Taming Jenna [Sequel to Saving Grace] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
Page 11
She knocked softly on Grace’s bedroom door. “Come in.”
Jenna slipped in and closed the door behind her. “Did I wake you?”
Grace shook her head and sat up in the bed, her long, dark hair falling over her shoulders. “How were things while we were gone?”
Jenna almost choked on laughter. What hadn’t happened? “Real good. I’m glad you’re back safe and sound, though.” She sat on the edge of the bed. Grace was her only female friend, but she also didn’t know the truth about Jenna. “Can I ask you somethin’?”
“Of course.”
“I know you were worried about Scott wanting you when you first came here. You felt unworthy because of the things you did on the ranch.” Grace’s face turned a shade of pink, but everyone knew what she’d done with the cowboys. “How did you get over it?”
She reflected for a moment. “I decided it didn’t matter what other people thought. What mattered was my happiness. If Scott and I loved each other, then nobody else should be able to stand in our way.”
That’s exactly what she expected Grace to say, and the precise advice she needed. Unfortunately, Jenna was a coward. Too afraid to embrace the life she wanted due to unsubstantiated fears. She knew Trevor and Conner loved her, but unlearning years of holding back her emotions and putting on a façade wasn’t easy. The worst part was knowing she had to come clean, to tell her men the ugly truth about her past. Would they still love her? In her heart, she knew the truth was the real barrier keeping her from committing.
Jenna decided she had to woman up and tell them the truth. She’d come close a couple times during the past week, but chickened out. After breakfast, the guys would get back to work, so she planned to meet them in the barn and pull them aside before she lost her nerve.
She left Grace to dress for breakfast and head to the barn. Before turning the corner, hidden by a stall divider, she heard the greenhorn, Steve’s, voice. Her jaw immediately clenched down hard as her anger rose to dangerous levels. He had the nerve to show up at the ranch again? In the light of day she’d be able to deal with him good and proper.
“I knew I’d heard that name before—Jenna James. She’s trouble. She gave the cops a false report about her neighbor assaulting her and nearly ruined his life. It was in all the papers a few years back. I’m surprised you didn’t hear. Jenna’s an attention-seeker and a troublemaker.”
She should grab her rifle from her apartment above her and teach that no-gooder some manners. But he knew about her, her real life, her secrets. He was in her territory, spreading rumors—why? Just to get revenge because he lost a minimum wage job? The information he offered would certainly destroy her. Was her life worth only that much? She didn’t want Trevor and Conner to find out about her past like this, tainted by lies. Jenna didn’t need pity, nor did she need to be looked at with disgust—not from the two men she loved. She didn’t hear their voices, so if she dealt with Steve quickly, maybe that would be the end of it. But what if the other hired hands spread word? Of course they would.
“That doesn’t sound like Jenna,” said Bryce.
She tried to calm her breathing before facing off with that yellow belly. Then she heard his voice. “What’s going on here? I thought I told you you weren’t welcome around here.” Trevor’s commanding voice surpassed the others.
“I’m just doing a service, telling these men about the real woman they work with.”
“What are you blathering about?”
“Jenna tried to send an innocent man to prison, lying about being raped. She’s sick and spiteful.”
“Mind your tongue, Steve. We don’t take well to strangers bad-mouthing our crew.”
“Maybe next time she’ll report one of you if you get on her bad side. They’ll believe her because she’s a woman.”
Jenna may be strong, but right now she felt smaller than an ant. Then she noticed Conner standing behind the crowd. He’d heard every word, too. She lost her bravery and retreated further into the barn.
“You little fuck.” Trevor bolted forward and grabbed Steve by the scruff of the shirt and slammed him against the side of the barn. None of the other half dozen cowboys made a move to help the greenhorn. “Nothing you can say will tarnish Jenna’s image, only serve to piss us off.”
“What the fuck are you all looking at? Get to work!” Conner roared.
Once at the other end of the barn, she untethered her horse, mounted, and rode. She didn’t know where she was going, or what she’d do when she and the horse tired, but she had to escape. Escape the truth, escape reality.
When she was far from the barn, she slipped off her horse, twirling around in the beautiful open fields with her arms splayed as she stared up at the sky. She felt like a madwoman, ready to break.
* * * *
Conner saw Jenna’s horse make like a bat out of hell in the distance. She must have heard everything. He told Trevor to take care of Steve once and for all, and then meet them at his cabin.
He slowed his horse as he neared Jenna’s location. Her gelding grazed off in the near distance, and she sat cross-legged in the long grass. No tears stained her face, but she looked broken. His heart went out to her.
“No more secrets, little one.” He wasn’t going to bullshit her with sweet words and kisses. This was Jenna.
“You already know. If they could lock him up for the rest of his life, it wouldn’t be enough to make up for what he did to me. I came here to escape the past. Yeah, I lied about some things, but I never backstabbed anyone. I work just as hard as everyone else on this ranch.” Her eyes appeared red-rimmed. She shouldn’t have to defend herself because she was the victim. “My father’s best friend stole my innocence. That’s not my fault!” Her anger melted around her after admitting the truth out loud.
