating. Shaky. Breathing raggedly.

  There’s only pure darkness filled with languid pleasure.

  Then I feel his hot lips against my mouth.

  I’m barely able to move my arms, but coax them up and around his strong shoulders.

  Somehow I manage to form a single word, “Condom?”

  He nods against me. “I thought we might end up in the kitchen again.”

  “God, I love a smart man.” I say against this scruffy jaw. I feel him smile.

  “Are you ready for the real fun?”

  “Oh, my god. Can it get any better than that?”

  “I guess you’ll have to tell me later.”

  He angles my knees wider, pulls me down until I’m right at the edge of the table. “I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me.”

  I gasp as he presses the thickest head I’ve ever felt against me. My flesh strains to allow him in. He shifts from side to side, opening me to him. He kisses me so deeply, so hard that my body is one big throbbing, stretching nerve ending.

  When he reaches the hilt, I shudder. My fingernails dig into his thick biceps. God, he is big. All over.

  Brandon holds perfectly still, letting me adjust. “Ah. That’s so good. So tight.”

  I arch with him as he starts to move. His rhythm is long and slow, and the perfect motion to undo me.

  I thought
I’d never come again after that orgasm.

  I was very wrong.

  He holds his pace. My heart pounds.

  His damp skin moves against mine. My eyes flutter open to find his beautiful eyes hard and hot on me. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful. And you’re mine.”

  His next thrust nearly crushes me. I breathe his name. “Brandon…” My fingers latch onto his shoulders. He dives onto my neck, biting the cord of my throat. I scream as he marks me.

  It’s crazy, but I love it.

  His mouth moves to my lips, the energy around him shifts to something dark and primal. He levers himself up, changes his pace.

  This time my body feels every single inch and all of his power.

  An orgasm, hot and red, like wildfire burst open inside of me. My vision flashes, “Aaaah!” I shout.

  Brandon chases me into the throes. He shudders. My name tears from him on a growl so powerful it vibrates through every cell.

  The next thing I know I’m warm, curled under the blankets with Brandon spooning me. He kisses the tender spot below my ear. Laughs gently against me. “Rest up little one, I’m a morning guy.”


  I sit bolt upright in bed. Anya’s fingers are digging into my arm, her hand is shaking. In the lowest voice I can manage I say, “Someone’s in the house.”

  Silently, I push back the blanket and reach for my briefs. I recall there was a metal sculpture of a palm tree on the dresser. It’s heavy and cold in my hand as I move to the open door.

  There’s a dim light coming from the kitchen. A shadow passes through the beam.

  Moving carefully, I close in. My fingers shift the heavy palm tree around so I can use the base when I strike.

  Pressing my back against the wall, I wait.

  Someone’s moving around the kitchen, opening drawers. The fridge light shines. The sound of plastic wrap crinkling makes me frown.

  What the hell?

  Someone breaking in and eating leftovers?

  Stepping into the kitchen, I bark at the man with his head in the fridge, “Hold it right there.”

  The guy slowly stands and turns to face me. His lip curls up into a snarl. His steely blue-grey eyes give me a once over. “What the fuck?”

  I know that shock of strawberry-blonde hair.

  I sit the statue down on the table with a thud. The very same table where I just fucked his sister senseless. “I might ask the same. But it looks like you’re raiding the fridge.”

  He drops the leftover burrito onto the kitchen counter, clenches his hands into fists at his side. “Who the hell are you?”

  Anya’s hand pulls my arm back. With a huff, she pins her brother with a glare and says, “Cameron, this is Brandon.”

  Cameron’s eyes skate from her to me and back. “He the one that chased me?”

  “Yeah.” I answer for her. “And that truck in the driveway should have clued you in.”

  A deep frown turns his young face even harder. He crunches his nose. Like I stink or something. “What are you doing in my house with my sister?”

  That gets a bark of laughter out of me. “Doing what you’re not doing, taking care of her.”

  The veins in Cameron’s neck begin to puff out. I’ve touched a nerve.

  “Anya can take care of herself.”

  “Stop!” She growls.

  I’m nowhere near done. “Anya can, but she shouldn’t have to. Ironic that you act worried about her now, but she’s been here alone dealing with a falling down house, with some thug harassing her about money you owe. Yeah, you ‘re doing your job, man.”

  Anya steps between us, “Enough pissing at each other. Cameron, tell me what’s going on.”

  Cameron moves stiffly to the table and pulls out a chair. He lowers himself into it gingerly.

  Anya rushes to his side. “God, what’s wrong?”

  Cameron hisses in a breath. Pulls up his shirt. His side is covered with bruises in the shape of a bootprint. She gasps. “That’s—horrible. Who did this to you?”

  “One of Carlos’ men.”

  Shit. He’s definitely hurting. “How long ago?”

  Her brother grimaces. “Couple days. I need the money fast.”

  Anya backs away, “How much, exactly?”

  “Fifteen thousand, three hundred. At least that’s my accounting.”

  I reach for Anya.

  She stiffly leans against me. “I don’t have it.”

  Cameron watches as I rub my hand up and down her arm.

