Taming Jenna [Sequel to Saving Grace] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
Page 2
She knew Mr. Wagner was stressed about seeing his ex-wife. His ex was coming up from the city for their son’s wedding, and then planned to leave the same day. If she could personally erase his heartache, she’d do it in a second.
“Scarlett!” Mr. Wagner greeted. “Look how lovely you are. You haven’t changed a bit.” He hugged the woman. She looked to be around his age, in her early fifties.
“Still generous with the flattery, I see. It’s been over a decade, Wayne. I’m not a young woman any longer.” Bryce came in behind her with two matching suitcases. Scarlett screamed money. From the way she moved to her designer purse and expensive hairstyle—she was a woman with class. Jenna wondered if she was as cold and snobby as Mrs. Wagner. Sometimes money had a way of souring a personality.
“You’re a breath of fresh air.” He kissed her knuckles. Such an old-school cowboy. “Now where’re the children at?”
“Wayne. They’re not children. Brittany’s twenty-one and Brad’s twenty-three. I told you, it’s been a long time.” She smiled and cupped his cheek with a well-manicured hand. “I’ve missed you.”
There was a pause, as if time stood still for moment. Mr. Wagner definitely had feelings for their houseguest. Ms. Scarlett was a widower, but Jenna hadn’t deemed her worthy of her boss yet. “In their twenties? I’ll be. They’re nearly as old as my Jenna.”
Jenna straightened up upon hearing her name. Then she thought better and slouched her shoulders forward to disguise her too-large chest. Being a cowgirl with DD breasts was truly a curse. Some days she wished she’d wake up and discover she’d shrunk down to a respectable B cup like Grace, but every morning her burden remained.
“Jenna?” Scarlett took a step back. “I thought Scott was your only child.”
“Of course. You know about the accident.” After a rodeo disaster in his youth, Mr. Wagner could no longer have children. Lucky for him, his wife had been pregnant with Scott, or he’d never have known the joys of fatherhood. “Jenna works for me, but she’s the closest thing I have to a daughter.” He motioned her forward with a wave of his flannel-covered arm. She stepped into his reach. “As a matter of fact, anything you need, she’ll be sure to get it for you.”
“Yes, ma’am. I have all your rooms ready. Would you like to settle in?”
“Certainly.” She smiled warmly, which pulled down Jenna’s hackles. “Bryce, dear, did you see where my children disappeared to?”
“They were right behind me, Ms. Scarlett.” Bryce turned around and was nearly run over by the two children in question. However, “children” wouldn’t be the best description. Brittany was a beauty, taller than Jenna, with a lean figure. Her hair was reddish-brown like her mother’s, her eyes an exotic green. It was a shame that she hid her looks behind a thick layer of makeup. She wore shorts, too high and tight, and a tube top that left her flat midriff exposed. Jenna had her work cut out for her. If she didn’t keep a close eye on Brittany, the dozens of cowboys working the ranch would eat her alive.
Her brother, Brad, was around the same age as her trainees, but he’d filled out nicely, already what she’d consider a man in appearance. He even passed Mr. Wagner in height.
“Is that how you greet your host?” Ms. Scarlett scolded.
Brad’s hand shot out to shake Mr. Wagner’s. “Good to meet you, sir.”
Before turning to face them, the girl rolled her eyes. She leaned in and offered a sorry excuse for a hug.
“Beautiful children. Just beautiful.” Mr. Wagner beamed. He’d always loved being a father, dreamed of having more children before his rodeo accident so many years ago. Jenna knew he’d be in his element having friends and family around the ranch until the weekend wedding. Her heart swelled seeing her boss so content. Family and weddings were never meant to be part of her life, so she’d live vicariously through him.
Chapter Two
Trevor had just finished delivering a trailer of young cattle, then Jenna sent him back out to pick up supplies for the damn wedding. Enough food to feed an army had already arrived, but they still needed more of everything. By dinner hour, he was exhausted and just wanted to head to his trailer out back to crash.