“I’d never blame you.” Conner lifted her up and helped her mount his horse before climbing on behind her. Her gelding would return to the ranch on its own.
“Don’t let them see me cry,” she repeated as they neared the ranch.
Once inside his cabin, he gripped her shoulders and sat her on the bed. He knelt down in front of her and took her hands in his. Conner wanted to confess his undying love for her. He needed her to know that nothing could tarnish her image in his eyes, but nothing came out of his mouth. Everything was said through their touch and eye contact.
The door burst open, and Trevor plucked his cowboy hat off as he tried to catch his breath. “You all right, darlin’? I came as fast as I could.”
“Do you think less of me?” she whispered.
“Why would I think less of you?” Trevor dropped down beside Conner. “You’re the bravest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and nothing will ever change that.”
“Everything’s in the open now, so no more hiding,” said Conner. “You’re ours, and I want the world to know it.”
“Don’t you two get it? How will I get respect from the men now? I know all about cowboys, and they won’t leave me alone. I don’t think Wagner would appreciate it if I shot all his staff because that’s what I’ll end up doing.”
Conner and Trevor stood and laughed at the same unspoken joke. Jenna scowled. “What’s funny?”
Trevor answered, “Darlin’, I’m the ranch foreman, and Conner’s the most bad-ass cowboy on the crew. The men wouldn’t dare give you a sideways glance now that you’re ours.”
* * * *
Jenna insisted she had to spill the news to Wagner first thing. So after dinner, Conner followed Trevor and Jenna into the main living room of the house. Mr. Wagner was sitting by the crackling fire, drinking a cup of hot chocolate with Ms. Scarlett. Trevor had strong ties with the older man, but through only a fault of his own Conner had less of a bond. He kept to himself, letting his hatred eat him from the inside out. Not anymore. Jenna had been through even worse than he had, and she was a survivor. He refused to dwell on a past he couldn’t undo.
“Howdy, Wagner,” Trevor greeted, leaning an elbow on the fireplace mantle.
Conner stood at the end of the couch, while Jenna dropped down beside Mr. Wagner and accepted a hug.
“What do I owe the pleasure?”
Conner usually remained silent, but not today. “We’re moving out, the three of us.”
“What?” Jenna bolted to attention. “Conner—”
Mr. Wagner held no worry in his eyes hearing that his three best workers would be leaving. He only smiled softly, his movements slow as he patted each woman on the leg on either side of him. “Do you think that’s a wise decision, Conner? Seems the challenge in this relationship is living accommodations, am I right?”
“Yes, sir.”
He turned to Jenna. “Well, since my best girl has decided to settle down with two of my best cowboys, I think I should offer an early wedding gift.” Jenna twisted and held Mr. Wagner’s flannel sleeve like an excited schoolgirl. “That’s right. You choose your piece of land, Jenna, and it’s yours. You put these two boys to work building you a place of your own.”
Chapter Fourteen
“It’s perfect. I love it.” Jenna spun around to take in all the scenery. The forest to the north provided privacy and a place to hike or ride the trails. The fields were rolling and already planted with barley.
“Then it’s settled then,” said Mr. Wagner. He signed the papers the lawyer laid on the hood of the truck, and just like that, they had their own land.
She waved good-bye as Mr. Wagner drove off with the lawyer. It was only a few minutes’ drive to the ranch.
“You see how fast he barreled out of here,” said Trevor, cupping a hand over his eyes to see down the road.
“He’s just anxious to get back to his lady. I’ve never seen him so in love.” Jenna couldn’t be happier that Mr. Wagner and Ms. Scarlett had hit it off. She was a nice lady, and thankfully her wild children had already returned home and were out of Jenna’s hair.
“I know how he feels,” said Trevor, pulling her against him. “I wish our place was already built because I’d love to christen our bedroom.”
She kissed his stubbly chin and proceeded to pace the area they planned to build on. “So tell me, where would the bedroom be? At the back, facing the forest, or up front closer to the road?” She could already envision it. It would be simple, functional, built by her men. But it would be home, and it would house good memories.
“Let’s play house. Right now,” said Trevor, grabbing her from behind, making her squeal.
“Mansfield, don’t tell me you’d actually fuck me right here, right now. Have you no shame?”
“Not when it comes to you.” With his arms snaked around her, he began unbuttoning her jeans. Her body heated just thinking about the future with her two cowboys.
Conner came around in front of her. He pulled her shirt up over her head and unclasped her bra. She scanned the area to ensure their privacy, but only found open fields, the wind like a wave through the barley. “You’re going along with this?” she asked Conner.
“Behave, Jenna. Your Big Daddy wants a taste of your pussy.”