  The muscle in his jaw tick. “Can you get a loan?”

  If my eyes could cut him in half, I would do it. Right here in the middle of the damn kitchen. “Get your own damn loan.”

  “That’s what this was you son of a bitch. I got a loan. Now it’s due.”

  Anya twists her hands, “Cam, I’ve got to know, was it for drugs?”

  He shrugs. “A little. But I bought a car, some tools for working. You know, just living.”

  Blood pounds in my ears. Is this fucking dickwad for real? He gets money from some loan shark or dealer and uses it for “living,” and asks his sister to bail him out.

  My tone is venomous. “You took money you knew you couldn’t pay back? And now you expect Anya to do it for you? That’s not gonna fly.”

  Cam glares at me. “And who are you to tell me what’s not going to fly?”

  I’m shaking my head and about to tell him what a piece of shit he is when Anya slips away from me. “Brandon, can you please give me a few minutes alone with Cam?”

  Her arms fold tightly across her chest as she hugs herself together.

  I don’t like this one damn bit. But the last thing she needs is for me to make this harder than it has to be.

  “Keep it civil,” I growl at the bastard as I turn to walk out.

  I’m pacing a hole in the bedroom’s shaggy, faded carpet when Anya comes in. “He’s staying here tonight.” She says quietly as she shuts the door.

  My anger is thinly veiled. I’m not mad at her. But this shit has got to stop. She needs to see that this is codependency. “Have you gone to counseling?”

  She presses her lips together. “And how would I afford that?”

  Her words take some of the bite out of me. “You’re facilitating him by rescuing him.”

  She drops down onto the bed. Curls her legs beneath her. She looks so damn small and vulnerable. I just want to take her away. Take her somewhere I know that no one will take advantage of her.

  The feelings inside my chest feel too big. It’s as uncomfortable as hell.

  “I’m sorry.” I fall back onto the bed. Stare up at the ceiling. “I just can’t stand by and watch this.”

  For a few long moments, the only sound I hear is her soft breathing. Her voice is very small when she speaks. “I don’t know how to stop.”

  “Tell him no.”

  “And if he dies?”

  I let those bitter words rest in my gut. Shit. How would I feel if one of my brothers was in trouble?

  I’d go to the ends of the earth to help him.

  Now I feel like hell for acting the way I have. “I wish I had the cash to give you, but I don’t.” I start thinking about things I can sell to pull it together.

  She drops back onto the pillow next to me. “I wouldn’t accept it, anyway.”

  I reach for her hand. “If we figure out how to pay it off, do you think there’s any way to keep it from happening again?”

  She sighs. “I don’t know the answer to that question.”

  The bedroom door across the hall opens and closes. The sound of Cameron bumping around in the room drifts to us.

  I turn off the light. “He’s safe tonight. You should try to get some rest.”

  * * *

  When I wake, there’s a voicemail on my phone from the county. I press play and listen. “Mr. Archer. Something’s come up with your case. The council meeting has been moved up. Please come by to get the details.”

  I play the message again. Scratching
my chin as I listen. So, I didn’t hallucinate that. Free to return to work? I’m not sure how that happened…

  Anya’s in the kitchen. The smell of coffee and bacon fills the house. I’m a little surprised by it. She’s a yogurt and granola breakfast girl most days.

  I like this better. It smells like a home should, if you ask my opinion.

  When I walk in, Cameron is silently shoveling food in his mouth. His eyes follow me. His chewing slows.

  I walk right up behind Anya and wrap my arms around her, pulling her pixie sized body into the wall of my chest. I don’t give a rat’s ass that her brother is glaring at my back. Couldn’t give a damn what Cameron thinks.

  Her skin tastes sweet when I press a kiss to her cheek. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  She stiffens at first, then gives in—probably figured out I’m not so easy to deter. “Good morning. Coffee or breakfast?”

  “I’ll take something, sure.”

  Cam stands up slowly. His plate is still half full.

  “Don’t leave on my account,” I say.

  He lowers himself back into the chair, careful of his ribs. But the look in his eyes says this is not his first choice.

  Anya hands me a plate full of eggs and bacon. “I’ll fix your coffee, go ahead and sit down.”

  The chair across from Cam is already kicked out from the table. It’s where it was last night while we had sex.

  I slide into the seat, and look directly into the younger man’s nervous eyes. “How are your ribs this morning?”

  He shrugs, then winces. “Sore as hell.”

  “Takes a while. Do you have a bandage to wrap them with?”

  Cameron shakes his shaggy head of hair, no. His eyes carry that kind of hard knock anger that’s unmistakable.

  “I have one in my rescue kit in the truck. I’ll get it for you before I leave.”

  Anya’s eyes flash to me. “Where are you going?”

  “County called. I need to go down there to get some more information about the case.”

  I lift up a forkful of bright yellow scrambled eggs. “You going to work?”

  “Yeah, but I’m interviewing for a second job this afternoon.”

  Ah, yeah. The second job. The job I don’t think she should get because of her loser brother’s money trouble.

  Cameron watches the exchange between us. “How long have you been…?”


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