He did his usual rounds to ensure the cattle were secure and horses were settled. Trevor took his job as foreman seriously. He may have had a few rough years as a teenage runaway, but since coming to the ranch and being mentored by Mr. Wagner, he’d made a complete turnaround of his life.
The first run of farmhands was already inside having dinner. He’d catch the second run because he wanted to hit the shower first. As he made his way through the open center of the barn, he used his Stetson to sweep away the loose dust covering his jeans.
“Hey, cowboy.” The sweetly feminine voice took him by surprise. He looked up to find God’s gift to men leaning against one of the empty stalls.
“And who would you be?” He replaced his hat onto his head after running a hand through his tousled hair. The woman raking her eyes up and down his body was young and ripe. His cock hardened.
“My mother dragged me here for a wedding. I don’t want to be here…but maybe I’ve been too hasty.” She sashayed closer until only a foot separated them. “I’ve always had a weakness for cowboys.”
“What’s your name, darlin’?”
She walked her fingers up his chest, playing her flirting game. He had no problem taking whatever she offered. Trevor wasn’t married. If a hot little number wanted a good time, he’d show her one. There hadn’t been a single woman on the ranch since Grace had stayed for a month, and that had been nearly a year ago. With the heavy demands from the ranch, especially with seasonal workers in short supply, he rarely got a chance to head into town to look for action. He’d been walking around so pent up and snappy lately that even Jenna was becoming a distracting temptation.
“Brittany.” Her green eyes looked up at him with feigned innocence. He knew this girl was anything but sugar and spice, but that didn’t concern him.
“That’s a pretty name, sweetheart.” He tucked her hair behind her ear, leaning in to see how close he could get. “You look lost.”
“You gonna show me around, cowboy?”
He moved in, pressing her against the boards separating the stalls. She gave him every signal he needed—she was his. He’d take her back to the trailer and fuck her proper. The evening had taken a sharp turn for the better.
“I’ll show you something you’ve never seen before—”
“Hey! What on God’s green earth is going on in here?” He turned to find Jenna standing in the center of the barn with her hands on her hips. Her scowl was enough to make him cringe. “Mansfield?”
“Just saying hello to one of our guests.” He pulled away, wishing he could adjust the erection straining against his unforgiving blue jeans. “Shouldn’t you be helping Pete or something?” Of all the times to show up.
“Actually, I’m in charge of all Mr. Wagner’s guests, including your next victim here.” She stormed over and wrapped a hand around Brittany’s upper arm, tugging her close. Was she jealous that Trevor was about to get lucky with that fine piece of ass and she wasn’t? Imagining Jenna and Brittany getting freaky together didn’t help his uncomfortable position. He shifted, trying to alleviate the pressure in his pants.
“Victim? I didn’t see her complaining, darlin’.”
“Don’t darlin’ me, foreman. You should know better.” She began her departure, hand still around the girl’s arm. Jenna turned back with a heated glare. “You’re on my list, Mansfield.”
Great. There went his evening plans. Now he’d be painfully pent up until he had a chance to get to town, which wouldn’t be any time soon. Jenna sure knew how to dampen a party. She probably wanted Brittany for herself. He’d never seen her with a girlfriend, and she rarely left the ranch. Now she was gunning for him on top of everything else.
* * * *
Only a few hours after Ms. Scarlett’s arrival and the cowboys were al
ready sniffing around her daughter. Jenna didn’t know how she’d maintain order for another four days. There was no way in hell she’d let the hired hands get their paws on Brittany. She was too cute for her own good, and Jenna knew she was trouble from the moment she saw her. But Jenna had firsthand knowledge of how easily young girls could lose their way, and she wouldn’t turn a blind eye while Brittany degraded herself for attention.
She attempted to tug her arm free of Jenna’s grasp, so she released her. “I’m not a child. I can look out for myself.”
“These aren’t the type of men you’re used to. They only know how to take.”
Brittany exhaled her displeasure as they neared the house. “They ain’t taking if I’m giving.”