“You’re a cowgirl. You afraid of getting a little dirty?” Trevor pulled her jeans down her hips.
Her men were driving her wild. Their hands were everywhere, and their voices carried such a deep, sexy drawl. Conner dropped down and kissed her clit once before continuing down to lie on his back. His clothes were still on, but he unbuttoned his checkered shirt, exposing his ripped torso, and unzipped his jeans to release his monster cock, fully erect and tempting. The sight of him laying there was all the invitation she needed.
Trevor released her, and she moved like a magnet toward Conner, stepping out of her jeans and straddling his waist. She wasted no time in sinking over his hot length. His cock filled her, warmed her, and chased away that erotic itch that erupted in her every time they toyed with her.
“I can’t wait to start working on our house,” said Trevor. He bent over and kissed her lips while she fucked the man beneath her, riding him hard the way he liked it. She watched Trevor walk around the area, mentally planning his building strategy. The men were so comfortable with sharing her, it continued to amaze her how perfect the three of them were together. When she couldn’t have both, they ensured at least one of them was looking out for her, a team of overprotective lovers, soon-to-be husbands. It warmed her heart, especially when she needed no saving. She’d used her shotgun since their relationship was made public, scaring some manners into one of the farmhands when he gave her lip. Everything outside of their relationship managed to stay the same, eliminating all her worries about coming out.
“Darlin’?” He returned to her and bent down on one knee. Trevor stilled her movements with a hand around her small ribs, before leaning down to suck her pert nipple.
“You can plan the house later. Right now, I need you to join us.” An orgasm while filled with two cocks was immeasurably more satisfying, and she was close to coming.
“Yes, ma’am.” He danced out of his boots and lost his pants before kneeling back behind her. His rough hands smoothed down her bare back, sending shivers skittering along her skin. Then he smacked her ass with a strong cowboy hand. “Bend over, darlin’.” She collapsed against Conner’s hard chest, accepting the kisses he offered.
Trevor used his own saliva to moisten her ass as he penetrated her with two moist fingers. She clenched around Conner’s dick, making him groan and grab her hips. When Trevor eased his cock into her tight ass, she hissed as she took inch after inch of his steely erection. He fought for room inside her as his dick collided with Conner’s, only a thin membrane separating them. She knew her cowboys loved the intensity of double-teaming her, both their cocks snuggly filling her, enhancing their enjoyment.
“Tell Trevor you love it when he fucks you up the ass,” said Conner, looking up at her with hooded eyes.
“Yes!” They both pumped into her like a perfectly synched fucking machine, driving her mad with desire. The open air caressed her bare skin, and she was soon lost to the moment as her orgasm began to rise. “I’m so close. Don’t stop!”
She heard the distant rumble of the earth, signaling a truck was coming down the abandoned dirt road. Right now all that mattered was reaching her peak. The idea of being caught in the open in their predicament made her pussy more desperate. It was right there on the surface, taunting her, waiting to be freed. When Trevor’s hand came around and pinched her nipple, she lost it. Her body detonated and claimed both cocks, pulling them deeper and setting off a ripple effect of orgasms.
“Who the fuck would dare come way out here?” Conner grated as they separated and pulled on their clothes.
Jenna walked to the side of the road and grabbed her rifle out of the truck bed, leaning it against her shoulder.
When the other truck arrived, Bryce and Seth slammed their doors behind them as they rushed over. “Trouble,” said Bryce.
Conner and Trevor were both back on the ground, absorbing the warm rays of sunshine on the spot that would soon be their family home, both spent from lovemaking.
“What now?” asked Trevor, no hint of worry in his tone.
“Cattle thieves on the west end. What should we do?” It was still a working day. They’d only come out to finalize the land transfer with Wagner and the lawyer. Sometimes she thought the cowboys couldn’t think without their foreman dolling out the orders.
Cattle rustlers were nothing new on a billion-dollar cattle farm. The property was vast, and they couldn’t be everywhere all the time. But Jenna didn’t take kindly to anyone trying to rip off Wagner. She glanced over at her lazy lovers. They looked to each other with a grin and then answered in unison. “Jenna’ll handle them.”
Stacey Espino resides in beautiful Ontario, Canada where she is busy raising her five school-aged children. She loves being a Canadian, but could do without the brutal winters. When she’s not escaping into the romantic setti
ngs she creates on her laptop, she’s reading one of the many books threatening to overtake her bedroom. With a passion for the paranormal, she wrote Fearless Desires, the first Siren-Bookstrand novel in her Immortal Love series.
Also by Stacey Espino
Siren Classic: Immortal Love 1: Fearless Desires
Siren Classic: Immortal Love 2: Fearless Love
Ménage and More: Saving Grace
Ménage Amour: Damaged Cowboys
Ménage Amour: Love Bites: Two Wolves Are Better Than One
Siren Classic: Forbidden Attraction: Womankind
Ménage Amour: Cowboy Domination
Available at
Siren Publishing, Inc.