Jenna stopped short before reaching the kitchen doors. “Listen to me—you’re not going to embarrass your momma or Mr. Wagner while you’re here. This is supposed to be a time of celebration, and I won’t have you ruin it.”
“Who the hell are you anyway? You don’t look much older than me.”
They may be close in years, but Jenna was double her age from life experience.
“I’m not your enemy, but you’d be smart to take my advice. I’ve been living here for six years and know about everything that goes on around this ranch.”
She chuckled, a satisfied smirk on her face. “Oh, I get it. You want him for yourself.”
Jenna tensed, her defenses nipping at her. “Trevor? Don’t get smart. I’m able to work with all these cowboys because I’m not into men. They know it, so they don’t mess with me. You, on the other hand, you’re like a flame to moths, or rather a piece of meat to the coyotes.”
“A lesbian? Really? I’m surprised Mr. Wagner hired you. He’s as old-fashioned as my mother. Did he bring in a priest to try and convert you?”
Jenna shook her head and smiled. “Come on, I know we’ll be friends yet.” She hooked an arm with the girl, and they entered the patio doors leading into the kitchen. The long rectangular wooden table was covered with plates of steaming food—grilled steak and chicken legs, fresh-made rolls, corn, mashed potatoes and gravy—and surrounded by cowboys. The near-deafening multitude of conversations stopped abruptly once she closed the doors behind them. All eyes focused on Brittany.
Heathens—every last one of them. “Should I tell Mr. Wagner you’re looking at his young guest in an unholy way?” Jenna preferred having no women visit the ranch because the crew of cowboys really were like animals with no self-control. You’d think they’d never seen a woman in their lives. Having them gawk at Brittany brought back memories of Grace’s stay at the Wagner ranch. Jenna wasn’t so naïve. She knew what the men had done with Grace behind her back, including Trevor. Sex was the only thing on their minds, and they’d never change. They wouldn’t get so lucky with Brittany. This time Jenna was wise to their tricks.
Brittany flirted with the men, teasing and taunting as Jenna pulled her through the kitchen as fast as she could. She ignored their whistles and indecent proposals for now. Ms. Scarlett and the other guests could be in earshot, so she didn’t want to cuss the cowboys out, but she would. Mr. Wagner wanted the workers on their best behavior, and so far they had only made fools of themselves.
“I’m twenty-one. If I want to have a little fun, you shouldn’t try to stop me,” Brittany complained once they were safely in the hallway and out of sight.
“Have all the fun you want, but screwing around with the ranch hands is out of the question. Once you go back home, you’re free to do as you will.”
“I’ll be in my room!” She twirled and stomped off down the long hallway in a snit. So much for friendship. Grace had been so much easier to get along with—shy, sweet, and desperate for reassurance. Brittany was a spoiled rich girl in need of an attitude adjustment, and probably a good spanking.
Jenna had already showed the guests their rooms earlier. All her duties for the night were done. It was time to disappear until morning. She avoided the kitchen even though she needed to give those cowboys a much-needed tongue-lashing. It was late, and exhaustion pulled at her. Since the wedding planning had begun, her responsibilities around the ranch had tripled, not to mention she still had to train her two greenhorns. They ate enough to feed an army and enjoyed dicking around the farm—but did nothing that resembled work. She’d shape them up or ship them out in a hurry because nobody got a free ride on the Wagner Ranch.
Slipping out the heavy front doors, she escaped into the balmy summer evening. The sun had set, but the sky remained a canvas of deep blues and purples. The drone of insects surrounded her, lulled her. She focused on the sound of her boots crunching the gravel along the well-worn path leading to the main barn. It was nice when things were this quiet. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with sweet country air.
Jenna was the only woman living on the Wagner ranch. Being open with her sexuality helped keep the men away, but her “don’t fuck with me” attitude ensured they didn’t hit on her. She wouldn’t dare share a trailer with the ranch hands, or Conner’s cottage at the rear of the property. Instead, she had her own little piece of heaven in the rear loft of the main barn. It was small, but cozy—her own little retreat. Mr. Wagner had offered her a room in the house because, like he said, he really did treat her like the daughter he never had. She respectfully refused, preferring her privacy. So he renovated her current apartment from extra hay storage to custom bachelorette.
“Nice evening.” The male voice originated in the long shadows along the side of the barn.
“It’s lovely, so don’t ruin it, foreman.” She knew Trevor would be pissed with her after stealing away his bedmate. Normally, she’d care less about his extracurricular activities, but she wouldn’t risk tarnishing the wedding.
He stepped away from the wood plank wall and held up both arms in surrender. “No problem here.” Then he smirked, his eyes holding secrets.
“What’re you up to?”
“Brittany’s cute, isn’t she?”
“I suppose.”
He studied her reaction for a moment. “How about we flip for her? Wagner doesn’t have to know, and I know she won’t say a word.” He pulled a quarter from the small pocket in the front of his tight blue jeans.
“You’re nuts.” She hurried away from him, too tired for his games.
His heavy footfalls shattered the comforting silence. “Hey! Wait up!”
He blocked her path with an arm braced against the side of the barn, forcing her to deal with him. Trevor was difficult to ignore, standing nearly a foot taller than her. “I don’t want to ‘flip’ for her. If she weren’t Ms. Scarlett’s daughter I’d let you have your fill, but she is, so stay away.”
Trevor dropped his arm, not promising to stay away from the girl, but also not continuing to challenge her. “Guess I’ll see you at sunrise then.” He raked his eyes up and down her body. Surely he didn’t notice that her nipples pebbled when his arm brushed against them. She only wore loose flannel, anything to stay off the radar.
Jenna took a cleansing breath as she walked away from him. Before climbing the ladder to her loft, she called back, “I suggest you take a cold shower to forget that girl, foreman, because we have a busy day tomorrow and I need you at your best.”
* * * *
As the days passed, Jenna kept her promise and had Wagner’s guests under constant supervision. Trevor had seen Ms. Scarlett’s daughter again when she took a tour with her brother on horseback. If he just had her alone for half an hour, he’d take her hard and fast against the side of the barn. Nobody would be the wiser.
It was now only two days until the big wedding. Trevor began to feel the weight of his title heavy on his shoulders, which helped distract him from his libido. As foreman, Wagner expected him to keep control of the workers and maintain order in the thriving cattle business. He did his job well, but he was understaffed and overworked. Jenna still hadn’t trained the greenhorns enough to be more a benefit than a liability. Having the branding and the wedding the sa
me week was bad timing, but both needed to happen, so he manned up and pushed himself harder.
“Does that hurt the cow?”
Trevor turned, hot brand in hand. “It’s like a tattoo. Only hurts for a second.”
Ms. Scarlett’s son looked to be similar to his age. He sat on the top rung of the fence wearing a polo shirt and khaki shorts. Trevor doubted he worked a man’s day in his life. Their father had been as wealthy as Mr. Wagner before he died, and left all his money to Ms. Scarlett and their two children. Trevor really resented people, especially men, who had everything handed to them on a silver platter. Real men worked for everything they had, unlike Scott and Brad.
“Looks painful.” Trevor ignored Brad and branded the calf’s rump with the Wagner seal before swatting it on its way to join the others. He couldn’t entertain one of the guests and expect to get another hundred branded before lunch. Where was Jenna? Wasn’t she supposed to be playing hostess to all these guests?
Trevor tried to be civil. “Would you like to try?” In fact, he’d been on friendly terms with Scott since the whole Grace fiasco. Being bitter got him nowhere, so he made an effort more often than not these days. “It’d be something to tell your friends back home.”
Brad smiled and hopped into the pen. He was about as tall as Trevor and not skinny like the greenhorns. If he were a cowboy, he’d make a good addition to their crew. “You know what I’d like to brand? That blonde cowgirl—what’s her name again?”